What movie the movie of 2019?

Place your bets lads? Who will come out on top? Who will flounder?

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Look at Brie Larson's ugly fucking square face in that picture LOL

I'd like to see Shazam. Maybe Spidey and the new Joker. Don't care about the rest and don't even recgonize whatever's in the bottom left.

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Shows a double standard that you don't say anything about Hellboy


they all honestly look like shit

is it even a question?

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i have no clue what the bottom two even are

What movie is this?

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Avengers comes out on top, Shazam is a flop.

joker: real movie that delves into the human psyche

rest: bing bing wahoo of movies, cgi shitfest and jewish propaganda

>mcdonalds arthouse for the capeshit audience
>real movie

Hellboy is supposed to be ugly though , double standard is him not saying anything about the crack addict guy in the bottom left

lurk more

I had to google it myself. It's The New Mutants.

i have hope joker is good, his first standalone movie is either gonna bomb or beat the dark knight in quality.

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literally its only a competition for avengers,joker and far from home, you could at least replace the other flops with godzilla or detective pikachu

As soon as Endgame drops people will forget about CM.

If Joker ends being as good as TDK I think it could be as memorable

success bomb
success success
success success
bomb mediocre (the combination of these two films will put an end to the current x-men franchise )

Lol CHADZAM! is gonna make more than Gayzilla

Definitely won't be SHITLITA: Autistic Weebshit Flop Angel, I can tell ya that much.

Helloboy looks dumb.

>the absolute state of Yea Forums

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>the absolute state of chinks and their shitty monster movies

capeshit capeshit capeshit capeshit capeshit capeshit
only ones worth anything are joker and new mutants for Joaquin/zazie and anya