>has a black girlfriend
What did they mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
“As long as the general population is passive, apathetic, diverted to consumerism or hatred of the vulnerable, then the powerful can do as they please, and those who survive will be left to contemplate the outcome.”
he took the blackpill
Social engineering for the massive bleaching campaigns that will be led into africa to raise the global iq
When he said "Fuck Niggers" he was being literal
its just crazy enough to work
Not for long I imagine. He's a lot like Travis Bickle
Men of taste here. Black women are sexy as fuck.
he cute
your attempted brainwashing will never work on me. literally the least desirable group on earth.
U mad blackboi?
To show he has mental illnesses, obv.
As long as all mixed male offspring is disposed of, I see no downsides.
How is sex with black women lads?
What are obesity rates for black women?
animalstic,like taming and breeding a wild animal
Black women age like shit. They age like milk. White women? Age like angels.
Why dont you find out for yourself
Ugly as fuck
White women>>>>>>>>insectoid women >>>>black women
It will probably imply hes been laid so I don't know why people are saying this movie is incel
Some men just want to see the world burn (coal)
>White women? Age like angels.
*steals your life*
She's a hooker
Didn't anyone read the plot outline ?
My dick
Black women age like gabrage retard!!! Fact!
Gotta practice what you preach.
Post the spoilers
all females age like shit
Not white women.FACT!!!
I thought you said black don't crack. What about their womyn?
>brings disgusting unrealistic BWWM relationship
An incels fantasy I see.
Latina>white hoes
>gets fat as a holstein cow
>I thought you said black don't crack.
never said that,18 to 20 years old is ideal
Pick one. Those things using our genes to disguise themselves as belonging to our species are not human.
It obviously means he’s a racist incel like you
I thought there are a lot of good looking black women that are old. Angela Basset is still 10/10
Why are so many posts like this ESL? What's with third worlders trying to keep white guys from colonizing black pussy?
>has a black girlfriend
Based, he literally fucks niggers
"See those ships laqueesha? They're coming to pop their white babies into our wombs"
I thought you guys said black women age like shit.
In my line of business it's called "working the marks"
When is KayBear going to do real porn?
>60th birthday
Fitness can do wonders
Chances are she either dies or is conning him in some way. I would imagine alot of things go wrong in his life in order for him to finally go over the edge, so his mother likely dies as well, perhaps even at the hands of the black girlfriend.
>"white" women age like angels
A man can only dream my friend.
Why didn't Tom Cruise marry a black girl?
Can't bruise the Cruise
Just remember user, women are all the same color on the inside.
"My German identity is really important to me" - Zazie Beetz aka Joker's girlfriend
So red/pink?
black women are crazy I guess?
my black bro kept saying this
Because Tom is gay and the church of scientology just sets him up with media appropriate beards.
I think Tom also married a black women...isn't his son black?
>my black bro
He tried to prevent you from taking his women
>implying Xenu isn't directing his every move in order to keep his most perfect vessel strong and fit for his inevitable arrival to Earth
Wouldn't it make more sense for Xenu to have Tom Cruise breed with some 6'1 aryan woman to make a bunch of strong sons instead?
I don't think Xenu would want to be a manlet
Gingers>>>>>>>>everyone else
The spider ball pythons of humans
Bria Myles
Cute and hot
A soulless abomination.
>being a niggerlover
LMAOing at you faggots.
I see you're a man of Elder God Tier Taste too!
This is the ideal female body
How can white women even compete?
She looks like a porcelain doll. Aesthetically pleasing, but not sexually arousing.
By being beautiful and not animals? Seriously, you're as bad as the size queens at this point.
>who cares if she's ugly, has skin like shit and looks like a caricature?
>muh "animalistic urges"
How does it feel to be an animal, user? Everybody knows Face trumps all.
Fuckin rotc faggot needs to put his cover on outdoors
Close to 70%
>go in this thread looking for joker memes
>it's pictures of women
I'm disappointed.
I fucking challenge you fags. Post 10/10 black women faces to prove us wrong.
