ITT: Actors people say you look like

ITT: Actors people say you look like

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Other urls found in this thread:!!VIQsbxF6xwO/

Robert Pattinson, Ed Westwick, Keanu Reeves, Matt Dallas, and some others.

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Ben Shapiro

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Billie Eilish lately
I’m a 37 yo male boomer ps

I got Dave Franco late March of this year when me and a friend were watching Superbad whilst drunk and Franco had his cameo.

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Thought it was meant to be an insult the first time I heard it (I was like 25) but a half dozen unrelated people have said likewise in the past few years.

What does it even mean to look like the man who looks like anything?

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Pics or GTFO

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Photoshop is photoshop



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>tfw could have been at least Brad but spent my entire teenage years and early 20s in my room masterbaiting and now I'm fat and bald
Well shit, maybe next time fellas

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tobey macguire

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Same guy. My own observation is a combo of River Phoenix (same profile but pointer nose, no receding chin) and Winona Ryder, not Franco.

Not an actor but I've been mistaken for her on more than one occasion.

Attached: Carly_Rae_Jepsen_at_Riverfest_Elora_2018.jpg (1280x989, 311K)

I look like a fat version of Matt Damon.

is your name Jaden irl

Mostly old guys who live down the street from me

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This role specifically.

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George Clooney and Robert Pattinson are the usual comparisons I get.

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I've been told I look like the fat kid from Superbad and ASAP Yams
I personally think I look like Post Malone without braids or tattoos

Either way I don't like any of my comps

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>this woman is 34 years old

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I was also going to post this guy

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I've honestly been told by 4 different people that I look like Ryan Gosling, specifically in the Notebook

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according to my aunt and some middle-aged lady at the supermarket

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You're bland?

Going from fat to fit takes like a year tops if you aren't morbidly obese and actually stick to a healthy diet and exercise. I lost 30lbs in about 6 months.

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The banjo boy in Deliverance but I don't get why, I don't even play banjo.

Except taller and a little uglier

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not an actor, but people tell me I look like a gay version of Loris Karius

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Any of these three

They mean you look bookish and wise, take it as a compliment

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That's pretty good

there is a huge difference between adam driver looks and those other two, adam driver is really ugly.

god i hate this show
fucking disgrace turning archie comics into some dark edgy universe and making the characters look and act nothing like they should

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Not a single person in this thread is being honest


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My wife’s cousin looks a lot like her

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I came here to post this. My nickname was Jake in middle school

I look like Jonah Hill before and after losing weight

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I don’t see it either, I think some people just project Ryan gosling onto any white man with a beard

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Jesse Eisenberg and Michael Cera.

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so that cunt is Shazam now

I see it. Mostly in the upper face but overall it's quite similar.

In the thumbnail this looks like ryan reynolds

I've been told by 3 different girls

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I'm surprised three different people even know who that is

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i dont think i even know 3 girls who know who this guy is

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Two of them watched an episode of black mirror with him in it and one saw ex machina

Recently got told I look like young Tom Cruise (but taller). It was very nice of them to include the second part.

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Not so much I’ve been told that I look like Jeffery Combs as much as that I look like “that guy in ReAnimator”

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i've been compared to an actor before, i just don't remember who.

yeah it's the eyes but i feel like gosling has a narrower chin

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based apu poster

great movie, did Yea Forums even watch this

Date me

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An old lady said I look like young Robert Redford

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Sorry lad im straight

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crackhead on the subway told me I look like this guy

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I get this too what the fuck

Ron Palillo who played Arnold Horshack in “Welcome Back Carter”

Attached: 0CC87A34-EC16-4A99-A5F7-79187D2D4FED.jpg (320x426, 31K)

I unironically get compared to him on a regular basis

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Is there a more wretched combination?

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Is he related to Brendan Gleeson?

Fuck off cumskin

Do you drown in pussy by chance

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I did when I was told I looked like the guy

Michael Cera :(

I've gotten both Benicio Del Toro, and Tom Hardy.

Oh and once I was told I look like a young Pablo Escobar.

