The Magicians had a good episode

The Magicians had a good episode.

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Who is she?

>white bra to black panties

look at those jugs

contrast you retard


been keeping her in a boiler suit half the season, absolute scum

Laundry day.

If you don't get that, you've never had a girlfriend.

Does she wear anything close to this in the show? If so not interested.

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I need someone to watch this show and create a folder of every sexy scene she’s in, cause I can’t find much

Congratulations this is actually the gayest post i read this year

Who is the cutey in the back right?

The Magicians is such a ADHD show. Holy shit. It can't stay with a specific plot element for too long and have to introduce new twists all the fucking time just to keep the attention of the viewerbase. It also can't seem to commit to anything either, replacing Penny with a convenient alternate dimension version of himself just as soon as he died. And the patronizing woke bullshit from that what he fucking said in that womyn power episode. Fuck this show. I swear to fucking Christ, I shouldn't have watched those 3 seasons. It's like a shitty soap opera for millennials and zoomers.

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I-i... I don't know?

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what is wrong with their faces

>she got POO'D

F-Fuck bros...
>tfw can't decide if short hair blondes or gingers are my ultimate fetish

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Mine is black hair green eyes, blonde hair blue eyes. Its a battle that culminated in harmony when the possibility of Kstew and best Fanning doing it came to my mind.

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>when she sees your dick

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Keep your shitty waifu away from me. She's both a shit character and a shit actress. At least post Summer Bishil instead.

There’s one dream sequence where she makes out with another woman and it’s so totally hot

Still 8/10

Personally I've fucked up my libido so bad due to NoFap, Booze, weight gain and porn, that I don't even know what I actually "like" at this point. I know that I like looking at gingers because they make my hear skip a bit, but when it comes to my dick getting tingly, I'm a mess. Short hair blondes with big tits are the only thing that "wake" it without me needing to start playing with it.

God, I need help...

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>those jugs
They want to be free!

You can tell she is holding in a fart that feels sizable and stinky. She must have had tacos for dinner and eggs for breakfast

Her milkers are denied freedom the entire show. Literally cock teasing the fuck out of us.


I like the black teacher guy, who calls them all millenial shits all the time and wants nothing to do with any of it


>still wanting a Betty gf

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That's just poor planning. If my underwear doesn't match my socks I don't leave the house, how can anyone go about their day with mismatching bra and panties?

user, I don't like spoon-feeding. You have the name of the show, do some god-damn homework.

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seek help

Have sex

I specifically wear mismatched socks, shirts and vests, coats and pants and ties just to fuck with my HR department. When the ham devil tried to re-write the dress code to include language with 'matching' in it the meeting took three hours with legal unable to come up with terms that couldn't be misconstrued.
Jesus Christ, I am become the Jokester

>every Magicians thread has to be posting hot Alices
Why can't we get actual discussion threads?

Wow look at those breasts. I'd have sex with her, if you know what I mean.

I support boobies.

the Act episode 4 had a great bathtub scene.
And later there's also a good moment on a carpet.

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I would but I can't go outside because none of my socks match my underwear. I need help but I can't go out to buy more.

Fuck you you fucking fuck

oooo shit my body isn't ready

season one dream sequence where she is vahalla princess and julia is princes leia, that is hot.

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imagine the softness

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>Summer Bishil

Just watched the recent episode. They should be longer. I hope ghost student does some cool shit.

She should have stayed a nympho

i know right?


>that fat ugly asian on the left pure envy when she gets up to walk away

same it's fucking shit and only has good moments between characters occasionally

Well the thing is, she's a college aged version of Hermione. Lots of prude looking sweaters and turtlenecks but her tits are so massive that it makes her look like a bit of a slut no matter what she's wearing. And there are probably a dozen different scenes, half of them coming in S1-S2 in which the writers find an excuse for her to take her shirt off and show off her tits
>oh no alice its a magical elder god and it needs your shirt right now
>alice we just got transported to an ice world and lol your shirt got lost in the magical ether
>alice look out its the show off your tits monster and it just bound all of our hands so we can't save you

Great writers desu senpai

Why is she wearing a bra that's obviously a cup size too big?

>all the twists, turns and outrageous plots you didn't think would ever be put on tv are shit
Develop a sense of fun.
There was an episode where Margo was considering asking a boat if it would let itself be raped by another boat for fuck sake.
It's not meant to be high art - it's just entertainment, and it's damn good at it. There's truly nothing else like it.

Don't forget when the writers got Alice to chug down goat semen to stop the beast... and it was all for nothing.


sounds like the show is 10x better than the book

How does a spine sustains this?

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how did no fap and porn fucked you up? Shouldn't you be better now that you are on NoFap?

I couldn't keep watching with homo fag being flamboyent and dawson fag bitching about everything, despite this librarian queen

Who is filming and why? That's what I want to know.

i like the show but its not like there's anything to discuss.


Hottest triplets I ever did see

it doesn't look at the horrible posture she already has: forward neck and rounded shoulders


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How is this season?
I felt like season 3 was considerably worst than season 1, and the plot of season 4 from what I saw from the first ep seemed like a worst version of the plot of the first season.

Which is safe to assume was caused by all the front weight.

Well this episode dealt with time travel shenanigans, the only real thing I dislike about this season is nu-penny. Also making old penny into some woke indian thing when reality is in books he was just a dick that always felt overshadowed by his classmates.

They have two versions of penny and both of them are terrible. Julia has great moments but they're usually with Q, the retreading of the will they, won't they nonsense from season 1 between alice and Q just looks like writers stalling because they do not know what to do.

Once they burned past framework of the books, the show has largely lost itself. While the books aren't exactly high art..what they've done with most of the characters is embarrassing.