Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
Number 314
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Just throw me off the roof already.
I mean, most of yall are too. Besides, I'd date either of them, I just don't like objectifying women.
I made a couple, by sewing some fleece and some really soft fuzzy material (I forget exactly what its called) together to make designs and stuff.
For /healing/.
Hello new bread. Please be healed by Arita.
I'm the suffering-user. This is now an Alita suffering tread. Because she is just too cute when she cry.
Um, okay.
Hey you, fuck off.
Use your words, then!
> be you
> a little less than a decade from today passes
> you find yourself stressed from having to deal with a tough day
> your future wife/husband notice this
> you feel them squeezing you from behind with affection
> “hey user, you had a tough day. Why don’t you call off work and we watch the Alita trilogy together? I know it’s your favourite”
> you get the kissu
Thanks you based Thread Man
Zapan a good boy
He dindu nuffin
Could this Voiceanon be an imposter...?
Yeah what did she mean by this?
thanks user
am I doin it right
hello fren
Reminder that Voiceanon is a filthy sexist.
Alita actually restored my faith in movies. Like wow, a script, character development, subtext, double meanings, bigger concepts on display that actually challenge the audience and ask them to relate it to their own lives. What sort of lessons you could learn and apply it to yourself and those you know.
I love how it perfectly displays, in every possible example, the lengths people will go to achieve their dreams and each type of consequence each one has. And you never really can change someone that's too far gone. It's really a profound thing in any movie, let alone a 170 million dollar blockbuster, to tell audiences today, for some, there is no happy ending, there is only death. Movies like this only get made every couple of years, if that.
how and also who cares
> kissu
that's all you're getting. No more sad Alitas or Rosas for you Makaku. Only happy ones.
Well, it's not like she had to keep the wish secret; it's not integral to the process like blowing the candle is. She wanted to show rather than tell.
>every couple of years, if that.
the last two movies to burrow into my consciousness were There Will Be Blood and BR2049. I'm glad Alita is the polar opposite in tone and vibe but yet still feels connected to that spectrum. The nadir of hopeless, bleakness and the zenith of hope and self-possession to rise above.
Reminded me of this.
this guy fucks
what about that is inherently sexist? I"m genuinely asking because I was out for the last 30 mins of last thread
Thread #QT314
She approves of lewding Hugo but not Alita.
Check the last few last posts of the last thread, she said something sexist, was called out on that, agrees it was sexist, someone called her sexist, and now in this thread she agrees that she is sexist and then says that most of us are too.
Imagine it. You think you're going to get an intimate, tender little kiss, but instead she grabs you're collar and plants a big ol' wet cartoonish smooch on ya, complete with smacking lips and everything.
Anons only deserve suffering.
I'm not Makaku! >:(
Yo, anyone want one of those WETA Alita figures? I won one on eBay but I don't need it. Just keep in mind that I need like $14 to cover the cost of actually buying it (and it's PayPal)
I dream that my current situation resolves itself and my young, immature wife realizes that we can both grow and renew the momentum we had and have nice wholesome moments like this again.
1 kiss more than I had before.
Which is zero.
Nope. /alita/ is really nice, I'm mostly referring to Yea Forums as a whole.
Alita offers a little more glimmer in the way of hope and accessibility to a mainstream audience, which is why more audiences were able to get into it and enjoy it than, say, Blade Runner 2049, but the underlying messages of impending doom, inevitable failure, lying, breaking promises (which is a huge theme of them movie I'm surprised more people here have not pointed out), death, and redemption, all play into the script, but it's surprisingly subtle because it's in favor of a seemingly normal action blockbuster. What a gorgeous work of film.
This ends now.
Ah, I just ordered one for too! Nice of you to give it away though!
>not-lewding Alita
uh isn't that the majority consensus here? Alita is off limits but Rosa is fair game? Also having one opinion about one fictional character seems a bit extreme to be slapped with 'sexist'. Anyway shit's boring who cares blatant sexism and misogyny is part and parcel on Yea Forums
Rosa is also off limits.
Unless she's the one doing it.
>Now there's a girl with her head on straight
Oh shit I remember writing that. Can't believe int was more than two weeks ago.
Reminder: Alita is for hugs, cuddles, holding hands, kisses on the cheek (or forehead), walking arm in arm, and things otherwise pure and wholesome.
