How is it that a Sony produced animated film about a black hispanic kid becoming Spider-man is unironically the greatest comic book movie ever made, beating out everything Marvel, WB and DC Studios have produced with top Hollywood actors and multimillion dollar budgets?
How is it that a Sony produced animated film about a black hispanic kid becoming Spider-man is unironically the...
Soul vs Soullessness.
Sony = soul
Everyone else = soulless
because comics translate better to animation than live action
who'd have thought drawings would look better as drawings that move?
If you made this story and script into live action it would still better than Iron Boy: Homecoming
and if you took that live action film and compared it back to the animated spider-verse, the live action one would still look inferior
It was pretty bland though.
>the greatest comic book movie ever made
Stopped reading.
This meme actually applies for once. Spider-Verse was made with real heart. I’ve had more than my fill of overpaid actors standing in front of green screens interacting with CGI for bloated 2 plus hour runtimes.
the ballet slippers thing looks stupid tbqh
Gwen is a ballet dancer in that continuity.
Of course it would. My point was you seem to think the visuals are the only thing that make this good, when the story and characters are also much better than the live action Spider-Man movies
yeah, I got that captain autismo, it still looks stupid.
Sony didn't expect much at all from the movie so the higher ups basicly just stayed out of production and let the good writers and animators they hired do their fucking jobs without studio meddling.
the movie was about boring third rate unpopular rip off's of a popular white superhero
the only good thing was the animation
It's brilliant. Heroes are to be acrobatic, and its a unique and practical thing for her to wear.
>“At least I’m white” - the post
please do us all a favor and commit suicide
>the best Spider-man is actually blonde blue-eyed white guy
>black Spider-man isn't even capable of doing anything spider-related until the end of the movie
What did they mean by this?
This is literally it.
When the execs fuck off and just let the creatives do their thing with tje budget they need, the final product ends up better than whatever some clueless suit would have wanted it to be.
that post doesn't make sense. How can he be the best Spider-man if a 13 year old black kid with powers he never had bested the same Kingpin who killed him?
I think Sony slowly realized they should just let these superhero movies be like the comics more after they saw how Suicide Squad did in spite of being absolute trash.
That movie sorta sparked the trend towards just letting these comic book movies be goofy but playing the goofiness straight.
It's been a problem endemic to the Marvel movies that they'd do quips all the time, which undermine the audience's ability to get quite as into the stories since they're bombarded with the message that everything happening is a joke.
because it's not real and it wouldn't happen in reality
So basically you're just being racist. Gotcha.
Say what you want about Deadpool (one) but it was similarly good as a comic book adaptation for pretty much identical reasons. Same with Guardians of the Galaxy, they didn't expect much and allowed a lot of creative freedom
so you say, it still looks fucking stupid.
I want Jared Leto back in Suicide Squad 2. Fuck Joaquin Phoenix and this mental illness awareness take on Joker.
But the animation was awful
What? How? The screenplay is perhaps being racist. The black kid is a total Mary Sue once again. He has no training, but suddenly takes over these powers. The Blonde Spider-Man is the most beloved Spider-man of all the other universes. And the black kid didn't defeat Kingpin on his own, there were 6 more Spider-things helping him. Why are you upset and butthurt, that I'm right?
How is it that it's the best but it performed like one of the worst?
>the greatest comic book movie ever made, beating out everything Marvel, WB and DC Studios have produced
uhh no sweetie
Same reason Captain Marvel is one of the worst and performed like one of the best, factors like marketing, being a part of a series vs a new universe, and competition. This had to compete against Aquaman while Captain Marvel was the first big release after the the Jan and Feb dead months.
I like both.
We barely got to see Leto's joker so be nice to see him continue on in SS2 like Phoenix does a sort of alternate timeline Joker.
Because idiots think live action is somehow a better medium for fucking COMIC BOOK movies of all things than animation. Spider-Verse still did well though and gives me hope that we’ll see more animation studios try new things like this.