>i used to think that my life was a tragedy
>but now I realize it's a comedy
I used to think that my life was a tragedy
Other urls found in this thread:
Explain the honk meme
We live in a clown world
It's all a damn joke
>forum intended for discussion of television and film
>it's full of cartoon frogs dressed as clowns
Is it just me, or is the world getting crazier?
>honks at mom and dad
If you don't know who the pagliacci in your life is, it's probably you.
Its a reiteration of gang weed and gamers rise up. It represents the circus that is real life. HONK
I hate that femjak. Always that smug piece of shit resting her hands on her massive milkers.
Riddle me this mayor, how come we vote democrats in for fifty years and Gotham is still a crime infested shithole?
Heard joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor...I am Pagliacci. *honk*
since you and everyone you know eventually die, you life is in indeed a tragedy
This is a decent rundown. Results may vary
i dont really get the honk meme but im glad im having fun clown frog fun with my buddies on Yea Forums
the world is becoming like an absurd joke.
The worst part is that you don't really get it or how to change it, it's just tragi-funny
lmao, someone kill me please
Fucking kek. Someone post the vid.
That’s one sexy Pagliacci.
Read Myth of Sisyphus essay by Albert Camus.
Whoever made this is a fucking artist.
Incels, basically.
How do I get a transgender girlfriend like this?
>not wanting to become the gf
Clowns honk when something is funny so that we know when to laugh.
this made me laugh way too hard
No thank you I am happy with my bulging muscles and beard.
>the world is a joke because it's considered virtuous to cut children's penises off
It isn't you fucking idiot
A vocal minority favours that sort of behaviour, noy the entire society
Because women smile at their sons impeding daughtenasia induced suicide
Only the opinion of the top 20% of any society ever mattered and ever will. Inbred white supremacist incels, or transphobic afro-monkey opinions are irrelevant.
because they only get 91% of the vote?
It's weird how out of touch these posters are. I actually go outside and I can tell you this trans shit is spreading like wildfire people are switching genders more and more, not just liberal gender expression, these fags actually think they're not meant to be their biological sex. Kids in schools are being taught this too. I met a 6 year old last year who told me she was trans. This shit is really out of hand.
But wide society ACCEPTS it, which is the problem. I get openly criticized by normies if I question trans people's mental state.
>I met a 6 year old last year who told me she was trans.
She's a smart kid, she knows better than your average user where the wind is blowing.
i see nothing wrong here, incel
Tranny sons are a byproduct of a parental relationship formed by a beta cuck and an abusive woman. Since so many males in the world today believe that the end-all-be-all of their lives is to marry a woman now and get depressed if they don't have one, they become desperate for any female attention and tend to attach themselves to the first woman that gives them attention. This ends up becoming an abusive relationship in which the female takes advantage of the male constantly, but the male will do nothing about it because he feels the positives of being in a relationship outweigh the negatives of his treatment (because he has such low self esteem about himself).
This is in essence the dynamic that creates a son that sees the female as the dominant form and wants to emulate it (with disastrous results). The prevalence of trannies is a direct result of the prevalence of beta males clinging on to shitty women in shitty relationships due to low self esteem.
And yes, most trannies are ytoid anglos for a reason.
>most trannies are ytoid anglos
>anglo btfoing themselves to extinction
And why is it a bad thing again?
>i see nothing wrong here, incel
a pepe variant that got co-opted by /pol/ zoomers
i was just joshing
mfw i started spamming "HONK HONK!!" as a reply everytime i saw the clown pepe / pagliacci meme and now it has evolved into part of the lore
Every goddam time.
It started in earnest in the midst of Occupy Wall Street.
This person is the meme.
Wish all white people would castrate themselves and die. It'll be the fastest and most painless way to extinguish the poz.
Reddit as usual.
This is what disturbs me. I honestly believe it’s PSY-OP shit.
>dude, isn't it crazy that libtards exist? we really do live in a clown world
Honk honk
Good on you, man.
this but unironically
she started it
that's more because people don't like interacting with cringy incels lmao
goddamn you are are assmad :3
prove me wrong :)
lmao, wh*toid, squirm more as your civilisation collapse around you
You dont deserve the right to honkpost if you never got max gags and laff in toontown. most of you fags probably didnt even play toontown
>Convicted pedophile
I don’t get when people say this. How can you be convicted for something that isn’t a crime?
