It's gonna actually be kino isn't it?
It's gonna actually be kino isn't it?
don't let a good trailer fool ya.
No, this is just mcdonalds arthouse for the capeshit audience - they want superficial deep, dark movies while still getting their kick brainless entertainment. This film will join others like Logan in being film targeted at people not actually into film.
It already is
the gif is better
too pure for this world :(
Doubt it, looks awful.
DC hasn’t made a good movie since The Dark Knight, which was a fluke given that its prequel and sequel both sucked. No reason to think this will be good.
>Batman Begins sucked
Awful take to be perfectly honest.
i actually don't want to see this joker hurt and that happens too much in this movie. i want him to be happy with his mommy forever.
This plebeian faggot thinks The Dark Knight is good but Batman Begins is shit LMAO
The fact that it makes journalists angry already means it's kino.
People actually liked Batman Begins? Explain.
Or is this just the usual contrarian bullshit?
Since user, SINCE.
Begins wasn't as bad as TDKR to be honest
There are some morons who really think Begins is great, despite it being literally impossible to see what's happening in 90% of the movie.
I’ll grant that but it wasn’t a good movie. Hell I think TDK is overrated. Which goes back to my point of DC movies being shit and this Joker movie will be the same.
Based retard.
>which was a fluke given that its prequel and sequel both sucked
Fucking thank you. It’s basically Eyestrain the Movie after Act 1. Decent setup but completely falls apart one he actually becomes Batman.
contrarian bullshit but unironically
yeah this is going to pleb dogshit. if Yea Forums thinks it'll be kino then you know it's trash
So you actually just like it because nobody else does?
I dunno. I really don't give a shit about Marty remaking Taxi Driver with a Joker reskin.
That trailer was too close to home.
>This film will join others like Logan
nice bait.
So why am I wrong exactly?
Is this 4Chen the movie?
if you think i saved this image from Yea Forums, think again. there might be another user clowning around with it (literally)- i posted it for the first time after saving it, so don't make me dare spread the word out
batman begins isnt a prequel you idiot
jesus christ how embarrassing.
By prequel I clearly meant the preceding movie in the series. Fuck off.
Reminder a redditor made this
Reminder the honkers are all shitskin Facebook drones
Theres something so innocent and friendly about this gif.... a happy autistic clown enjoying his simple job and dancing to life..
Too pure for this world
HA! you got it wrong
your opinion isnt shit now
I don't get it, is the clown supposed to be like a post-nihilist?
Can someone explain how the joker is than Douglas from Falling Down, and Travis from Taxi Driver??? They all seem the same to me but maybe I'm just a brainlet
sort of
its essentially the black pill but with sardonic humor instead of despair
I know, it's sad seeing him hurt. He obviously puts so much effort into making people smile and feel happy, even in a horrible temp job like that one.
I don't think there's any universally agreed upon meaning or context for the clown pepe beyond the fact that the whole site finds him amusing
He's a punished but gentle autist that just wants to make the best of a bad situation. Just like Friedrich Paulus
all philosophy is reddit
suicide squad first trailer was great
then you have a director with Hangover as his best work
it's looks p gud as far as capeshit goes.
uh, no. What kind of Joker gets punked by street toughs and sees a psychiatrist? They know this is revenge fantasy fuel for incels.
>How did you give such an amazing performance
>i just sniffed petrol like heath ledger
I didn't say it was philosophical i said that everyone finds him amusing
It's even worse for me. I have a nervous tick where i smile and i'm always stressed out. It's been like that since i was a kid. This isn't even memeing this is true. I'm so fucked.
>leto joker
>"mom's gonna freak!"
>phoenix joker
>his mom IS a freak
>tfw we are going to see him suffering for the death of his mother
Gotta prepare these feels
that's actually a good description of that jester fellow from the movie as well. it's gonna be tough watching this poor guy get mercilessly ripped apart by life as he desperately struggles for happiness. future kino.
>mom was the only one who ever believed in me
>could see I was struggling but wouldn't stop supporting me
>got sick
>been having to take care of her on my own
>every day she's a little slower and sounds a little worse
>still believes in me
I already know I'm not going to be able to handle it, man.
