> kills himself
kills himself
Other urls found in this thread:
>while choke-jacking himself to ejerkulation
>the character in this movie literally IS the person who is playing him! Everything he says is the genuine opinion of the actor himself and not the character he is currently playing!
>I am a genius!
That was David Carradine, user.
I think it was the divorce that played more into his suicide.
That was his son in Worlds Greatest Dad
He had dementia, he killed himsrlf before he slipped away :(
>Illuminati fake death
He killed himself because it turns out he had Dementia with Lewy bodies.
Know what that is?
It's a combination of
Alzheimer's disease,
Parkinson's disease,
all in one package.
I'd kill myself too. You can't stay alive to appreciate something you are rendered incapable of appreciating because you've become less conscious and functional than a fucking amoeba.
Poetry, beauty, romance and love all have died within the past few generations
In the mainstream and what is broadcast by the elites to the masses, yes.
>a noble pursuit
Must have been some wake
I can only remember him as a try hard forced comedian bad hip hopping and doing below Sandler level family comedies.
Jesus fuck, who can blame him. Living with dementia isn't living, it's just mindlessly existing.
>work as a lawyer or engineer
>read poetry in your spare time
r8 my plan
Where do you guys think his soul is now?
Like it or not business is the underpinning for everything else he mentioned
Fundamentally nobody's going to work for free and you need business to facilitate large-scale remuneration of people for their skills and distribution for the fruits of their labours
>> kills himself
Lewy-Body dementia robbed him of his sanity.
Even a Zombie is a better existence than Lewy bodies, i'm not kidding even one bit.
>bolstering the local economy
>giving dozens of people jobs
>the revenue to make donations and support their community (if businesses don't do this they're scum)
>creating a company that can be passed down and grown through generations
and that's just a small business. if it's a big business, multiply all that by several times although there's a higher probability of corruption.
gay and tryhard
Why bother? He's talking bullshit, poetry is frou-frou bullshit for dilettantes. You should be reading technical manuals.
>there are people on this board who will tell you it was the wrong choice for him to kill himself
I have a friend who does this. He's married to a 9/10 qt and is going to pay off his mortgage by the time he's 30.
Why did I major in chemistry, it's just cubicles and bullshit.
I just like birds
>Why did I major in chemistry
The fuck kind of field did you major in?
I'm majoring in Polymer because of the industrial, furniture, and civil engineering practical applications rather than just paper pushing and R&D/Simulation. It combines nicely with Petrol Engineering and Organic Chemistry.
Will you be making condoms?
If that’s true then suicide was probably the best option
Poor fucking guy
>kills himself with two bullets to the back of the head
You’re on fucking Yea Forums user
While almost nothing talked about here is high art your very presence here is a tacit admission that you do find enjoyment in art and fiction
You will never have time for a serious study of poetry with the hours and work-life "balance" and debt of a lawyer. Maybe in engineering after you make the jump to management and just sit on your fat ass all day, but in both scenarios you will always be a distant observer with an amateur appreciation at best.
Birds like you too :)
>t. a bird
I thought ninjas did Carradine.
I could make condoms as well yeah. There's no end for uses regarding bioplastics. Even if the petrol industry loses its claws on the consumer transport industry, it'll only mean a transfer into the construction materials industry including entire buildings, not only tools and shit like condoms.
Hell, i don't need to give you the rundown on Bakelite alone which also falls under my line of work.
I watched this the other day, legit sad... Yet somehow only his first wife and first son talk on it, i wonder why
That's not his decision to make.
As long as you believe in them user, they will never die
cockatiels > budgies > parrots > other birds
based retard
dying in Thailand trying to jack off is the most cool beer uncle way to die I've ever heard of
I think the thing that hurt the most about it was that for years he was trying to get help for his condition.
He was taking the meds, and seeing psychiatrists, and it still didn't help. He only made it as long as he did because of trying so hard.
Makes me wonder why the fuck i'm still around.
Seriously, fuck you if you believe that
Most based comment in this whole thread and it was crowned with dubs.
Based user.
He was raped as a young actor and felt lifelong shame and self-loathing. It's a pity he was never able to talk about it openly.
check these
Oh they did. They were kinky ninjas.
>getting defensive immediately
Nigga pls. If you managed to become a Lawer or Engineer you clearly have the discuprine needed to keep up with a hobby.
>It's a combination of
>Alzheimer's disease,
>Parkinson's disease,
holy shit, that's the dark souls of brain disease
Who is? Yours?
A jew edited the script and addeded it to the group, it's so obvious it's not even funny.
>You can't make a decision about Yourself
A lot of people don't believe in the right to assisted suicide. Even leftists, who tout "their body, their choice", get personally offended at another person's choice to take their own life.
That's cause they're religious retards.
Read the rest of the post.
they get livid at the idea that anyone would want to end a hellish and painful existence. gotta stay behind so you can suffer more and rack up medical bills for your family right? truly mindboggling.
>It's a combination of
>Alzheimer's disease,
>Parkinson's disease,
And who's is it?
I guess this is the closest you can get to experiencing what humans who end up in the Warp experience in the 40k universe.
Still better than burning in Hell for eternity.
Is a man running his own barbershop or local grocery not living a noble life? Businessman does not necessarily mean corporate dog user.
>not willingly going to Hell to rip and tear demons in the name of the lord
Pretender and poser detected. You are a stain and an insult upon the religion.
prove it faggot
Google it you fucking idiot, the conditions is rare enough that a high visibility person like Williams is a subject in many science and neuroscience journals now in regard to battling the shit.