10/10 pretty face
>a black girl with mostly white facial features
>no weird tube shaped midriff with no curves
>no weird looking nigger hips where all of the width begins below the actual hip area and is mostly flab on the thighs and the giant blubbery and repulsive nigger ass
>no nasty as fuck nigger twerking
too rare
he cute
Implying you wouldn't
how can anyone unironically find these monkeys attractive? bestiality is a mental illness
>because muh big lips
>when white lips actually look more like ape/monkey ones
Explain yourself faggot
Good film discussion.
What's the point?
Someone is gonna post a pic of a black fenale model with perfect symmetrical features and you homos are still gonna sperg about the girl not looking like and anime character.
>Yea Forums
>talking about films
Whatever you say haha
Seething whitoid
>implying pic related doesn't mog your girl into oblivion by any metric, face included
>bleats about face trumping body, whines about animalistic urges, but chooses a pic of a girl showing off her leg in fishnets
Just stop user, you're embarrassing yourself.
What's wrong with dickpillows
Gamers Rise Up
She's cute
We need a bunch of /pol/ bros to dump their folders of WMBW couples and their disfigured babies to combat this nigger lover and his chimp posting.
Notpretty enough
Post better and use actual enghisr retard
Stay mad whitecück
ok, but I'm not the one defensively posting pictures of black girls (who look like white girls) to validate his fetish.
I think he's a angry black boi butthurt at based white chads taking their queens. Hear me out black bois,you can take white women. We don't need them. We need you queens.
All those ugly niggers you are posting have spent hours trying to look as white as possible because that's the standard for beauty. Nobody finds niggers attractive except for a pozzed mind like yours.
>this is the best negress models can do
>that shitskined, babyfatfaced sheboon
>mogging anyone
Go ahead and fuck her Finnish Shitposter; she's all yours!
This guy IS from /pol/. He's one part of the Shills that push Racemixing. Same as the "muh azns" ones. It's all a joke.
He may be a mass murdering psychopathic clown, but at least he's not a racist!
>this is a 10/10 in cheekibreekiland
Keep seething mutt. Have fun with your sheeboons. I'm not trading my ginger princesses.
>that thing
>good looking
Why is everyone forgeting about Angella Bassett? She's 61 and looks 30-40
Brie Larson>>>>>>>>>>>>Zoe Saldana
100 percent nigerian dna,ready to be bleached
Boy, those grapes sure are sour, huh? Just a reminder that all you shitskins wanna look white.
>my ginger princesses
As if you've ever actually come near any woman in your life, kek
It's pretty easy to spot a desperate virgin by his posts and yours make it blatantly obvious that you've only looked at all these pretty women from afar
Very sad...
I think I'm sick
Kys faggot
There's a reason I call them princesses and not "kweenz", you faggot. Just admit you wanna suck some niggerdick and be done with it.
>I want to look white
But I'm already white.
I'm white,skin is whiter than Hitler could have ever imagined,I have brown hair and brown eyes.
What did you say?
Holy fuck
Like I said Finnish shitposter, nobody cares. Shitskins wanna look white because we are the best. God, go join Ilivier Coipel in posting Insta pics of fat sheeboons and complaining about "EuroCentric Beauty Standards". Shitskins are animals, get it through your head.
>all you shitskins
What country were you from again, user?
Your pic looks like a homeless grandma has turned to prostitution. The whole internet at your fingertips, and this is the pinnacle of white female beauty? Sad!
>that face
ayyyy lmao
>if texture of hair was just a microbit straighter, and white, she'd look like she'd be wearing a cloud
God in human form millennia ago was not Caucasian.
I can't understand your gibberish user.
>samefagging this hard
So,by your logic an white eastern eurpean isn't white? Ok,Ahmed.
>Shitskins wanna look white because we are the best.
Here's what your redhead princesses really want.
if only she looked like that ingame
Daily reminder that thick lips are an innately feminine trait. The women of every race have fuller lips than the men, and surgeons offer their female clients lip plumping, not lip thinning. If you prefer thin lips, your subconscious is trying to tell you you're a faggot.
>tfw white cummies belong in african tummies
>finding this attractive
And not this user,I think you have shit taste.
what a amazing time we live in
Who the hell plays video games?
>I can't understand your gibberish user.
