Reminder that Edgar was 100% in the right kidnapping the aristocats

Reminder that Edgar was 100% in the right kidnapping the aristocats.

Yes, that batty old French cunt was entitled to leave her wealth to fucking cats but it's a bit abhorrent to not leave at least some money to her faithful old servant and instead damn him to servitude for life. No wonder there was a communist mutiny in the French Army in WWI

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yeah i agree he's too sympathetic of a villain

stupid racist movie

shit movie from the dark age of disney

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Did you make this list, user?

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fuck you I like Oliver and Company

>Oliver and Company
>shit tier

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All he did was drug and abandon the cats. He could have done a lot worse under the circumstances.


I'm going to demand my boss puts me in his will, otherwise I'll fuck his dog up.

>hunchback above hercules


it's long been tradition that long standing house staff and butlers in particular get a big ol stipend in someones will so they can retire. Stop being so new money user

Same here, just without the "up".

i want to try creme de la cream a la edgar and fuck marie

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>Fox & The Hound, Dumbo and Bambi below
fucking Dinosaur and Meet the Robinsons
Shit taste

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>Using Victorian terminology like butler, stipend or retirement
>Implying I would let my Steward retire
>Has the gall to call me Nouveau Riche
I'm on to you, peasant.

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>shit tier

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Treasure Planet is Great tier.

Wasn't that a prosperous French Colony?

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Would he have been fired or would he be taking care of the cats for the rest of his life? Wouldn't that just mean the money would go to him anyway? I mean, what are the cats going to buy with all that cash? More food? More toys? Wouldn't Edgar be doing that anyway as a caretaker AND using the rest of the money for himself? I think Edgar played himself into that slapstick villain thing.

>Fantasia and The Nightmare Before Christmas not on god tier
>Mulan, Toy Story, and Little fucking Mermaid on god tier
I can tell you're either retarded, or a tranny. Maybe both.

>Toy Story 2, Sword and the Stone, Great Mouse Detective not mediocre tier
>Monster's Inc not God Tier

Leave the Puce!

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He should have weekend at bernie sanders'd her.

Those shitty (and assumedly purebread) kittens probably would have lived another 15-20 years.

Remember, Edgar would have been in his 50-60's at the time the movie was set and they didn't have great life expectancy in 1900's France.

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he could have killed them, right? I haven't seen the movie in a long time but you need a sack and a rope and a river. i don't remember if one of the stipulations was he couldn't kill them

101 Dalmatians bad tier? Congratulations for all the You's on your successful troll post.

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Yeah, he could have done it subtly but in the heat of the moment I think he just took drastic action without longterm thinking. Also, he still had to wait for the old bitch to hurry up and die.

He doesn't have to kill the cats though, they're just cats, they don't have intentions of doing anything with the money. Edgar played himself.

>not kino tier

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I think they do, did you see the movie? These cats fucking play instruments and sing and dance. I'm glad that Thomas wasn't a black cat. Duchess deserves better than black.

What's your address bro? Gonna fuck you up

Why does she deserve better? She already got knocked up by some neighborhood stray

I don't believe anybody over the age of 15 has seen Cars unless they showed it in school on a substitute teacher class thing. Our classes has Finding Nemo and it was shit then