Pitch me your Haunted Mansion movie ideas

Pitch me your Haunted Mansion movie ideas
stealth parks thread

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Haunted loli inside mansion

I prefer the plantation design.

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Some Disney channel shit about a wacky cast of ghosts haunting a house that gets put up for sale.

Eventually they have to get their shit together and work with the realtor to sell the house to a family or some shit, otherwise the place gets torn down and the ghosts die for real.

Yeah but New England is inherently more spooky than New Orleans.

Go meta. Have it be a Beetlejuice style story about tourists who’ve had their ashes spread in the ride and their ghosts actually have to haunt the ride for 100 years

Riffing off that, the obviously haunted mansion is marked down to practically nothing. A desperate millennial couple buys it and, though the ghosts haunt the shit out of them, they don't give a fuck.

It has so many rooms they start renting out the place on AirBnB (advertising as "actually haunted spooky mansion") and setup a Youtube channel to further monetize the increasingly pissed off ghosts.

Eventually the ghosts give up and the couple pays off the mortgage, so it has a happy, if unrealistic, ending.

The Eddie Murphy one but they get brutally mauled and dismembered by the zombies

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Every Brazilian tourist gets entombed in the mansion forever.

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Based, fuck normalfags and fuck jannies

and that thicc qt gets entombed in my basement forever

apparently the 2003 eddie murphy movie was really different and somewhat serious before disney got cold feet and made it a straight up comedy. something along the lines of that original script would be nice or maybe they'll do something with the GDT script one day.


Suburban sprawl carelessly built over the remains of a civil war mass grave and native american holy sites. Modern people have become too ignorant of the other world, and a series of disturbing deaths, slowly creeping insanities, and disappearances terrorize the developed area, culminating in a mass disappearance on a level never before seen. All beginning on a small backalley named as a jest by the builders "graves lane", the movie follows the perspective of a young man living there and his family. A cursed land that should have never been inhabited based on a true story btw.

Leave them alone. A trip to Disneyland is the highlight of a spic's existence

The haunted mansion was you all along.

Burger education.

Like most horror entries, the sequel is better.

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west coast parks are pure

I thought you guys called all Latinos spics. All my brazilian-american interaction knowledge comes from Max Payne 3 though

Get the fuck out of the way

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We do. I think Brazilians just get really bent out of shape about it because they speak weird Spanish instead of Spanish.

Brazilians come from Portuguese, not from Spaniards like the rest of latin America.

I know that, senpai. I'm a dirty cousin-fucking job-stealing border-crossing drug-smuggling god-fearing bitch-stabbing taco-eating poncho-wearing commie-worshipping spic myself

>Announced in 2010
>Hatbox Ghost is supposed to be the main ghost
>"The thing I want to do is remake it… The movie I see in my head of Haunted Mansion is not, I believe, what everyone is imagining it to be."
>"It’s not just a regular world with a Haunted Mansion plopped in the middle, I really am thinking of a movie that has a heightened reality.”
>“We are not making it a comedy. We are making it scary and fun at the same time, but the scary will be scary.”
>Final draft was submitted to Disney in 2012 and received a positive reaction
>2015,Ryan Gosling was in talks to star in the film with D.V. DeVincentis working on the script.
>Complete fucking silence since then

Just make the damn movie already I'm losing my mind

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Me in the back wearing sunglasses

The film starts off in a rowdy tavern in New Orleans in the days of the pirates. Jack Sparrow, drunk off his ass and past his prime is the focus of this opening sequence, which makes you think "Not another Pirates of the Caribbean movie", but he gets on the bad side of a gunslinger that manages to chase him out of the bar and out of the movie, revealing the title. "Haunted Mansion: The Tale of Captain Gore", a movie based on the old backstory of a bloodthirsty pirate captain being among the early owners of the Mansion.

Establish Haunted Mansion as an anthology fantasy-horror series telling the tales of different iconic ghosts with occasional connections to other attractions.

Alan Horn doesn't even know what the fuck the Shape of Water is, so clearly Oscar clout isn't fucking working.

it's a movie about a hot ghost girl (female) that sits on your face and farts

>Jack Sparrow
Fuck you

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Travis Knight directs, Danny Elfman scores

So you've got your haunted mansion filled with 999 happy haunts led by a main trio:

- Hatbox Ghost (quirky and goofy, loves to haunt)
- Emily (melancholic and lonely, wants to be left alone in her grief)
- Ghost Host/Master Gracey (deadpan and macbre but also the most sane and reasonable, acts as half father-figure, half taskmaster)

But there's problems. Being ghosts, they LOVE to haunt even though they never mean anything malicious, but it's driven pretty much everyone away from the house, and without anyone to remember them, they'll eventually fade from existence. Enter a young, millenial family that's strapped for cash and buys the mansion for a song w/ intention of renovating and reselling. The family is struggling with each other emotionally as well, because drama.

First half or so of the movie is horror/comedy as both sides come to grips with each other and reach an agreement where the family turns the mansion into a haunted house-style attraction in return for the ghosts basically leaving them alone as far as haunting is concerned. The ghosts help them appreciate each other, and the family helps the ghosts to engage with the living as more than just people to scare.

NOW the main conflict comes from the attic, which is hinted at several times in the movie as holding some dark secret. The ghosts make the family promise not to go up there under the pretense that it's a place for ghosts to relax away from the living, but the audience knows they're lying. Anyway, somebody (probably a scared visitor or some bumbling ghost hunter played by Christopher Walken) accidentally opens the attic and unleashes Constance Hatchaway, the 1000th and only truly malevolent ghost. The rest of the movie is them trying to stop her and seal her away before she actually kills somebody.

Oh and there's a cute romance subplot with Emily and the Hatbox Ghost.

>Guillermo and Goose team up movie finally
pls youtu.be/qaqoPmz5XH0

Also, the ghosts, particularly the main trio, get equivalent screentime to the living characters. This isn't fucking Bayformers where the CGI characters only exist to move the plot along and the humans are the only source of audience connection.

>ywn go to disneyland with them

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That's why the intro is all about Jack Sparrow getting shot at and shooed away to start the real story. Main characters would include Gore, Jean Lafitte, a still-living Madame Leota, and Priscilla.

It's actually a decent pitch since everyone loves connected universes

Other film ideas

* Constance movie focused on the tail end of her murder spree and descent into madness after murdering George Hightower, being pursued by vengeful spirits ever since she inherited the house, while trying to see if she can make George's brother Harrison Hightower her seventh, only to realize he's about as nasty as she is.

* Supernatural "O Brother Where Art Thou" with the Hitchhiking Ghosts

* Phantom Manor/Big Thunder Mountain as a shared movie where Barnabas Bullion take over the abandoned Ravenswood operation of the Big Thunder Mining Company only to find that the mountain is double-cursed between the restless Indian souls and the Phantom. Use Abigail Bullion from the BTMR comic and have her investigate Phantom Manor to try and break the curse and free Melanie.

>Barnabas Bullion
Cast him Yea Forums
Hard mode: No Baxter

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