I'm actually black
That explains it
dumb ameritard
the mutts are taking you with them when the end comes for their country
The most reddit quote ever.
actually based, go knock up some white women now
so it's more alt-right gamergate cult shit?
jfc fuck off with that retarded shit already
Actually it would be super kino to see a honkler pushing his rolly ball up a mountain
The mulatto master race will be fine without you pasty pink skinnyfat incels
yep, fine
under the ruling thumb of the globalists, of course
because you're too stupid to know who rules your ass
and if you think you're getting rid of them without a race war hooo boy, read up some history
>decent rundown
This guy was fucking off on evrything.
no mulatto anywhere has or will ever be master of anything, it's impossible
You’re describing white people?
>Today I want to talk about memes
lol dropped
>lol dude i just got off pol and have all these large thick redpills shoved up my butt
silly incels when will they learn?
>everything is gamergate
I swear, those guys are more powerful than the CIA at this point. Someone needs to do something!
okay, incel
Just sit back and enjoy.
Honk honk
This is the most reddit video I've ever seen in my entire life
>that video was tagged gaming
>is actually about right wing memes
>not gamergate
fuck off. everyone can see through you now
you're just angry losers screaming into the void, spamming lies in any part of the internet hasn't banned you yet
and the most pathetic thing is, at least you used to make sense, you used to carry a message
now you're just spamming nonsense that only has meaning to you
what even is this new retarded clown shit?
>hurrrr life is a joke because trannies
you've gone incoherent. you've gone full retard.
you've realized your arguments are shit and that you'll never convince anyone, so now you're just spamming cryptic nonsense for your own self satisfaction
you're nothing but powerless children throwing a tantrum. annoying and ineffective
fuck all of you
We took down Gawker, dude
[End Dialog]
it will be even worse after they're gone
wtf I love orange man now?
Race war is just the diversion. You got an entire generation of brainwashed chucklefucks who are literally *paying* for the privilege to filled with bullshit about how scholarly, sociological definitions of racism descend into individual application so now they’re more than willing to allow themselves to become consumed with self-loathing while they join minorities in what is fast becoming socially acceptable bigotry.
Try to imagine for a moment a sane conversation where someone’s entire opinion can be invalidated by simply pointing out that person’s race, sex, or sexual orientation, because that’s quickly becoming the world we live in.
>you've realized your arguments are shit and that you'll never convince anyone
The exact opposite happened. We started convincing people, and THEN we got banned.
too bad you don't have any money lmao
Hulk took down Gawker. "You" (meaning /pol/) just gloated and pretended to take credit for it like you always do.
he's a puppet, weak joke
the world americans live in*
so based
Hulk was an inside agent bruh. Also we still managed to make a sizeable chunk out of their budget the year before through legitimate means, granted this was largely before the whole GG moniker and by the time that rolled around the thing was pretty much too far gone already, but hey, life's a honk am I right?
haha yes you'll kill all the bad guys with meme magic amirite
completely fucking moronic. you are imbeciles.
His smile and optimism: gone.
why are there so many angry brown people on this board? COPE.
But user can’t you see his smug, detatched irony that clearly means he doesn’t actually care at all and isn’t seething at his own impotence? He wins!
Worked well enough so far
Gentle reminder that when whites are gone the Asians will descend upon mutts, mexicans, and blacks alike like a swarm of robo-locust. It will be swift, and if you are lucky - painless.
Besides, that was 2 years ago. To keep thinking gamergate is still up you have to be some sort of schizo NPC.
>oi, you saw what happened to our comrade on the internet?
>ye mate
>fookin gamergate, i tell you
>gamergate, has to be
your shitposting affects nothing. never has.
but you'll never accept this because the delusion that it does helps you sleep at night
3 inch yellow cock detected
So white genocide is a good thing? I don't get the message of this post.
There is no actual way to seize power by legitimate means without a massive revolution or a convergence of catastrophes.
