Just got back. Shazam was a fun ass movie.
I don't remember there ever being multiple shazams though.
Just got back. Shazam was a fun ass movie.
I don't remember there ever being multiple shazams though.
Other urls found in this thread:
They always were, he sharing his power was pretty much from the golden age.
Johns introduced the concept of sharing it with the kids from his foster family thou.
Originally he only shared it with Mary and Freddy, and some adults.
Just got back myself
there was a literal retard in the theatre laughing and yelling at every thing that occurred in the filmthought he was a normal guy at first too, till halfway through the film
thats because you've never a shazam comic in your life.
You don't remember Freddy and Mary? The rest are new but they've been around since the forties.
He probably posts here.
That’s from Shazam’s comic, Curse of Shazam
sorry about that
>No Facebook, Twitter, Instagram... guy's a ghost.
First Thunder is all anyone needs.
Was there a Superman cameo?
The retarded headless cameo yes
I almost spat out my drink. They must've known.
kind of
You can tell most of Yea Forums didn't see it because shazams white mom and dad abandoned him while a hispanic family took him in.
I'm pretty sure they'd be upset about that. So unless you see someone ranting about that but saying it's a good movie, they are just trolling
the director seems like a 4channellian
Was it just you and him? That was probably me. I was doing that intentionally to piss you off. ;^)
leftypol coming in hot with the reddit spacing falseflag
What? You are on Yea Forums. We don't understand that shit you are speaking here. Go back to /pol/
Well protip. You /pol/ fuckers speak some weird gibberish shit we don't understand it and we know it's /pol/. If you want to blend in, speak like an adult, not some inbred white nignog
Protip: take it down a few notches, it'll make you seem halfway believable
Ok, know everybody knows that you are a jew.
>If you want to blend in, speak like an adult
You can fuck off back to your twitter safe space, soiboi
>Found family
>Freddy's banter
>Balance drama and comedy
This movie has so many high points.
>Originally he only shared it with Mary and Freddy, and some adults
There were also the Lieutenants Marvel, other boys who happened to also be named Billy Batson: Tall Billy, Fat Billy, and, uh, Silly Billy.
>used to do youtube vids
Honestly? Was losing my fucking mind when the rest of the kids got Shazamed, it's such a fun concept and the perfect direction for it to go and I was so happy they went there
>R E N T F R E E
Not in this market
and you can fuck off back to your containment board/echo chamber, incel :^)
Wasn't the tiger also a Shazam?
The tiger is the Wizards guardian, after Black Adam went rogue the wizard decided not to give his power to anyone else unless he was absolutely sure the person was pure of heart
It's just a really fun movie. I don't think I've had so much fun watching a capeshit flick in a while.
How can one "man" exude so much soi? At least could have worn a matching bowtie or something.
thats the OP
>the older sister character got less hot when she was in her Shazamed form
Tiger was a science experiment on some island that became intelligent.
mary should have just stayed the same in her shazam form. just say the shazambody is their idealized version and she has high self esteem or whatever
She did get thicker tho
I kinda felt like that's where it was going halfway through when I realized how many of them were but I didn't expect it to actually happen in the climax. I'm too used to dumb sequel teases blueballing audiences from some cool shit (Power Rangers teasing Tommy is especially egregious)
The black girl's Shazam form was so fucking hot.
Did anything like this happen?
Shazam was Spider-Man tier, except actually better.
Not Spider-Man 2 tier, but if they play their hands right the sequel might just end up being a close match.
I wish WB and Disney will keep giving directors less than 100m budget and let them do whatever they want, i guess WB is doing that...
Can't wait for the future moral dillema of jacking off to a hot black chick that acts like a little girl that still believes in Santa.
that's what makes it hot desu
I liked doctor Sivana. Not sure how I feel about his terrible CGI demons, but the guy himself was fun, and his motivations were absolutely understandable. I think most of Yea Forums can relate to him.
Also, this line was good:
>You're no hero. But I'll help you become one.
This was Multiversity right?
Yeah, and in the next panel she fucks Ms. Marvel
Thought it was retarded when he snapped the staff. Good job, now you cant pass the magic to another generation and as soon as your family dies the sins will be unleashed on the world. And as the movie says, only magic can harm magic, the sins will be unstoppable jaggernauts.
