Boomers, what was your first reaction when you saw Michael's new skin color back in the 80s?
Boomers, what was your first reaction when you saw Michael's new skin color back in the 80s?
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Practically loved him overnight.
I said to myself
>Light skin, formerly dark.
Damn, Michael Jackson looks like THAT?
When he officially became the king.
Thought it was the most uppity thing I ever saw!
transition was gradually because he was using a ton of make up to look white before even his skin got lighter
For me, it's The Way You Make Me Feel
He looks like a girl, I'd fuck his tight little asshole.
His music went downhill with skin bleaching.
We just chalked it up. Everyone knew he wa a weird sob. I remember Arsenio had a field day, though
Had to ask my Pappy and he says he’s believes the story about Michael and LaToya dyeing their skin because they were suffering from vitiligo. He says lots a blacks in Gary are piebald and infidelity is so rampant that everyone’s related.
seek long-term intensive professional help.
This has a few great tracks but its mostly disco influenced pap.
Isnt all his music just dance music anyways?
was he really a famous singer
by the 80s he was already pretty much considered a freak of nature, but an incredibly talented and entertaining one. My boomer parents weren't fans of MJ but most of my Gen-X friends were. Honestly I'm not sure there's been anything like him since. Most circus freaks don't gain that kind of mass appeal unless they are faking it like Lady Gaga or Katy Perry. MJ's surreal physicality and voice was really him.
Dude, in the 80s school girls would practice writing his signature at lunch time they were so moist for him.
Great production value.
>implying you wouldnt fug this
holy shit @ 3:30. the way he moved was so cool
What I would give to be one of those boys molested by him..
Just imagine. You wake up in a california king bed in a room that looks straight out of a movie, with tons of candy, comic books, books, posters etc all over. You and MJ ride around in a fucking carriage complete with white horses, getting to hear him sing and swoon and engage in conversation where you realize MJ actually cares about what you have to say unlike all the other adults. You'll practice dance moves with him, get to meet other famous people, even fucking world leaders, wear the coolest and fanciest clothes all the while fangirls are screaming for you both. You'll play the newest video games in a private arcade and co-op with MJ to compete for a new high score and because he isnt a brain dead 12 year old, hes actually good at the game, just like you are. You'll end the day feasting on expensive gourmet meals and watching timeless movies, the library of which could last a lifetime. At the end, MJ even sucks your dick.
Who wouldnt want that?
Yeah, compositionally, it was mostly just 80s trends. With MJ it was the unique performance abilities and "coolness" that really set him apart. He actually was a dancer, and although he might not have been technically any better than the boy-band types that filled his niche in the late 90s, there was just something hypnotic about the way he was able to move. He didn't even look real. He just had a modest bag of dance tricks, but the way he performed them set him way apart from everyone else. You could say similar things about his vocal abilities.
>implying he isn't innocent and wasn't framed
other than that, that sounds nice though
I liked him best after he turned green.
Shamone, fuck niggers, hee hee.
yeah you hit the nail on the head about his movements. his human nature performances are the best along with his expressions and everything
anyone remember when he made this rock song?
You didn’t even mention the fact that you wouldn’t have to wipe your ass, it would be licked clean by talented tongue in the world. I hated wiping my ass at eight years old. Still do.
I unironically think he was innocent. My fantasy just involves him sucking my 12 yr old peepee
I think a lot of it is the gender shit. he looked so pretty n-no homo
very based
he was a cute negro. He should have stayed like that.
that would be sexually confusing. going through puberty, you'd be sort of attracted to his feminine characteristics. if we're talking like prime late 80s Jackson.
Go read the bible or something. jesus christ.
>Watch leaving neverland
>Both of them talk about how he literally only fucks with kids their age (7-14ish)
>Sounds like none of it is based around penetration just hjs, bjs and analingus
>Kid gets older
>Kid is literally out of his preferred age range
>Suddenly wants to buttfuck
Ya I don't buy it, if the dude wanted to buttfuck he would have tried doing it along time ago. Both stories feel inconsistent.
The dude was fucking weird no doubt, but I don't for a second believe he wasn't a castrati. Dudes voice was super high pitched even before nose surgery and clearly the kids he's "fathered" look nothing like him/don't have his genes.
Post first couple surgeries he looked super androgynous.