Fuck Off Larper fagget
Try again in your next life when you are white
Time to snip off the cock and start the clock user boy
Yea Forums has already ruined this movie for me.
Can anyone here even take it seriously anymore? Every time I try to watch the trailer, I just think of Jogger memes and end up laughing hysterically. There's no way I'm going to make it through the whole flick
Might as well kill yourself now,you autistic boypussy fagget
I liked this dance in this scene. He looked a flaming faggot. Anybody got the WebMd?
Have sex
Theres a lot of chaplin in that right there
The music will reprogram you.
>other people are supporting you but you've given up
>other people trying to cheer you up by pretending your bullshit job/degree matters and isn't utterly pathetic
man oh man. are there any worse feels? i almost tear up at that "my mom told my I have a purpose". please juste make him a bad guy again
This movie is going to make Bank. They are pandering to the reditt filth
how did two wojaks have a baby clown pepe?
Wrong. Due Date is his best, after the GG Allin doc
if there's multiple scenes of him beating up minorities Yea Forums will hail it as a perfect film
But doctor... I am the Joker
Its Jimmy Durantes version in the trailer, not Nat King Coles
It looks like it's going to be edgelord pseud shit like Falling Down. At least it looks like it'll portray the 80's as the trashfilled crimeridden impoverished shithole decade it was.
Based, except Kant is Yea Forums
Can someone explain how the joker is different than Douglas from Falling Down, and Travis from Taxi Driver??? They all seem the same to me but maybe I'm just a brainlet
It feels like more of a comic adaption and TDK seems more like a realistic adaption
80s nyc was more fun and exciting to live in than the disney shithole it is today.
Just laughed at this pic for 2 min, thanks, you almost made me forget my life sucks
They have to learn from their mistakes sometime, right?
Don't you wonder why all of those Honk memes showed up days before?
It's part of extremely viral marketing. They know we're the target audience so they targeted us
Just like with IT. Remember all of those clowns being spotted in the woods, then BAM the IT trailer is released
The majority of people do. Incels on Yea Forums hate it.
If thats the case then I applaud them the effort. Regarding what you said:
That was also some expertly subversive advertising with the whole boomer meme. Very nice
So how is this joker different than the falling down character? They honestly seem the same
This fauxbrow fag shows up in every joker thread
It's okay satan, brainlet still has a "purpose"
Look at this reply
We are being fucking invaded by shills
Though you're most likely flattering yourself, I'd love to see a movie that actually sought to market itself to the 4channel demographic
ever notice how this site only becomes a secret club when people start talking about shills being here?
Kant is SHIT!
>Reddit makes OC for Yea Forums because user is too scared to have Reddit steal their OC
Getting real tired of these reruns
Le reddit frog is literally just irony, you pretentious faggot
It's so weird when people pretend that Yea Forums still is some unknown site when it has massive traffic and is talked about everywhere.
Kant is BASED
>viral marking that incorporates saying nigger
I'm ok with this
Out of tens of millions of websites, Yea Forums is ranked #317 as the most popular in the US
That's why they target us. It's easier and cheaper to market here than Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter
your philosophy that all philosophy is reddit is still a philosophy
/r/ the graph where the 2016 election traffic which peaked dies off a few years later
Kant didn't expect his doctrine to be extended to women, but he should have. Rejecting empiricism was a mistake.
>implying deontology is good
Kant is a fucking hack
Seething narvel faggot. Fuck you and fuck brie larson.
Ive been here since 2012 you stupid asshole.
cringe utilitarian sociopath
>implying the Jewish form of deontology that is currently being spread around is what Kant would have wanted
How is it irony? Please enlighten me Mr. Meme Expert.
nice pasta nigger
He's not the Joker yet. Once he becomes the Joker he walks up to the minority teens and shows them some alt-right videos on youtube with statistics about crimes committed by various races before he shoots acid at them out of a flower.
Where do you newfags come from?
Walking Phoenix
>implying utilitarianism isn't on the same level as Kant's garbage
All of the ideal theory canon has been btfo'd by contemporary non-ideal philosophy. Stop sucking classical philosophy's cock - that shit's outdated
it's like three seconds long, there's no point for a webm
The movie looks great
Joaquin is much better than leto
Clown world is a better meme than some of the others. I rather have clown world memes than discord trannies.
