Spike is Asian

To all those faggots complaining about the recent bebop casting, just know that spike is Asian. His likeness and personality were directly based on chad Japanese actor Yusaku Matsuda.

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no he's a jew actually.

So you’re saying he wasn’t a shlubby 50 year old Korean?

His hair looks pretty jewy to me.

The white man cries as he strikes you

He’s Chinese Jewish

Was jet black?

That's Admiral Aokiji you retard

Attached: Aokiji.png (659x713, 368K)

You gotta admit Cho is a terrible cast for a 27 year old, lanky martial artist though

I think everyone on the crew is mixed White/Asian.

it is the future after all. I think Faye is more asian than Spike desu

No one's complaining that they cast an asian; people are complaining because they cast a cucked pussy.

Spike is a negroid then?

>tallest person in the show

lol anime sucks

They cast a jewish mexican for Faye, user....

Spike would likely and unironically be a jew.
>Israeli handgun

I think I'd rather watch whatever movie is on the bottom.

Yeah, and I think it's a shitty casting

lol this coming out of nowhere. Spike is white.

>based on bruce lee
>based on bob dylan hair

god damnit why do we even care about race in movies. who fuckign cares.

Yeah but he wasn't a dude weed on his way to white castle

Partial-Asian Keanu had the look a few years back when it was originally in development, albeit I think he would have really needed to work on the spike persona through acting. I don't even hate Cho, but man did they miscast this from top to bottom - faye is a mexican goblin, jet would be fine if this wasn't cuckflix and I didn't know any better as far as their agenda is concerned, Vicious looks like typical s o y numale.

This was all expected since the announcement. I know alot of the posts are bantz and laughing at this monstrosity, but to those legitimately disappointed, how did you not see the writing on the wall?

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She called herself Romani in one episode if I remember correctly.

oh my bad I read your post in the wrong tone

Yeah but she's referring to her Gypsy nomad lifestyle. The episode she says it is one of the first she's in, before she meets the guy who unfroze her and before she finds the tape of her in Singapore

>To all those faggots complaining about the recent bebop casting

My complaints are that it's happening at all, not who it is. Fuck you and fuck your remake boner.

It doesn't matter what race he is, it's going to be shit either way.

By the fucking uncool cuck who played Sulu..
Why not get one of the based hapas?

I'm not bothered by that because spike is Asian. I dont like who they casted. Spike is supposed to be tall and lanky and they chose a manlet who's only famous movie is a comedy. Hell I have zero problem with jet being black. That didnt bother me a bit.

I'm not too upset they make a live action remake. I never think of it as ruining a show because I see it as a form of fan edit or some YouTube tribute.

tl;dr dont like who's playing spike. Not watching either way.

He looks Mediterranean to me. 6'1", long pointy nose, olive skin, big light brown eyes with no epithantic folds, thick curly hair.

He's Japanese. "Asian" is a spook. Indians are Asian, too.

Jets taller than him though.

This is anti-semetism and I can't wait for the backlash


He's Jewish. Typical of Asian gentiles to try to holocaust Jewish characters. Fuck the japs.

The world doesn't need live action Bebop.

Spike looks kike as fuck
Edd is a mutt
Faye is from Singapore
Jet is a light skinned nigger

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This. OP, most of us don’t object to an Asian playing Spike. We’re objecting to them casting a middle aged guy with no martial arts training.

All other casting arguments aside the fact that they had to dig up a forgotten comedic actor to play their lead is a pretty bad sign

>His likeness and personality were directly based on
This means nothing, they just took a hairstyle and put it on their fictional character. Why give him a European surname if he's Japanese?

This, Spike is a mutt
>has a jewfro and knows kung fu
>is in a chinese gang

Japanese =/= Korean
you stupid faggot


the "likeness and personality" of evangelion was based on christianity, who gives a fuck

Everyone in Bebop cast are mutts. In takes place in the future (2070) for fuck sakes.


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The fuck is wrong with her face.

This will all be fine as long as I can fap to the cunny they hire to play Ed.

Little do people know that Faye Valentine is heavily based on Faye Wong, a Chinese pop star diva.

Wrong, half German.

