*sucks your dick*

*sucks your dick*

Attached: Vito_Spatafore.jpg (512x512, 86K)

It was the medicine that made him act this way, he can get a paper from doctor to prove this.

It was a joke!

funny joke that one

It was just a joke brainlet


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do tall, fit, handsome gay men really fuck guys like vito?

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They do.
You have no idea how many gays are into fat men. I have been harrassed so many times by actually handsome fags, and I'm basically a lighter skinned not-so-fat Vito.

It was a joke

Yes. Because their entire life is based on pursuit of a perversion and they are incapable of genuine human connection.

yes because gays are subconsciously aware of their sin and have a need to punish themselves for it so they live destructive lives and fuck gross slobs like vito

Haha good joke Vito

>forced faggotshit plotline
>best show ever

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But Vito got the traditional Islamic punishment for his faggery

It's for laughs mostly and he ends up getting beaten to death by based Phil. 20 years in the can he did and never once sucked a cock

>implying Arabs don’t like boys

i thought he fucked kids like that in the can in the ass he fucked them

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It was the medicine

A note from your doctor saying you don't like to suck cock?

Do people really think Vito was gay?

Basic structural analysis reveals it was a joke, not to mention the thematics and literal dialogue of the entire final season. How are people this dense??

Vito was not gay. I understand why some would think so but if you pay attention to the minor details set down by chase all is clear.

What gives it away is that at no point does Johnny Cakes speak to any other main cast member. He is a Hallucination of Vtio, like Isabella was for Tony, similarly induced through their medication. This time blood pressure meds instead of lithium.

This parallel to Tony paints him as a tragic figure, doomed to be ostracised and eventually killed, all because some people didn't understand his masterful joke.

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>forced faggotshit plotline

Sopranos are loosely based New Jersey DeCavalcante family who also had a fag among them as their acting boss and he got killed for it. You gay nigger.

Vito's gay subplot was better than it had any right to be.

Tony would have whacked Vito if Phil didn’t. Beyond the fact Vito was top earner and the faggot shit doesn’t seem to bother Tony on a personal level all that much, the fact someone is capable of leading a double life is dangerous. If Vito can prance about town getting railed by bears on the DL, he can just as easily start talking to the FBI.

This is the objective answer to all of Vito's questions and enigmas. Please refrain from ever discussing them like the pleb ignorants you are:

>Was Vito gay?
>then why suck the guy's cock?
It was a joke
>why did he he make such a homossexual joke?
Because of the medication
>what does the medication have to do with it?
It changes a mans sense of humour
>was he still under the effects of the medication when he ran away?
>was living with the fireman a joke?
>why did he leave the fireman and the happiness he had found, even knowing Phil wanted his ass dead?
Because the effects of the medication wore off
>how did Vito sneak behind Jackie Jr and "nothing personalled" him?
Objects of large mass can collapse upon themselves, create black holes and teleport themselves in wormholes. Vito was a man of large mass
>did Vito also teleport the car and the driver?
>Could Vito have teleported himself to another place when his jokes were found out?
No, the medication made him lose too much mass
>how did Vito kill Jackie Jr with a toy gun?
He didn't, Jackie had a collapsed lung, as we can see by the snow already having blood when he falls, and Vito took the credit for it. Lots of luck
>why does the scene where Vito threatens Finn DeTrollio look like bad CGI?
Objects of large mass, such as Vito, can deform their surroundings due to excerting a stronger force of gravity
>was Finn really his arch nemesis?
Yes. Thin. Kind of tall. Looks like Daniel Day Lewis' son. Couldn't take a joke
>would Vito kill him in the Yankees' game?
No, he just wanted to make a new friend, and share some jokes
>why did Phil want Vito's death so much?
Because he was a closeted faggot
>wasn't it all a joke?
No, he wasn't fat, so he wasn't on medication

The only time I've been hit on was when a female friend dragged me and some m8s to a gay club. It happened twice that night too. Makes me wish I was gay, because at least then I wouldn't be a 28 year old virgin.


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What about when he sucked a dick. Joke? Medication? Lost a bet?

>Islamic pedos

Oh! Fucko! What’s your favorite television show, Breaking Bad?

Gays fuck everything

>led to the war between Jersey and NY

>and the faggot shit doesn’t seem to bother Tony on a personal level all that much

Attached: hes_a_fag.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

measures were taken...

He was ambivalent and finally admitted he didn't care too much about the actual faggotry. Tony was more stressed about losing a top earner.

oof madone

fuckin QUEERS