Did Dooku deserve a fair trial?

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yes and the guilt anakin feels is the reason he chops of maces arm since mace shows no remorse

He deserved to not have that stupid fight with yoda cartwheeling about like a circus dwarf on meth. Should have fought mace dindu.

No but getting one anyway is what makes it fair innit?

he betrayed the republic, he deserved it.

Fine the fight was, Mike. Enjoyed it I did.

>we need a name for an aristocratic leader
>what about "Count Duke-u"?

Why didn't he just quickly rat out Palps here? It's clear he was willing to based on the fact that he already half way did so during AotC. It would be worth a shot and might grant him immunity later.

Then Palpatine would have killed them all. They're lucky he died quietly.

his fight against anakin was way way worse, easily the worst in the series, I still don't know how he cut anakin's arm and I've seen it thirty times

He shouldve not been a sith but a rogue jedi that prefered a divided Republic than one under a sith, he wouldve kidnaped palpatine to interrogate him about the sith controling the senate then in that moment he would realize that sithious was in fact the chancellor

it is not the jedi way

why count? oh cause he was dracula, I member yeeee

He's too dangerous!

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He was a Sith Lord and a Separatist leader. He would have probably been executed anyways.

He was lucky to get a quick death. Traitors like him deserve a slow and agonizing death.

What was Dooku guilty of?
The Republic striked first, the CIS was defending themselves from the northern oppression

>cast christopher lee
>name his character count and base him on saruman

>I still don't know how he cut anakin's arm and I've seen it thirty times

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He clearly had the opportunity to kill him, yet settled for only cutting off an arm.

what kind of due process is this?

He probably knew that Palpatine wanted Anakin as an apprentice

Sheev wouldn't have killed Anakin, he had spent far too much time trying to groom him into his apprentice just for Dooku to fuck it all up with some deniable words. Sheev would've thought of something.

If he knew that he would've tried to betray Sheev or escape or something beforehand. I really doubt Dooku would actually think that Sheev was just gonna quietly fire him for Anakin and give him severance pay.

maybe Dooku wanted Anakin for himself

>wait!!!, sheev is a sith lord!
>who's sheev?
>chancellor, do you know who he was talking about?
>i'm afraid not, now hurry. we must leave before it's too late!

he was planning to kill off sheev, that's actually canon. He was going to humble anakin then bring him in as an apprentice. Then in episode 3 he knew sheev's plot and he was planning to kill anakin in front of sheev to say fuck you, i'm still better.

Also canon. Dooku was only afraid of Yoda and Mace in a sword fight. Everyone was afraid of Mace however in a sword fight, even obi wan didn't want to fuck with that shit.

Mace is generally regarded as the greatest sword fighter in Star Wars, seconded by prime Obi Wan, then Luke but luke was more about pure power. Anakin had raw power but he was so arrogant he essentially invented his own style to overpower anyone which failed against obi wan. Luke had the same power but lacked the Arrogance, but lacked the refinement and training of Mace. Obi wan lacked the power but had the second greatest technique in his prime

Mace had the best and hardest techinque to work and a shit ton of power.

nah it's just that purple lightsabers are better

>he was planning to kill off sheev, that's actually canon
Well I mean technically every Sith apprentice is planning on killing their master

Pretty sure the Supreme Chancellors first name would be common knowledge, its just people refer to political figures by their last name.

He deserve to squeal like a little bitch and spit out any important info he had before being executed, Anakin was a faggot.

the joke is that Anakin also doe... yeah nevermind.

>seconded by prime Obi Wan
Obi Wan got trashed by Dooku in a 2vs1

Prime obi wan. Lern 2 read

Well yeah. His knowledge would've been invaluable as a general of the CIS