Stop this fucking namefag cancer. Nobody gives a shit who is or isn't sexist. Most of us don't want to lewd Alita anyway, not only for daughterfu intentions and because the first half of her arc involves her basically being underage (even though I know she's 300+ actually versus her mental state), but because her character hasn't been made to be lewd, not in this movie anyway. Maybe more lewd Alita comes with sequels, but just shut up about meta-shit with anons personal opinions and other shit that's off-topic.
HIT UP MY EMAIL forgot to say that.
Yeah, I got no problems with lewding characters of any gender, it's just the ones I love that I don't wanna see that happen to. It degrades em, I guess.
I certainly hope Dad would approve of me so I could swoop in and date his daughter
>I approve, no one can lewd Alita
>And you earned the right to hang out with her
I didn't give a fuck about namefags but this is incredibly cancerous, holy shit. Stop orbiting like the fucking Galilean moons.
>be perv user
>be very familiar with the sound of edited voices after years of doing weird shit with audacity and tts programs
>hear voiceanon
What are you hiding? You're a dude right?
Don't worry, one day you'll get your kisses.
Nope, only boops for me now. Kissu never.
this was a bit hard to read, not gonna lie. I hope we all have happy endings like this.
> Well no because *joe leans into the mic* it isn’t her body that makes her strong, it’s her fighting style. Ever heard of fighting technique, man? I’m 4’10 myself, but I have the most lethal kicks because of my technique
> “yeah. The little cyborg girl is URM and knows panzer kunst”
> nice, nice is that a fighting style from like, Brazil?
> “no” *nova pauses and tries not to sound condescending* “URM means she’s from mars. Pazer Kunst is an ancient fighting technique from mars; She’s a soldier of sorts”
> *joe tries not to shit himself from excitement* holy shit, Jamie, pull that shit “Mars Panzer Kunst”
> *joe breathes heavily into the mic* And just like that huh? She’s from mars. Makes sense. She couldn’t be from here. That type of cyborg technology her body carries couldn’t be from here. Her body probably weighs around 300lbs easily, she’d kick your ass without any effort, man. Can you imagine if hunter warriors from iron city had that type of body? There wouldn’t be any criminals left to collect bounties
Fucking stickers
Don't be discouraged. People are trying to drive a wedge between Alitans.
gets me every fucking time
I mean, I pitch shift by 2-5% depending how the take came out, but it's definitely my voice. I'm not a dude.
Honestly it's just kind of interesting seeing Discourse about myself, I couldn't really care less
Anyone manage to score movie posters or standees? I've asked at three theaters but they're all gone sadly.
>That's crazy man, have you done DMT?
Rosa is for naughty, but never for lewd.
Hi, Voiceanon, LA user here.
I just have to get something off my chest. It was so wonderful to meet you all, everyone was so beautiful, I mean drawfren does her makeup so perfectly and out of state user had the most beautiful jewelry and those leggings looked amazing.
But you, I mean, I just have to ask, have you had FFS yet? Because you looked so perfect, and you do that voice so well, I just don't know how to feel.
I'm sorry to lay this on you now, because I had a really great time and all, but sometime I don't feel like I'll ever pass, like there's a level I won't ever reach. No matter how much I practice that lovely alto voice sounds just seems to get farther and farther away.
Meeting you and the other girls felt like I could finally be myself for the first time. But now it's over and I'm still stuck in boymode, still hiding from the world. I mean, you were here too at one point right? I guess I just want some sign that things will get better ;_;
fucking hell
for the last time, Voiceanon is a gril, she was at the LA meet up
What's the matter mouse? Can't flex no more?
>Voiceanon is sexist and scummy.
I have one so far, I'll get 3 more next week.
>I’m 4’10 myself
>woman comes to the thread and manages to make it about herself
big fucking oof, didn't see that one coming, drop the fucking name if you aren't making OC ffs
Dafuc happened in LA?
Last night, final showing at my Regal.
Patrician taste.
user meet up at the Iron City Experience
okay, maybe
pushed this thing about as far as I can
Every time my stupid pics are sideways even when I rotate them
is she cute? did you see her feet?
When are they going to announce the Blu-Ray release?
Excellent, kek'd
Long haired manlet user from the LA meeting here.
Reminder you all stole my heart.