I think it's because the dude perfected his moves, he had an unparalleled taste for choreography. All modern choreography hinges off of his impression whether it is intended or not.
King of Pop doesn't really do him justice.
There wasn't much to think about. The second I saw it, I immediately sent him my sons.
Bro he was already ayuwoki tier ugly when he began being a pedo.
Why do phone posting millennial retards think that 70 year old senior citizens are browsing /tv:?
>Become a living legend
>Get your hair burnt off
>Get your skin fugged up
>be accused of pedophilia
>addicted to drugs
>Become a boogeyman for lil boys
Its like a straight up folk tale of making a deal with the devil
>Boomers, what was your first reaction when you saw Michael's new skin color back in the 80s?
When they first started reporting on it a lot of people didn't believe it was real.
I was like
boomers are what zoomers call millennials, is this your first ever post?
Kek he looks like a slightly more masculine Jhene aiko
First it was the HEE HEE
Then the Ayuwoki
But few know the horrors of the AUUUUUUU
What was it, that post you were replying to?
>I think it's because the dude perfected his moves and had an unparalleled taste for choreography
I think that's only part of it, though. I think the other part is that he just had a really weird physical attributes. You can, for example, look at modern dancers who do popping and locking with choreography that is far more elaborate and difficult than Jackson, and they do it with extreme precision and have clearly perfected their moves.
The choreography was certainly part of it, basically MJ was up on stage to do "cool" moves, that's what he did and every kid in the 80s wanted to imitate his signature moves. He was also a total package performer with the singing and theatrics. But I do think there was just something unusual about his physiology that no one else has. So even when you can take the most dedicated professional dancer doing the same movies, it just doesn't have that same surreal oddness that MJ had.
40 year old here.
Literally, "Well, Mike's being weird again."
Zoomers are too stupid to come up with a more disparaging term than what we call our antagonistic generation. Instead of being creative they just use the same insult on us. We're mill senpai.
>At the end, MJ even sucks your dick
>Its like
>sexually harassing a woman late at night when she's on her own
I grew up when black or white came out and I never questioned it, I just thought oh ok he is white now
This guy gets weirder and weirder
originally the term was meant to describe 30-year-old millennials conspicuously acting like the stereotypical boomers of their childhood, who were largely responsible adults and parents who grew up in a reasonable timeframe (in contrast to millennials who still haven't grown up in many cases); mowing their lawns, grumbling about kids these days, and waxing nostalgic for the good old days.
nah, he would have become a bloated mess like joe. he did the right thing by turning into an pale emaciated freak.
It's incredibly uncreative. They could have at least called it something like milly boomer or the like. It's the equivalent of calling someone grandpa.
If he truly only cared for Children in a non sexual way.Why was he only seen with white boys and never black boys or any lolis???
Why did he discard them instead of grooming them to be his protege? Hell with the boy band craze of the 90s it would have been perfect to have a group of kids that grew with micheal being taught his techniques and carry on his style
why does the chick look like MJ?
Prime 80s Jackson looked androgynous enough to want to fuck. It was part of his appeal. I know old boomers who readily admit that MJ was attractive for a guy and then lamented the fact he went off the goddamn rails with his vitilago and makeup treatment.
that is MJ.
It's some kind of subtle Aphex Twin-like kink
Also, checked
It's a meme you dip
HIStory was his best album
Janet looks like she's struggling in comparison
He spent time with boys and girls of all races. The media wouldn't report it because it didn't fit their narrative of labeling him a creep.
As for the boy bands, he was a major influence with his nephews' band 3T and helped create their second album, but it was never released due to problems with Sony, whom he was battling with.
It is more than clear, coupled with sites like
While the more common opinion is, even on boards like /pol/, that Michael Jackson was a victim of some sort of Jewish inquisition and was just living his lost childhood again: it is clear that he was sexually attracted to young boys of caucasian descent.
Michael Jackson was not sexually attracted by all children in general: he found girls and females disgusting and negroid children were also off-limits, similar to the habits of serial killers and serial predators also have a preference on how they choose their victims.
I personally feel relieved that this "troubled pop star" passed away by overdosing on sedatives mainly meant for race horses: the world has one less negroid pedophile raping young, caucasian boys.