The ending lunch scene was 10/10 though.
Based Morrison!
Wait, what?
asian kid played uplink, so that's a plus for me
it's porn. you can read it in exhentai
>hispanic family
>Not a single hispanic member of the family
>when the little black girl turns into a hot black girl with the same innocent childlike personality
I'm glad they didn't suddenly make her a BADASS TOUGH black woman and instead made her super cute. Also anyone disturbed they gave a tentacle demon for Mary Marvel to fight?
Name for us who don't have the sekrit club?
gib link pls
Pic related was CUTE
Latinos don't give a shit, mostly because its not a race.
cripple billy
fat billy
asian billy
black billy
sister billy
am I missing any billys?
This is gonna end being Shadmaned to hell, isn't it?
He lies.
What % is this?
Lol this is so sad
In flashpoint, all of the shazam kids combine to form one Shazzam and then an evil version of wonder woman forces them to de-power and then guts them
Bald Billy
>that part where Sivana unleashed the sins on a pride parade
Very Raimi-esque
about 80?
>Also anyone disturbed they gave a tentacle demon for Mary Marvel to fight?
are like... gay?
>dat after credits scene where Sivana gets assraped in prison
The Raimi homages went to far on this family flick
>You think that money can buy everything, father. You jewish fuck.
Making Sivana a self-hating jew was an... Unusual choice for capeshit.
Wife material
>Ballet dancer
Whore confirmed
even better...
Everybody I've spoke to and everything I've read says otherwise. Please do your shilling elsewhere.
oh man she looks like she has a good foot game
Literally nobody outside this shithole is talking shit about Shazam.
I'm not a footfag, but getting a footjob from a dancer must be really something.
Weak bait. Be more subtle
That caught me off guard
It looks like we won't be able to get away from PC anytime soon. The PC stuff shoved in was way too obvious.
They can probably find a way to fix it
kite yourself Macfag.
She didn't have these curves in the movie
Just got back, thought it was pretty fun.
2 things left me slightly dissapointed
1. No Rock cameo
2. know it was a long shot, but no cameo from Joshua Gomez
Well they filmed this movie at least a year ago and she was wearing really Nice Girl clothes in it.
I get the feeling that WB is more or less thinking about making 'mini' universes withing their universes, like how Aquaman has a spin-off and could actually have a Black Manta one in the future, Shazam has Black Adam and if that works they introduce the JSA that Shazam is connected to it.
Batman could just as well be contained into Batfamily stuff.
Its just a feeling i'm getting.
These are nice girl clothes
Check out this pointless tangent
they seem to be more calmed down so to say, they saw marvels 10 year plan pay off and tried to do it in 3
that was never going to work
a self contained story within the same cinematic universe with tongue and cheek references are better in my opinion, at least for now
Disney shill absolutely DESTROYED.
Those are specially Nice Girl clothes...
I just want they to let directors do as they what, and if Aquamang, Shazam and Joker are anything to go by they do seem to have stopped being triggered by the response they got for MoS and BvS.
This is the first movie made specifically for zoomers. I'm 20 years old. I saw it a week or two ago during the special previews and it made me wish I was a kid again but I couldn't figure out why.
Now I realize its because a lot of the more mythical stuff in the movie is very reminiscent of Monsters Inc and Spirited Away, as a zoomer, the first two movies I've ever seen in theaters.
Also the first Raimi Spider-Man which I was obsessed with as a kid. I don't know if the scene where Billy jumps off the room yelling "Shazam" was a direct reference or a coincidence.
Shit is this real?
I'm 25 and felt the same. I'm not sure if I'm a zoomer in the USA, but in the third world were generational trends lag yours I am
RLM tried to pull a fast one on him for being involved in a scummy WB contest and they basically shit on him pretty hard, thing is he literally had zero power to stop WB and their lawyers from doing anything.
Its kinda sad because he is one of their pleb fans.
Nice. The movie reminded me of Flash Gordon and The Pagemaster too.
>turn a qt innocent 8yo into Megan Goode...
Like...i was already conflicted with thinking that Grace Fulton was superhot...
Is this a Yea Forums meme? I'm confused.
I saw it too, it's embarrassing how much better it is than Captain Cringe. How did Marvel drop the ball so fucking hard?