Dios mío, espíritu del Señor, espíritu de Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, Santísima Trinidad, Virgen Inmaculada. Ángeles, arcángeles y santos del Paraíso, descended sobre mí. Fúndeme, Señor. Lléname de ti. Expulsa de mí todas las fuerzas del mal. Aniquílalas, destrúyelas, expulsa de mí los maleficios, la magia negra. El Ogro de Las Tinieblas. La Luz Extinguido. El Insecto. Por favor, destruye la infestación diabólica. Todo lo que es mal, pecado, envidia, celos y perfidia. La enfermedad física, psíquica, moral, espiritual y diabólica. Destruye al Monstruo. A La Creatura. Quema este mal en el Infierno, para que nunca más me toquen a mí, ni a ningún ser. Ordeno y mando con la fuerza de Dios omnipotente en nombre de Jesucristo salvador, por intermedio de la Virgen Inmaculada, a todos los espíritus inmundos, a todas las presencias del Goblino, que me abandonen inmediatamente, que me abandonen definivamente y que se vayan al Infierno eterno. El Chupa-Chupacabras no puede triunfar. El Monstruo. El Abominación debe morir. Encadenado por San Miguel Arcángel, por San Gabriel, por San Rafael, aplastado por el talón de la Virgen Santísima Inmaculada. Aleja a la aberración genética. Al Ogro del Este.


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I'm italian

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Take it as a compliment

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Please make another movie Shane-san



Pic or fake

post boipussy


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i had a coworker who looked like mike smith

Me on the right with the JUSTed hairline

Someone told me I look like Sunshine from Remember The Titans. I haven't seen it.

i knew a girl a super hot girl who, and like 5 years younger than me, who was absolutely obsessed with ed norton. girls were drooling over bieber and robert patinson, but she was always talking about ed norton. i can only assume her father molested her.

This. Big forehead and everything too. Doesn’t feel too bad desu

Not sure how I feel about it

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Young Robert De Niro when I’m clean shaven

Not a hapa, it’s weird
Not sure why I or him look so Asian

they probably just say that cuz im an aspiring director heh

Attached: 220px-Quentin_Tarantino_(Berlin_Film_Festival_2009)_2_cropped.jpg (220x253, 16K)

Yeah it's his dad

Nice copypasta. Got anything original to say?

what do you call this hairstyle

you look sad

I look like him but I don't think he's that good looking

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The “I was cool in the 90s” and I say that without an ounce of patronizing. I hope he had flame pattern shorts too


Same. They always say the bill and ted version too not the matrix one

I've been compared to him a few times
I'm also a half hapa quapa so that's probably why

Attached: keanu.jpg (214x317, 14K)

I get speed era Keanu, but it’s probably because my hair is always close to buzzed

Do you inhale cock like Nintendo's Kirby like he does too?

People say I look like Taylor Swift even if I am a man (though I do have a very girly face).
Also, my wife looks like a loli-fied version of Zooey Deschanel.

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I apparently look like a hapa Joseph Gordon-Levitt while my sister (who people say we look a lot like each other) apparently looks like a hapa Brie Larson but without foot fungus.

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No woman has ever had a sexual thought about human Shrek

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Please tell me that you have this pasta saved in a word file or something because if you not damn dude you're so autistic every fucking time we had this thread you say the same shit all over again, but this time you forgot to say that you're like 6"4 or some bullshit

Christ, what an autistic tripfaggot

Nah, I just like participating in every thread when I have the opportunity.

90's tarantino looked pretty cool

i was 6 in the 90s

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this faggot. I was also told I look like tom hardy once

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what the fuck is wrong with him?

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I've had all Keanu phases, long hair, Bill & Ted, Neo, John Wick, sad Keanu, even fat Keanu.
I'm old.

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You have young eyes

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lol I guarantee none of you look anything like the 9/10+ guys being posted here

>tfw I knew a guy that looked exactly like him, but couldn't say anything
>tfw it was my autistic internal joke


how does one man look like 4 people at once

People say I look like him but I doubt it

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Very carefully.

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No actors but I get John Frusciante a lot.

This is me btw

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LOL yeah you look nothing like him

I was the only girl in middle school who had a crush on Keanu. I married a guy who looks a lot like him. It's pretty tight.

Attached: Gibi-Asmr-1024x576.jpg (1024x576, 56K)

Heh. One of my friends says I look like that weirdo co-star of his on the us office.

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You kinda look like Nasim

post feet

I've been told by old bar flies that I look like a young Kurt Russell

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kek made my night

not me but my mom looks like pic related

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Take a wild guess

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She's probably an FtM tranny.
No wonder why she's insane.