>But, if you're thinking about my baby. It don't matter if you're black or white
But this did matter to Michael Jackson how he chose his bedfellows. You had to be white. You had to be male. And you had to be between the ages of 6 - 12.
>those pictures
jesus fucking christ
you just like it cause he said kike
It was the other way around.
Imagine Michael Jackson as the Joker
I'm not even sure if I like Michael Jackson that much. Off The Wall and Thriller are the only two albums I like entirely through. Besides that he had maybe one or two good songs per album. That's like on the same tier as Dream Theater or something, just more accessible.
Should've been in Batman '89 instead of Jack
That's like saying the rolling stones aren't good. Rolling stones never had solid albums, but you'd be stupid to say they weren't important/good.
you really saying MJ's music was no better than backstreet boys or whatever? there's a reason his music is still played whereas theres is relegated to ironic playing.
He was too sexy for his own good America wasn't ready
I remember just accepting it. The eighties were a weird time.
Why did he fell the need to get more surgeries after Bad? He looked handsome then.
>michael jackson sends you this on your birthday
what do?
The worst thing about that fake news lamestream media doc is that it implicated sexy Bad-era Mike in kiddie diddling
He's trying to be white! Look at his nose, now he's bleaching himself! Some people were even saying he was trying to look like Liz Taylor.
I want to kiss him
I was living with my grandmother at the time (she lived near University and I didn't want to be in a dorm any longer) and we were having a discussion about it and she blurted out something along the lines of (well don't they all want to be white?) I was shocked at first that she'd say something like that but not that I've gotten older and noticed the trend of nogs bleaching their skin and nigs always going for white women or chosing lighter skin blacks than their darker/evil counter parts I have to agree with my gma.
Why the fuck are jannies having power trips? I haven't posted shit, I don't even go to Yea Forums.
Kiss me, my child
Sneed Post Best Post?
I remember watching the making of Thriller when I was a kid. They showed a rehearsal of the big group zombie dance in a big dance studio. No make up or costumes. Every dancer looked and acted like they made their living dancing and performing. They had all the steps down. Michael walks in and joins them in the middle of the routine and you can just instantly see why he's in the front of the group. I noticed that as a kid. He was just born to do what he did and be the best at it.
Ghosts is so based I love that corny dancing skeleton CG
Bad era Michael was the coolest person on earth.
All he had to do was not get any more surgeries and stay away from kids
Why did he have to fuck it all up, bros?
What the hell is the source for those pics? It looks like his lower jaw is splitting in two like a fucking praying mantis.
He's just genetically skinny. He supposedly ate fried chicken and fast food regularly.
I don't know, I haven't listened to the song. I just found a gif in Tumblr, made some screenshots and then I photoshopped them to make him look the way he really was: a fucking monster.
That's not how it works, fatty.
This pic actually inspired him to get plastic surgeries
He saw that he would look similar to his father, and he hated that
The androgyny factor was more remarkable than his skin color. Janet Jackson had become very popular the year before Bad so it was common for people to say that he "looked like Janet now."
>doesn't even know about hardgainers, day one /fit/ shit
Yep nice projection there lol
> (You)
>I don't know, I haven't listened to the song. I just found a gif in Tumblr, made some screenshots and then I photoshopped them to make him look the way he really was: a fucking monster.
Everyone is so mean to Michael he doesn't deserve this
/fit/ is the last place to go for weight lifting or health advice. You can eat fried chicken and fast food and still be thin if you're relatively young and working out
whoa, good music video
times you acted like MJ
>get really into Jacko
>see pretty girl in street
>autism kicks in
>stop her in her track
>look up her and down
>she screams for help
>immediately run away and hide in bed expecting police to arrive at door charging me with rape or something
no thanks, lol
apparently it's the most expensive music video to this day
don't really see what's so expensive about it
Janet is the only one that comes close to MJ.
Any Yea Forumsfags up in this bitch?
Michael Jackson wasn’t Humbert Humbert, he was Clare Quilty. Huge fancy ranch and all.
This. He was using make up althroughout Off The Wall and Thriller to even his complexion.
He didn’t go under depigmentation therapy until his vitiligo spread to 80% of his body.
