reddit won bros, capekino is dead...
Reddit won bros, capekino is dead
>its such a huge flop that there is no audience score
holy shit
Captain marvel btfo
Shazam isn't reddit, retard, captain marvel is
You can tell most of Yea Forums didn't see it because shazams white mom and dad abandoned him while a hispanic family took him in.
I'm pretty sure they'd be upset about that. So unless you see someone ranting about that but saying it's a good movie, they are just trolling
lol Yea Forums is literally a fringe group that doesn't influence shit
Yeah, /pol/ was more passionate about slagging Captain Marvel to the point of seeing it anyway but their lazy praise of Shazam just to be anti-CM proved to be nothing but lip service.
Are you seriously implying they both aren't? Capeshit itself is Reddit.
Hahahahahahahahh dkeks on suicide watch
Dc is dead dkeks hahahahahahhahahaha
Marvel reigns supreme once again
It's pretty funny. His Dad is just complete gone, his mom is a worthless piece of shit, it takes a family of latinos to teach him what love is.
They didn't even look up the names of the characters lol. It basically shits on white adults the whole movie
>got a 93%
I hope this shit doesn't flop. I bought so many keys for Captain Marvel and Captain Marvel/Shazam like 3 years ago or whenever when these movies were announced. My CM keys are already worth like twice as much now, and I have even more Shazams!
I bought a bunch of key comic issues for both Shazam and Captain Marvel cheap in 2016 or so, whenever the movies were announced. Last i checked the issues I have for Captain Marvel are all worth at least twice as much now than when i got them.
Hopefully with Shazam being at least critically well-received, all the Shazam keys I bought will eventually be worth a shit. i guess he'll never be as profitable as every mommy's favorite movie but if it gets a new fanbase from the movie there will be more demand and the value will go up. Although a lot of the Shazam ones were things I bought more as a retirement account anyway. Sell them in like 30 years after the current Capeshit bubble collapses and then all the kids that grew up on this shit start having money.
>investing in comics
Jesus, even bitcoin is more stable.
Not all capeshits to be fair.
The few that aren’t mindless action flicks are actually pretty good, like the Incredibles, the Dark Knight Triology, and Joker.
yeah I made an actual fortune on bitcoin.
And comic speculating is relatively easy and can be a fun hobby but it's not really something that'll make you any meaningful amount of money. Was just something i got into as a goof for awhile.
Their lazy memeing helped Captain Marvel reach a billion dollars and turned what was looking like a flop (seriously, before it became part of the CM nontroversy, no one like rubber muscles Shazam) end up a flop.
Huha, hiya Mickey?
Long as it's a hobby & not an actual investment strategy you're banking on I can't really criticize.
I tried this shit when I was like 13 around the death/return of superman & ended up using the pages to cover my windows in my first apartment years later, because they were worthless.
Excellent post.
100% believable.
but muh 2016
Shazam was fun
Definitely a pure fun comic book movie, I'd compare it to GotG, tone-wise
>comic speculating
Holy crap, the absolute state of you
The reason people constantly attack Disney movies and promote movies by competing studios is that they see Disney as a Jewish company, not because of the movies actual content. The DCEU has always been more progressive and the MCU more conservative
yeah I also do just like the idea of schlepping around a bunch of goddamn comics my whole life just for them to get thrown out after I'm dead.
I didn't get into becoming a meme painter because I needed money. Used to work in the moving picture business doing art department and crafty shit before I realized I'd made a bunch of money as a goof from bitcoin I forgot I bought in 2012 and 13.
It worked for a bunch of stuff. It's just not really worth the time expenditure. Like I bought all 6 or 8 of the Black Goliath books or whatever just because I thought it was funny they just made giant man but with a black guy and called him Black Goliath. But then when Larry Fishman played him in Antman and the Wasp the set is now worth like 5x as much as I got it I think. But that's something I should sell now, and I'm not gonna just because Black Goliath is funny to me. And it's funny that it only got like 6 issues before backlash made them cancel it or whatever.
Yeah, they got so caught up in muh Jews that they're sabotaging the studio that reflects their conservative values more.
but after marvel movie they removed the audience score until after the movie launches...
and you WISH you had the full series of the 2001: A Space Odyssey comics.
I had no fucking idea this even existed.
My sides are killing me right now imagining the drugs Lee had to be full of in the late 60's to see a comic series in that movie.
>spends time painting shitposts
I truly envy you. I'm trying to learn to paint.
If this is your actual OC art, it's pretty good.
I especially like that Brie looks about as good as she does IRL in it.
>I'm trying to learn to paint.
DO It. Took me like a year from the point where I was like "I want to get into painting," then buying paint and brushes and canvasses, then faffing about not doing it, etc. Like just set out to make some shitty paintings at first. Don't create any expectations. Maybe don't even read anything about how to paint until after you start learning why people do things after you fuck something up.
Like you can get canvas panels for cheap as fuck, brushes for cheap as fuck, acrylic or cheap as fuck. and making anything is better than nothing!
"Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." - G. K. Chesterton
yeah it's a fucking weird series. They finish the 2001 story after like 5 books and then it just spins off into other random bullshit that had nothing to do with the movie at all. They tried to turn it into an anthology or something and it got shitcanned.
She has dynamic face shapes
That fucking webm is a treasure trove of reaction images fren.
Should seriously consider doing an image dump sometime. They'd be all over this fucking site.
how have you not seen this asshole's paintings before? He's been spamming them for what seems like a year
he doesn't need your encouragement
the only one who posts them is him
he's a tripfag who found a loophole around being one by just posting his stupid "artwork" instead
It's the kind of movie I can see somebody like Dark Horse doing a decent job of as a series, especially with all the backstory from the novels, but Lee's just so damn schlocky he had to be heavily hallucinating while watching the movie to get inspired from it.
Yea Forums is not my home board.
>tripfag who found a loophole around being one by just posting his stupid "artwork" instead
I'll take somebody posting any kind of OC other than endless minimum effort pepe & wojack edits over a tripfag any day. This place is a fucking desert.
if Yea Forums isn't your home board, then don't talk like you know about what's going on on it.
I meant the site in general, but point taken.
How does reddit win if Shazam is good?
you've already decided The Joker is good?
>the only one who posts them is him
eh i see a lot of people using thm tbphwyf. I haven't been using Yea Forums that much recently. Was mostly on /ic/ for the last year.
first 200 or so are posted on pornhub
and I'm posting one a day on instagram
steal them all for shitposting for all I give a whoop.
shut up, tripfag