Actress Chloe Bennet found that changing her last name from Wang to Bennet gave her more opportunities in Hollywood...

>Actress Chloe Bennet found that changing her last name from Wang to Bennet gave her more opportunities in Hollywood. In a 2017 NPR interview, Bennet talks about how casting directors wouldn’t even consider her when they saw the last name Wang.

>She also responds to the current climate for Asian Americans in Hollywood, claiming that the narrative in Hollywood is that Asian Americans are the “butt of the joke,” further stating that “we're the nerds, that we're the shy girls or that the guy that can't be sexy because he's an Asian man.”

the absolute fucking state of jewish racism and nepotism

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Other urls found in this thread:

I got a Wang for her ;)

Guess she’ll just have to take my wang, haha

Haha, 'Wang'

nothing wang with that

She is right but since China is a big and important market this is currently changing. Unfortunately the SWJ is too strong in Hollywood and they give as fat ugly Vietnamese girls which won't make any China money either.

>She also responds to the current climate for Asian Americans in Hollywood, claiming that the narrative in Hollywood is that Asian Americans are the “butt of the joke,” further stating that “we're the nerds, that we're the shy girls or that the guy that can't be sexy because he's an Asian man."
It's called punching up, sweetie.

>guy that can't be sexy because he's an Asian man
She's right, though.

How come liberals hate asians so much?

Because they cant use them as play tools like blacks, I mean, even mexicans use blacks as liberal tools.

>>Actor Joaquin Bottom found that changing his last name from Bottom to Pheonix gave him more opportunities in Hollywood. In a 2017 NPR interview, Pheonix talks about how casting directors wouldn’t even consider him when they saw the last name Bottom.

>Actress Haley Bennett found that changing her last name from Keeling to Bennett gave her more opportunities in Hollywood.

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>Chloe Wang

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>that “we're the nerds, that we're the shy girls or that the guy that can't be sexy because he's an Asian man.”
well, yeah

>waaahhh asian men cant be sexy
bitch got bleached more than a hookers laundry

>her last name from Wang

gotta love dat wiener!

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same thing happened with Donna Chang

Who wants some Wang?

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cant enslave humanity with usury if people have triple digit iq

Should have changed it to Chloe Goldsteinberg.

Liberals hate Asians, this is why the Asian accent is still one of the acceptable accents for Comedians to mock.

They win too much. They want all people and races to be equal but Asians throw a wrench in that narrative.

I actually didn't even see her as Asian in the slightest. What is she, 1/4 chink at most;?

They hate Asian women because they know.

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I mean, yeah but she's got a point.


>live in ca
>get better grades than blacks and whites
>get rejected by all UC schools
>vote democrat anyway
no sympathy for those gooks

asian whining is almost as pathetic as white whining

>bitch about asian men sexuality
>exclusively fuck white guys
whats her point

Ugly white women make up the core of American liberalism and they absolutely despise Asians, particularly the women

That Asian men are treated kinda shittily in Hollywood. Which seems to be a recent thing, when I was a kid there were a few Asian male leads in movies, though mostly just martial arts but hey at least they got the girl.

Just because she likes getting bleached doesn't mean she can't make a point about a fact.

>acting bullied because asian
its because your last name was cock

you rang?

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why should white women find asian men attractive if asian women cant even manage it


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Whoopi Goldberg changed her last name to Goldberg at the advice of her redpilled mother, who said she'd get more roles with a Jewish sounding name.

she should have changed her first name to suki.

Fuck man, i'm just trying to be nice. This is making me feel bad.

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Joaquin Phoenix is Jewish. His last name could have been Gaylordfaggotberg and he would have gotten work.

She could suck on my wang anytime.

Asians are up there as the superior race. They frown down on the whole victimhood niggers like to exploit

not trying to make you feel bad user im tired of hypocritical 'representation'

You have a warped view of American Asians. They typically vote just as liberal as any other shitty minority group and participate in the same PC bullshit propagandizing. Asian American women are arguably just as bad if not worse than white women about this shit too, they're fucking insufferable, disgusting Americanized shovel faced cunts.

p.s. why do all Asian American women pretty much universally have that same ugly fucking shared amongst them, the look that none of the Asians in their home countries do? I can't tell half of them apart but I can tell native fucking Asians apart from each other, it's all backwards. God I fucking hate Americanized Asians.

they fall for American beauty standards which are very different to Asian beauty standards

>claiming that the narrative in Hollywood is that Asian Americans are the “butt of the joke,” further stating that “we're the nerds, that we're the shy girls or that the guy that can't be sexy because he's an Asian man.”
And yet she dates a white (jewish) guy. What a fucking hypocrite lmao

Is that enough to seemingly change their facial structure?