>gets accused of fucking a kid
>samples anime and innovates in R&B
>Foden commented, "Mark had written the treatment and the general idea was that Michael and Janet were on this large spacecraft. And they were alone... They were getting away from Earth, and the different sets were the different environments on the spacecraft where they could have a little bit of fun and where they could relax."[36]Production of the music video's 13-piece set were restricted to a one-month period and is produced by Foden art directorsRichard Berg, Jeff Hall, and Martin Mervel.[36]
Did he actually have vitiligo or did he bleach? He seems like he hated being black, while ironically looking best when he was.
He should have let the blotches stay, would have been kino
Ghosts was marginally more expensive because it was meant to be a short film with a large practical set and heavy cosmetics (Jackson plays the guy leading the crowd) and the CGI effects, but being a short movie that only got cut up to music video length afterwards disqualifies it from most "most expensive" lists
That's why the call it the 30 year old boomer you fucking retard. Did you just come from reddit?
his benis was allegedly discoloured so maybe he did have vitiligo. but he definitely bleached and welcomed the excuse
>Beggars Banquet
>Let It Bleed
>Sticky Fingers
>Exile on Main Street
>Some Girls
Yeah the Rolling Stones never had any solid albums if you ignore the late 60s-early 70s. I appreciate your point but I can listen to all of the above all the way through.
Feed Me, Seed Me
Everybody Sneed Me
Kick me, Cuck me
Don't you Fuck or Suck Me
All I wanna say is that they don't really care about Chuck
He used benoquin and hydroquinoneto get rid of the remaining patches after he got tired of using makeup to cover up the white patches
What did he mean by this
I think he's innocent, but if we are going to do a Lolita comparison, yes he was def Quilty.
I think he would've stayed black if he could. It's harder to die skin darker than the other way around
That doesn't look too bad. He shouldn't have been so insecure
My heart
Made my 13 year old white penis erect. I remember thinking at the time how I wish he would come for me at night and teach me how to cum.
there wasn't a single person in the world that wasn't in love with bleached Michael JAckson
His dad shouldn't have been an ass.
>Told an ex wife in 2005 that he thought people were out to kill him and damage his estate/music catalog
>Called out the Jews
>Didn't care about sex as a teen
He honestly didn't do it
Yo no tengo miedo... yo sabes que el me protegerà del EO
You can look at someone up close like this and get a sense of someone sometimes
When you see Brie Larson, you see a psycho crazy bitch who's in it for the money
When you see Michael you sort of see kindness but also pain, and knowing the stuff from his childhood and how people crucified him is just fucking depressing
Not really, I'm saying his music wasn't much better than other big-time pop acts in the 80s like Madonna and Prince.
I'm alluding to the fact that Michael Jackson's style of "singing+dancing superstar pop idol" kind of faded in the 90s as grunge came to the forefront and you didn't see it again until 1998-1999 when Backstreet Boys and N'Sync got popular
>muh childhood
>when he started to look weird, people began to call him a pedo
No it didn't. 1987-1997 is his best work.
Imagine donating hundreds of millions of dollars to charity, making your home into an amusement park where kids dying of cancer/super aids could have fun, and making beautiful music the world enjoyed, only to be accused of being a freakish child rapist and rebecoming a punch line ten years after your death after being exonerated by the justice system.
Your pic was the first time I even noticed something was off. I could believe a black dude had the skin color and nose he had in thriller but when it got this light and his nose got even smaller I was thinking something is wrong. Its interesting that you chose this pic. It really represents the exact moment.
There are few you dreams you'll remember for the rest of your life. One of them was when I was 5-6 years old I remember having a somewhat of a sexual dream about him. Michael Jackson was miniature and he was standing on my grandma's steam vaporizer. I don't remember what was sexual about it, but I do know I saw him as a sexy woman. The vaporizer was probably representing that all-white spacecraft he was in in his Scream music video with Janet Jackson, which came out around of the time of my dream.
>be insecure about your nose
>get so many nose jobs you look like a bat
how ironic
His first or few first nose jobs weren't a bad idea, he just went overboard after the early 90s, and destroyed himself around 2000.
He was doomed from the first nose job. He wasn't diagnosed with lupus yet and he had a flair up during an early one.
I mean his dad literally beat him and prostituted him at hollywood parties.
No wonder MJ was so screwed up, he just wanted to be a kid again. Combine that with ultra fame and millions of dollars. its like a perfect storm of fucked up mentally
Damn I didn't know Yea Forums lusted for MJ so bad
didnt the shilling tell you enough?