>German words are jewish
I thought the Germans exterminated the jews?

I used to live in Singapore and even though i'm a 5'11 manlet the Chinese girls there sometimes towered over me like trees.

Im thinking Spike is either white, asian or a mix of the two. Id be happy with any one of those 3 he kinda is ethnically ambiguous

He's half German and Chinese in canon.

/pol/ incels are so fucking retarded. He uses a Jericho (Israeli pistol) for Christ's sake.

I'm not a fucking /pol/tard you fucking reactionary idiot, it's what I fucking read like fifteen years ago in a magazine.

Ranking from most disappointed to least

1. Spike
2. Faye
3. Vicious
4. Jet

I really want to see who will be Edward tho. That can backfire as them being transphobic.

>he uses an Israeli gun therefore he must be jewish!

I'm more annoyed that Faye, the only character with an explicitly defined ethnicity, is played by a Mexican. I mean shit, she's literally from Singapore, you can't find a Chinese actor to play her?

>tfw it says made in china on my ash tray

Guess i'm Chinese.

Spiegel is literally a Yiddish name.


I'm honestly shocked they got an Asian to play Spike, (((they))) hate Asians, especially female Asians.

>Israeli pistol
You mean an American pistol.

Especially considering Firefly was close enough.

It’s actually Supigeru

So put in someone who can actually do action scenes

>when the bait is too obvious

Attached: when i see black people.jpg (960x720, 40K)

They could have gotten a better asian though

Fun Fact: Jewish men love marrying Chinese women. Don't know why, but it's a thing. I was in a hotel lobby in Singapore once during Hanukkah and it was filled with the most stereotypically old Jewish guys with Chinese wives and hapa kids everywhere.

I agree there. Like, really weird choice. Also couldn't it have been an actual Chinaman?

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Cowboy Bebop?
More like Cowboy BeGay!

My problem with the casting isn't the Asian part, it's the "40+ man who has had one 'action' scene in the entirety of his film career, which was full of jump cuts and a stunt double, portraying a late 20s bounty hunter who can fight like Bruce Lee and beat the shit out of a train car full of people in a flash" part.

he eats pork. he's not jewish.

>Spike Spiegel.
He's a Chinese/German,
And Jewish.

He carries an Israeli pistol,
His actor Steve Blum is Jewish,
Stop being idiots.

In what way, in what world, does Edward have anything to do with trannys? She a girl with a boys name, that's it. Even in your insane fantasy world I don't see how you can connect that to tranny outrage. It's not like they got pissed at Star Trek for having a woman named Michael.

all anime characters are Japanese until proven otherwise

Can't wait for Ed le super hacker girl in this show

hahahaha i just saw they cast john cho wtf hahahaha

The parasite needs to fit in with its host, and China is the next world power.

don't care about the asian part, but as others have said does he match the tall lanky character who can fight?
netflix diversity hire, but somehow the least offensive of the bunch
those teeth holy shit. they really couldn't find an asian lady, or romani?
>That last guy
not the worst but not great

No ed? what about the dog? they'll probably make the dog a pit bull.

that's like saying all cartoon characters are american kek. get cultured.




Stop dreaming


pretty funny they cast the last type of person you would ever expect for this role. john cho. kek

It's not that they cast an Asian. They just didn't cast a cool one. Was Takeshi Kaneshiro busy or something?

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You know most people would be fine with that, right? Japanese, jew, white, happa, latino, whatever. Bebop is multicultural as fuck.

But just being asian doesn't make one fit for the role. Keon Jeong is asian, should he play Spike? Neither should Cho. He's older than the guy they cast as Jet. Has no swagger, no actiob role history. Hes all around miscast.

I own an AK, am I Russian?

wrong he's hapa they should have got keanu

It almost makes me wonder if they chose the races they did to try to distract the discussions from the fact that they couldn't hire GOOD actors of any race.

