What companies from movies or TV shows would you invest in, Yea Forums?

What companies from movies or TV shows would you invest in, Yea Forums?

Pic related, I think they're delivering exceptional value through machine learning and blockchain financial technologies with a laser-like focus on customers and diversity

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I'm all-in on VRDN because they solve problems, better.

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synthetic farming, bringing back replicants, and funding off world colonies.

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Also as I shareholder hopefully I get to design my own holowaifu, if I get on the board I might get to design my own replicant

They don't do machine learning or blockchain financial technologies. They write accounting software

Nice choice. They're way ahead on scented lightbulbs

>invest in madman making dinosaur theme park
sounds like a fucking plan to me!

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Weyland-Yutani, pre and post merger.

This, plus Omnicorp from Robocop.

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Shame about the radioactivity.

That's insider information though, don't trade on that.

>all those parks trashed
The pro investment move here is to short sell their insurance company.

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Omni Consumer Products is bringing jobs back to Detroit, revitalizing our community and looking out for the working man.

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>investing in Detroit
I'd buy those shares for a dollar!

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I can't believe they have a colony up there in Saturn!

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Could you imagine the outrage when you invest in a company which is researching groundbreaking cloning and genetic engineering work, only to find out the pea brained madman running the organization was doing it all just to make some retarded zoo for dinosaurs? Its like if someone poured money and years of research into achieving warp travel so they could use it to build a warp speed space go-kart track business for young adult birthday parties.

And keep in mind, one of the things they nabbed pharma bro Martin Shkreli for was making investors money but lying about how he did it. So even if Jurassic Park succeeded wildly, Hammond would still be looking at one fuckton of a lawsuit and probably jail time.

>still no Pierce & Pierce

kek that's a good point

>mfw the district attorney calls and tells me I'm looking at 15 to life for my little Dinosaur project for lying to investors

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We're at the tail end of an economic cycle, no one wants to invest in murders and executions.

those guys run my roth

The trade federation right after the Naboo crisis

I've got June 2019 calls. I'm getting jetpack money, yacht is gonna have a cryochamber money, my moon shot so fly Portia DeRossi is going to leave Ellen and start sucking dick money

The only correct answers.

But I also fucks with Silver Shamrock, for ideological reasons.

Bluestar Airlines
based and correct-pilled
short them as soon as Palpatine assumes emergency powers

Does buying ETF's pegged to Rohan horse trading count? I've got a box spread on a Gondor FOREX options based on insider knowledge from palantir sessions. If all else fails I've got an Event Horizon straddle with Tyco puts after the replicant market goes tits up

>insider knowledge from palantir sessions
Sauron flipped and is now informing for the SEC. Enjoy your jailtime.

And I'll sell out those faggot wraiths. The SEC has wanted them since their bullshit 501, reg D money raising that falsely advertised a horizonal oil drilling program in the Shire. There may have been oil there but the prospectus was bullshit and they owned every subcontractor that drilled those wells

>mfw i have no clue what any of this means but my sides are still atomized

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Do you think they hired hobbits? No, those wells were drilled by men, and the hearts of men are easily corrupted by whistleblower rewards worth 10 to 30% of the money collected. Those wraiths are already as good as bankrupt.

>He didn't buy the Pied Piper ICO

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>implying the SEC doesn't want them anyway, for the optics of it
>implying the whistleblowers will make it to Rivendell alive to tell their tales
I'm the only shot the SEC has. They might balk at my demand to be indemnified for tanking an entire currency shorting The Prancing Only, it being the only retail in all of middle Earth apparently. But I didn't swindle a bunch of politically connected certified investors, pretending anal donkey shows were "drilling for pill" so I'm not as high a priority

*drilling for oil even, although drilling for pills in a hookers ass sounds way more fun

Frankly I can't think of a better use for that technology than a dinosaur theme park.