>Killing the demons
>When God intentionally let's them exist so that thuman love for God is genuine and earned
Kek, come back when you've learned the basics of theology Yea Forumsirgin.
> t. wagecuck
> it’s love if I threaten them into submission with an eternity of suffering at the hands of monsters I created
God lets them exist because he needs to filter between worthless cowardly pretender garbage like yourself and courageous and strong Humans loyal enough to battle demons head-on instead of seeking the comfort and security of a Heaven like little worthless bitches seeking laziness and comfort to a sinful level. You reveal how much of a worthless shit you are coward.
>there are people in this thread who didn't know that he killed himself for that very reason
what next, you people don't know that philip seymour hoffman and dennis hopper died a few years back?
he was fat
What did he mean by this?
Who did he steal that quote from? I'd like to read more.
Your right's end where mine begin.
Robin had a family and it was wrong for him to kill himself, morally and legally.
That it was a permanent solution, obviously.
This. Life isn't something you do, life is something you participate in. He had no right to hurt his loved ones like that
You don't really "live with" dementia if you have it. You're having a great time in an alternate reality. The people around you "live with it".
My mom died of cancer, and the brain mets fucked her up the last month, she reverted back to a wierd version of her childhood. We asked the doctors how to deal with it, if we should correct her, and they said "Why upset her? Wherever she is, she's having a good time. I know it's upsetting, but, there's not much you can do."
>Dennis Hopper died in 2010
What the fuck?
Oh, look, a neckbeard has something to say.
It wasn't because his condition could have ended with him killing or harming his family. Don't speak on matters your brain is too small to understand or research.
He had two choices, risk the aforementioned or get locked up in a mental institution in USA of all countries. Both are worse options than suicide in his case.
His problem was pretty fucking permanent, though. Most people who kill themselves do it for stupid emotional reasons.
this, everybody wants to think it was suicide but thats to hide the fact that he was a chronic masturbater who choked himself
rather than be a joke he is viewed as a tragic figure
>doesn't see the beauty in the first things
What a fucking pleb. He deserved to die
>(((((HAVE SEX))))))
>names children after video game characters
What a fucking NERD!
Then post one faggot
This is both cringe and retarded. If youre gunna use a smug anime girl at least pretend to know what you are talking about please
Business and wealth creation are positive-sum games. As opposed to e.g. politics which is zero-sum.
Businesses bring progressively cheaper and better goods and improve our quality of life.
Most comedians range wildly between manic comedy and deep brooding depression, most people call it bipolar disorder but I consider it to be a mark of someone who grew up alone and learned to be funny as a means of finally making friends.
t. comedian
>That nose on the GF
This. I do all of this with my business. We have yearly charity drives for local children's hospitals and weekly events for autistic kids. Don't make much money for myself but seeing as many of these kids were nonverbal when they first started coming and are now playing together, speaking, laughing, joking and having a good time it makes it all worth it.
> Filter hundreds of pounds of illegal drugs through your body
> Somehow this affects your brain.
Whoda thunkit?
Shut up, Dee.
Wait, if that's true, then why the fuck did the media say that it was just "depression"? Seems like they left out a very important part of the story.
Take the paladin pill, anons.
Whoever made that image is a fucking retard. That's not how depression works. Depression is your brain chemistry betraying you. Despite all your achievements and reasons you have to be happy your brain still brings you down because 'fuck you'.
This is the shit I'm afraid of. How do people stress about getting into schools or getting a job when there's a FUCKING alzheimers lurking around the corner? You don't only lose your future life, you lose literally everything you experienced. You lose everything
Reminder that suicide is punished by eternal punishment in the fires of God's wrath.
Strength comes from the Lord. You can barely move in hell.
Yeah, they forgot the line about how illicit drugs, mainly stimulants, fucks up your brain chemistry because, let's be real, celebs are wired all the time.
got something in my eyes lads
David Carradine was murdered by tranny prostitutes.
dilate you dumb commie
that is very based of you user
Truly, Romanticism gave me a second reason to live. To find God in a brand new light, outside of conventional channels.
Keep your brain busy. dont stop learning. do crosswords when youre older. My granpa did a shitload of crosswords and he became 95 with good memory so thats what im gonna do.
sad kek
Name 3 and a good flick about one of them
alzheimers really is the worst shit imaginable, worse than cancer. lose all your memories and capability until you become a confused, senile deranged vegetable always teetering on the precipice of insanity, becoming a complete hindrance to your family and society. It must be the closest thing to literal hell
They would have been hurt by his decline as well. It's a lose-lose situation.
Nana Nanu
I'm dead by my own handu
He was playing a character, op.
>witnessed the ultimate expression of poetry, beauty, romance, love
>nothing left to live for
If they really loved him they would have helped him not feel suicidal
>participating in life as drooling vegetable
I don't have that someone so I'm allowed to kill myself.
He lost all of those things, hence him taking his own life.
if assisted suicide was legal he would have been able to pass away peacefully with his family by his side. as alex jones would say "keep them comfortable"
Fuck off liberal pussy. That's literally pseudoscience. You're a cuckold who is too weak and self centered to appreciate life and others.
god KLK was such a shitshow
Couldn't he have made it look like an accident, though? Getting lost in the woods or something maybe.
tfw I have non of that
See you around fellas