The clown pepe is cute. Funny and charming.
>Massive traffic
Biggest thread reaches maybe 100 posters kek kys retard
Are you telling me they are behind the jogger saying the n word meme? Kek
they're shills
Anons use clown pepe in essentially two ways:
>dude the world’s soooo crazy, it’s like a clown world and no one knows it except me!
>dude this character is/I am actually the clown because no one knows my pain!
Either way it’s irony because the meme presents the world as “not what it seems.” There’s no deep “””post”””-nihilist, or some other pseudo-philosophic meaning. All you faggots pretending there’s some substance behind a poorly drawn clown frog just adds another ironic aspect to it
>no point
Holy shit, it makes so much sense. They have no idea that Yea Forums uses webms and post their shitty shill gifs
Have sex
You bathe your mother and dance with her in your living room?
It's the same for any capeshit. None of this is organic, and none of this is home-grown on Yea Forums.
Hollywood is subversive. They aren't little nice church ladies. They'll do whatever it takes to make a buck
Pretty close bro. Been taking care of her a few years now. Try. To keep her cheerful but it looks bad. Don’t know what I’ll do when she’s gone.
Have sex
is this how women feel when they're raped? why not just post here wtf
>days before?
This shit has been out for weeks
I fucking love these variations of doge, got an album?
Things take weeks to go viral and spread
Idealism = Severe autism
How is that they know how to shitpost in here but they always get so many things wrong when they try to portrait internet culture in movies?
Oh, so you just admitted you're a newfag from kikebook that just found out about all of these clown pepes over a month after the fact.
Are you Mag Bitter Truth from youtube? You sound like him lol
Nope, because Joker's a shit villain. Why we couldn't get a Lex Luthor movie instead?
/r/Dogelore on reddit
>bullying a poor autistic woman
kill yourself
stay on your board, outsider
holy shit nice, fauxbrow is the official mcdonalds art house counter
ew ew EWWW
Correct! Non-ideal is where it's at
The answer is there's no viral marketing scheme. It's anons overthinking memes as they always do
Where did i say they arent the same? I said nyc in the 80s was more fun than the sterile, disneyfied tourist trap it is today.
>read for comprehension and not speed, son
He's just like me, DC really gets me, except I'm not thin
make me
I go to every board equally and take equal shits on each one
Joaquin Phoenix is a legitimate generational actor and his protrayal of the Joker will undoubtedly be kino, thats not really up for debate. Im a bit apprehensive becaude this is the same director as The Hangover, after all, but perhaps its his breakthrough into something good. Phoenix doesnt seem to like to put his name on dogshit and what I do know about the plot sounds promising, especially in the context of the trailer, so im going to stay hopeful for it.
You actively post on Yea Forums and are also part of /vp/
Has everyone forgotten the Letterman interview already?
>Phoenix doesnt seem to like to put his name on dogshit
>don't worry
>irrational man
Devil's advocate here but can I ask what was bad about the hangover? Did it not deliver 3 or 4 breakout roles? That's not trivial.
No seriously, it's another doge subreddit
The idea that the joker becomes the joker from being a perfectly normal guy is a shit-tier premise.
Letterman is a fag. fuck him.
Let’s hope soo ... high profile grindhouse piece is the one that they should aim at !!!
I can't get into this, chief
Heath was just a normal guy too
Whatever silences his nitpicking snobbish faggotry, I just can't stand his posts
Don't forget:
Yea Forums
Yea Forums
Yea Forums
Literally nobody cares except your autistic ass
watched it again recently. they jump cut SO FUCKING MUCH and it's hard to see what's actually going on like said. Plus the whole intro is super cheesy. It's not as good as you may remember but TDK is still good (although impossible to watch without laughing.)
You know, a coworker who I used to discuss memes with sent it to me, he was always sort of surprised I browsed Yea Forums, but I was in a position over him, older than him (he was a zoomer) and didnt give a fuck. Wed send things to each other sometimes, of course what I would send was always funnier because its from here, but one day he sent me this and it just didnt feel right. Like it didnt feel to me, to be in the spirit of the meme. Like yeah its silly looking but its silly looking because its so shitty, simple and dumb looking. This shit is this glossed over super produced cheap garbage, it doesnt feel right. Ive been on this shit hole too long because I didnt know this, technically, until you told me, but I could feel it in my veins.
