American """"""""humor""""""""

>American """"""""humor""""""""

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Never understood people who found this cringe act funny. How did this fuckwad get his own show?

Puppets are not American you retard. Dimwit.They are from Egypt.

Things were just funnier to people ten years ago. Everyone's jaded now and only appreciates cynical humor.

>You ever see what a mallet can do to a human head

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I never found this funny. Okay he did the funny voice thing with the "I KILL YOU" thing but people were spamming it literally everywhere. You simply could not escape this guy and his dumb puppet

I'll raise you one Carlos Mencia

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>his name is actually Ned

at least it wasnt about niggers

islamophobic af, I'm shaking


There are videos out there of early Jeff Dunham and you can see him evolving the Achmed the Dead Terrorist character. He was a standup, then he had a puppet, then he had a skeleton puppet, then finally he gave it a head towel and the rest is history.

I can't really explain to an independent observer why the towel-headed, bushy eyebrowed Achmed is not considered an offensive stereotype, but if he had a puppet named Goldstein the Large Nosed Jew, that would be considered offensive.

>implying egypt is black

I don't even appreciate cynical humor anymore, especially if it's coming from a zoomer's mouth

Yeesh. I had to check wikipedia just to see if he pulled a (((Geraldo Rivera)))

Cynical humor rings truer when it comes from a place of experience. Hearing a young idiot vomit cynicism comes off as ignorant parroting although there are those that get a bigger dose of worldly experience starting at a younger age. Depends on what they're talking about I suppose

It's easy to explain. On the one hand it was unironically a different time. On the other hand, him being Achmed the Terrorist establishes him specifically as someone who commits terroristic acts, in contrast with a name like "Achmed the Arab"
Compare also "Shlomo the Corrupt Banker vs. Shlomo the Jew" or "Hans the Nazi vs. Hans the German" and try to figure out how the one could be much less offensive compared with the other.

post skellys

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Bill is pretty angry

Wasn't Jeff Dunham actually really popular in Saudi Arabia for a while?

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ITT: triggered ꜱoyboys upset because he's a conservative so they pretend to hate his act now.

In my defense, I was in 5th grade when I thought he was funny.

they referenced him in some mst3k episode

have sex

>All my friends who endlessly quoted this stupid performance now defend Islam with their lives
Fuck society

I remember people would put this video on at parties like 10 years ago and everyone would laugh
Would be considered politically incorrect now

Damn never thought of it that way

This desu.

Damn, you're right, hadn't thought of that.

joking about terrorists /=/ judging all of islam. They are probably wondering why you became a bigot

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Haha, based. Terrorists btfo. Israel is our greatest ally.

>"Shlomo the Corrupt Banker"
Unless a Jewish comedian does that that would get shut down fast.


That ain't it, chief.

This was hilarious in 2009. 9/11 ruined everything that was nice though. You people wouldn't understand, too young

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paki here, this dude is actually really popular in arab countries, i saw him in abu dhabi
Achmed is basically the Speedy Gonzales of Muslims

I remember thinking this shit wasn't funny when I was 13, I have no idea why grown adults were so obsessed with this garbage at the time.
The audience laughter on this stuff is worse than The Big Bang Theory.

it was always shitty and gay but you have to hand it to this madman for somehow making a ventriloquism act mainstream in the fucking 21st century

The pimp that smacked his teeth was kino

Was on local tv morning show last week
>Son, you've got a way to fall...

Remember some brown kid in high school would get constantly bullied with this.

>This was hilarious in 2009. 9/11 ruined everything
>This was hilarious eight years after 9/11, which ruined it
What did user mean by this?

based retard