This new Joker movie should be interesting

This new Joker movie should be interesting

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just send him this
most honk posters are shitskins

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read his name as jared honk

The honk honk meme is based on the clownworld theory developed on mpc

why is mpc private now

>reality is too real, it's nazis fault!
One bad honk

Adsense was removed by google, so Pleasureman went private, it's a shame because it really is a funny/interesting board

>the libs swallowed the bait again
Every time. /pol/ are a bunch of morons but somehow they're always two steps ahead of the liberals. /pol/ has been pushing this meme for months trying to get liberal media to take the bait and they finally did it.

why is /pol/ so embarrassing? every time they co-opt a meme they immediately have to spread it all over reddit, twitter, etc.

(and that's a good thing)

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because left wing ''media'' sources literally hang out on pol looking for stuff to report on

that's how all memes spread you retard


image being this mad over a fucking clown

>Jared holt


>getting bootyblasted over the same frog image from 4 years ago, except now he's dressed as a clown
honk fucking honk

based pagliacci

Half of /pol/ is south americans and eastern europeans

It's just racism, not white nationalism


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That's their goal. They're making memes so the left will pick them up and report on them, thus spreading their influence even further. /pol/ is using leftwing outrage culture and clickbait journalism to spread right wing messaging across the globe. It's working too. The left can't help but be outraged by everything and express their outrage on their tabloid clickbait websites. It's pretty much a textbook perfect example of co-opting the enemy's propaganda network to spread your own messages.

>implying pagliacci isn’t just shitposting


Weird how the biden thread was deleted almost right away
should it say joker in the OP so the shill mods ignore it?


pol is such a bizarre place

Yeah this is how the ok hand sign meme spread, because liberals can't help but seethe at literally everything

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honk is so cringe how are you fags not tired of pepe


Yea Forums memes are fucking awful

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Some people like fun things


The outrage is the message.

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The majority of that group doesn't like /pol/

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The left won't stop doubling down on their mental inferiority. Pepe being a white nationalist symbol has always been a meme. They took the bait then, and it seems like they continue to take the bait.

/pol/ zoomers need to go back to r/cringeanarchy

it was on reddit before it made it to Yea Forums

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>It seems comedic at first
I used to think that my life was a tragedy, but now, I realize it’s a comedy.

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>honk honk clown world

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First as tragedy, then as farce.

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>Yea Forums outside of Yea Forums
That's always a yikes from me

Your focus group is a facebook meme page, of course its going to be packed with shitskins. All the white normies moved to insta and twitter years ago.

It's literally just Camus repackaged in meme form so /pol/tards can understand it

Roberto Torres says otherwise

>hes ever unironically posted NPC or honk

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it's not Camus at all, something being absurd doesn't make it Camus style absurdism

>that neckbeard holding the vampire cutie
Holy shit what a chad

>MPC went private
>The 504um's mods torpedoed it to protect user information
RIP all the funniest forums that aren't Yea Forums. I guess Kiwifarms still exists, but it doesn't have the same flair.

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stop, I don’t want to hurt you

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Do all these part indo Hispanics think they're white?

Or do they believe in a indo supremacist national socialist ethno state?

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>the libs
It's like you trash keep saying "/pol/ isn't one person", these individual hack journos come up with sensationalist hot takes to get clicks so they can finally pay off those 3 degrees

This but also about people who post fedoras

But Camus' philosophy involves accepting that the world is filled with absurd unintelligible actions. That's what this meme is.

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>white nationalist far-right
>deep nihilism
they don't even know what to spout anymore

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seethe moar

imagine the smell

almost as if /pol/ has a wide range of political beliefs and posters...
really makes you think

Remember when drinking milk was offensive to brown people (I lump everyone whose ancestry is not European or Asian, and that's a good thing)?

Detected the faggot soiboi. Holy shit, slit your wrists you miserable faggot.

Camus condones 'rebelling' against the absurdity and acting according to your human desire for meaning and morality. This meme is just a clown fucking with people in a clown world