Weren’t any of you kind of unnerved by him as a kid? I remember watching ghosts and moonwalker? At a young age and they creeped me out. Me and my friends always thought he was creepy. I don’t know why small kids would be so comfortable around him.
Rip man thanks for the music
He was hot af in Moonwalker.
HA, well yeah that part freaked me the fuck out.
Who did it better, Yea Forums?
He was goddamn perfect here. Such a shame.
The whole claymation part always freaked me out.
Actually this part
'It don't matter If you're black cause Im white'
- Michael Jackson
It wasnt sudden. He slowly faded.
He was dark during Off the Wall, a little lighter during Thriller, a little bit lighter during Bad era, and then very light during Dangerous era.
By that time we just kind of felt bad for him because he appeared to hate himself, but we just ignored it and kept singing and dancing along.
you just liked it because MJ calls out Jews
I thought it was because Yea Forums would do anything to meme and/or defend (alleged) pedos. But this thread feels like a time machine back to 1987 when all the girls were horny for Bad-era MJ. He's too powerful
OTW/Thriller he was the same color. 1986 a year before Bad (Captain EO era) was when he first became visibly lighter.
I wish MJ didn’t wait until 1993 to talk about having vitiligo. He should’ve mentioned it in 1988 when he came out with his autobiography.
I can't post images anymore. I don't even know why. It's been months.
formerly a famous nigger
>m-muh dick
Need source user, vitiligo bitches like her and Winnie Harlow give me an x-men boner
Quick! Claim your favourite MJ song!
Perfect song off a perfect album
Actually thats a myth. He did it cause his nose would look awkward when his skin eventually turned white
Didn't his dad make fun of his original nose though?
You were just a proto-hater
Why don't we see what Mike has to say about it
You basically just stole a Chappelle joke but re wraped it using your own words kind of
Correct. Bad and Dangerous are his best.
Are these legit?
Yup. They were discussed in the last LN thread. He really needed a therapist and a hug or something goddamn. The reason I'll gladly die on the MJ truther hill is because he was surrounded by people who would do anything to find and sell dirt on him but all the concrete evidence reveals is a deeply lonely and damaged person who was pure as fuck.
This is him drugged out of his mind a couple of weeks before he died.
When I was around seven me and all the neighbourhood kids would pile into my basement and watch HIStory on Film, Volume II on a bootleg DVD. This was a regular occurrence and whenever we played at our house someone would request a rewatch. I remember turning off all lights and having to close my eyes and hide under a blanket at the end of Thriller. So that obviously spooked us but other than that I think we were just memorized by him the same the rest of the world was.
No. As he got whiter, his music got also to some bland white pop. Even his dancing got worse. Smooth funky disco kid was best Michael.
He looked the most attractive when he made thriller, but he already had at least one nose job at that point, not sure if he had any other kind of surgery. His cheekbones were a lot more prominent than before.
In fairness, he kind of looks like a white guy doing black face.
I hate using this word.
But Hollywood culture really is toxic.
Imagine thinkinh mj had vitiligo
Yes, my first memory of him was that balcony thing with Blanket, and by that time everybody just considered him mental, remember watching him on the news and when they showed that famous documentary, he made me actually scared, like my little brain couldn't comprehend he was a human.
Then at like 10 my mom was like ' You know he was black, right?', one of the most surprising things that i've heard in my entire childhood, I literally thought my mom was joking
MJ did nothing wrong
Don't groan at me for being sophomoric, but
What if MJ is literally Holden Caulfield?
>Anyway, I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. Thousands of little kids, and nobody's around - nobody big, I mean - except me. And I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff - I mean if they're running and they don't look where they're going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That's all I do all day. I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all. I know it's crazy, but that's the only thing I'd really like to be.
>I'm not trying to be philosophical, but I really think it's my job to help children. And I don't care if people laugh.
>What we need to learn from children isn't childish. Being with them connects us to the deep wisdom of life, which is everpresent and only asks to be lived. Now, when the world is so confused and its problems so complicated, I feel we need our children more than ever. Their natural wisdom points the way to solutions that lie, waitingto be recognized, within our own hearts.
those things are not contradictatory
He deserved those kids
He made the Thriller album. That outweighed it at the time.