They are kinda sexy at first. But they also can really annoying. Really fast. One time I actually a gook bitch to stop acting white.

Doesnt that suicide forest dude plow that slant? Lmao

Its true though. Amy Hugepuss only found success once she became Schumer.

Don't call my waifu sweetie

Gonna change my last name to Goldstein. Am I gonna make it in Hollywood? I'm also willing to suck dicks.

Nah her name is naturally Schumer she's a Jew and the niece of Chuck Schumer, yeah, that Chuck Schumer, she had it set to begin with, just like every other remotely connected nepotistic Jewish fucking parasite in our rotten society. You'll find one squirming under every rock and in every pus filled abscess you turn over or cut open.

why would adopting a jewish surname even work?
can't jews verify you by looking at your nose and asking if you eat foreskins?

yeah, makeup, plastic surgery and diets make them look very different

Seed and Feed owner Chuck found that changing his store name from Chuck’s to Sneed gave him more opportunities in Rural Route 9.

>Apply for writing gig using my real name
"We're grateful for your interest but blah blah blah"
>Remember the Whoopi Goldberg story and adopt a pen name
Get a job not long after, bring it up jokingly a few weeks into working and everyone thinks it's hilarious. We look up my name and it turns out my real name is the pen name of some hardcore white supremacist author

you call THIS asian?

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Names are important, more at 11.

she didn’t adopt a Jewish surname you stormshill parasite.

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How's it going, David? Last name Lane?

Or was it George?
Or was it William? Your friends call you Bill?

At least she wasn't Amelia wang.

Facialabuse is god's gift to mankind

I'll never tell.
Hapa women are top tier, why are hapa men so inclined to shoot up public forums?

Americanized Asian women are fucking scum.

>racist as shit
>leftist as shit

At least Jewish girls let me plug them up the shitter on the reg.

Why does she have such terrible taste in men?

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Hard working, traditional, immune to victimhood, intellectually superior

They don't need the white saviour

Having the relatively white name of Mark Allerton has got me into so many interviews that DeAndre Freeman never would have even been considered for.


What percentage of hapa men have done that?

4th post second best post

What if Asians aren't good at acting?

I doubt there's a single white person who ever looks at her and wonders if she's asian. To be honest, if you're asian and it'd take more than 5 seconds trying to figure it out I'll just assume you're mixed, I don't really care that much about the breakdown.

>immune to victimhood

A minority but they're strongly over-represented.

>or that the guy that can't be sexy because he's an Asian man.
It would help if there weren't exactly 13 Asians born since 10,000BC with something like Mifune's jawline. Round ass baby faces don't work on men and that's what Asians have.

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My wang would consider her

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>1 in millions is a “minority”
>misusing representation that badly, trying to lie using statistical terms
Where did you learn to lie like this?

What do her feet look like?

My friends I am not allow different species procreation please choose good woman same species make grandparents proud

Apparently her father is chinese, yet she doesn't look asian in the slightest. What happened?

There are plenty of asian men who look like that, but 90% of them are from Japan and would never lower themselves to appearing in the filth products of Jewish Hollywood.

It’s always possible to look drastically more like one parent or the other

Most people that shoot up public areas are not hapa, but relative to the total hapa population there are a lot more shooting people than you would expect. Capisce?

How many are there?

I want to change her last meal to Wang.

I know what you mean. They always have drag queen make up and are often very broad shouldered, dark and posses ww2 propaganda poster facial features.


This. The worst SJWs I know of are Korean American women.

I knew some variation of this was coming, I just wanted to see how long it took you to break down and throw a tantrum. Your IQ is in the 70s, gb2pol

>tfw watching Marco Polo and have literally no idea which asian is which

I don't have sources but about 2.9% of all Americans are mixed race and only a fraction of them are hapa. About 3-4% of mass shootings are carried out by Hapa persons where "mass shooting" is defined as the shooting of 3+ people in one session. I don't know if that was excluding or including gang related shootings.

