Vegeta should have kept this casual style throughout the show.
Vegeta should have kept this casual style throughout the show
Other urls found in this thread:
You should have sex
>implying saijan armor isn't aesthetic as fuck
>implying that florida boomer outfit makes anything better
why are his feet so small
Anime is gay and so are you
small feet small peenus weenus haha
what's the story behind both the sayans and the frieza army having the same armor?
holy shit haha
The Saiyans traded Tuffle technology with Freeza's army, they stole the tech when they wrecked Planet Plant
Nah he looks like a fag in those clothes. GT was his best look. Super should take inspiration from that.
The saiyans were enslaved to Freiza, thena fter Freiza blew up their planet the survivors worked for him sometimes.
They had stretching armor and scouters before freeza showed up, they stole it from the tsufrusians
jesus fucking christ that's horrid
>I liek it when the superpowered chars dress like normal people
Freddie Mercury Vegeta is still a better look than edgy 90s midlife crisis biker Vegeta. GT's designs were terrible in general and I think it's because Toriyama wanted to fuck Toei over for milking the franchise he wanted to end.
But it's always nice to see him not in his armor. I wish Super gave him more than one outfit. Toei used to always be good about giving the cast different outfits when not fighting, but they've completely stopped doing it since the reboot.
>tfw have the same hair implantation that vegeta have
Not very happy about it tbhwyfam
if there was casual wear that offered better protection than his armour he probably would.
>pink shirt
>neon green pants
He looks like a boomer Japanese zipperhead
Came here to say this
Randy Marsh?
Don't mind me, just posting the most kino outfit for vegeta.
That's not namek arc vegeta.
I like how they brought it back for literally 30 seconds in the Broly movie.
I don't mind the mustache but the flattop looks terrible.
>30+ years old
>varsity jack
how old are you dude
Old non-canon anime answer: Tech like saiyan armor, scouters, the hand blasters etc were all tuffles who sold to both saiyans and frieza before being wiped out
newer canon answer from broly movie: saiyans were discovered by king cold who gave them weapons to compliment their battle prowess
It's so good. Why couldn't he just keep that
Why does his hair look smaller when he wear a coat?
Why would he be wearing gloves with a tank top?? And pants??
Cause muh saiyan pride! *raughs*
Is DragonBall Sailor Moon now?
He has delicate soft hands that he doesn't want to rough up when fighting.
100% based
This dose looks like it's gone bad, Doc.
>tfw shafted on the metal coora banner
>hwn go Super Saiyajincel
Lmaoing@u dumb cucks
Low test or African roundhead detected
not canon
years of exposure to daily dose threads have made me unironically gay for vegeta
>tfw no swole manlet bf
>tfw the new movie made me gay for broly
daily reminder that the sudden surge in popularity dbz has enjoyed these past few years is just a byproduct of the niggerization of the western world. literally no white people watched that shit 10 years ago. none. now everyone is pretending the grew up watching it, fucking hilarious.
>niggers and mudslimes grew up watching dbz (simple show for simple minded people)
>references to the show make their way to rap music and "black twitter"
>self hating white uncle toms get way into it
>what's the story behind both the sayans and the frieza army having the same armor?
The Saiyans were a part of Frieza's empire.
what the fuck how are people so retarded
I watched it growing up. Though I am half spic(though i look majorly white, you would have no idea). And my cousin is full spic, we watched together in the early 2000s
lol ok
Buy moar stones, what are you, poor?
no such thing as half spic
How do I get a bf like this bros?
Be a green shortstack qt.
god this shit is so corny
>giving the Jews at bandai your money
>not being part of the glorious f2p race
That hair looks terrible
Calm down, Doc
>yfw Broly bodies the entire virtue signaling cast of liars irl when the lawsuit hits