Whatever happened to Ron Livingston?

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Somebody shot him in the head. He's dead. They never caught the person either.

WTF did he get a sticky?

Paul Rudd ate him.

Of course not. You know how this place is.

drank himself to death on Vat 69 whisky after WWII.

he's too chill for today's climate. like mike judge.

the thinking man's average bozo.

he had some tough times. he was divorced a couple of times. then in 1956 he married a woman named Grace and everything came together for him. He spent the rest of his life with her, traveling the world.

Why hasn't he played Richard Nixon yet? He has an uncanny resemblance.

Vince Vaughn
Paul Rudd
Chris Diamantopoulos

he was in tully

I don't even know if this is a reference to something or what but holy shit my fucking sides

He said something sexist about women on the daily show and got blacklisted.

he was in boardwalk empire

I'm currently watching boardwalk empire and he randomly showed up in the 4th season.

Damn. Good call. He's too lean though. I don't know if he's a dedicated enough actor to get fat for the role.

he stopped going to work




ITT: “Oh hey, it’s that guy”

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How is that random? I'm sure he went through an audition and casting process, you were simply not aware of it.

Weird casting but he's clearly commited to the role.

It took me forever to realize these are two different people, both different from Agent Myers in Hellboy(2004).

>He spent the rest of his life with her, traveling the world.

Attached: ebony.gif (320x240, 2.65M)


Very nice.



>the fucking jerk offs that didn't get the reference