If you're seriously having difficulties understanding the Anglo language, I'm going to have to assume you're an illiterate browny. Are you?
his "women" looked like men
he was also rating races
This, take the /twinkpill/ lads
She is a latina who has been brainwashed and diddled by jews since a young age.
>in the US
Opinion discarded.
What if I was born with big lips as a white men...like black males have?
Interracial sex is literally more fun & hotter than regular sex with another white girl, 100%
There is a difference between thick lips and baboon lips like in the pic you posted.
Maybe post an example of a white woman next time if you're trying to make a point
Why would a Greek of all people complain about shitskins?
>virgin and proud
Kek, holy shit
I don't idolize any particular ethnicity because I'm not a fucking retarded incel
There are beautiful women in plenty of shapes, heights and colours
Picking a select group like a flag only narrows your options, which I can tell you don't have many in the first place
And it sounds like you're the one with the sour grapes here
>"why would I want a black woman? They're icky"
pure delusion. They don't want you, and neither does any kind of woman
You're presenting an ideal that basically states never grow past sexual thrill
The reason humans still exist is because people come to want more despite the reality of time
The pill you speak of is a suppository
Go preach this in a synagogue.
If Italians aren't white then neither are Greeks.
stay mad Stacie
Literally only shitskins & beta males chase white girls in 2019. You literally know this is true
Where do you think he learned it lmao
No arguments from me
What do Slavs have to do with a FrenchMutt complaining about "white beauty standards"? Of course Slavs are white. Except Albanians. Fuck Albanians.
She's literally just tanned beyond measure. She's a brunette.
Nope, I just have actual taste.
Sorry Satan, your Finnish accent is unintelligible.
Seethe Albonigger. /pol/ already kicked you out.
>blablablablaba projection blablablblabla muh ebony kweenz
I think we both know who's the whipped virgin here.
>black adults
I wasn't going to fuck a black man, so I'm still good. :)
Somalis are only the best looking because they have caucasian admixture and facial features
checkmate niggerlovers
Post a photo of your hand. Let's see how pale and light-haired you are, Dimitrios.
Blackwomen have literally comic book shapes that white women will never achive. How can white women even compete?
>people keep arguing with the person who finds this, not only attractive, but better than whites
Jesus anons, just let the shitposter tank this thread all by himself.
Everybody sees past your tricks, Jew. Imagine having all the media industry in your control, yet interracial couples are the least common relationships in the world.
>yfw Google search confuses you with niggers
Sorry, I don't speak Schizoidese.
Sometimes being able to interact more with your entertainment is fun(ner) you know?
Stay mad liplet
make sure to post about when your next white gf spontaneously dumps you
>those lips
>not white
Checkmate whitoid
Imagine being a southerner browny larping as a white man on the interwebs.
would colonise that ass if you know what i mean
I'd bet literally any money Mel has fucked more black girls than have been posted in this thread.
Those are really cheap ass implants. Most of the niggers posted here have ass implants. It's so obvious because they are cheap ones.
Its a caricature of sexual features, if you don't find it attractive on a base level then you might be gay. I can understand not wanting to lower yourself to whatever standard, but its something that should be literally beyond your control to react to, like seeing a naked pair of breasts or even thinking about it after reading naked pair of breasts.
The only white guy that still chases white girls are usually low IQ knuckle draggers
My dad similarly told me he wouldn't have married a white woman, if he were my age age today
You're either a virgin or a nigger
latinas dont wash their koozes
I completely forgot this was a Joker thread
>the percentage of White British adults and Black adults who were overweight or obese was higher than the national average
>the percentage of adults in the Chinese, Asian, Mixed and Other White ethnic groups who were overweight or obese was lower than the national average
So user, you gonna go fuck a mixed girl because your census data told you to?
>used to only like white woman and some cute asians
>only dated white and asian
>lately want to fuck a black woman really badly
I don't get it, I don't wanna date or share anything, only fuck. Too bad they don't want me.
You're free to go and mate with a chimp if that makes you happy. Enjoy having kids that look deformed and spending the rest of your life in regret, though.
Faggot found father too
not sure what you mean
you have a case with Chimpanzees, but Gorillas look like they have black lips
Where can I get a qt3.14 black gf brehs
Lol enjoy your inevitable divorce and ha ingredients your kids taken from lol.
lol. You're literally going to view life less vibrantly than I am.