Obviously. But if it's inevitable might as well get the right people.

it kinda is that though. i mean, if they went for a hapa like keanu it would look great. spike has this unmistakenly western nose and traditionally american swagger. and i don't mean swagger in the new age rap sense.

netflix is full of misscasts. see deathnote. this is hilarious and a meme even in japan

I'd argue Spike is just tan, Jet the one with a olive skin and a really Mediterranean profile. But they went black because reasons.

live action remakes arent a bad idea. they're just never done right and in the worst cases (dragonball evolution, death note) the downfall of the show being bad casting is clear long before the show comes out.

firefly was completely different.

U.S. adaption so who cares

Keanu would have been solid. Plus the guy knows how to do a fight scene, so at least those would have been cool.

I get that it's just a diversity hire move. Gotta make sure the Bebop crew is multicultural!

The saddest part is that the show probably won't have any design elements from the show. Probably none of the score either.

From the bottom portraits id have made spike, Faye and jet Asian and probably made Vicious white. I am not sure if Vicious is meant to be white though. Asians are seriously jelly of white features and colour variation.

kek. he's not jewish though. that's a conspiracy theory. it's never stated anywhere and he has more evidence saying hes not jewish than he is.

i know this is bait though

Japan is a meme. They draw white characters then chinks sperg when people assume the white european looking characters aren't slant eyed nigger nosed hooks.

This is Faye Valentine. Say something nice about her.

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>turning Jet black when there was already a black character in the crew


>imagine someone playing Spike having the martial arts skills and talent of fooling around creatively like Jackie Chan

Cowboy Bebop will fail hard because the action scenes will be lame, the music will suck.

multicultural = no white men apparently. in a white mans show where all the fans are white men and its made for white men and inspired by american (white) culture.

wtf why didnt they cast Ryan Gosling or Chris Evans as Spike? cancelled.

i want to watch a japanese movie tonight. what do i watch?
i'm not gay, so no godzilla

Any movie with Jackie Chan is solid.

they wouldnt have suited the role either. you're looking at entirely the wrong kind of character actor.

Battle Royale (2000)

I can see why asian martial arts have become a joke.

At best, we'll get Tank! and the Real Folk Blues as butchered covers.

"No wypepo in the future, cracka". Is the message that a lot of current sci-fi shows seem to be pushing.

This slutty slut actually looks pretty ok dolled up. Even though the tooth gap is distracting. And I don't think she'll have any trouble portraying Faye. I'm not for blackwashing, but Jet again kinda fits his character. I don't mind Vincent. Cho is the most disappointing and that's enough to fuck it all up, he's the one they had to nail.

Keanu was the original choice for the movie plan years ago. He got too old for it now. THen again, they hired fucking John Cho so I guess that doesn't matter all that much.

just look at john cho. look at this fucker. the childish weak frame you expect to see from a small boy under 7 years of age. The unsure focus of his eyes, squinting to see, to focus - on nothing because he's hiding his awkwardness. the stance of somebody who hasn't grown into adulthood yet.

the short thin legs of a midget that put his height at a mere 5 foot 4. he's ashamed of them and they're constantly shaking when he stands. his clothes look like they were bought by a mum for her toddler and are wrapped around him rather than fitting.

yes. this. this is our spike speigel.

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>they'll probably make the dog a pit bull.


Your forgetting that the Lunar Gate incident which basically desolated Earth to evacuation. Which as result the concept of race and country nationalism was lost on the next generation. Hence why everyone in Bebop is multiracial and Multicultural. C'mon now, know the lore.

Cowboy Bebop was a shit show anyways it was made for individuals with double digit IQs who went "le gaga for le jazz intro"
Its fact

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>casting el goblina as faye
hollywood was a mistake

and you're forgetting that spike is a white/hapa mix

Daniella is cute! CUTE!

anything by kurosawa should be fine. specially his movies based on shakespeare

make the one guy with asian eyes white cause hes a villian

bravo netflix

he's a Martian. green jew hair

Very ugly

Have sex

the show is a homage to western (white) culture and music and style (american specifically)

>lets remove the white people in the remake!

green, like blue is a shade of black and brown in animation.

>>lets remove the white people in the remake
Did I fucking say that?
Don't out words in my mouth,
Whites can appear in Bebop (there were some in the episodes to a minority level). But it need to show the multicultural and multiracial aspect.

spike was white lol

Cowboy Bebop has always been this. For Fuck sakes the first episode is a planet resembling Mexico with two getaways Latinos (red eye dealers) trying to make a living.