>black billy didn't hug billy after turning into shazam
Wtf is this shit?
the wizard
kys normie REEEEE
who wants to have "fun" while watching a movie
They felt it was a sure thing because it was gonna make money either way so they didn't even gave a crap.
Shazam and Aquaman in comparation seems like a passion projects made by people that really cared about those characters.
That's the neega from Blood Diamond. He's based.
are you just a fucking shill or what the fuck man?
What makes you think that talking like that makes you blend in?
Please stop, report back that you made a thread and created fuzz or whatever so you can get pay and you can pay your electric bill, nobody here cares about what lies you need to tell to get by
He can't be stopped, the moment the Valiant universe happens he is gonna try to get a part and if Morbius works, he is sure gonna end up playing like...Blade dad or something.
I was hoping for aboriginal Shazam, to be honest.
you got darla
Yes, it's real, and it was funny even in the russian translation.
I actually liked it even better when they didn't show his face. Good comedic timing, and Freddy's reaction made the scene.
I didn't stick around for the post-credits scene. What was it?
You must not know much about ballet. Their feet are absolutely mangled.
it was fun
but then you realized that supe probably let a lot of kids get raped and murdered in order to show up and eat lunch
Sivana and Mr Mind
Superman appears in the school
I thought you mousebros were focusing on the Joker trailer that has completely eclipsed the Avengers one, how good is the word of mouth from Shazam to get you this nervous?
Mary really should've stayed in her "original form" when transforming, would make for couple jokes. She's the oldest after all.
Imagine if Billy didn't get his powers. Mary would get splattered across streets of Philly by that truck.
That makes it hotter tbqh.
I thought the way they look was just suped up versions of grown up them
why did Mary change if she's already a college student
Yeah but did anybody see it on IMAX?
That King of Monsters preview was fucking intense.
Wonder how mom of Darla's actress feels running her Twitter, knowing full well pedos around the world jack off to her daughter
Yeah, keep in mind that Superman has superhearing. As he sits down and eats that lunch, he hears a woman in the alleyway getting raped, and chokes on his lettuce, but bears it.
"For the children, Clark. Do it for the children."
Don't sexualize my daughter.
Well, the child actress is ugly and a child, while the adult actress is hot and an adult, so I don't really see how your post is relevant. The character's the same, but so what.
It was a better Homecoming.
Don’t speak for anybody but yourself. Understand kiddo? Fuckin loser
Shazam is basically if you threw Homecoming and Man of Steel in a blender, and its better than both.
>everyone who doesn't echo my retardation is a paid shill
SEETHING /pol/incel
you faggots are delusional
so the consensus is good.
I really hope they fast track the Black Adam film and the crossover film now
>it will take a fuckload of time to approve/film a sequel
>all the kids will change drastically
Basically, the biggest drawback of child actors
ok, bullshit
playing uplink does not allow you to hack into federal databases
They'd probably just have them permanently in Shazam forms.
That or get new actors but Freddy is irreplaceable.
Kys nigger
Ed had a couple of years before he JUSTED himself, the Shazam kids probably also do...
This is one thou, she is probably gonna go turbo thot mode in like a couple of weeks or something.
You need to play Hacknet and Exapunks for that.
whiter than you, mutt
Are you my son? Kid loudly said " No way" all excited when that happened
It's heavily based off Geoff Johns run on the New 52.
Hence the magic eye of Sivana and Christmas and all that shit.
Low effort Disney shilling there user
Just got back from the theater this movie sucked ass and everyone knows it stop tricking people seeing this abortion movie
I swear this guy shows up in every capeshit now.
I wanna lick that nigress' abs
She's a small girl.....
I'm going to stop here
wait, is this a thing?
do they all have specific powers?
4 my BWC
Not all some have been amplified like Darla's and Pedro's while Eugene's got an added ability of being a technopath
any comic book nerd wanna explain to me
does the staff have any specific use other than transfering powers?
Our lads.
so darla got super super speed and pedro got what?
Added strength
does their strength originate from billy?
does billy become weaker because he passed his powers on
black girl got speed, pedro got strength, cripple kid got flight, hacker asian kid got lightning
i don't know what the older sister got, they never showed it
>matching bowtie
Thanks for revealing you don't know anything about anything.
