Is there a movie starring only ugly people?

Is there a movie starring only ugly people?

Movies starring old people who were of medium or higher attractiveness when they were young don't count.

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My big fat diary has a ugly lead.


What is this guy's deal

The leads are ugly but supporting actors look like actors

todd brownings freaks

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi


Napoleon Dynamite

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The Greasy Strangler

triggered libtard?

Literally any B movie staring a character actor

Get out

My home videotapes

Out of boredom I watched the original Walking Tall last night on Amazon.

Except for one prostitute the entire cast are ugly chicken fried looking 70's Tennessee white folk which gives it a good grindhouse feel.

It's also bloody as hell which I didn't expect. I dunno if I'd call it kino but it was way fucking better than I expected..

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"vice den" is pretty self explanatory but wtf is a "honky tonk"?

Similarly, Brigsby Bear.

Ghostbusters 2016


You're on the internet, look it up stupid.

It's 70's speak for a dive bar.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

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