Man this is going to be Netflix Deathnote level shitty

spike was white. faye was asian, jet was white, the bad guy was asian. this is canon.

you can also say spike was hapa thats fine but hes a white looking hapa like keanu

I'm playing your shitty game,
Spike was a Chinese/German person who implied to be Jewish.
Fuck off somewhere.

the show is about celebrating and making a homage to white culture and style and music. read up on it. it doesnt make sense for john cho to be spike in any sense and make no white male characters except the bad guy (who is clearly asian)

if anything he's hapa with a name like spiegel

Spike had tanned skin,
Had an Afro,
Had reddish brownish eyes,
And was fluent I. Somewhat Chinese,

You really to stop trolling....

then why are jet and faye's hair black

chinese german = white hapa yes. which is extremely different than asian in looks.

sound like projection desu as you go the russian ice world

>the show is about celebrating and making a homage to white culture
Thanks for exposing yourself dipshit,
And Chinese culture was a major influence (woolong etc). Fuck off normies

everyone knew chinese and spoke mostly english so your point is mute also see

They should have because it's fucking retarded

He's Eurasian dumbass,

Hot take: Spike is actually Latin American/German.
Lots of Germans migrated to Latin America and some of them had kids with the natives. Spike is the product of this.

you might want to send the creator of cowboy bebop to pol then too. as that is what he has said many times. western culture. (white culture)

Once again he's Eurasian dumbass,
Quit shoveling you whiney self cause you don't have a Aryan protagonist. The only one was Andy and he a view as an moron.

>western culture = white culture

are you kidding me? eurasian is hapa, half white half asian. the guy you just replied to say exactly what you said kek

and yes extremely different than asian in looks

So why doesn't the actor, that he is supposedly based on, resemble him? Hair style, eyes, nose, mouth, eyebrows. They don't really look anything alike. I guess the pose is similiar.

I think you mean re-meets the guy who unfroze her. The unfreezing story happens before the events in bebop, and those guys didn’t know her whole story anyway

how can you disagree with that? the west is all white countries. western culture, everything from jeans to coca cola to the internet to electricity to toasters is all white culture

why doesn't scarjo look like the major?

You either the dumbest son of a Bitch I've met on this board or your literally baiting like a strange five year old queer. Chinese culture was also a big influence. Woolong was currency, Chinese language was everywhere and the Triads as well. If you can't understand then I implore you to slam your head against concrete and rid yourself seriously.

kek making the same mistake again i see. somebody doesnt know what hapa means

because he wasnt based on him racially, just stylistically. lupin the 3rd is another one you want to look at

sounds like you didn't understand the show to be honest. maybe you want to read the wikipedia page.

Because she's a fat kike who was absolutely miscast

>because he wasnt based on him racially, just stylistically. lupin the 3rd is another one you want to look at
Wtf does that even supposed to mean? He is either based on how the actor looks or he isn't. If he is based on the personality of the actor, which I seriously doubt, then give some examples.

Holy Shit,
The /pol/tards are here,
Not surprising since they had like two threads over there. Listen /pol/ shits, your not getting a whijte protagonist or a Aryan protagonist. Deal with it dumbfucks.

I see the /pol/tard is mad and now crying like a baby. Shouldn't you be over at Your board complainijng I. Your thread loser?

>OP proves that spike's character design is based off a japanese actor
>people still claim he must be jewish

What the fuck is wrong with you people?
>The producers of Cowboy Bebop have been quoted as saying they chose the name Spike Spiegel because "it sounded cool." It is stated in the special features accompanying Cowboy Bebop The Movie: Knockin' on Heaven's Door that Spike's appearance is modeled after the late Japanese actor Yusaku Matsuda, especially as he appears in his famous role in Tantei Monogatari.

What more do you fucking want? He's based off a japanese actor and the creator chose a name based off it sounding cool.
That's it.

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>Spike is Asian

But he's white? Like me.

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Don't make the /pol/s whine more

Damn user's seething so hard he can't type

I'm not asking for a white protag. I'm asking for a Castizo or Mestizo protag, which is what Spike is.