Not in a love way, but the way we all hit it off so well made me feel like you were all long distance family. Bless you all and thank you for an incredible day
I’ll always cherish it
Alita actually lessened my faith somewhat in anime adaptations. Alita's the work of a guy who first and foremost liked an anime that was weird and obscure and then sat on it for 20 years. I guess Leo's AKIRA might be okay if he has a singular vision for it, but I have little faith in Cowboy Bebop being even remotely watchable, and if it is, it'll be due to Kanno's soundtrack. AKIRA, GitS, and Bebop are all done because they're superpopular anime, Alita may have been on that level in like fucking 1997, but it quickly faded into obscurity except for manga readers.
Inkjet printers are such a waste of money. I hear they don't even let you refill them anymore.
Fucking nice user.
Does anyone have that pic of a glass of orange juice with a note that says do not drink, and you can see Alita peeking from behind the counter? Shit cracks me up.
what the shit
I'm so psyched people are using the crappy CG motorball image
most obscure
Now THIS is motorball!
you have the metadata set to that orientation.
>A tranny was there.
I'm so happy I live miles away, because if I have actually came, I would've been stuck with a mentally ill faggot the whole time.
Where did Ido sleeping in the wagon come from? I must have missed that meme
Dude, how many of them are traps? wtf
I wasn't there but I was on the thread where everyone shared their photos from it
Imagine user becoming a Venus handbag.
>hee hee, i dont care
>yall are sexist
Even without your attitude, being a sexist makes you inherently scummy.
how is turtle-Alita winning???!?!?
well this explains a lot
> go to meetup wondering how to hide that youre a tranny
> everyone is a tranny
> everythingturnedoutbetterthanexpected.jpg
where you buy this ?
Mario cart tomfuckery.
Here save this, it should solve the problem. I also reduced the size a bit since it didn't need to be so huge.
>that filename
I think its a shitpost, but same.
Eh, I guess.
>everyone is a tranny
To think I wanted to go there
>pss, user, wanna come to the blanket fort?
Lucky dog. I guess I should have been asking since the first week and been persistent. Get them framed, posteranons. It's not too much money and you'll enjoy for a long while that way.
This thread is decidedly un-comfy.
My newfag is showing, thanks buddy.
that's fucking adorable
oh fuck CGI chibi Alita as Axel is so perfect
For a minute there I thought the frame was the screen.
How many mentally ill people are in this thread right now? Go become a statistic or something, or get help.
I hope it's a shitpost.
put the spinning gremlin in there.
Honestly anons, I’m a little surprised. I just have long hair but I’m not trans myself. Just a straight boy Alita fan.
I still love all the anons I met there regardless. I just would’ve never guessed honestly
Whatever pain they’re going though, I hope they heal and stay happy
>I... I'd rather not
Because people keep responding to bait or stirring it up with mass replies.
Only one of them has long hair it looks like
Surprised no one noticed the Nova in the picture.
There's room for one more
shy-borg Alita is by far her cutest incarnation
aaaaaa I want to comfort her
Here's the full can zapan, if for whatever insane reason you wanted the full can zapan.
There selling them on Amazon and Ebay, three different scenes you can pick from for around £20 each /w shipping.
>getting in the middle of KAlita.
Wait did voiceanon legit say she was trans?? what?? She's said she doesnt have a dick before
Nope, the manager took it right out of the frame for me. Such an awesome dude.
the manlet to the right also has long hair but it's covered by the cutout
I noticed.
I'm waiting for someone to spot K.
it'll blow over who cares, it was bound to happen at some point. Comfyposting will resume and people will stop whining about the LA meetup or voiceanon or whatever. She makes content and if she wants to use a name I really dgaf. Nothing worth gettin worked up over.
Well, no one is giving clear answers. I'm guessing 2 or 3 of them were traps. Ok
in all honesty I don't give a shit. But /Alita/ isn't really the place for this kind of talk.
>don't mind if I do then
I just wanna say that I'm chill with trans folks and anyone who isn't can go fuck off
Why does it even matter anyways
Lol this is good bait
Long haired user here. It’s just a hairstyle. I’m not trans anything. I just wear my hair long.
Like I said, if that post isn’t bait, I would’ve never guessed. We all just had a good time in LA playing the iron city experience itself, and then we chatted for a long time about all sorts of deep, random subjects; but the conversation never lead to any gender identity/sex talk.
Regardless, I still love them all and I hope they stay healed. I would’ve never guessed, anons.
Trannies out.
And EVERYBODY bought it, lol.
