Character walks in the door

>character walks in the door
>audience spends like 5 minutes going wild while they just stand there
Why was this allowed?

Attached: Parentztalk-com-married-with-children.jpg (720x576, 53K)

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Because they don't like you.

Yeah this was lampooned numerous times on family guy, Athf, Simpsons, and I think even David Lynch


Americans need Jews to tell them how to react to things

because it was Al Fucking Bundy

Attached: Al fucking Bundy.jpg (320x238, 25K)

Because that was the joke. The difference between Married with Children and Big bang theory is MWC was incredibly self aware and satirizing itself. It knew it was toilet humor and in general appealing to the basest instinct. The audience cheered because it was al, also because everyone knew everyone else would be cheering so it was a celebration of the unity. Everyone enjoyed that show because it so fucking over the top meta about itself. There was no pretensiousness about it, everyone knew what was going on and enjoyed it. Everyone enjoyed everyone else enjoying it, with all the pc bullshit going on in the 90's it was like an Island in a sea of chaotic bullshit.

It's hard to describe really.

>porn is mostly magazine shit back in the day unless you have your own VCR and tapes
>Kelly walks through the door
>everyone loses their shit

Attached: c5ff4f74b5a7c40b87e8ed8946cde185.jpg (672x847, 52K)

The other difference being MWC had a live audience, Big Bang Theory did not.

Zoomers don't have a clue the lengths you'd have to go to fap in 90s. Just imagine what it must have been like in olden times when you'd have to commission an oil painting or make a wood carving or some shit

>what it must have been like in olden times
In olden times you just went and raped someone.


John Waters talked about a movie called Mom and Dad that came out in the 1940s that showed a woman giving birth. Men would sit through the movie because it had a shot of the womans vagina as she gave birth. That as a fapping aid is insane.

you never scored 4 touchdowns in a single game did you

Attached: you never had the makings of a varsity athelete.png (1280x738, 1.14M)

You know it'd be nice to have the option to go back to that.
Like remember when you could type boobies into Google and that could get you off. Now you got 12 yr old kids watching incest porn

Just finished watching all 11 seasons of Married with Children. Kino television.

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Peg got touched down four times that night

They would hang you for that shit. You could rape your wife all day long, and maybe even a relative but you couldn't just rape and walk away unless you were rich and had influence.

Just use your imagination bro

lynch made an entire short film about it titled rabbits

Married with Children is the only show where that actually worked

90s were rough.

>that kid that had a playboy

Shit was like gold.

I was really into wrestling in the late 90s, my grandfather had a huge playboy collection and I swiped his one with Sable. Some how he never realized.

>trade playboys
>the one you just got has pages stuck
>get your old one back
>all the pages are stuck
>mfw when

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No that's the romanticized version of it.
In reality, no one gave a shit.

Or you could just... USE YOUR IMAGINATION.

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>tfw your local cable provider gives you free cinemax for a week for no reason