/pol/ this is Yea Forums,
Who gives a fuck about how I type,
Your not my fucking Bitch,
Get lost

Japan never draws characters with asian features due to how disgusting they are, so how are people supposed to interpret their white looking characters as anything but white

>different nose
>different jawline
>different eyes
>curly hair vs not curly hair
whoa, totally the same

Because you’re a autistic /pol/cel that still watches cartoons

Except Spike isn't. You don't like? Go complain to the creator about it....

>be japanese some time after ww2
>really really think americans and western culture ( white culture and white people), are cool.
>make some shows like lupin the third and others where the main character uses guns, is thin and tall and has swagger and solves crimes, acts like an american
>these are like exploitation films without the ethnic casting. like westerns made with all japanese.
>decades pass, this is still cool. americans are still cool
>make cowboy bebop, a homage to these older shows that were homages to white / american / western culture. main character is clearly white, but also has a japanese mixed look, hapa maybe unspecified.

>years later people on an anonymous image board are unironically arguing the show was never about white people

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>Because you’re a autistic /pol/cel that still watches cartoons

Both are soulless cosmopolitan bug "people"

Well could they at least have gotten a tough/gritty looking cowboy-esque asian and not some little effeminate one?

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the creator as it was already said in this thread would be on the side you are calling pol lol

Except he definitely is. Swarthy skin and a German last name. You no rike? Go cly some more.

if they apply white make up on the black actor's skin and shave his head would it work?

Keep your Yea Forumsutism to dbz threads in your containment board Jose

>everyone who disagreed with me including the shows creator is a nazi!

>anime characters are stylisations and don't look exactly like real people therefore it's impossible that he was based off a japanese actor even thought the makers of the anime said he was
Have some dignity and just accept you were wrong. learn to cope.

Stop talking about shinji asuka.
Shinto just needs some medical psyche talk. And some a good parental figure.

He's also inspired by Philip Marlowe, the main character from "The Long Goodbye", who is white, you fuck kike dickrider.

No. I'm white and I'm sticking up for my beaner friends.

Are you people immune to facts? >>The producers of Cowboy Bebop have been quoted as saying they chose the name Spike Spiegel because "it sounded cool." It is stated in the special features accompanying Cowboy Bebop The Movie: Knockin' on Heaven's Door that Spike's appearance is modeled after the late Japanese actor Yusaku Matsuda, especially as he appears in his famous role in Tantei Monogatari.

>the creator as it was already said in this thread
The Fuck are you talking about?
When has Shinciro watanabe went on this board and said it. Post dumbass or Fuck off.


There are no Asian Chads, try again!

>mixed white geman (white)

I actually agree with this.

mfw every non white person gets all butthurt when people remind them spike is a white character and the show was about celebrating westerners. lol

mfw the idiot argueing spike is not white here didnt even know that hapa and eurasian are the same thing

citation needed

They're undocuments from /pol/ and need to be deported back there user.

Bebop's one of the anime series that could be easily adapted into live action, yet they can't even handle the adaptation right

read more. educate yourself.

everything said is correct. the show was a homage to white people from a japanese perspective.

That doesn't erase his German last name or his Latin American features.
yea you are

Your not getting a white protagonist /pol/ and Spike isn't white. No matter how many times you post it. Cope..

Elliott Gould is Jewish you dumdum

>in my head-cannon , Spike is mixed race and german therefore he's mixed race.
why don't you actually look up the facts you dumbass?>>The producers of Cowboy Bebop have been quoted as saying they chose the name Spike Spiegel because "it sounded cool." It is stated in the special features accompanying Cowboy Bebop The Movie: Knockin' on Heaven's Door that Spike's appearance is modeled after the late Japanese actor Yusaku Matsuda, especially as he appears in his famous role in Tantei Monogatari.

>cant read


ITT: chinese boy rages because spike not asian

Then why no cast a chad Asian instead of soi stoner.