Jerome is getting more and more clever with his diversion tactics, that's for sure.
I agree, this might be un-comfy but it's not like we have a troll or anything
We had worse.
This is how you get motion sickness
I was there. Can confirm NObody is a trap. I guess it's possible voiceanon is but she doesn't look it imo
It's bait buddy
>I'm fine with people lying to themselves, pretending to be something they're not and then forcing it on other people.
Stop encouraging their mental illness.
I'm not a trap please no bulli
seriously, people took a huge bite out of this. Hats off, jerome. Now THAT was effort.
Yeah I'm surprised people latched on that hard to it
I found him
Very subtle
We're like seven layers deep now
Again, a part of me wonders if that post is bait, because we never chatted about those sort of subjects, so I’m a bit surprised. I don’t know the LA meet-up anons identities, gender or sexual preferences. Regardless, they’re still amazing people and I’m glad I got to meet them.
>"The hell is going on in this thread? Where's the Alita discussion?"
gotta give this one to Jerome, lately he was getting too repetitive and it was obvious that it was him
All of them responding were personally involved in the meetup or namefagging.
yeah but are you a grrlll? tho?
Posting this because it warms my heart
Hey manlet user, user who flew south here, it was amazing getting to hang out with you guys, props to you for doing what others didn't and showing up. It's like you said, felt like meeting long-lost family. Hope to see you again someday.
None of them. is a liar.
Bruh of course its bait. Drawfrien had no makeup on, out of state user didn't have any jewlery or leggings
> they don’t know Jerome was at the LA meet-up and we’re all in on the bait playing 4D chess
at least use the corrected jaw version.
>Dad they are talking about werid things
>I don't like it, I want to leave
Fuck no. I recorded my Grewishka impression on vocaroo last night. Would a grill do that?
>Jerome was at the LA meetup
Reminder that if you actually are trans, then get out. Your kind is not welcome here.
if that was true Jerome is working on some truly Alpha Legion level mind-fuckery.
But she isn't looking down sweetly at Yea Forums girl.
Voiceanon is Jerome
I don’t know when exactly, user. But I will see you all again
there wasn't a nig at the meetup tho
>Big Generator
>incorrect lyrics
some of these translations kind of suck
Jerome's a sleeper agent.
>*Alita has left the /alita/ chatroom*
It all makes sense now
This isn't even an Alita discussion anymore, I don't know what this is, every time I do try to have a discussion here, I only get like one response or something. This community circling thing is not why I come here, and my tolerance is pretty high.
I met him but he got 13 pecent’d by a cop so he couldn’t make it
>thinking he can control who's on the thread
get lost you wet sock
>get home from work, work sucked bad
>this thread is a crazy house
I'm... going to go take a nap. See you guys in an hour.
What would you like to discuss, user?
What part of the score was your favorite? I'm personally fond of With Me, and the score during the waking up scene.
I don't know little flea I appreciate that anons lend their voices to this thread but I don't have an interest in it very much..
>tfw you weren't at this meet up and have no idea what's going on in this thread
>Well I'm leaving myself user
>They started talking about boring and weird shit so I'm out
>Wanna come?
>disregard panzercunts, aquire crypto
voiceanon is jerome go see when he started namefagging
I'll talk with you fren
what do you want to discuss
fucking based
>This is what crashes generals.
I dont mind the off topic chat just hope its not a main theme from now on.
How long do you think it took Ido to craft the doll body? The movie makes it seem like cybernetics are a piece of cake but at the same time establishes that you need surgeon-tier precision and a great genius to be good at them.
ready to discuss. Is there a scene in particular you've been thinking over? I seem to have been picking various scenes while at work and kind of fixate on one each day and I really don't know why.
same, I'm going to call it a night
>You don't control this thread!
>But I do!
Trans-sympathizers are retards, who would've figured?
Don't worry, we had worse.
Yeah, trannies ruin everything. We'd get back on track if they fucked off.
But only because he didn't want to mess up his hair
Okay enough shitposting for today
Back to /comfy/ and the comfiest of all feelings is contemplating whether or not the meet-up actually happened.
It’s rare when a perfect day and a perfect storm forms, but I’m glad it did. Had the place not closed at all, we would’ve probably stayed there chatting all night lol
You were all brilliant frens
>how long to craft the doll body
Probably a long fucking time, but that depends on what kind of tech is available. You could 3D print a lot of that really quickly
As a leather man myself I absolutely loved her attire after getting her improved body.
