Will Yea Forums ever have another magnum opus meme?

will Yea Forums ever have another magnum opus meme?

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just wait till joker releases

it probably wont crash a plane

Bane and Sneed are the only S+ tier memes on Yea Forums

fucking kill yourself
sneed is trash just like you and your family, worm


that joker movie looks promising

Sneed just hasn't inspired the same creativity. Sure, "Bane?" by itself isn't too flexible, but that was the tip of the iceberg of the meme - we had the whole plane scene to meme about and make OC from. Sneed is just sneed. There's been much less variation in its memes, people just wanted a fresh "Bane?" spam phrase and stuck to sneed despite its lower potential.

Sneedposting will never win, it's a meme based on hate, while baneposting is based on love.

Also, bane assimilates sneed, not the other way round

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everything's coming up milhouse

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The Bane meme is a psychological reaction to TDKR as a whole. I rewatched it recently and was surprised by how simultaneously professional and amateurish it was. Like the establishing shots are absolutely fantastic and the work of someone at the top of their game, and then you have incredibly strange death scenes for people like Talia, Bane, Barsad and Captain Hothead. TDKR feels like it was made by a savant high schooler given a huge budget.

It's like Nolan stopped caring halfway through making the movie


No. Because the people who created and forced this meme have long since gone away.

Now all that remains are phone posting millennial retards with no creativity.

never, he is our god until the end of time

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Raimi posting

Baneposting is a great meme because it's creative and timeless. Sneedposting is forced reddit shit

Anything forced hard enough has good shelf life here


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*huff huff huff*

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LOTR taxposting is the most intelligent Yea Forums meme

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It and Frankposting were good. For that reason I'm okay with the content running dry fast. Repost threads give anons a chance to workshop something new

You're looking at it

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sneed eternally btfo

>while baneposting is based on love.
Imagine being this new
Baneposting mocks Nolan and capeshit.

She sacrificed her life to defeat sneed

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Yes it's part mockery, but it's also based on love for Aidan, Tom, their sexual tension, and the overall feel/absurdity of the scene.

Whereas Sneed is based on hatred of the Simpsons and hate for Simpsons threads.

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shopped. Yea Forums(nel) doesn't have likes, this isn't reddit

Get this hothead out of here.

>Yea Forums(nel) doesn't have likes
>he doesn't have a Yea Forums(nel) gold pass and hasn't unlocked them
Based poorfag

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>this isn't reddit

i would rather a gorillion sneed snuck fuck posts than ever hearing "mr plow" or "unforgettable luncheon" ever again


I thought Aunt Diane was a meme

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I spend way too much time in my day thinking about the absurdity of this scene. Today’s thought:

Why does Bane tell that one loser to stay on the plane because they are expecting one of them on it?

That implies that they are trying to dupe the CIA into believing the plane crashed by accident and not as the cause of a hijacking.

There were probably a few hundred bullet holes in the plane at that point. Plus gun shot wounds to the bodies on the plane of the soldiers.

Not hard to surmise it was a hijacking. So, why did they have to leave a hostage onboard?

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I think Bill did alright for himself

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Sneed is incredibly one note. Bane has an entire scene of material to work with.

someone get mr. gucci loafers out of here

>he doesn't know

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Those are big tits

Sneed is fucking shit, it's forced by teenaged mexican facebook users like yourself.

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>being new

It's pretty absurd. I don't think Bane wanted to trick the Agency on thinking it was an accident, just make them think the dead guy is the one listed in CIA's flight plan.
Which is pretty fucking absurd because Bane knew already that CIA wasn't planning to kill them (why would someone shoot a man..), and that was only CIA bluffing to get them to speak. Nothing makes sense




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