>Spiegel is an ancient German Christian surname. Family tradition says it was taken from a town or lake named Spiegel. There is a small community south of Munich named Spiegel. The name Spiegel goes back to at least the 12th century, when the Spiegel family were barons of Desenburg and Peckelsheim in Hessen; one noted person was Heinrich III Spiegel zum Desenberg (1361-80), Bishop of Paderborn.
Why are Jews so obsessed with claiming Spike is Jewish? If he was he wouldn't be able to go 5 minutes without comparing something to Nazis or the Holocaust.

the Earth was destroyed, Israel doesn't exist anymore in Bebop universe, Spike just uses retro weapons because he's cool like that

Look dumbass,
He's not white,
No matter how you mash him up with.

Better yet! Spike looks very Brazilian! Since they have asian, Latin and afro in them since you want play that game. Shut the Hell up and get lost.

kek. sneaking up on you that everything thinks like this not just "pol" isn't it? The world is going to destroy you in life.

This. I seriously don't get it are weeaboos just blind or delusional

Spike not white accept it.
You delusional /pol/ mutt.
Are you from Brazil?
Something tells me you are.

to be completely honest senpai most brazillians are white. half asian whites (hapas) are white (usually). spanish and latin people are white (usually).

I'm not sure why people are so sensitive about this. the show is clearly a homage to americans and it doesnt make sense for the main character to be full blooded asian as such.

>That doesn't erase his German last name
>>The producers of Cowboy Bebop have been quoted as saying they chose the name Spike Spiegel because "it sounded cool."

No, they were not constructing lore that he's israeli you ignorant fucking autist.

>"cowboy bebop has western and eastern influences therefore the main character must be white even when the creators specifically say that his character design is based off a japanese actor and his name was chosen because it sounded cool."

lol ok I guess you're right and the creators of cowboy bebop are wrong lol

>pol again

What Chinese girls are tall?

He still has a German last name and looks more Latin than Asian.

Earth is destroyed,
Human left Earth,
Human Colonised planets,
Everyone is racially ambiguous,
And you all are idiots for complaining over a fucking animated series that being tarnish.

the creator is on our side. read the history here.

Is there more?

Fucking Singaporeans. They aren't like mainland Chinese. I think it's the food, Singapore has way different standards in food. Must be making them giants.

This thread confirms /pol/ incels are the most delusional retards on the internet. Cowboy Bebop is multicultural as shit. Lots of appreciation for Middle Eastern culture too.

>Earth is destroyed,
>Human left Earth,
>Human Colonised planets,
>Everyone is racially ambiguous,
And that's a good thing!

>German last name.
A shitskin can have a last name of German what difference does it make.

>and looks more Latin than Asian.
Latinos are not a race dumbass,
There are also asian Latinos.
Try again

This may blow some of your minds but:

Most japanese from that era didn't even consider themselves asian.

Imagine being this assbroken because nobody gives a shit about your favorite nanchild dumb anime shit and decided to make something that would appeal to a wider audience. Anonymous incels aren’t a big enough market to pander to.

Exactly. Spike is mixed race. He might even be part Arab.

This is fucking bullshit.

arab is white

>the blackwashed character is the best casted of them all
gotta say didn't expect that
seriously the asian dude doesnt look half as cool as Spike is supposed to be, it's going to look like a giant larp-fest

btw here's a leaked picture of Ein

Attached: 3729272636472.jpg (800x845, 96K)

Who gives a shit,
The series is done and once again. Being tarnished. Fuck Netflix, also this whole fucking thread is disgusting with weeks.

I've only seen the movie. It's okay. I'd probably give this show a try if I had shitflix. ;)

It mostly had a dominated Chinese culture user.

Why are weebs such hypocrites?
Spike is asian and must be asian but all the other characters can be whatever they want.

This, Fuck Netflix and weeaboos stop fighting over it.

Well yeah, that's what I've been saying. He has the German last name because of German ancestry and he looks the way he does because of Amerindian ancestry. He's German/Amerindian and maybe something else too.

Lol Spike’s too tall and thin to be a spic. The original jap actor they based him on was 6’0 barefoot.

He got the height from his German ancestors.

Fay is Chinese Singaporean though, why'd they make her Mexican? Jet can be black because I like his American voice actor.

Sure, but there's diversity everywhere which makes his appearance and last name a plausible match.