That shit made her look a million times better and distracted me from those ugly bigass eyes.
Realistically, knowing that the movie has a normalfag audience it has to please in addition to autists, what more "realistic" things from the manga do you think have a chance of making it into the sequels, or what too out-there things from the manga do you think could be repurposed and made more palatable?
>Bye guys
>I'm gonna have fun with this user
>You... keep doing... that
/Alita/ karaoke meetup when
Well, funny you mention that, I was just about to post this .webm of the song, What's Your Dream? Love the higher note strings that play off Alita's theme throughout the scene. One of her major turning points and foreshadows many elements that come up later in the movie, even pieces of dialogue like her saying "I'm an insignificant girl."
But then what about putting it together? Ido is shown using hand tools and aids, but never a fully automated system. Also if parts were 3D printable, petty criminals wouldn't be jacking parts to sell them.
Years, surely.
I'm in as long as there are no transgenders.
I Don't Even Know My Own Name. Mesmerizing.
you two aren't even clever
you're just angry little children
it's kind of sad
I'd say between 6 to 24 months.
The tricky thing is that it looked like 'Alita Ido' hadn't use of her legs, but her torso and arms and everything else were fine, so why build an entire doll body from the neck-down? Two theories:
1.) This disease began with the legs but would've eventually spread to the rest of the body.
2.) By the time he finally finished the legs, or was about to finish, Alita Ido is murdered. So, as way of coping, he keeps working on the legs, building it into a full body, as a way of preserving his daughter's memory, as a hobby to take the pain off his mind.
This got an audible chuckle out of me kek
This and the maracas Alita wearing a sombrero always get me
So no Peaches
so in an effort to discuss the movie:
Chiren asked Vector for military grade things. Is there an active military somewhere on Earth? Is she talking about pre-fall salvage? I don't think this comes up in the manga so what might she be referring to?
That's a really good one. Honestly, when i first heard the score, I thought it was generic, but on subsequent viewings I really ended up liking it.
That one's my second fav
>"I heard that guy carves girls up and sells their body parts."
Who is he referring to? Grewishka or Hugo? Both? Maybe symbolically, the size difference between the two men show how at evil comes within, not just appearance wise.
to anyone who went to the alita experience, did you do it more than once? this one guy who got put in my team did and was starting to spoil stuff and i told him to stop and came off as mean since he didn't talk to us anymore
The credits mix of Motorball/Swan Song was a masterpiece
Wew, look at you coming out with the condescending attitude. Getting a little rustled that I'm pointing out that trannies are mentally ill and supporting them is is a bad thing? It's kind of sad that you do.
I would assume pre-fall military salvage.
I never read the manga nor have seen the OVA, user, but I like the idea Rosa threw around for a potential sequel of Alita roaming the badlands cowboy-style with a poncho and a harmonica. Would be fun.
I'm with this user . It probably took years.
I don't think he'd 3D print it, even if he could. Ido strikes me as a person who'd want to craft a body for his paralyzed daughter with great care. The dedication and time required would be a labor of love for him. Plus the tiny details like the engravings and the texture of her finger tips...that's not something you design yourself and then leave to a 3D printer. It's something you'd do yourself by hand.
I’m a terrible singer, so I’m definitely in. Iron City experience #2 coming soon
he said 'jackers' so it most likely was Hugo's crew.
I also wonder what's up on the rest of earth, there have to be settlements but nothing on the level of Zalem.
Buenos Aires was an inside job
I'm pretty sure it was salvage. The Factory acts as the only military faction on the surface. There are clues that lots of the industry in Iron City and even Zalem focuses on reverse engineering things from before The Fall. The same reason why Vector jacks parts for motorball instead of mass producing from blueprints. Those military parts must be very precious for the people who want to start replicating them.
They replaced the Big Generator lyrics in the Viz translation and all the editions that came after it have used those lyrics, I hear that even the Japanese reprint uses them.
I'm guessing it's because of music rights issues, if they use the lyrics they probably have to pay a royalty for every print run or something.
The hand-drawn Big Generator text was left in because the translators aren't changing the sound effects.
