goodbye Yea Forums
Goodbye Yea Forums
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See you next week!
If you kill yourself you'll miss Cyberpunk 2077
Do it, bet you won't.
I pass no judgment, neither positive nor negative. A man has the right to take his own life if he no longer wishes to live. Sometimes, its the only right a man has left.
See you tomorrow
How can you miss Avengers Endgame. I've bought a ticket specifically for you user.
When you get to hell user, tell em user sent you. They'll know who you're talking about.
Where you going, dude?
but godzilla comes out in 58 days
Fuck you, a man has a duty to live
Too bad OP is taking the pussy's way out instead of shooting up the theater you'll be in.
Commit jihad, you get 72 cunnies.
>You can't kill yourself until I say so, goy! Now go make me some more shekels!
See you tomorrow.
If life is truly that bad user then feel free, but if you have family who loves you just consider the pain you will cause them
I feel like this is a quote
>but if you have family who loves you just consider the BANE you will cause them
Rights and duties are fabrications.
Ive made this thread on every board its the easiest most effective bait
Nice, you should take over a plane OP
Not as serious as yours, I fear.
>gonna miss Endgame
>gonna miss Star Wars ep. 9 and the surrounding shit show
>gonna miss Joker kino
That's a yikes from me my friend.
Pretty much, yeah. The world needs people willing to be miserable and figure out how to make it a better world than it was when that person was born
Fuck you too.
>You owe me, Mr. Goldberg, years of misery just because you were born!
Theatricality, and deception. Powerful agents to the uninitiated. But we are initiated, aren't we Bruce.
Members of the League of Shadows.
The world needs. But I have no obligation to fulfill to worlds needs. I am not the worlds man. I am MY man.
You're such a fucking pussy. Imagine being such garbage that you'd actually commit suicide and hurt everyone that actually cares about you
Get a load of this fag
Don't you have baby foreskins to gnaw on, Rabbi?
No, I came back to stop you.
Any good suicide kino?
>you shouldn't cause people who supposedly care about you to cry at your funeral even though they've done fuck all to make your life less hellish
You've spent so much time on Yea Forums you sound like a character in a film/show.
Unironically consider acting.
Piss off, you owe the world for your existence even if you're too ungrateful to appreciate that. You do your duty until you realise what a fucking gift you've been given or until you drop dead. Either way, you don't get to check out like some PoS streaming rage quitting that his speedrun got wrecked. Fuck you and fuck your suicide. You've got better things to be doing so just fucking do them.
>you owe the world for your existence
>You've got better things to be doing so just fucking do them.
Be glad the only person I am killing is myself. That is the mercy, that is the good deed I do for the world. That is what I give it in return. I could do more. So much more. I could pay back the world the debt that was incurred, oh yes.
But think of all the capedrones you could cure us of...
Oh give me a break. Shutting yourself off from everyone and doing nothing but sitting on your computer all day and you blame others for yourself being a failure?
based psychopath poster
You sound like you're trying to convince yourself more than him.
Fuck you, that's why
You know what I'm talking about even if I don't. There's something that you know you could do to improve your life but you're too much of a pussy to just do it. So why don't you stop being such a little bitch and just do it. That goes for you too, user that this isn't a reply to but is reading it
Not really a man's course of actions I'm afraid. Why not strive for something? Surely you must have some dreams and all that jazz.
At the very least consider the fact that most people change their minds at the drop of a pin. In other words, you could be feeling suicidal one day, and then wake up and feel like a million bucks. Unfortunately, you can't just pause life and resume it at your whim.
>doesn't understand how self-medicating works
A self-absorbed cuck thinks everyone else is his property, shocker.
Maybe I am, what's it to you? I'm not the one turning Yea Forums into my livejournal though, am I?
The more I am told to do one thing, the more I desire to do the opposite. I'm afraid your words won't work on a stubborn retard like me. Find someone else to save, the only thing that I'll be saved from is the pain of existence. You only make me more angry and want to kill myself even more.
>You know what I'm talking about even if I don't. There's something that you know you could do to improve your life
>capitalist society
>"everyone can win at life! Just look him in the eye and give him a firm handshake!"
The boomer freakshow exposes itself.
Waaaah, I'm not a pussy, I'm just "Self medicating". You're taking the easy route and you know it.
y-you too
Who else /onlyholdingontonotupsetfamily/ here?
Suicide is pretty honorable to be honest.
At least you're being courteous about it and not leaving behind a bunch of suffering and pain. Parents shouldn't have to berry their kids, no matter what the circumstances
i just wanna see how GoT ends
So you're not going to be Bill Gates, big deal, almost no one is. I bet if you sorted yourself out a little you could have a job and a family though.
Who here is /burnoutculture/ because if you pretend you're enjoying it hard enough maybe it'll become true
>I'm not the one turning Yea Forums into my livejournal though, am I?
You kinda are with your faux philosophical arguments. You don't shit on someone with suicidal thoughts, it's only making things worse. If you don't understand it, don't try to fix it.
just wait for the winds of winter
it's the only thing keeping me alive
at least you'll miss all the capeshit.
He needs tough love, not compassion and understanding. I'm trying to help this poor man, not coddle him like a fucking cuck