This detached method of critcising people who create memes by laughing at their impotence makes no sense because the only other way they could meaningfully express their authenticity is through a massive public demonstration that we saw in Charlottesville. The elites came down on that like a ton of bricks.
the irony
Our shit posting brought down a fucking airplane and elected a President, fuck off retard
whatever helps you cope
they're not called gamergate anymore after the media shat on that movement because they are cowards and immediately dropped that name
all these people didn't magically disappear, though, as much as you try to gaslight that they did
they're still out there making videos about right wing memes and tagging them #gaming
like so:
Kill yourself, chink scum.
So is honk Pepe depressed?
you will go down as footnote in history about the dumbest, most ineffective cult, if even that
nothing you do affects the real world. you just pretend that it does because it makes you feel good
I'm white. I'm just warning you that we're the barrier, but you'll continue to take it for granted. Asians don't give a shit about your political correctness agenda, that's why they call Americans baizou.
>nothing you do affects the real world
Then why do we continue to live in your head rent free? The alt-right and nationalism in general is the only vitalistic political force left in current politics.
keep crying kiddo
>The elites came down on that like a ton of bricks.
if you were a real movement that would have spurred you on instead of making you hide behind a screen
He is clearly detached. Perhaps he is depressed. He most definitely isn't happy, though.
Its a look into biz's fractured mind after bitcoin crashed
They also call Europeans that.
>The alt-right and nationalism in general is the only vitalistic political force left in current politics.
lol you're one of the used I hope you know that.
>live in your head rent free
you're not living in my head rent free, you're living in the imageboard I frequent
keep up with the buzzwords, though
the jokes on you
honk is not the right
neither is honk for the left
honk sees only truth
the truth is anti american, how dare you
You seem literally obsessed with us and you have no actual counter-arguments to the ideas other than "memes annoy me! omg kek is cringe". What is it that you actually believe? I'm curious.
Why are you posting a neo-consevative boomer?
This new wave of memes like honk and NPC are so fucking soulless and unfunny. The last good Yea Forums meme was shrek cringe compilation and that barely lasted a month. This site is terrible now I cant believe i still sit on here 16 hours a day
Honk if you're dead inside.
you spam that clown shit 50 times per day in every popular board.
criticizing it isn't "obsession". stop projecting.
if you don't like different opinions there is a site where you can downvote them etc
>he didn't get introduced to the honk through the doctor I am Pagliacci story
kek is cringe though lol that's the point.
>the world americans live in*
Sure, I’ll gladly accept that. But don’t kid yourself that it’s not creeping into Europe as well. You’ve got a front row seat to Phase One.
tranny incel
struck a nerve
good for you then, you don't have to worry about us shitposting, amirite?
Yeah? And that was like 2 years ago. If that's the entire substance of what you have to say then it's actually pretty cringe.
I don't spam shit. You don't even have an opinion as far as I can tell, you're just a depoliticised moron.
true, even in my small ass country I see the same subverting voice trying to make us a 2nd Britain
cleverly hiding behind good wording for people that can't read between the lines and aren't informed about the thought police these 'people' actually want to put here
it won't last though, we have a natural mistrust towards anyone in power, always
fantastic idea, give me time
“They” never called themselves GamerGate to begin with. It was a derisive term coined by the people opposing them.
big manhands typed this post
I don't give a shit about chinks, they're a bunch of cowards that want the west to die yet they consume all our garbage pop culture/media , fuck chinks.
Why are we still here
Stop arguing with NPCs, dude, what the fuck. Why would anyone do this? It's completely absurd, it's a waste of time. The bot is here to surf on a part of the internet it cannot comprehend, it will go away eventually.
No, I suspect Pagliacci is at least superficially happy, because he at least pretends he’s past giving a fuck.
what? No you people are still posting today, but that was sort of the point. Anyway I've said too much already and have to go, but yeah uh honk and whatever
no, that's not how it was coined
>people still pretend gamergate is relevant because they cannot handle the truth so they have to reduce it to simplistic explanations to spoon feed themselves with
>not alt-incel = depoliticised
completely delusional as always
you do know that pol is 90% spambots right?
alt-righities are mostly just angry sexless teens and manchildren, the most easily manipulable lmao
As well they should. It’s mocking all of the West for self-castigating over multiculturalism, losing site of the absolute FACT that if those other cultures were worth preserving, it would be us flocking to join theirs, not vice versa. We beat ourselves up over shit like inclusion and tolerance, then turn a blind eye to the exclusionary, insular, non-assimilating hard-liners lining up to take advantage of that tolerance while offering none in return.