Latinos are not a fucking race.
A name does equalize that he white.
Holy fuck...

>>The producers of Cowboy Bebop have been quoted as saying they chose the name Spike Spiegel because "it sounded cool." It is stated in the special features accompanying Cowboy Bebop The Movie: Knockin' on Heaven's Door that Spike's appearance is modeled after the late Japanese actor Yusaku Matsuda, especially as he appears in his famous role in Tantei Monogatari.

It's done. The creators say he's based off a japanese actor and his name was simply chosen because it sounded cool.

He's not jewish or german or latino.




see >The producers of Cowboy Bebop have been quoted as saying they chose the name Spike Spiegel because "it sounded cool." It is stated in the special features accompanying Cowboy Bebop The Movie: Knockin' on Heaven's Door that Spike's appearance is modeled after the late Japanese actor Yusaku Matsuda, especially as he appears in his famous role in Tantei Monogatari.

Yeah, but Amerindian is. How many pure blooded Han Chinese do you know with the last name Steinberg?
Their logic doesn't jive with their creation. He looks like a Castizo and he has a German last name. They should have cast a Castizo.

>Me seeing anime weeaboos sperged and argue over this.
Lmao...good lord

Literally who

He's was born on Mars and it's heavily implied he was an orphan.

Spike actually visits Indians at the first episode to tell his fortune. He's very good friend with them.

Thanks, user. Even more evidence to support my theory.

And I'm saying where are they going to find a spic actor that's as tall and spry as Spike? The most notable one is Oscar Issacs and he's about as tall as Cho.

That What?
Latinos are not race,
Spike can literally be an Asian Latino.
Also we don't know much about his family background so this debate is really getting us nowhere user.

Oh, okay. I have no clue.

>Jet Black
>they cast a black guy

I clarified that I meant Amerindian, rather than Latino. Native Americans are a race. They supposedly crossed over from Siberia into the Americas during the ice age, meaning that they're likely an east Asian ethnicity. It's a win-win situation for everybody.

Just fuck my movie up senpai.

I can go with that!

No keep arguing you damn weeaboos! I was literally enjoying this! Damn it....

>Their logic doesn't jive with their creation.
Yeah the creators of cowboy bebop are wrong. You're the one who is right. Your headcannon is now cowboy bebop.

Attached: jhvmnhb.jpg (640x640, 166K)

That's an appeal to authority, user. The greatest scientific minds in history have been wrong from time to time.

>actual shills already

Doesn't look Asian at all.

>Jet isn't a Jew actor

i dont care if h's asian or not. its about acting. there are plenty of better asian actors then that emotionless talentless fucking joke

>They supposedly crossed over from Siberia into the Americas during the ice age,
They did they actually splintered off with the the other Asians as well. Isolated then went to America.

>They conclude that the ancestors of these infants started out in East Asia about 35,000 years ago. As they traveled east, they became genetically isolated from other Asians. At some point during the last ice age they crossed a frozen land bridge from Siberia to Alaska called "Beringia."

Just adding more info with this user here. I agree with this.

Fuck off Reddit

What happened to the dude from the green hornet?

I'd rather have chink than niggers. great move desu. but then niggers still got mad over awkwafina in CRA

>Castizo or Mestizo protag, which is what Spike is

Attached: 1544145018628.jpg (564x609, 45K)

>be spike
>have jew hair, a jew fro
> have the le classic German name which a bunch of jews have.
>use a jewish copy of a gun when the non- jew version exists.

IDK I think he might be a jew.

>they actually casted a black actor for jet
All the shitposting became real

Technically you are a natural born Jew if your mother is Jewish. Spikes dad was the Jew and his mom was Chinese so technically Spike is whatever he wants to be and isn't shackled to the religion by a mother.

And with the prominence in Chinese culture and his obsession with Bruce Lee i'm thinking he doesn't care.

Cho is a shit choice for Spike. Hes a 4th rate actor who looks nothing like him.

In fact thats the whole cast a bunch of shit tier actors who look nothing like the characters.