Well I'm off to bed frens, not because of the thread just happens to be 3 in the morning. :3
Chiren said military servos, so probably anything from pre-Fall during the war she wanted to use the technology and motors for the motorball players.
and then everyone coming to her rescue using their unique weapon(s). ido's hammer, hugos firebombs, and mcteague's hellhounds, they were like a badass team
Goodnight user, sweet dream
Good night user, pleasant dreams.
I'm not upset I'm just disappointed. Clearly you're not really a fan of the series if you feel that way.
Yeah I support mentally ill people, because they're people.
You should get out of your mom's basement and try to interact with real people sometime.
good night fren!
> “He wasn’t a dog lover”
it was grewishka and his crew. they also jacked parts, remember? "so long as i get his eyes".
Hugo and his crew never murdered anyone, they only jacked parts
I wish you sweet dreams without lewds
He doesn't know that Grewishka's crew and Hugo's are different people.
I think what made the F-drop so heavy is how built up it was. From her getting cut into pieces, Grewishka taunting her, her dropping to the ground, launching up and slamming right into his eye, and then saying the line. Very good, deliberate use, makes for a memorable scene, not just quote.
What is it about these threads that’s so comfy and perfect, anons? I base my life around Alita related stuff now and ever since the movie came out I haven’t had a single bad day
What we have here is really special
I'm assuming that or Zalem-approved war-tech.
same here. My biggest questions are still about what the URM were up to/what they were like. I love autistic sociological breakdowns of fictional shit and I'm also curious as to what is going on with the rest of Earth.
even so, the centurions just act as gatekeepers and Enforcers seem to be little more than flexible 'cops' of a sort. I do like the Mechanicum allusion though with recreating long-lost tech rather than allowing freedom to invent.
after the movie being mediocre for me, i'm glad it brought the material to many readers, i hope you guys enjoy it very much as long as you can, alita is a pretty great gal (almost perfect if not too far fetched)
Such a small character, but every second he was on screen, he made an impression. Just him having a smoke while Grewishka kills someone and taunts everyone, shows how tough he is.
I love her in this outfit so much
I hope we get something similar for the sequel
Aight', since Vector is dead.
Who's gonna greenlight the trash tower to Zalem?
Oh wow, that came from the comics?
I should probably start reading though, where is the best place to buy them? Like what issues are best to start with? I haven't been to a comic shop in years.
Sleep well user
it really is user c:
That line bugged me too, since there's no military on Earth anymore. I think it refers to tech that's salvaged or reverse-engineered from the old Earth military that no one knows how to make anymore.
What can we do to make it more comfy?
I enjoyed the movie, found it to be fucking fantastic. There's nothing to be disappointed about, if anything a lot of people should be disappointed in you. I support mentally ill people too, but not by feeding into their lies, and if they're going to bring it here, than they can fuck off. Simple as that.
>You should get out of your mom's basement and try to interact with real people sometime.
Damn, how hard did you reach for that insult? Sounds to me like you're projecting a little bit, because I can sure as hell guarantee you that I know a whole bunch more people than you do. A bunch are good friends of mine as well. Here's my advice to you: You get out of the house a little bit. Go take a walk, get some fresh air. Stay off the computer for a bit, because clearly it's turning you into a miserable piece of shit.
workout Alita is best Alita
Gimme that without the text pls
you're already doing it, user!!!
straight out of an 80's music video
Dude, scroll up, it's right there
But i like Alita more
I love her shoes
What would the IRL version of the ones she’s wearing there be?
Okay user not worth arguing with you any more
I don't think your attitude is healthy nor will it benefit you at all to be prejudiced but whatever
Think whatever you want to but please don't infect the thread with your negativity
What's the original image from? Take out the Alita.
Start with the original 9 volumes of Battle Angel Alita, you can find box sets of these. Then read Battle Angel Alita: Holy Night, which is a collection of Alita side-stories (including the one with her doing this).
After that you can read Last Order, which retcons the rushed ending of the original vol. 9 and continues the story. Last Order is not as good as the original series, although it has its moments.
The latest series is called Martian Chronicles, and it's a prequel from before Alita lost her memory.
I like girls more than guys, I'm like 70% gay
>Take out the Alita
yeah you seem like the type, I'm not surprised
>Doc, I was born without fingers!
>Please remove them!
I want to know for an OC.
something like the Nikes that were popular around Terminator
idk I'm not a huge sneakerhead
Air Jordan 1s maybe
Eh, I'm fine with that. I definitely have days where I dress like a lesbian, and days where I wear generic cute girly shit. I'm not worried about fitting into any generic box.