Honk honk
We live in a society
lmo good try redd*tor
Get a life and stop blaming /pol/ teenagers for all your problems idiot.
lol irony
*Throws pie in your face* HONK
a reiteration of the black pill
he posted between tears
>put on a happy face
Bingo, Big Guy.
Why is it that some people always think that Yea Forums memes are always created to target and mock their own political beliefs?
If shes trans where's her bulge?
You haven't even revealed one position. You're an afraid moron who revels in mass media culture to distract yourself from your own conscience.
anime weebsite my man, go back to r/T_D if you don't like it
What do you expect from the mentally ill?
little loser, have you ever been punched in the face?
>We took down Gawker
unless you are Peter Thiel or Hulk Hogan, that is not a true statement
>did I just hear you make a racism?
It's a clown world, we just live in it
that's all you have, images of stupid white people...you're a coward.
They usually aren’t but once the creatively bankrupt righty incels get ahold of them that’s what they quickly devolve into
What the fuck, I'm not gonna listen to some dude on youtube talking about a meme for 20 fucking minutes. What is wrong with you people?
and what can men do when that happens?
Oh I see, you're a tilted shitskin.
wil please go
stop being racist you racist
And this allows people to retroactively proclaim the meme was created with the original intent of mocking their political beliefs because?
Nobody is saying that.
I don't understand why anyone would want to watch this movie, why would I want to watch a movie about a pathetic loser incel that lives with his mom? That's my life, I'm already living it. And SJWs don't want to watch anything about a loser white male.
is this guy for real? Hes so fucking off, also falling for memes is a meme.
>people resorting to revisionism over memes
it's literally just damage control to justify people being butthurt over a meme because it hurts their feelings by mocking their political beliefs
why is it that incels interpret every disagreement as a direct attack on their fundamental being?
that's just the average intellect of your post-election newfag
Imagine treating memes as a personal attack.
Everything in this post is what's wrong with the current state of Yea Forums
You fell for way too many memes like gang weed. He's not some pathetic loser incel, he clearly has no trouble interacting with females in the trailer. He's just mentally ill and sad. It's a Joker origin story, not your soap-opera.
>And SJWs don't want to watch anything about a loser white male
Nice victim mentality. I'm guessing you got that from those 3 twitter posts being spammed here which is "ironically" making anons want to support the movie and pay money for it.
hello shitskins!
easily the pepe of the year, and that's saying something. magnificent!
Hard pass
Why do leftist incels call other people incels on a site like Yea Forums? Go out and fuck people up if you aren't afraid of whites if you hate them that much, i don't hate anyone and I don't spam nigger over and over on this shit site full off angry white libs that hate themselves.
it's a joke you sperg
There's a shocking amount of people who are Yea Forums-adjacent and dont really post here or understand what anything done here means or why it happens but instead just regurgitate memes and phrases said here because they think it makes them internet trendy.
It's like the kids who posted "Hitler did nothing wrong" while not understanding why that was even a meme.
they're tranny incels projecting
the meme is laughing at the current crazy, not the left specifically. It's just that the left is responsible for a ton of the crazy shit in this world. But the right is too, The land of confusion video also includes footage of a person who shot people while listening to gasgasgas and remove kebab.
The point is the world is ONE laughable joke at the moment with shit tons of bullcrap being thrown around from left and right and the meme mocks that
okay satan
thank you.
Except incel was originally a self-applied label created by straight, cis men who largely populate most of the websites and subreddits for incels.
>h-he laughed at my epic incel political ideology that I bravely posted on Yea Forums in total earnestness, must be a seething tranny...
lol cope
The term was coined by a women you ignoramus and why does it matter who it made the label so long as the people it's describing fit the definition.