She’s not that good looking, she just has nice milkers desu senpai

Idris elba


You look like a combo of Ezra Miller and Keanu

Adam the chauffeur?

Kek, Karius already looks kind of gay.

No a MtF for sure. Only guys are that fucking crazy.

not actor but I get, "guy from my chemical romance"
"guy from white stripes"
and "lord farquaad"

Adam Driver lookin ass

He looks like he _____ _____ _____.


do you slay goth pussy


Attached: imbeautiful.jpg (500x369, 27K)

Be my gf!!VIQsbxF6xwO/

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Dunno. I think it's a lot of projection and a lot of it probably has to do with my side profile which is similar to theirs, like the jaw and cheek bones

Attached: 483e8c8fecf7eb2254992ec3cbf2f291.jpg (915x616, 311K)

Be my original girlfriend

Gas all tripfags

Attached: 1544413744804.jpg (247x223, 14K)

Some people also say my wife looks like her.

Ever fucked your mom?

Nah, probably a lesbian pretending to be a man on the internet.

We don't care about you or your wife, lesbian.

What kind of mental illness is this?

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Transsexuality is a hell of a mental illness

I was fat for a long time. I was constantly told that I looked like Vincent D'Onofrio. Then I lost 80 pounds. Now I get told that I look like Adam Baldwin.

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someone told me I look like this character, not sure how I should about this

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you have excellent taste in men I say without bias
nasty perv!

You're a British lesbian?

also look like guy from twilight

no arab muslim

i fucking hate this faggot
i dont even have brown eyes

Attached: 170px-Michael_Cera_-_001.jpg (170x210, 9K)

Fuck dude, me too

like I said it's mostly in the side profile (excuse the mullet I haven't had a haircut in months)

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I get that I look like Mclovin all the damn time, my friend even bought me the drivers license because he thinks it's so funny
I've also been told by a chick that I look like a retarded iDubbz, then I proceeded to fuck her

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are you fucking 7 feet tall

Jeremy Allen White, had about 5 people say that to me in one day

This entire board

This lil nigga and topher grace. Which wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't 23 years old goddamnit

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post a pic of yourself

u tell me bozo

Attached: anarchyanarchyanarchyanarchyanarchy.jpg (4032x3024, 1.48M)

owen wilson

I have no idea but you look like a psycho

Lucky you

matt mccognahey
hugh grant

All white women look a like even more than niggers and chinks


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A very poor choice of picture

my dad gets told he looks like jack nicholson

Freaky Fred from Courage the Cowardly Dog

Yeah OK one second

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everyone. does that mean i look like a pussy? i hate this guy

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My own kid thinks I'm on TV when he sees Ethan Hawke.

So Ethan Hawke.

Attached: eh.jpg (205x246, 6K)

it only smellz

More weaselly than pussy


everyone says i look like hipster harry potter

should i kms

Never go full retard

Attached: Ned.jpg (269x187, 7K)

plays white people.

Its the eyes, a fellow mixed race 1/4 Asian man

Attached: keanu-reeves.png (646x431, 380K)

I'm male, yikes

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fucks white women

Christopher Poole

It means you look 30 years older than you actually are. My condolences.

Post a picture Satan


I know a few people that look like him. Its like an archtype.

your highness ...

Attached: A6F1C732-807A-43EA-B28B-8FE48913819C.jpg (340x476, 140K)

I've had total strangers come up to me and ask if I was Tom Hanks. Not so much nowadays ...

Attached: tomhanks300.jpg (300x300, 46K)

Not an actor

Don't say london, it's always followed by "but twenty pounds heavier and with acne"

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are you an adult? i have a hard time believing an adult would say that

sadly I'm too unique

>taller than 75% of /pol/

>An old lady
Respect your mother.

I just turned 20 but it still hasn't gone away yet.

Jim Sturgess

Attached: Jim-Sturgess-640x471.jpg (640x471, 33K)


i'm 21 and the last time someone told me i was ugly to my face was when i was 15-16

at least it goes away after a while

Thanks for punching yourself in the face and saving me the trouble.

weasel pussy

Bernthal but with a smile instead of a perpetual faggy scowl. My nose is even busted up like his and I cut my hair short to look like him.

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specifically season 4, just without the beard

Attached: 1_OyeZOgz2yvJYcNVzx0fKuw.jpg (1600x900, 230K)

>tfw look like young jerry seinfeld

i'm a little bit shorter though

Attached: might delete later.jpg (1080x1350, 142K)

And she had a huge crush on frakes.

