Who will hit the wall first?

who will hit the wall first?

also who makes the better movies or someshit i dunno Yea Forums related.

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How do i contact Sophia

White girls almost always hit the wall faster than mutts do, those goblin genes are resistant to time

Incorrecto. Latinas turn into landwhales by the age of 23.

can you contemplate if they made out lol

Moner is already hitting the wall

Not when they have the money for top shelf beauticians, surgeons and personal trainers

depends on if they have their kids desu. hispanic women rapidly degrade after the first one.

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>will hit the wall first
Can she even run?

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who is that little boy?

The product of generations of inter-cousin marriage.

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thats because they already had kids. Moner will probably still want to be an actress when shes in her 20s...she might be able to keep it together

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Dude on left looks like muzuo manga character


>still believing in the goblina meme

newsflash alita was played by a 33 year old GORGEOUS LATINA WOMAN OF COLOR you racista pendejos

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That thing was always retarded looking.

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Oh my god Finn looks so cute in glasses, why doesn't he wear them more often

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Die, faggot.

Octane looking grim without helmet

Fuck off discord pedo

Sophie already looks like she's about to smack into it. The boyish look quickly loses its charm in women.

Not when they have money, and it's expected of them to keep thin. Plus she won't be popping out kids anytime soon.

cause he only wears them for sophia you faggot

>Sophie already looks like she's about to smack into it. The boyish look quickly loses its charm in women.
If anything she's growing into it, she's going full Amy Adams.

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God, I hope not. Amy Adams is ugly. I don't get what you queers see in that woman.

Maybe.. you are the queer?

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>t. homo

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>only wears them for sophia
Yes it's Sophia's dick he's nearly touching in that.

What happened to the "this post contains illegal content" option?

I wish I could report you for being a faggot

Why are Sophiaposters so homophobic bros?

Look at that face. When she was in super man, she looked like his aunt.

one on the left will reach wall in early 20s, she's a olsen twins, hillary duff, britney spears type.
One on the right will reach the wall in her late 40s

Yeah I bet you too were busy watching Cavill's ass

I don't think you understand what is meant by the wall if you think any woman can avoif hitting it until their late 40s

no tomboy gf

I want to bust a nut in Sophia so badly

I am upset.

looking bad?

Kill yourself, this is one of the worst posts I've ever seen

agreed, terrible actress too, always plays an emotional ditsy girl on the verge of crying.
she probably smells too

I was literally thinking "Why is Superman getting in a tub with his aunt?

Attached: Saucy Reporter Aunt.gif (500x281, 1.2M)

drumpf's wall
that is


>lawl at ya'll wondering when a bunch of pre-pubescent tomboys will look like women

Yeah, I can't wait until their chins and laugh lines come in. That's when you know they're prime.
All these pedos and their obsession with soft round features is unhealthy.

>I'm not gay because I like kids without lines on their face

moner already looks at least 3 years older than her actual age

Hard to say, spics at are the only race that can hit the wall before wh*te whores

Excuse me? What does being gay or not have to do with anything? What if I was gay? It wouldn't change what I said.

My mom's 57 and always gets mistaken for late thirties early forties. I've been told I look like I'm much younger than I really am as well.
t. 27 year old Spaniard

Don't confuse dirty Mexicans with every Latino or Hispanic you dirty mutt.

yes it would, faggot. ageing is a natural process and only those obsessed with expressing their personal identity through sexuality, like gays and pederasts and furrys, would object to the natural process that every person goes through

>someone saved my confused Daf pic

Good, then I can nab sophia when she's no longer the hottest thing on the block.

gays don't value anyone who can't get a hard-on. You become as non-existent to your desirable sex as an un-fuckable middle-aged woman is to a frat house

Good thing conservative values help to teach about respect to elders and value beyond being a fuckable commodity

That's a real dumb idea. A lot of straight men prefer younger woman.
And I'm not even objecting to aging. It's just a matter of fact, that older women are less attractive than younger woman. As a society, we decided that 18 is the age of consent. But genetics don't work by our laws.

There are some older women who appear young, and younger women who appear old. On one side of the spectrum, you have Allison Mack, who appeared young all throughout her 20s. And then on the other side of the spectrum, you have Millie Bobby brown, who looks old in her teens.

Some girls just happen to look their best when they're in their teens. But when they age, they start getting harsh lines on their face. It's happens to most people. It will be unfortunately when it happens to Sophia and Moner.

I literally watched the movie just for this scene and it was worth it

Why didn't that happen to Cameron Diaz, Sofia Vergara, Selena Gomez, Becky Gomez, etc?

Most Latinos and Hispanics in the US are part Mexican you fucking imbecile.

This, men are attracted to women at their most breedable, and that's around the teens and twenties. That's just biology.

How could I not? I want to give her many, many Eskimo kisses :3c

mexican already did it

Moner is already hitting the wall. she looks horrible with anything other than a pixie cut. Sophia can do it all. Short hair long hair whatever. As long as she has those cute eyes of her

Attached: Sophia Lillis shoulder touch.webm (640x640, 2.69M)


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But that's forbidden love

The spic wall is at 22, so probably Moner.

I'll take Moner any day over white women, thank you

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you wanna play tonight?

Me too, because it's a skewed comparison

Shit /pol/ meme. White women are always the only ones to hit the wall before 30

Or you know, it varies person by person.

oops, meant for

You're not me.

You're not me.

Imagine your sister being a successful beautiful film star while you have no legs and lobster hands

Is this real life or from a film/series?

I didn't even fucking notice holy shit
Poor fucking kid, he looks like he wants to end it

Her naked body is smoking hot in birdbox

If I post in this thread will I be added to some kind of list? Asking for a friend.

bro what the FUCK

both sophia and moner are almost 18

Because she's a Spaniard not some mestizo and indio.

he's the one in the cuphead video

Attached: sophia cuphead.webm (512x640, 261K)

>deleting Fleming
fucking homos

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>Can she even run?
Autism foot gesture.

moner is losing her babyfat on her face. she won't be ugly but she'll lose it girl status


Hispanic and Mexican aren't races you dumbass lmao

And her face and body were digitally modified to make her appear half her age.

Sophie, she's already getting a little ugly.

I hadn't scrolled down the picture, until I read your comment. Nice surprise to see him actually having NO LEGS.

You're all stinky brown mutts just accept it.

Moner will be sexy. Sophia will grow a boxy lesbian body.

She's hitting the wall all right.

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whiteoids hit the wall at age 19 tops... then the pale skin turns to shit without the use of heavy clothing and sun screen.

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Wow. So, so wrong.

Sophia Vergara
Jessica Alba
Paz Vega
Salma Hayek
etc ...


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horrible birth defect
she doesn't talk about it

Can only post a half slavic woman. 99% of the filthy indios swarming into America look like Fred Armisen, and that's just the women. Invest in eyebrow pencils everyone!


holy fuck. Whiteoids truly have cursed genes.

Moner may not have hit the wall yet, but she's already on the down slop the the hill. She peaked during Transformers

>remember parents tellling me not to curl my toes inward while walking
I mean the autism rageouts kind of gave it away along with serious stuttering and not being able to understand communication but jeez. I didn't remember how obvious it must have been.

lol filthy stale ham smelling paloid making fun of anybody.

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A lot of Autism traits really aren’t obvious unless you’re familiar with them.
Most people would likely not notice the feet or the weird walk that goes with it.

Third one down looks like Chloe Sevigny.

Mmmmm yummy

wtf is wrong with his face, hands and legs??????

The Latina will look like a Goblin by 25.

>t. amerifat

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>If you touch his sister he will strangle you like a cyber Lennie

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