Incel means you want have sex but you can't which covers 99.9% of mentally ill trannies
This. It gives me hope, maybe we can return to a time when the internet is full of fucked up shit that goes on in the world and we all just came here to laugh at it.
Seems comfy
Trannies confirmed for not even knowing their own snarl words. Can't say I'm surprised though.
go out into the world and punch an evil little white boy if you have any guts, you won't do it...you're afraid.
have sex
beat a whiteboy up
This meme was fine until /pol/cucks touched it and made it total shit just lie NPC meme
talk about wh*te fragility lmao
I like the “Resist Drumpf” variation, because as the retarded leap in logic it implies.
brown people are afraid of little loser whiteboys, cowards.
okay lol
Yes. Fuck all these assholes telling us it’s wrong to laugh at idiocy when we see it.
okay lol stupid retard fuck you.
trannies get triggered by clowns especially the joker because it reminds them of themselves and the lie they live
words hurt dude!!!
okay lol
this world’s fun. everyone, and I mean everyone, is racist and yet most people refuse to admit it because everyone knows you’re not allowed to be racist. So you have this phenomenon where the most racist people are those who refuse to admit their feelings, meaning they don’t work towards it because they think they’re perfect in their delusional state and that there is nothing to work towards. That’s why conservatives can talk to minorities without issue but liberals are constantly stepping over themselves to not offend and end up offending even more by condescending. Amazing right? You treat human beings like human beings and they match your respect. If you treat them like wild animals needing the support of a white savior then you’ll never actually find the tolerance youre looking for
you'll understand when you move out of the basement
Stfu faggot
Interesting. So if I follow your strategy is that before or after I chop my dick off?
I accept your concession
>"perhaps we shouldn't cut people's dicks off to cure their delusional mental state"
>"just look at the suicide rates, is this ethical"
???? fuck off faggot.
okay lol
>leftists are the real racists
can this thread get anymore cringe
no, you get a job instead of relying on gibs ;)
okay lol
It was proven actually
I even used your fake news so you’d trust it
>Self-improvement = chopping your dick off
Funny how you reveal more and more of what’s actually going on in your head with every post
this is 4channel's Yea Forums, bro.
The world is a circus and the clowns are in charge.
The clownpill is an evolved blackpill, you're no longer depressed but instead laughing at the insanity of society.
Gamers rise up.
I’m sorry I wasn’t really paying attention, thinking about that webm of gender reassignment. I swear it keeps me up at night. Anyway what are we talking about? I lose track sometimes on account of the crazy shit I watch
>studies say
>life is a black comedy, all slapstick and vulgarity
damn is this one of those lefty memes? Look at all those words. I think you need a conservative to trim that joke down for you.
Why do you subject yourself to things that upset and disturb you?
>It's quite simple, stop listening to discord trannies
that's okay bro most drumpfsters can't read
It's clown town now motherfucker.
okay lol
got em
I mean if you had a triple-digit IQ and were capable of reading anything more than “KILL NIGGERS” you’d find it funny. Your loss, bro.
>Self-improvement = chopping your dick off
There are non tone deaf people who unironically won't disagree with this.
I expect that’s how most people who were originally drawn to the Yea Forums found themselves trapped forever. The freedom of expression and information, the ability to see things that other mediums refused to tolerate or acknowledge. Just like how you came here in 2015ish or so because this was the hot topic for political debate or whatever the fuck, I came here in 2006 when the biggest game in town was posting gore and execution videos on Yea Forums. I think seeing the lowest of mankind on the regular numbs you and necessarily prepares you for the existence that you and I currently exhibit. Subjecting yourself to the world hardens you to the world, so that nothing you even meet will be harder than you. That’s the trick really
>who was convicted of assaulting an eight-year-old boy in 2008
>he says this while dismissing a study without reading it
the irony
and yet you can't read a simple comic strip, curious.
Okay, then he’s a convicted child molester. He sexually assaulted a child, so that’s the crime he’s convicted of.
okay lol
why are liberals so fucking obsessed with signaling their normality? This isn't reddit fag you don't get status points for showing us how much of a well adjusted boy you are
You somehow missed the entire point of the comic strip even though you had it saved for some time, it's embarrassing.