They're often the biggest hipster sluts too

Lmao, really? That seems a little high

She wouldn't have changed her name if it was Lee, Chang, or Chan.

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>Casting directors turned down this because of a funny name

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The only ones I mixed up were the Blue Princess and the wrestling girl and they don't even look alike they were just both after Marco's dick. Get your eyes checked.

Her mom is hotter than she is. Proof that hapas are an abomination.

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Checked but you have terrible taste

Not all jews have the stereotypical “Jewish” nose, or cheeks, or looks.
The only way some jews might be sble to dtermine if you’re jewish, is if they can look you up, and find were you gree up and whether you went to temple.
If you’re black, your jewish ancestry might be from illegitimate relations, so uou might not have gone to synagogue or studied the torah etc.
if you adopt a jewish surname, refuse to eat pork and shellfish, and occasionally use Yiddish words, and you come from an area with a large jewish population like a major city, there’s really no easy way to check.


>tfw no qt hapa milk truk

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fucking white guys exclusively also helped

>Hapa women become 10/10 qts
>Hapa "men" go crazy and join incel forums or or become mass murderers
Is it worth the risk?

nah. The MILFy mother is better.

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They completely destroy the white privilege myth. There's a reason why when any white liberal posts a chart showing the disparity between racial earnings (or really any disparity between the races in America) they conveniently leave off Asian Americans.

I use to wang cocktail waitresses 2 at a time. Players couldn't get a drink at the tables.

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That’s like saying hapa men become lottery winners because a few have won the lottery before

not the genetic lottery

>We've found that a disproportionate number of people who smoke develop lung cancer
>That's like saying smokers win the lottery because a few smokers have won the lottery

My mom thinks Ichiro is handsome.

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She literally looks like a better version of the facial abuse girl

This girl looks like Kendra Spade.

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Well he is

No homo

Lottery was used because of the extremely low probability and extremely loose, statistically insignificant connection. Your logic is exactly the same as observing two minorities winning the lottery and concluding a minority is more likely to win the lottery. You are quite literally retarded.

>tries to promote Asians in a positive way in hollywood
>only dates white guys
I really hate when these type of people are trying to champion their racial background but dates outside their race

If choice of mate is essentially random then you’re a lot more likely to date outside of your race than in if you’re a minority

It's not random though. Almost everyone dates within their own race.

>is a HAPA
>fucking a white guy not championing her racial background

Get a load of this salty gook

If Hapas won 4% of lotteries but made up less than 0.5% of the population I'd wonder why they were buying so many lottery tickets.

It’s random for people who don’t give a shit

>a minority on planet earth

Minority in the US genius

Nah she's AMWF hapa. They usually have more caucasian ethnic features than their WMAF counterparts,

>mad at a hapa with white mom for fucking white guys
She's just doing what her white mother should have done. Think of it as correcting a mistake. Get angry at your 100% yellow whores who hate themselves instead of this innocent hapa.

Only 5% of under 25s have been on a date with someone not of their own race.

No one mentioned anything about white women shlomo

Based gotawang poster

That only happens if the dad is (((white))). Male hapas with asian dads turn out fine and usually become models or actors.

Hapa men are chads if their dads are Asian. If the dad's white, then its prob some beta male.

Chloe Wang's mother was white too, what's the literature on females with WMAF? Is WFAM the true master race?

Better than you, nigger.

Are pol incels still trying to shill that ERs dad was Jewish? You chimps never give up on any of your lies do you

Why are you trying to make your daughter a 10/10 for other men?

That makes sense.

>the guy that can't be sexy because he's an Asian man
what did she mean by this?

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He's a big guy

Is that who I think it is?

absolutely YIKES

Do you want ugly daughters?

You no mess with Chloe Wang.

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>that misshapen yellow brapper attached to fridge body

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i have no idea why white men go after asian women when the majority of women they are around are white, which in itself is a very diverse group

Imagine looking like that and settling down for some half breed midget

If you don't want Chloe to sit on your face you're literally a homosexual

You idiots know that casting calls require headshots? This is a picture of the actor with credits. Name changing doesn't mean shit if they can see what you look like.

