ITT: Comfy movies

ITT: Comfy movies

>Cool future
>Bruce Willis doing action
>Gary Oldman doing a goofy character
>Mila Jovovich looking hot
>Androgynous and playa Chris Tucker
>President D'Bo

Attached: the-fifth-element-film-poster.jpg (1090x1500, 397K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Fifth Element if ultimate comfykino.

I submit Red October. I probably watch it a few times a year, wrapped in a blanket.

Attached: the-hunt-for-red-october.jpg (960x480, 48K)

Could you be more cringe

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kys retard
For me it's Waterworld

Attached: e4018166-b2fb-4783-aa66-3065e56a14cf.jpg (660x350, 57K)

Ultimate comfy reboot

Attached: MV5BMTcwMjQ3Mjk0MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNzcxNTYxMTE@._V1_UY1200_CR85,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg (630x1200, 178K)

>posts mom reaction image


Aren't you supposed to be in school you little shit?

Attached: zzzzzzzzz.png (820x331, 191K)

at 4 pm?

Your mom's at the store Jr. I like to still get in some shitposting when she isn't around, and sneak in a quick fap over at /gif/.

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you forgot
>reddit af

>hey Fifth Element is no Netflix
>neat, I don't want to download and set it on the TV or get the old DVD
>not on your local Netflix
well fuck.


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>your face Fifth Element was supposed to be this adaptation
I would not say "dodged a bullet", but I gotta wonder if you are sort of remaking your dream movie, why did it felt so mediocre and forgettable in spite of all its color.

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boomer platform is mini-14

at least the title track was okay

Attached: Hackers.jpg (1050x800, 238K)

i actualy just watched this like a couple of hrs ago for the firts time , it wasnt that bad

Well I am not calling it outright terrible, it was better than I expected, but not as good as Fifth Element and given that he has more experience, budget and CGI got better too it should have been as good or better.

Attached: mad-max-poster.jpg (1500x2183, 896K)

johnny mnemonic, seen it weeks ago for the first time, maximum comfy, can stop rewatching it.
people didnt appreciate the 90s enough, they literally didnt know how good they had it back then

I would take a dozen movies set in the Fifth Element world than any Star Wars or capeshit

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indeed, shit looked great

Attached: this was hot in 1997.png (1920x800, 2.08M)