She also has no idea who she is or where she came from at that time.

kek maybe you want to google it

weebs would want him to be asian

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>Evil Guy is a White guy

>he's based on a Japanese actor!
>pol BTFO!!
>John Cho isn't Japanese

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We don't even know anything about Spike parentage at all. His whole past is a mystery. Except he might be an orphan a d was trained by the syndicate as their most dangerou emforcer/Assassin. That's it. The thing that makes spike and the rest of the Bebop crew unique is that you see only patches of their past and not their entire history. Hell we don't we know spike first job before the syndicate for christ sake. He's a shrouded mysterious man as he should be.

How does it feel white man to have your grip on Hollywood get looser and looser after 100+ years of dominance kek

why can't he just be an asian jew bros

Attached: maxresdefault-10.jpg (1280x720, 75K)

>asian, black, hispanic, jew
Fuck you, whitey.

This guy is pretty cool and it makes me less anti-Semitic to know that they've welcomed him into their community. I hope it isn't just some JIDF propaganda.

>How does it feel white man to have your grip on Hollywood

lmao at this nigger, jews founded hollywood, think for at least once in your life nigger, run nigger run

why do woke asians think they look white? Just the other day i saw some ugly chinese dude with a podgy slant eyed face using a white looking blue eyed anime character as a representation of himself.
Its peak delusion.
>Westerners use carictures to represent themselves
>asians use white looking model depictions

Why not this dude?

Attached: CuEVojxUsAAiX96.jpg (750x936, 87K)

>all asians look alike

Get a load of this shitlord.

Wasn't the complaint that the actor is fuck old though?


whats wrong with this nigger? something is off?

im ok with the guy being asian im not ok with the white chick being mexican

t. r/asianvirginity

Yeah honestly Spike is suppose to be like 26-28? John Cho is pushing fucking 50

That's right too, but considering the whole theme of the show, the episodes, the music, etc it's very clear he's based on marlowe from the long goodbye and other western films like it

Attached: goodbye2.jpg (600x344, 60K)

jesus christ

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 12K)

im brazilian actualy

Attached: HUE.png (255x222, 107K)

>He carries an Israeli pistol,
instead of firing bullets it fires parasites that slow undermine and destroy the host body?

>implied to be jewish

I love this headcanon

The Fuck are you spamming posting a dead thread? Your late as Fuck and the user is probably gone. Quit moving this fucking goalpost and bringing these Damn weeaboos out.

Dumpster that.

ohhhhhh where is my ahrergy medishin

Except that is a German name?

She's not particularly feminine, asamof, she looks like a boy most of the time

This would never have seen the light of day outside Netflix.

Alita was pretty good because it wasm't a Netflix movie.

Someone probably sucked some Netflix executive's or director's dick behind the scenes.

John Cho looks even older without his makeup.

Who the fuck does this scrawny Korean manlet think he is?

He's no action star.

A Colt is my Passport. It's pretty great.

Attached: ColtisMyPassport1967.813727_042420181037.jpg (3500x2280, 996K)

They could have gotten an actual 20 year old instead of some 50 year old Korean manlet.

Everyone hates the Faye casting.

Nobody expected a fucking Latina when Faye was born in Singapore

Hes not. As a chink our reputation is already pretty low, weebs like you trying to say all anime characters are asian is just embarrassing

Netflix is a joke.

Fuck Netflix for killing Blockbuster


Attached: jesuschrist.jpg (1440x576, 181K)


They wanted to be KANGS and SHIT before blacks did.

Attached: WE WUZ EGYPTIANS AND SHIET.png (1280x853, 1.44M)

Yes, exactly. Didn't they cast a Korean, not a Jap?

So is Edward dead? Probably for the best. They'd probably make her a transexual "female".

Didn't Faye grow up in Singapore? I might be misremembering where those lion statues that spirit water are from.

Woah is he a chipmonk?

>Yea Forums thread full of identity politics related to the supposed correct ethnicity of a fictionalized anime character


>reddit spacing

>that 50 year old boomer who's still a bounty hunter


Attached: boomerspike.png (480x405, 60K)

Corner or eyes.

Spike looks indian to me, and the girl described herself as romani as well. That fat dude is arab, and the villan is clearly a white guy. You all are wrong, caste indians desu.

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