>This chinky looking girl is named Bennett? Okay!
>This ape has a Jewish last name? Holy shit, one of us!

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they're basically white

Yellow fever is a myth. Asian women have white fever so it is know that Asian women are easy to bag if you are an average looking white guy. If anything "Yellow fever" is "low hanging fruit" fever. They are a low effort replacement for white women. I seen decent looking white guys with absolute pan faced fat Asian hags at Costco all the time. I always figure that she is the one that pursued than the other way around. If you're a white guy the hardest women to bang are conservative hijabi qts while Asian women are the easiest.

>having pussy and asshole on your face
no thanks

>the hardest women to bang are conservative hijabi qts
They're basically Catholics.The hardest part is figuring out which are the qts

White women are the most desired group for every racial group. The dating site leaks confirmed it but anyone who had ever dated already knew this.

Because of this the top of every racial pool competes with white males for white females because everyone wants them. So as a result sometimes white males get outcompeted by like black athletes, Indian CEOs etc, so they settle for next best thing which is Asian females.

Most Asians come from conservative backgrounds, and their countries flourish. It doesn't fit their narrative.



Are you my wang G? Yes I am Colonel Wang. Can I touch you? OHOHOHO it is funny because Wang means penis.

>They're basically Catholics
>They're basically how Catholics used to be
The crazy arab brothers/father is the reason they are not more perused. Christian Palestinians are qt too but the Lebanese Christians are just whores.

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I'm brown and I've only ever exclusively fucked+dated women of my race. I plan to breed with and start a family with a woman of my own race, i'm just narrowing it down between two women at this point.

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She has a slammin body. Are you not well?


>This chinky looking girl
This is her headshot from that time period. Look "chinky looking" to you?

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Dating sites confirm that Asian women are the most desired for online dating, but that does not necessarily mean they are the most desired group to date in general, just online.

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Before AoS fans of the show Nashville thought she was latino until her Chinese music video was discovered.

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high test, red pilled, and based
She's looks like a 6.5/10 Latina. You all need to get your eyes checked.

another early shot

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Well hold on now, because both of them are overweight and one of them is a single mother. both of them are into anal and want my babies/creampies though. One is 4 years younger than me and the other is 2 years older than me. It's a difficult choice to be honest

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Why is there such a huge push for Asians in Hollywood lately? Is it Chinese influence?

She has some fairly obvious Han features but she's also clearly not full Asian. I could understand why someone would think she just looked exotic, especially in America where there aren't that many white people.

How old are you? I'm guessing the younger one is the single mother.

Yellows are riding black coatails.

>one of them is a single mother.
Why would you even consider a single mother? The choice is simple.

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single moms are the best lays

Chloe's oldest known photoshoot

This is before the China music videos. She had thicker thighs and some hips at this time, while she was still very young. Then she got very skinny for the music video and shoots. Then thicker again on AoS.

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She looks like a latina which shouldn't even be exotic in the US. Hispanics are the original hapas anyway.

>literally insect dog-eating people that look like clones
>superior race

Unfortunately recently Chloe's fashion has been all over the place. She has tried too hard to copy Olivia Munn when it was completely unnecessary. She also lost her boobs.

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Does she look Latina? She looks pretty Asian to me but I'm European so I have no idea what a Latina looks like. She looks exotic to me

I she going to take the bogpill?

I'm pretty sure that she is not attractive by Chinese standards. Too fat, too tan, big face, non-neotenous features. Aside from her large eyes, she has none of Chinese features Chinese people like in their models/movie stars.

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The older one is the single mother. Shes also like 5'5" and a bit more slender. The younger one is 5'8" and a little more thick.

Both are equally interested in me; the older one makes more money than me (for now) and already has her own house; the younger one will be more on the same tier with my income level for the foreseeable future, and i'm genuinely elated about the idea of locking down a wife/mother-of-my-child who's 4 years younger than me. Her only drawbacks are that shes a bit more chunky (which is fixable), and shes a bit close to my height (5'11"), but she'd give me taller sons than the other one.

the single mother is a genuine bonafide buttslut who frequently wants anal creampies and wants to wear plugs for me. Both are into anal and both call me "daddy", though.