That was terrible and he doesn't understand anything. Fuck you for wasting my time.
why are conservacucks incapable of being normal?
You know, there is the concept of critique, yes? There exists the phenomenon wherein a man capable of reading and writing finds himself unimpressed with that which he has read. Therefore, it triggers his desire to improve: a desire all men possess. Now, it’s up to the other man at that point whether or not he takes the advice or doubles down. However, if that man doubles down and repeatedly finds himself in situations where men of reputable standing suggest that brevity and comedy are intrinsically linked, and that the shorter a joke the better it is, he will find himself repeatedly defending that which should never have been defended in the first place had not pride intervened on your good sense
Have sex okay lol
elucidate for me :)
and yet here you are whining about transsexuals on 4channel lmao
the civilized man does not whine, he critiques and then he invests accordingly
This is the based answer.
you should probably start following your own advice ;)
It's silly and makes people mad, and that's all we really need.
This sentiment is good but the meme is executed horribly. It just looks like a forced variant of Pepe, who has been run into the ground too much as it is. If it didn't have the crutch of having Pepe as its mascot I might be able to enjoy it.
Has it ever occurred to you that it's possible to read the results of the study without journalists acting as the middle man? You would've realized it this earlier if you weren't this dense :^)
You're the ones who signal it even in the deepest internet shitholes like this. So put up faggots. IF you want upcummies and upboats you need to prove that you have sex and a Faceberg account with more than 300 friends
>tfw have every one of the clown facebook frogs filtered by MD5
>merely pretending bro
do you have any other comebacks besides your limited variation on “no u?”
And yet it's just a study ;)
I smell like rat piss.
That's an interesting take
Black is the color you get when you mix all the colors together in equal proportion, a perfect light absorber. When you invert it, all the colors of the rainbow burst forth anew.
The clownpill is just the blackpill once you cross the event horizon into clownworld. Nothing makes sense, but you just embrace the lunacy.
what the heck are you even crying about this time?
Can you do anything other than whine?
Clown World as a concept is 100% apolitical and the ones who refuse to acknowledge it on basis of petty politics are the ones who unknowingly perpetrate it.
deepest lore
I'm sorry that you can't properly read the results of a study without journalists dumbing it down for you user.
yes I also post frogs
Which makes him a pedo, like you.
studies are not law fren. You can't just start throwing out single papers to try to circumvent arguments, that's reddit tier muh scientism nonsense.
This edit upsets me for some reason
I don't know if its the cartoonish platform shoes, or just the overall implication of everything in this image.
The more I focus on the details, the more disgusted I become
> supported a retard president
> spends all day on a South Korean Karaoke forum in between the daily gaming and fap intake
> IS a neo-nazi basement dweller
> has never had real sex or a romantic connection with another person
Honk Honk Honk I'm so black pilled and clown pilled we live in a society
Sure, but that isn’t a crime for him to be convicted of
That isnt a partisan meme you retards
Honk is a leftist meme, designed to associate right wing ideals (Trump, brexit) with being part of a ''clownworld'' and therefore ridiculous
from what I can tell he started off as a cartoon frog representation of Steven universe because it’s the gayest show ever made and sort of grew from there
What about gay sons coming out to anti-gay dads. What's the history behind that?
nice bait, really explains this well
you are the meme
Nobody treats studies as infallible, they use the results to support the arguments backing their claims.
No one's trying to circumvent an argument, they're merely presenting an argument in favor of own claims or against another claim.
How you can't comprehend that is beyond me, is using studies to circumvent arguments all you know to do? Is that the only thing that's possible in your mind?
>it's another dumbfuck r*dditor replies to a troll episode
Based. It’s our new “Shake and Bake!”
It infuriates the people it mocks. For no fucking reason.
>Nobody treats studies as infallible
>it's proven
Formerly mentally sound sneedlechucks
Actually Clown World memes are made by blackpilled r_thedonald and alt right type fags after they came to the realization that Blormpf is in fact retarded and not interested in implementing any white nationalist policies and is more concerned with paying back Sheldon Adelson and the Kushner family the culture didn't change a bit, nobody respects the orange retard or his supporters the demographics won't change and white supremacy will not be coming back
and it's beautiful
The only thing 'leftist' about charting data flow is how they are suggesting CNN and progressive mainstream media display facts objectively with the whiteboard "A=B". Anyone paying attention with more than a three second memory knows this is not true.
there you go
I've said "as a concept", you mentally ill faggot.