Dont forget Ashen victor, a collection of stories about motorball players. Hard to find though.
what are you even talking about now
extra pic
>Okay user not worth arguing with you any more
Wow, real constructive argument there. You sure showed me.
>I don't think your attitude is healthy nor will it benefit you at all to be prejudiced but whatever
I've lived and still am living a great life, I'm comfortable with myself, and I'm exactly where I want to be currently. And do you think it's healthy to be in a mental state that's making you lie about your own biology? You're attacking me for being a normal human being, that's really, really, pathetic.
>Think whatever you want to but please don't infect the thread with your negativity
As long as they don't infect this thread with their bullshit. And I could say the same to you, you're the one who escalated all of this. You literally have no one else but yourself to blame.
Great! I am a huge sneakerhead so if I find something similar I’ll get them. Workout Alita outfit is just too cute
she could wear the shoes from some other movie
like the auto-lacing Nikes from BTTF
a lot of sci-fi movies use real shoes
Is that in the deluxe big boxed edition on amazon?
Thank you anons
If I find something similar I’ll get them and post them here
I love shoes
okay well I'm trying to find non-auto-lacing hightop/velcro strap shoes here man. I'm an /fa/ casual but I'm doing my best okay
translation: I do what I want
that's good
I do too.
Yeah. Only reason I wore lesbian apparel to the meetup is because I can't think of a worse place to be all dressed up in something adorable then downtown LA.
That’s smart lol
Everyone was very uniquely /fa/ at the meet-up desu
Sounds as safe as Iron City
Cant go wrong with Jordan 1s and 4s
Theater gave me this 10' standee when I went to go see it on my birthday
Amazing user!
Damn, super jealous. I got a buddy who works at one who got me an IMAX poster
>image limit reached
frick I just found a cool pic to post
captcha asked me to identify motorcycles but the one in the pic had three wheels, weird
Yeah, was neat. I'll throw on something cuter if the next meetup is around SD.
But in Iron City I could get robo limbs so I'd be strong enough to protect myself
my brother had the Nike SB Dunk high tops and I've been eternally jealous. I've since had two of the flyknits, a pair of Sorel Ankeny-s, Palladiums, Rocky-Jump troop boots and a host of various skate shoes. I can already hear the shoes song in my head. I don't want to think about how much I've spent on shoes in my life.
wants you to massage her shoulders.
>image limit reached
Cyborg girl? unless you're like Screwhead you'd be a target, for parts and... stuff
Thanks! It came at a price, since it tipped over and broke my fan (can't post the pic because of bump limit)
>House looks like shit.
>But gotta see Alita anyway.
>Get a standee
Pretty based.
What things from the manga do you think are highly unlikely to make it into the sequels?
nice score user but fix your blinds
The tree ending. Boom. Not happening. The author hates it too.
Alita being a tumor, probably the least likely one of them all.
No hesitation, sure. I wonder how her synthetic muscles would feel...
I'd get a rapier. I know how to fence, so I think it'd be fine. I'd definitely have more experience there too...
>massage her shoulders
I'll get right on it, lemme grab some WD-40
my oven is hot should I start some bread
I recently got into the sneaker game so I couldn’t get my hands on Chicago 1s. Repped the Spider-Man’s origin story for the anons LA meet-up so they’d recognise me easily
Right now I’m eyeing the Jordan 5s Bordeaux and other slept on sneakers because the shoes with most clout are getting resold for ridiculous prices because of resellers
Manga Koyomi probably won't be there, the movie Koyomi is just a bit character. Koyomi is cool in the manga but movies need to be focused so she'd be a logical character to remove. She's not really needed for anything in the story to work, the Barjack plot would have turned out pretty much the same without her.
No, but i believe holy night is
hot bread
hot bread
The fucking warewolfs
San Diego meeting sounds great! Or maybe a nicer part of LA
Didn’t bring jewellery for that very reason lol.
It's ironic it was an event experience based on iron city that happened to be in a little bit of a sketchy part of LA
First time seeing this, love it. One of my favorite scenes in the movie
>You must be from up there
>I guess so
Yup! We'll see how everything pans out. I'mma get writefag here for the sequel. I'll look forward to it.
I'd like to see Koyomi have at least a small part in the sequel. Besides Hugo, she's the only one that was nice to Alita. I'd like to see a friendship there