Attached: 61eioyWsWtL._AC_UL436_.jpg (436x327, 17K)

Attached: keanu.jpg (318x159, 7K)

post nudes

post nudes

I've gotten this from two different people independent of one another.

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Ed Norton is adorable

few times now

Attached: 790fa570a73c0fae00c234b4369e830e--broken-hearts-club-timothy-olyphant.jpg (517x539, 17K)

I used to look exactly like this, except for my brown eyes, fuller lips and height.

Then I got fat, got wrinkly skin and i'm balding.

Attached: Harry_Potter.jpg (1919x2560, 449K)

my brother gets it more than I do though

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No shit get this all the time

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I’ve heard this twice since the trailer came out

I’m uglier though

Attached: F89901A0-49D5-47C0-8EE5-26E9FC853D94.jpg (2700x1800, 179K)

This except with MPB and thinner lips

Attached: Hot-Photos-Cillian-Murphy.jpg (1024x1024, 158K)

I was once told I look like David Guetta when I had medium length hair and some disgustibg beard but he is not an actor

Ashton Kutcher, Jake Gyllenhall, and Andrew Garfield are the ones I get the most

People called me Toby McGuire a lot when I was in high school and spiderman came out. Most recent was Bradley Cooper.

Why the long face?

This, sadly.

Used to get Scott Wolf a lot when I was younger.

Attached: ScottWolf.jpg (1200x812, 87K)

This goofy fuck but I don't see it.

Also Ricky from TPB and unironically Joaquin Phoenix

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I've been told by numerous different people on separate occasions that I look like Chris Evans when he was scrawny from the first Captain America.

I was even asked if I played the skinny version in the movie once.

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Mostly by gay men

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Dear god

Why are his tattoos so unbelievably shitty? Whether you're for against tattoos I don't care, I think we can all agree these are exceptionally terrible

More like Correy

>minus 50IQ

Attached: gethin-anthony.jpg (300x300, 23K)

>minus 50IQ


What a qt

I met him.He was kind of a dick.

And the teen kid from Jurassic World

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Philip Seymour Hoffman

At least you are being honest about it

Post pic.

im a guy

Attached: huston.jpg (1008x756, 824K)

(Not even Jewish)

So overrated. He was attractive but not THAT attractive.
He looked 35 at 24, and was obviously balding. So average, I don't know why he's still considered a sex symbol.

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oh also ive gotten Vincent Gallo

Attached: gallo.jpg (600x473, 37K)

Attached: thom-yorke-Reuters.jpg (640x480, 26K)

I've heard Jason Biggs... i guess you could say i'm a Biggs guy 4 u
there was also a man arrested for drugs/guns in my hometown and i was tagged in it because it looked just like me, fuckin people askin if i had a twin lol, my mom's friends were like HOLY SHIT IS THAT user! messaging me and shit lol.

Attached: jason biggs.jpg (815x1080, 246K)

What are some truly attractive actors for you? I can't name many actors more handsome than Dean if you forget about the height part.

i drive past the place this fag died every day when i go to work.

Male attractiveness is not the same as female attractiveness.
Female attractiveness is 95% looks 5% miscellaneous.Male attractiveness is 50% looks 50% a bunch of other shit like charisma, power, wealth etc. He had that in spades.

Also he died young so thats pretty much all you need to have a lasting cultural impact.

Almost on a daily basis

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based rocco siffreidi! ITZ ONLY SMELLZ! niiiiice. AHAH FUCKIN LEGEND

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idk who do you guys think

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maybe a young pedro pascal

damn you must be a phrenologist or something most people can't tell I've got mexy blood

lmao you fuckin liar this shows up in google images as some fuckin model named "human primate" stop lying on the net

>Male attractiveness is not the same as female attractiveness.
Look at guys like Francisco Lachowski, don't tell me he wouldn't be a fucking pussy slayer even without fame.

no dude im "monochrome"

Well, I'd rather look like a mixture of people than just one, makes people think about you more.

Post face, because same.

My sister said I remind her of Tony. Looks and acting I guess.

Could be worse.

Attached: 1477352850080.png (409x382, 168K)

Quite ugly but if you are world famous, rich and charming you could somewhat pull it off.