Politicals play no role in it's observation, you can be dazzled by this Curcus of a world no matter of your leaning.
You're trying a bit too hard btw, your discord ringleader will not approve.
Just shut up, man.
Wow this is actually the dumbest fucking post I’ve seen on Yea Forums in a long while. Good job, honestly
This is the most cringe meme of 2019 so far. Give it a few months and this clown world stuff will be used only to identify hardcore /pol/cels for ridicule, similar to the kekistani meme.
It's has developed into a meme solely for edgelords who believe their political opinions are super deep and contrarian. Instead of actually discussing something so they can be publicly BTFO they would prefer to post "fukken clown world bros" so their fellow NPCs can pat them on the back for exhibiting right-think.
>will be used only to identify hardcore /pol/cels for ridicule, similar to the kekistani meme
are you being retarded on purpose
Thanks for correcting the record
imagine being this deep in your intersectional anal lesbian dance theory muslim doctorate essay studies
yes, he is. This same dude is on Yea Forums every day pretending to be retarded. He’s not even close to the worst this website has to offer though. There’s a South American guy on /his/ who hates white people and is obsessed with Indian American cultures so he has been posting anti-White revisionist propaganda for years every single day. You can look up certain phrases he repeats a lot and you’ll find like 2000 instances of it. This guy has probably made 15000 posts on /his/ attacking white people and defending Indian Americans. So while this level of insane may shock you, know that it isn’t even close to the final form
what a bitter, unfunny post.
tick tock drumphies!!!
you sound rather obsessed yourself ;)
If you think THAT's dumb, let me tell you about that "transphobes are the real normies" poste...
Oh, wait. You probably already know each other, aren't you?
/pol/tards if you wanna stop being angry and depressed all the time stop being extrememly online and disengage from politics for a few months. What's happening here is that you are supplied a steady diet of clickbait articles and headlines which are designed to be provocative and attention-grabbing and you're going nuts because of it posting clowns everywhere. Just disengage from the online for a couple of months, play a game go outside read a book or someshit
says the guy who shitposts as a strawman every single day to piss people off
A very interesting blog post. Be sure to show this to your mental health worker next time they visit, I'm sure they will like it too.
brown people should be banned from using the internet. all they do is spew their insecurities and bitter insults at people they know are better than them. due to the anonymity of the board they feel empowered to do so but only end up coming off as sad, jealous, smelly, low-IQ savages (which really is what they are.) Your joke aren't even funny, you just sound butthurt and it's cringe lol.
Have seen way more instances of this on Yea Forums and /r9k/, because of open anti-tranny rhetoric, but I wouldn't be surprised that they've already got their dirty claws on /his/ too.
>Hey guys youre paying attention to news too much you need to drown your thoughts with mindless art and entertainment because viewing things in context is making you first get angry then just laugh at the world in an attempt to change it to traditional sanity
keep fighting the good fight with your voice on 4channel.com!
most of the world is kinda normal tho, you are getting flustered by reading tweets and headlines every day "TRANS CHILD GIVES BIRTH FOR THE FIRST TIME" and after reading this every day you begin to post clowns everywhere reading so much clickbait is not normal and you're doing damage to yourself
who are you so upset at? try blowing off some steam by blowing your brains out big guy.
Yeah there is no way that having an opinion on a global aggregate upstream of most actually has an effect, this is nothing but a waste of time right ;^)
are you implying it isn't?
Seeing things decay to the point you have tranny children, 9 month abortions, rampant misinformation and propaganda linked to law kind of puts things into perspective, hedonism takes a back seat to basic survival
yeah you’ve made that insult a few times already getting a bit old
Truth hurts
no, that's just confirmation bias. You seek out things to make you angry intentionally to distract you from your empty life.
it's annoying to see honk already getting misused as another ebin gas the jews meme
All you have is smug derision because you are in fact a brainlet.