Yea Forums is now and always will be the funniest place on the internet. Its not up for debate. Yea Forums is beyond making shitty faggot flash animations for upvotes. You dont actually know who browses here and who produces what because the nature of the site is anonymous, so who knows what people here are actually making. Reddit is a glorified YouTube comment section. The only people fucking USING the word “meme” in 2009 were Yea Forumstards. The very concept of the meme was birthed here. You know nothing.
i can't believe i am actually saying this, but that quote is pure incel.
No that's what made that joker work, because he was literally just a demon.
Doesn't make it wrong.
Lies, that you shit up Yea Forums! Why you aren't banned?
falling down is the poor man's miami blues
maybe but by the time this movie comes out, It will be so much associated with alt right /pol/ trump tards that no one in their right mind will want to see it. So /pol/ BTFO once again as usual as always
>have been tired of superheroes since Nolan's trilogy ended
>hear about new Joker film
>hear Joaquin Phoenix will be the lead
>remember how based he was in Walk the Line
>watch trailer
Son of a bitch I'm actually excited.
how is this any different from people posting pictures here? am i supposed to cringe because I can attach a name to the posts?
here check it
this guy's name is jose gonzalez, a spic piece of shit, ooooooh the cringe
Good, less normies and niggers to infest my movie theatre opening night
It won't work like that for this trash
even most sjws are "hyped" for it which is why the shills just keep spamming the same 3 or so tweets
My father passed away 6 months ago and as an autistic /fit/ neet wizard all I have in life is my mother. Here is hoping things get better for both you and I fellow caretaker user.
simpler times
...simpler times
i want to go back so bad
holy shit, kys. Don't ever link this faggots comics in my thread again
Reminder, Joker's a shit villain. Where's my Captain Cold bros at?
Maybe I just like clowns you faggot.
gonna add a new pic now for your montage
It will be a cult classic capekino from the start.
What a time to be alive
>That ending.
absolute retard
The fucking trailer just sets too much high hopes.
If it's anything less than that it'll be such a disappointment. I hope it's not.
Post the one where he's holding the sign and it says NIGGERS on it
Those tender moments are gonna break my heart too.
I will probably snap if the movie ends up being bad
>normies and niggers won't go to see the movie
oh no that sucks
imagine showing this image to someone living before the 1930s
How would you even begin to explain it to theme?
This. It's gonna be forgotten as soon as it comes out.
Marvelshills are on panic mode since the trailer.
I haven't seen a single Logan meme since it came out. While joker posting and honk posting got really big way before the trailer. The memes are reaching bane posting levels and the movie hasn't even came out yet.
>that unnecessary reddit spacing
>The memes are reaching bane posting levels and the movie hasn't even came out yet.
>came out
The shills literally are from indian click farms
You have to realize that you are probably a Pagliacci
That going to war on behalf of Jewish international finance would be a mistake and to remove all traitors from their society while they still had the chance.
Thank you for noticing.
>don't care about capeshit
>didn't care about Jaquen's Joker
>this trailer is actually kino
Fuck, I know it's a mistake but I'm hyped
they'd probably think someone subnormal drew it. which, incidentally, it was. you'd have to convince them that what was depicted was now a normally encountered piece of imagery, and that it was distributed on no one's behalf because there is neither king nor nobleman nor minister to adminster anything else of import.
actually, having lived without authority, they may yet understand. more than we do, even.
The HUFF PANT meme was created by focus groups and suits in board rooms
Joaquin? More like Joakino
yes but media faggots only like quips and pop culture refrences in their capeshit so it will probably not receive the praise it deserves
I want this to be amazing
But remember when the Bohemian Rhapsody trailer for Suicide Squad came out - it looked like pure kino, but then the movie itself fucking sucked
DC has to produce a good one EVENTUALLY though so who knows. It'd be interesting if all their main properties like Batman and Superman were shit but Shazam and Joker were kino
Apparently there are many improvised scenes since the script was not yet complete during filming. I'm guessing there will be some a-tier acting moments but the film as a whole will be bad.
