Japan makes kino

>Japan makes kino
>America makes plebshit


Attached: 78AA702C-0CF4-46A0-A735-A6EDACF9025D.jpg (2010x1688, 347K)

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You are just a weebfag and gay as shit

fart jokes are more consistent money makers.


OP destroyed

Guess thats it, i am out


boss baby won an academy award and made hundreds of millions of dollars

fuck off weeb

I saw a car covered in minions decals today and the license plate was the word minion but with an 8 stuck in it somewhere

>boss baby won an academy award
It was only nominated and lost probably to some Disney movie.

>boss baby
LMFAO, absolutely filtered

>boss baby won an academy award
No it didn’t

And here's why that's a bad thing

Amerimutts are soulless abominations

Attached: 200px-Le_56_Face (1).png (200x164, 44K)

>Boss Baby
>not kino

Pick one

Just because it's hand-drawn japcrap doesn't mean it intrinsically has soul user


Attached: 1553183572341.png (888x894, 520K)


kekko kamen >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mirai

burgermutts love pleb shit

Attached: 31483660-C51B-4CD9-9218-F5768A35FB01.gif (250x171, 1.24M)