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Seems like you're more into the single mother. In my thoroughly uninformed opinion you should go for her

I bet Olivia Munn hates this bitch for basically being her but 15 years younger.

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Chinese people like people who look Western but she'd be looked down on for dating white men. They take that weirdly seriously.

Hello r/asianmasculinity, I can cherry-pick too:

-Harry B. Harris - US Admiral and Ambassador
-Charles J. Pedersen Nobel laureate
-Nathan Adrian - Olympic gold swimmer
-Yu Darvish - Major League Baseball player
-Ricky Kim
-Johnny Yong Bosch
-Henry Golding
-Mark-Paul Gosselaar
-BooBoo Stewart
-James Duval
-Jay Hayden
-Julio Iglesias Jr.
-Daniel Kennedy

Your memes are stale.

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I would still accept an offer to be her pusy slave

Huh? I don't see that at all. She's obviously hispanic.

Bad choice of picture because one knock against Zhang Ziyi her whole career in China has been that she wasn't a traditional beauty and was considered too Western in style

I just dont know if it's a good idea to tether myself to someone who's older than me and already has a kid, even if its only a two year age gap.

They don't give a shit about identity politics. Asian Americans though are whiny and annoying.

Zhang Ziyi was also notorious for fucking her way into major roles. She knows how to play the game.

she looks like discount Mary Elizabeth Winstead

Hollywood represents American entertainment, where the three largest racial groups are White, Hispanic, and Black. That’s who people wanna see in movies and tv here. If she wants more roles for Asians, nothing is stopping her from trying her luck over there. Also she’s an attractive Asian woman in the US so she really doesn’t get to whine about lacking opportunity.

Doesn't even look asian at all so she gets no points there.

Then who is traditionally beautiful? Fan Bingbing? Because they look pretty much the same to me. Chloe is tan as shit and fat so I know she's got that against her.

Asians are racist as fuck, I’d bet it’s way harder for a non-Asian to break into their entertainment industries than it is for them over here. She can cry me a river.

Probably sensible but you're clearly more into her than the younger girl. Do it user, don't be such a pussy.

>immune to victimhood
>OP's post

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Fan Bingbing is considered so - slim, very pale, oval shaped feature and eyes, etc.

Doll like isn't a completely wrong way to describe it

She rarely has any time for me due to her career and being a single mother, that's the thing. The younger butt slut will have a more open schedule to be with me once she finishes school at the end of the year, and since she doesnt have any kids she can put more time towards our relationship than the older one. I'd be lying if I said I'm not more interested in the older one, though.

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I want all asian people with the last name wang to know that white people are probably having a light chuckle at the name wang

Allll bs, you dont even see the name if theyre not a/b list - you see the face, they didnt like her face, not her name - next.

why do you think Martin Sheen went with Sheen instead of Estavez?

she feels sorry for you, like a little brother.

Now she is off to get some white wang

asian chicks like cocky white guy confidence. Even if they are sjws they want to be fucked like a slut.
Asian boys cant do that

Is this the white people version of BBC?

I don't know you and I could tell. Follow your dick, he knows you best

gonna listen to that song now, thanks senpai

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I didn't realize she was married to based Tatsuro Yamashita

No way. In the US? What percent of under 25s go to college?

I thought she was latino too. Is this evidence that Latinos are really hapa? Are Spaniards white?

Movies aren't porn

How come conservatives hate america so much?

epicanthic fold = asian

Haha, last mame Wang!


Even Chinese Actors in china change their names to sound "American" like having generic first names like Daniel, John, or Elizabeth.

I actually went to high school with her, if anyone wants to ask me anything.

I hardly know shit, but if anyone is interested

Actually I’m going to bed in an hour, so any replies after that aren’t mine

she fucked Logan Paul

I respectfully disagree with your most esteemed parent.

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So white privilege is true.

I'm not black but there are quite a few good black actors.

Asians are a reserved and stoic people. It shouldn't surprise anyone that they can't emote as well as other less subtle races.

He's like 50 in that pic, that's not fair

Nigger how new are you? People with ugly souls will always deform over time, except than they use children's blood and foreskin to stop aging.