The demons gave it a good contrast of light and dark too
Saw before I went in to work and it was a fucking blast. I wish there would have been more Shazam type moments, but since it's an origin story I can forgive it. Everybody was spot on with their parts and dear lord Megan Good is hot as fuck. It was also a lot more hardcore than I thought it was going to be. People getting thrown out of windows. Having their heads bit off, etc.
>does billy become weaker because he passed his powers?
No but the film might has some different rules regarding that.
I'm not even sure they're following the N52 line of powers that the Shazam family got and are just multiple versions of Shazams.
As for the staff, I don't know.
You might want to ask someone from Yea Forums for that.
The Black Adam hologram the Wizard showed to Billy kinda looks like The Rock.
Saw it with my girlfriend and her dad, and afterwards he kept talking about how much better Captain Marvel was. I told him he was crazy.
yeah sorry bout that,buddy. i get excited when im at the cinema.
>go see Shazam because I wanna see the Joker trailer on the big screen
>figure, DC movie, they'll show their own trailers ahead of their products
>trailers for fuckin' Detective Pikachu and The Sun Is Also A Star immediately precede the feature
Captain Marvel had a few moment but terrible characterization, story, lacked emotional weight, etc. I'd much rather watch Chadzam again than Captain Incel.
I got endgame, pikachu and joker
I hope you fucked his wife's daughter in front of his soibitchass famalama.
Does BA make an appearance or at least a reference to him.
That wasn't Forrest Whittaker?
I watched it on Fire Stick cause I wasn't about to pay for that shit, and aside from Jude Law I hated almost all of it. Sam Jackson didn't even feel like Fury, but i guess that's the joke. Just sick of the same shit with Marvel I guess. Give me some Doom or the X-Men and have Rogue put that charisma vacuum in a coma.
He can't be bothered to train and not be a rubber-suit muscleman?
What theater chain you got?
Cinemark never shows me what I'll expect. And I would have accepted a Endgame trailer. Didn't get one.
I liked how the little Asian kid was an absolute racial stereotype
anyone been offended yet?
i got pikachu and the sun is also a star but am i the only one that got the
live action dora movie
na, it's not that it's marvel. marvel is usually better. it's simply a very weak film.
Only Marvelfaggots
>multiple Shazams
Probably because most DC actors quit after one or two movies max. It's a good contingency plan.
It's Marvel for me to be honest. Out of the multitude of films they've put out I can name three I want to watch again.
Nice spacing bro. Really makes your post readable.
Absolutely. That damn preview was like 10 minutes long.
Looks good to me.
Wish I could have seen that instead of the shitty trailers I was shown.
>speak like an adult
It showed Ghidorah emerging and Goji blasting and fighting each other.
How has that shit not made it to the internet yet? Excited as hell for King of The Monsters.
It has. I watched it on vimeo but it got removed already.
That’s cuz The Rock will be portraying Black Adam in both a spinoff movie and in a planned Shazam sequel.
was hoping The Rock would've been in the post-credits scene
Got all Disney previews (Toy Story 4, Aladdin, The Lion King) and a Godzilla King of Monsters.
>he doesn't know
After Shazam flops, I doubt they move fwd with more films. Sorry.
And unlike in the movie she is like 10 years old here
Marvel doesn't even have the rights to Namor
>he doesn't know either
hee hee
The Honsouverse is pure cinema
Bring it cuck
This movie is garbage. Fuck you Warnershills
So as a 21 year old social outcast would I find enjoyment from this?
Awesome! Can't wait!
>I've been really, really good Santa!
Megan Good is so hot she makes my balls hurt.
lol you know most dancers feet are mishapen clubs due to the punishment they take from dancing?
>and you can fuck off back to your containment board/echo chamber, incel :^)
When some feminazi and/or one of their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot lapdogs calls you an "INCEL", it's because women are nothing more than three holes which is why even the ugliest, fattest, poorest amongst them can get laid whenever they like. Withholding sex from men is the only power they have. Without that they have nothing and are nothing!
And the so-called "men" who use the word are even worse because they're virtue signaling numale cucks who think that they'll get some of that sweet college/university hipster chick pussy when those women will be fucking Chad Thundercock and only settle for them once they're looking to nest with a beta orbiter provider after they're done riding the cock carousel!!!FACT!!!