>why not just post here
oh, they do
>suicide shart
>pure kino
Only if you were an imbecile
The keyword is trailer
This sounds spot on
the fuck, it's just a movie
this looks great. the only trailer that has got me hyped for something in a while.
The only thing that im hoping for is that after he kills some people, someone in shock gets pied.
Gifs are a lost art, you dumb asshole.
I'm a bit disappointed that the trailer doesn't show him actually doing much of anything aside from the clown stuffs, but otherwise, looks okay-ish. First capeshit material I'm excited for in years.
Wouldn't even know about this guy if you idiots didn't keep posting him
>the father
Goddamn imagine going through this.
The trailer looked better than any other capeflick since TDK so maybe
I've watched the trailer like 20 times already, it's really good.
>days before
Holy newfag Batman
Hey guys do you remember when Kevin Feige was on his knees begging Joakino to play Doctor Strange but he told him to fuck off with his oscarlet nigger propaganda söy shit and went to DC to pitch this movie himself? Good times
>and no one knows it except me!
no one means it this way. that's just something you made up to justify your butthurt at people posting clowns
Remember when leonardo DiCaprio DiCaprio was supposed to play the joker
Hasnt this shit been overdone already?
Is stupid as well, I mean "boo! the evil clon is actually a sad clown", this concept of evilness has been become very popular lately.
The thing is none of those guys would be anything without the hangover. Even Cooper.
Philosophy is the exact opposite of Reddit
>thinks outside the box and inside the self an understanding of this cruel world and how to better improve it and ourselves
>regurgitate popular opinions, whore yourself for internet points, consume yourself in hedonism and scroff down the lowest form of entertainment
>missing the point entirely
who /lifeisacomedy/ here?
Finally someone’s speaking up for us incels
>being a hothead and not liking TDKR
The bat swarm is still to this day the coolest shit I've ever seen in a movie and I have no idea why it wasn't brought back for that final fight in the dark night rises, the spectacle would have showed bane and his goons that it was still HIS city
It's very promising, but good trailers have mislead before.
Whoever did the cinematography did a great job, god damn
oddly charming.
what is going on in the window?
Wasn't Kant a virgin untill like 40 ?
who else watched the trailer like 50 times
Wasn't Kant a virgin untill like 40 ? Which was like 60 in 18 century time.
Philosophy is usually a pile of pretentious tryhards regurgitating shit they read in a book without understanding a single word of it. All of them vain faggots in love with their own voice.
I see a new wojack
Joaquin Phoenix gets snubbed at next years Oscars screencap this
>mcdonalds arthouse
bet some marketing faggot at disney came up with this
>tfw your full legal name is in this screenshot
Kant had not a single theory that stood up to scrutiny.
I've rewatched the trailer close to a dozen times, it gives me the same kind of chills that The Dark Knight teasers did.
What kind of instrument makes that old-timey 40's sounding sound right when you see arkham hospital in the trailer around 1:00 in?
I'm gonna say it
I feel stupid now, yes. It's just very tinny compared to how a saxophone normally sounds played by itself, so I didn't recognize it.
>Joker is in his 50's
>Movie set in the 80's
So, in this universe has the Joker been around for much longer than Batman?
I love the implication that when Batman shows up big J is so old that he has to walk around with a rollator
I guess I want this movie to be good, but at the same time I am not looking forward to seeing this movie.
For a guy like myself - struggling with chronic depression this fucking trailer hits too close to home.
This Joker clearly inspires a future Joker just like he inspires all those people in the trailer to wear clown masks.
Enjoy the halloween parties user, I can't wait for roughly 50% of costumes this year to be "existential crisis clown"
there is nothing wrong with facebook
you just have shitty frens
It's a love letter to people marginalized by mental illness.
reddit tier post
>DC is in dire straits (or so they thought, this was before Aquaman made a billion)
>decide to make a standalone Joker movie because people love the Joker
>get rid of Jared Leto so he can't keep giving his used condoms to people
>find one of the best actors alive
>but how to convince him to play a capeshit character?
