Do you watch bad movies on purpose?
Do you watch bad movies on purpose?
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No. It's the most Reddit, pseudo ironic, self fellating thing to do.
I used to but then I realized it was cringe and completely changed my ways
I tried, but it's a chore. Some are watchable, but Birdemic was tough. I loughed, but I didn't finish it. But some are somewhat awesome - Sleepaway Camp for example.
Only when I know they're bad, ahead of time.
If I go see a movie and it turns out to be bad, I wouldn't retroactively claim I did it on purpose.
Sometimes if they're hilariously bad. But not that crap where they made it bad on purpose, that shit is too cringe
i liked The Room but I can't imagine seeing it for the first time with other people.
So bad they’re good movies are the most fun if you’re going in blind with a group. Alone they are a chore.
no because as a film maker watching bad material you know is bad can irreversibly effect your own tastes
it's how RLM went from making feeding frenzy to space cop
I only have my kids two weekends a month.
We have tradition called B movie Friday.
We will vote on which movie from the IMDb bottom 100 to watch, then I pirate it.
We have had some great times watching truly terrible movies. Yes, we did watch Birdemic.
It is one of the worst movies EVAR.
I tried with Sharknado back in the day. Dropped it before 30 minutes because was painfully bad. Never again
I consider all movies bad so yes
Only when I get drunk with friends
hell yes
>Initiating your kids to piracy from a young age
They know hacking tools, web design (with CSS), and how to fish for sharks, as well.
If I can get a permit, we will catch a gator this summer.
That's cool, my dad taught me mostly how to shift blame in life.
Sleepaway camp is so tight! Don’t know how they got away with the ending
Not on my own. If there were a Yea Forums stream and everyone was just cracking jokes the whole time then sure.
i watch 99% of my movies going in blind and they're almost always bad, i'm not going to seek them out on purpose
Literally the only movies I watch are horror films and exploitation films. Nothing really past the mid-90s though.
you're missing out
Tons of them. I enjoy them more than commercial movies.
Once CGI became commonplace bad movies stopped being fun to watch.
This makes me think that I don't remember ever watching a film that I perceived as "overwhelmingly bad", maybe it's selective memory or something, but it's making me intrigued. The first person to recommend me a movie they found to be truly godawful will have my word that I'll watch it to the end.
Only if they weren't made bad on purpose. True shitty movies that people pure their hearts into are the best. Birdemic was made shitty as a laugh and it's not enjoyable to watch. Miami Connection was someone's passion and it's a blast.
i really didn't like miami connection and hated the songs
do you have to watch them drunk or something? everything is good drunk
Sci-Fi before it was Syfy and before Sharknado has the best original movies. Complete and utter schlock with horrible cgi.
Post your youtube
Oh and for some reason Lou Diamond Phillips was in all of them.
okay, why?
I didn't watch it drunk, but I did watch it with friends
cause I wanna see your work, satan
watched Shark vs Giant Octopuss or whatever it was called because I wanted to watch some GIANT monster movie and people said it was ironically good
it wasn't
then I watched SyFy movie Roadkill and after that I knew I don't want to see any of these shit movies made for braindead retards and movie hipster redditors
only with others
cringe and redditpilled. although i'll pretend sometimes, when i'm with normies.
the mega shark series is boredomcore, it's just people at desks
very rarely but yes sometimes
also I remember the girl in this movie being cute
I tried for a while, but so few of them are genuinely entertaining that I gave up. Troll 2 and The Room are the only bad movies that I can actually enjoy watching without a room full of people and a shitload of alcohol.
Yes. The Holy Trinity of good bad movies is Troll 2, Silent Night Deadly Night Part 2, and Hard Ticket to Hawaii.
Only with classic MST3K (fuck nuMST and fuck Joel too) and Rifftrax.
Watching a shitshow is always entertaining, but the best is when there's something worthwhile in it too, whether it's a single actor or an interesting piece of dialogue or a good soundtrack.
Watch the ones that precede the name change. Sharknado changed everything because they started intentionally making movies bad. The charm of the sci-fi originals is everyone is actually trying their hardest to make the best possible movie with what they have. Sharnado and it’s successors are all intentionally shit as seen in this video.
'Who Killed Captain Alex?' is legitimately entertaining and the disc jockey commentator made it all the better.
I got so obsessed with sharktopus two at one point that I was dreaming about it every night
My favorite bad movie is without a doubt Pumpkin.
Agreed. My girlfriend surprised me with tickets to see Rifftrax do Night of the Living Dead because she knows NOTLD is one of my favorite movies. What a horrible experience that was. It's not entertaining to pick apart good movies.
>have one friend
>he likes movies
>will never watch something bad on purpose
fucking sucks
but the movies he likes are awful, like underworld, ghost in the shell, all he'll watch are terrible zombie/vampire movies with girls in them. he won't even watch night of the living dead
I was thinking of watching that because I like loli Christina Ricci but it turns out she's old in it.
Only if it has a Rifftrax. Which Birdemic does. Still pretty tough to watch.
Based Satan strikes again. But give it a watch man. It might be one of the best pleb filters. Ebert gave it 3.5/4. But is it actually good? Is the whole thing satire? It’s fucked up. The best scenes are all Kent scenes.