>snaps his fingers
>only rural and suburban Republicans left in America
Snaps his fingers
>snaps his fingers
>no more women
Instant utopia
*Israel clapping in the distance in their supreme moment of utter triumph*
Fuck city slickers.
Reality is often disappointing.
to be fair it would make the world more peaceful
how surprising, dumb poor people vote for a populist demagogue
>Niggers and spicks flock to the gibs
Wow no way
Now lets see the welfare figures.
Based Thanos, he knows where all the problems lie.
The world would be a lot more peaceful if only liberals were left too; they actually give a shit about others and have human empathy.
>productive people responsible for technological advancement of the nation vote democrat
>lazy boomers in bumfuck nowhere vote republican
Really makes you think
>i will gibs you a great america again!
all is gibs
>dumb poor people
pretty sure blacks vote democrat
if he said dumb white people then that wouldve triggered your white fragility
But all politicians are populist demagogues.
Without the red states the blue tards would die of hunger.
would saying 13% trigger your black fragility?
no, statistics are statistics, just as 49% of the human population is responsible for 96% of homicides. Gas men now
based objectivist
>only poor dumb people voted Trump
>yet his voters had a higher average income than Hillary voters
Too bad votes aren't weighted by GDP contribution. Better luck next time Hillary
Now this is based.
Imagine the inbreeding
That's all (((you))) care about. 90% of that is the megacorporations. Democrat cities are always bum infested shit holes surrounding a small core of wealthy hipsters.
elitist fuck
>this triggers the polfaggot
This argument falls flat because men are "worth" the 96% of homicides they commit because of all the work and invention they do. Blacks are not worth the 52% of homicides they commit.
Imagine her disappointment and obligation.
Wtf I love thanos now
>reeee republicans only care about the 1%
>what do you mean you didn't vote blue? Just look at how we have a majority of the wealth you dumb hick
>business and industry happens in concentrated urban areas
Drumpf is finished this time!