>let him in on a little secret
>It's not a capeshit movie
>in fact, it's not about the Joker from the comics at all
>that's right, it's a real film about a man who breaks down, in the style of Falling Down or Straw Dogs
>and it'll be up to Phoenix to sell that to the audiences once the movie gets going
>and you know what?
>the absolute madman
>he's doing it
It's the story of a man who hid his misery behind a mask until the mask is all that's left.
Because you're a faggot
>ever thinking suicide squad was going to be good
How does it feel like, letting mainstream media think for you?
>actually giving a fuck about which multimillion dollar corporation "wins"
You are the biggest loser of all for caring about any of this in the first place.
I love this guys reaction images. So memable.
Gifs aren't going anywhere unless there is a proper successor format for animated images. Webms are fucking video files and the implementation is not at all similar. Each format has their unique advantages and you are a moron who doesn't know what he is talking about.
>unless there is a proper successor format for animated images
Which is literally video, retard.
>mcdonalds arthouse
is this the ebin new maymay? I've been seeing it a lot lately
Noticed and agreed.
Don't be so autistic. There really is no continuity with comic books.
These people really are big children. Children behave this way when they're excited.
>Perfectly normal guy
>"The worst part of having a mental disorder is that everyone expects you to behave like you don't"
>Mental disorder
We're gonna see the tipping point of a crazy dude. That's hardly what I'd call normal.
That was done way before this film but he doesn't look normal in the slightest. There's something festering underneath and clearly he eventually just snaps.
I have two personalities.
>Perfectly normal guy
he wouldn't get any views if he watched it normally though would he
>that's right, it's a real film about a man who breaks down, in the style of Falling Down or Straw Dogs
the killing joke origin is literally that though, joker thinks everyone is just one bad day from becoming like him. part of the reason why he fixates on batman is to prove that even batman will break
>talks about the killing joke like he's hot shit
>ignores the fact that it was Gordon he was testing his theory on
Batman already went off the deep end when he became Batman, user.
>days before
i prefer the gif
webms freeze my system
>actually posting cringeworthy existential comics
He's right. Honk Pepe showed up within days of the first Joker production stills being "leaked" or whatever, not long before people were making Joaquin running gifs.
That video is as bad as the female voice impersonation.
who fucking cares where it came from if its good?
>a gif of just a giant N
i love that straight up racism is a mainstream joke now
It's a Yea Forums facebook group, no shit it has Yea Forums memes. It's like finding a Yea Forums subreddit and acting that everything posted there is now reddit. Normies like to steal Yea Forums memes, more news at 11.
This is gonna go down in history as kino and everyone in here arguing against it is a Redditor who should be ignored.
tremendously gay
can't root for a gay clown
one step away from drag queen
>movie induces user to laugh hysterically at inappropriate times
Tbh it sounds like a success.
That would be a good punchline.
Its DC so who knows, but I'll be watching it because Phoenix is kino himself
Yeah, DC is after lonely incel money.
>mcdonalds arthouse
take my sides
my nigger
this guy gets it
the batmobile on the rooftop during the car chase was kino enough for me
>mcdonalds arthouse
This is the third fucking thread in a row where you repeat those exact words
Don't kid yourself, this place has insane traffic compared to the old days
>using the term "normies"
If you weren't one of them you'd be calling them normalfags like you're supposed to
This isn't what you think at all. Joaquin Phoenix isn't the Joker, the Trump character is.
>Joker is a trump card
Jesus Christ
i just want to kick his fucking face
it's actually a King of Comedy sequel, DeNiro is older now and has Jerry Lewis' position
hey, you watch your filthy fucking mouth! that was the era Patrick Bateman lived in!
Will it feature a Huey Lewis & The News soundtrack?
Based. I'll watch it three times if he says the nigger word
>all that teal
no chance in hell for kino. it looks like a saturday afternoon tv flick starring tom selleck or someone...
It does take place in the 80's, so hopefully yes
imagine not being able to enjoy something because some autists on Yea Forums sperged out about it.
I pity you
Oh my fuck clownbros
This guy figured it out
We're all redditors here
best kino of the year
overall a fantastic thread
>I- genuinely b-believe in odin!! T-the strong prevail!!!
i cringe at the thought
Which is a philosophical statement...
>Not going to see pirate it to laugh at the film with reference to the memes