Who should be cast in a movie about this?

Who should be cast in a movie about this?

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Is Lemmino the prime example of quality over quantity?

Michael Fassbender

They went blind from fake alcohol.

No, the KGB deer-herders used psychic weapons on them because they saw nuclear UFO launch.

I'd like it if they showed multiple possible versions of the event like Rashomon. If they just show 1 theory then I think it wouldn't be a good movie.

>bunch of white nigger slavs go into the woods poorly prepared in winter
>light fire in their tiny tent and get black out drunk on moonshine vodka
>poorly built soviet woodstove pours smoke into the tent killing any remaining braincells the vodka didn't
>liquor and smoke drunk beyond all hope the slavs panic and slice at the tent with knives to get out
>stumble around in the snow in their underclothes
>animals eat the only non-disgusting parts of their bodies
>incompetent soviet authorities find bodies
>can't use common sense to piece together what happened
>literally inbred rural soviet cop takes a fsulty radiation detector he can't read properly anyways to the bodies
>"Commissar! The bodies are radioactive!"
>"Da Yuri, is mystery."

yeah but he should fucking try to roll them up more often

Holly Goss, Matt Stokoe, Luke Albright, Ryan Hawley, and Gemma Atkinson. The movie was already made.

Probably. I didn't really need the Q&A video though, I'd rather forget he exists and then be reminded he exists for his yearly kinovideo.

Idris Elba.

Two of the men who died previously had jobs in a factory that handled radioactive materials and coincidentally the radioactive clothing belonged to those two men.

yeah but a good one

What actually happened there

Some merilards with a very horrible Russian accent please. Let this be the thing that starts cold war 2:electric boogaloo

spooky ayy lmaos

no one knows

bunch of drunk students just froze to death

t. russian

Hasn't there already been a film about it?

talking hamsters

Igor Dyatlov.

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have sex


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yeah a shit one