>Nose meme
The nose meme was invented by jews to hide crypto jews. If someone looks like a goblin, orc, scavenger, rat, deformed homonculus and generally like another jew, than shockingly they are a jew like Teddy Rosenfeld(orc type) and George W Bush(goblin type).

Elliot Rogers Dad is a giga kike.

Jews are the ultimate in white privilege. They hate anyone that can possibly compete with them, that being christian whites and east asians.

This is a serious answer.
A lot of liberal women hate asians because of the cliche of tiny dicks. ( same reason they worship blacks because of their big penis cliche)

Liberal women cant see themselves dating or marrying asians and asians are too passive for all american women.

Asians keep to themselves and dont have inferiority complexes like feminists or blacks. Asians dont ask for gov assistance and dont complain. Liberals dont see them as needy and dont see asians as victims.

she wouldn't exist if her asian dad didn't rice her mom's white pus pus

> Actor Issur Danielowitsch Demsky found that changing his name to Kirk Douglas gave him more opportunities in Hollywood

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she looks like she fucks white guys

Quick, name three things that are not Cheng Long!

she barely has one. meanwhile this random chick is 100% white while having a much more pronounced epicanthic fold

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What do all minorities want to gain nigger-tier victimhood status in America? Fucking stfu you dumb chink bitch.

The jew fears the Samurai.

Wtf? I thought this skank was a spic not a gook.

That's a low blow.

Fuck. I forgot she dated him.

>tfw she still lies about her eyes to the point it killed her modeling career

let's be honest m8s the only good chink names are those with meme value like Yo Yo Ma

nobody wants to tolerate the eyesore of a pudgy little future pho cart owner who can't act either
better to have someone good looking

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She looks like Jazz

two wangs don't make her white

So this is true power of the AMWF meme

>guy that can't be sexy because he's an Asian man.
Which is true. What's the problem?

She's quite the footslut.

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It's nothing to do with genetics you retard. It's the fact only chad asian males are gonna land a white woman, while asian women are the refuge for white betaboi's all over the world. Beta's raise beta's, alpha's raise alpha's.

Daniel Henney

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>Yellow fever is a myth.
Nah it's real.
I've known dudes that specifically only chase after asian girls.
It's a fetish like any other.
And these weren't pathetic low hanging fruit types either, they just really liked asian girls.
I have no idea why, but that's what I've observed.

>Daniel Henney
Half white

I know, still looks very asian though

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Not at all

Not my business, but the mother with the kid will most likely put the kid above you when push comes to shove. Sometimes they don't, and that's the sign of scum, but it happens. It seems like a timebomb situation to me.
Go for the younger one, where the slate is clear and you can make the future.

They go against the white privilege narrative.
They've been locked in internment camps and victims of racism in America yet they are one of the most successful demographics today because, shock horror, they work hard.

That’s because all Asian “Americans” actually are shy nerds or annoying nerd smirkers, no middle ground.

She should’ve became a writer instead.


Ok, nigger

>Those sticker placements
Totally not intentional.

Tehee wang

Attached: not-sexy-at-all.jpg (640x640, 51K)

Hard work empirically gets you nowhere in america, what’s actually taken place is that “Asians” are given special treatment by Jews, like Indians.

How do I get a Chloe gf? If I kill Logan Paul to I get his stuff?

Should've have changed it to Wangberg.

Attached: just solo.jpg (629x718, 196K)

No but they can tell you haven’t had sex

Why are /pol/cels such pathetic weebs? Do you think white knighting will give you a wittle anime waifu?

>drops surname PENIS
>surprised she suddenly gets hired
The state of women today.

Imagine being this obsessed

It's not racism, just a stupid sounding name. Who will stan someone called Wang?

>shes a bit more chunky (which is fixable)
And you ACTUALLY EXPECT her too loose weight for you AFTER you put a ring on it?


>being able to compete with jews
There’s a reason they rule whites effortlessly m8. Higher IQ and get educated and successful instead of drowning themselves in opioids and corn syrup

Yes if they live in Asia. If you have white features and decent skin then you'll get mad pussies

>only test the successful 1% of your group of people
>get very good results on the average IQ score of all your people

Attached: happymerchant.jpg (928x732, 46K)

she cute

Hasn't half the internet at this point?

Didnt she get that super fucking blinding and illegal spic surgery that inserts the color lense into the eye permanently?
