ITT: Shows you've dropped

Pic related

>5 episodes in
>Pretty good so far
>Preppy white girl who wants to be an actress
>Accuses Barry
>An ex marine
>Of toxic masculinity
>Because he raised his voice

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>dropping pure kino

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more overrated apatow fag crap

Do you not understand that that's the point of the acting class though? It underscores the man he wishes he was with the cold blooded killer he is deep down

that's how acting classes are, homo.
it's full of pozzed fruit cakes that ask for preferred pronouns and white privilege.

>t. taken a theater class in college

>try twin peaks because some girl I was smashing said it was good
>reach the finale of the first season and realize I haven't enjoyed it all
>stop watching it, don't care enough to finish the season

>not seeing the humor in that
triggered much you dumb bitch?

Ive only heard things, is this like pic related, or not?

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>literally nothing to do with Apatow

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i dunno that dwight schrute lookalike is in all the apatow movies so close enough

The show makes fun of here ya brainlet

Deep Space 9. Dropped at S2E14 after back-to-back O'Brian episodes—which is a shame, 'cuz I love O'Brian, but god damn were those eps had THE worst endings on a show filled with blue-ball endings.

Dropped Young Pope when he used the God's Not Dead premise as a papal address. Can't believe people liked that retarded shit, I wanted some real ecclesiastical drama

That was him being a tyrant to a bunch of fucking bloated pederasts you moron.

I bet you don't even understand what toxic masculinity is

yeah but then everyone rallied against her. Most of the characters are either pathetic or a piece of shit. Thats the point

Lucifer. Like what the fuck is this premise. The crimes were ridiculously inconsequential and.. I don't know, I felt insulted by watching this.

tastelet detected. let me guess, you're a basedboy and love discovery.

Civilians will never understand the mentality of military folk. This is shown in the first episode of season 2. Also her friends side with Barry anyways.

Her being vapid and a hypocrite is a big part of her character.

Yea Forums posters literally don't understand negative depictions of things.
If it happens on a show, it triggers them, and the show must be supporting it.

This. I think it literally is autism

this is a dark comedy. and its hilarious and dramatic. sorry if you don't get it

Why the fuck do you get to bang girls with good taste

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Hey man, his reasons for dropping were more than fair. It's the best ST series but that still doesn't make it top television

she deserved better


Did anybody else gain some respect for Hank at the end of the last episode?