Why do japanese people don't like american adaptations of their franchises?

Why do japanese people don't like american adaptations of their franchises?

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dios mio....

someone post that meme of a white loser with a gook wife stat

is she British?

No one likes american adaptations.

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How do Jap girls make even the most mundane clothes look so cute and feminine lads?

bred and raised to look like dolls

Maybe it’s because the burgers keep ruining their franchises.

dios mio... el yokai de harajuku

Detective pikaxhu was a fucking GAME first?

>fictional american
>real american

>why do they don’t
Can we just have ONE thread that isn’t filled with ESLs or zoomers

Ultra based and redpilled

hollywood American

The girl in the hat looks like an asian Jennette McCurdy, please tell me I'm not the only one who sees it.

Tell me. Why does she stand like that?

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You've been binge watching the ass shaking webm again, haven't you, user?


I see some potential here

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