I wish he would have done more songs with a deeper voice.
I liked the story about pink dick
They aren’t good. Mic Jagger is a poncy public school boy who has never experienced life as a shit muncher and yet butchers blues classics for most of his career
Chuck, the two of us need suck no more
We both found what were were fuck-ing for
With a farm to call my own
I'll never be alone
and you my friend will sneed
You've got a feed and seed
Based. I always tear up listening to Ben. Reminds me of my dog.
Sneed is a really good friend if you think about it, accepting Chuck despite his seedy past.
So, when he cum from the little boys sucking his dick, did he make a HEE HEE or AUUUUUUU expression?
He was so cute
Afro'd Mike was so ELITE. I'm not going to pretend that the Jheri curl wasn't a good look for him, but we lost a beautiful world of hair possibilities when his head caught on fire.
Probably cried and shit myself?
-born in '88
What are some other artists like this?
A singer who's been in a popular band since his childhood, went solo and became even more popular?
idk, there are plenty who started a band and became more famous as a soloist - but weren't in the band as a kid. What are even some popular child bands?
george michael - was 21 i think when wham started
beyonce - was 16 when destinys child started
santana - more famous for himself than the band really
gwen stefani - 17 when no doubt formed
that's some lando looking fucker right there
Would he be any good in the role? He was originally considered for it
Not a boomer, i don't remember how old i was, but i remember seeing him on tv, already white, and asking my dad "who is this?", he told me it was a nigger made into a white person, and is popular as proof of concept of this incredible technology. When i asked why he would he want that my dad said "Who would want to be a nigger?".
I believed this was the case until i was like 20, at which point i found out he had a disease or something.
You mean the way it made me feel?
It really turned me on
He will be praised as transracial rights icon in 20 years from now
thin white duke was too perfect so it's hard to say
>at which point i found out he had a disease or something.
I'm pretty sure the vitiligo story is to cover up the fact that he wanted to be white. Vitiligo just doesn't work that way.
It was in his autopsy. He had it. He hid it for years with makeup.
>Vitiligo just doesn't work that way.
Doesn't work what way? He just switched from using black skin makeup to using white skin makeup at one point.
It's a bit different, but obviously there's the Mickey Mouse Club kids from the early/mid 90s. Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, and Christina Aguilera.
(also Ryan Gosling:
he was famous too young and too fast. He also lacked a father figure or a mentor that keep him in a straight path.
It's a shame really, I won't say the stuff he did he wasn't guilty but there was a lot of shit behind. Like some user said, Jewllywood is toxic as fuck.
What's up with the predictive programming with autoritarian imagery?
>media claim for years that you aren't his son and that everyone is lying to you - you are just the son of a janitor
Espíritu del Señor: Espíritu de Dios Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, Santísima Trinidad, Virgen Inmaculada, Ángeles, Arcángeles y Santos del Paraíso descended sobre mi, descended sobre estos ¡fúndeme Señor!, modélame Señor ¡lléname de ti y utilízame!, expulsa de mi y de todos los que están escuchándome todas las fuerzas del Mal ¡aniquílalas, destrúyelas! para que yo pueda estar bien y ellos también y hacer el bien. Expulsa de nosotros los maleficios, las brujerías, la magia negra, las misas negras, los hechizos, las ataduras, las maldiciones y el mal de ojo. La infestación diabólica, la posesión diabólica, y la obsesión y perfidia; todo lo que es mal y pecado.
Isn't he developing vitiligo too?
I was a young child at the time, so I didn't notice at all, p.s. There is nothing that will replace the feeling of your parents putting thriller on the record player before dinner time as they cook, I pity you zoomers
Great choice.
Interesting that he only says shamone in two songs
Phil Collins
Prettiest song ever made.
Always sounded more like "jam on" to me.
>Michael, we're not going to fight about this, okay?
>Paul, I think I told you, I'm a lover not a fighter
>I've heard it all before, Michael, she told me that I'm her forever lover, you know, don't you remember?
>Well, after loving me, she said she couldn't love another
>Is that what she said?
>Yes, she said it, you keep dreaming
jesus christ why are journalists so mean
Whatever people say about MJ, no one ever says he was bad at his job.
They did him so dirty