Is he the king of tardkino?
Is he the king of tardkino?
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that commercial is on right now are you watching me watch tv? I'm watching channel Comet
donate to shriner's what the fuck is wrong with you lol
I had a mexican neighbor that looked like him, he got me drunk and raped me up the bum, felt terrible the next day and I have HIV now.
This little FREAK is a fucking abomination. It's a testament to how far we have declined as a society that he wasn't dashed against rocks as an infant. What a horrible, disgusting affront to the goodness of God's creation.
If I were anywhere near Los Angeles, our modern Gomorrah, I would choke the life out of this little mongrel's disgusting and hateful demonic face.
My day is ruined for having gazed upon such filth.
The sheer unholy AUDACITY to try and pass this mutt, this mongrel, this ANIMAL as a human being fills me with such rage that I quake in anger.
Had this halfling resided in my village I would come to him at night with fire and cleanse the world of his stain. It is a failing of modern society that now I would somehow be accused of a crime for ridding God's kingdom of such affronts to his glory.
thank you for giving
All that fucking charisma
I sit through this shit every night when I'm trying to watch Fraiser on Cozy Tv
wtf is a shriner anyway lmao
shriners btfo
Old man in a funny hat who rides around on a miniature motorcycle.
He's a hapa too, so that's two disabilities.
Anyone have a special needs pepe in a wheelchair?
>Thank you very much!
In that in-between phase from cute little kid to masculine god.
Once puberty is over, he will need a stick and a high voltage wheelchair to escape from the roasties that want to devour his manhood.
I didn't realize so many of us only watched antenna TV.
keep telling yourself this while the doctor saws off another one of you diabetes toes, you fat fuck
lol calm down
>Thank you very much
Dammit forgot pic
>dead kennedys
>the literal worst kind of boomer
>a broke one
that's literally all I know about them too, they wear funny hats and ride tiny cars in the parade, kek
good album
An old dude kept telling me about all the horny old gilfs at the lodge, he told me i'd get my cock sucked and fucked from 65 year old sluts if i went to the lodge but it felt like a trap and i'd get raped by a bunch of old men with funny red hats.
He was, now the other little cripple is taking Alec's place since his voice is changing
>Is he the king of tardkino?
not even close
Some branch of the Masonic Brotherhood.
How did he get up on that stair?
>not autismo
Crips, aspies, and tards are distinct categories.
Looks like the guy who killed his wife, but not mentally challenged.
you're all tards to me
Settle down man. I just want that comfy blanket.
Never trust a man who doesn't stand up to greet you.
Seriously, he seems bro tier.
Saw this guy sitting in the booth at a Patriots game. Looked like fun.
fucking this
>that tard feel
ahdowabable bwanket
nice reddit spacing kiddo
we can rebuild him...
The Moonstar
Ted Cruz should've hired that kid as his Mini-Me during his run for president. He def would've won if he thought of it!
Conservatives want to ban abortion so were be forced into raising babies like him
>$228 a year you can get this adowable wove to the wescue blanket
Fuck you kid. I need my 230 buckss
I unironically can't stand this kid. You can just tell that he's going to be a whiny, insufferable bitch his entire life because he was told how special he was throughout his childhood.
Worse than that, his touching everything with his goddamn feet is disgusting.
That face is also 100% punchable.
Imagine being one of those retarded kids that can't function in the real world and requires external assistance to even feed yourself
based. I always tune in on 8pm to 10pm for that Frasierkino.
Why do people who create chans always wind up disavowing them?
And then be forced to shill for a corrupt charity in order to get CCOKIESSSS!!
Weird, I had that exact same thought. Now that he that his balls dropped and his voice changed, they're phasing him out. I wonder if it's that obvious to the average joe.
>You ain't got no arms Lt. Dan
Big mistake. It'll be like when they replaced the Dos Equis guy.
>when they replaced the Dos Equis guy.
The big ass shoes you'd have to fill after that.
>look ma, no arms!
Legal liability.
They made their money when they sell them but will forever be labeled the founders so they have to distance themselves.
The only one that seems to still sort of care about his chan in that faggot over on that weed chan.
doesn't he have a sports podcast or something
He seems like a cool dude. I don't see how anyone could rip on a guy making the best out of a terrible situation.
Adorable blanket. Get it right.
I met him once he smelled like absolute shit
>Broken bones 60 times
Good lord, poor guy
Tfw instead of fingering girls he foot fucks them
I actually 100% believe this.
Claiming my shrinersfu.
Did you know his pinatas fight back?
why can't they give her a cool robot arm
>in bed with girlfriend around Thanksgiving last year
>we're both finished with our coursework and about to finish graduate school
>she's reading something or other, I'm browsing the CWCipedia
>she looks over and sees CWC
>user, what in the hell are you wearing in that picture?
>in that old picture of you, how old were in in that picture? you look weird! what the hell is that necklace?
>huh? that isn't me!
>what? is it your brother? he looks just like you! you never said you had siblings!
>huh? I don't! this is just some random guy!
>oh...small world, looks just like you
>oh...heh...nah, just some guy on the internet, I'm reading an article...
Worst day of my life.
Her stump is too beautiful.