By age 40, you'll have forgotten what it's like to be happy & inspired
That's for the better
Imagine the divine smell!
At the zoo
is that the girl from white boy rick
>fat hands
Incel confirmed
Sure thing user.
Can you handle it, white boi?
Even with all the effort she put into looking as white as possible, she still looks like a nigger lmao
>"damn, he really is white... what can I call him now?!"
>"u fat"
Damn user, you're really taking shitposting to the next level!
>Yea Forums doesn't want this
I knew you were fags
over 2 million views. Interracial sex tape. Let's fap to it bros
Imagine being a whiteknight for roastie whores. Christ...
Unironically London, come to uni here or something.
10/10 would bang
Nobody wants niggers, not just Yea Forums
its a shame shes that fucking hot and her pussy probably looks really gross
It's because 13% of the population commi-
>dumps his folder of sheeboons
>"wtf, why do people not like my bestiality fetish and keep posting pretty white girls?"
>"u whiteknight"
I'm not the one talking about divorces, purity and all that shite. I'm only talking about beauty. Might wanna do a proof read before posting.
All pussy is pink but you wouldn't know because you are a fucking incel
This meme is not relevant anymore because looking at the trailer Joker is sympathizing with minorities to fight the evil white man that keeps putting him down
Kek literally a ruler OH NO NO NO NO
Shut up WB
Minorities beat him in the beginning faggot
S'alright user, s'alright. Might wanna try posting your pro-racemixing rants and sheboons later.
The matter at hand was whiteness, which has been settled...
>what are models
Models are tall and slender.
that hand is not white.
Good try Ahmed
every user needs to experience
literally your goals in life would dramatically be kicked into overdrive if you were to experience this
get rid of that afro and we'll talk
>literally pink
>"n-no it's not w-white"
Nice try Schlomo!
You can't even pick one in HD?
Ameritards were a mistake
What'syour country faggot?o
t. roastie toastie
God I wish this were me
she will get murdered by racist assholes as their love is starting to blossom and it will be his final straw
They don't wan't to be colonized and cucked out of their genepools
That was my first post in the thread lmao. You are obsessed. I hope you do get a reward for defending roasties online though.
>black race will go extinct if white males continue to bang black women
Good or bad? At what cost?
Damn, an honest to God Albino! Keep representing the White Race!
As a white male, I will never disrespect black women
God fucking damn it I need to stop browsing this board, I want to date a black woman so bad. Please, what do I do Yea Forums you’ve made me like this
The society made you like this
Zazie a cute, and she’s been bleached
Yea Forums approved
>Oof! user, you're a great person, but, to be completely honest with you, I only date white guys. I'm sorry!
What do
Thoughts on Thandie Newton?
Anyone has that compilation of hollywood bwwm couples ?
The face on that man is the face of sombody who will never realized he is being used. I bet she secretly voted for hillary and than took his credit card and bought a lambo
Big if true. This films meme potential would outweigh TDKR if that actually fucking happens ahahahahah. Will this movie inspire some incels to drop their standards to fucking sheboons? Stay tuned
>voting for hillay
A majority of black voted fro drumpf though
Including myself
That's why he's the joker, his actions doesn't make sense.
Well,I'm white.
Marry me,my queen.
mega LOL top KEK
B-But I am white.
there's a fourth!?!!!
this guy gets it
>The pill you speak of is a suppository
>ywn cuddle and snuggle with Basso
>"why the frowny face user?"
She’s cute.
is that Angela Basset?
>would berry
>this is considered porn to /pol/cels
Have a fap user, you’ll feel better afterward.
>"oh here, let mommy give you a biiiiiig kiss"
She is fucking 60!
Great ass but the piercings are awful
based and BLACKpilled
Funny how all the blackpill posters only show chicks that have caucasian facial proportions. Small nose and lips. With white skin, theyd look european or heavily mixed I guess i must live in a diffrent place cuz all the niggresses here are fat ugly and monkey like with hair that looks like a mess
bill burr
that cope just go for asian guys roasty
Thank God and Zionism we'll get more brown qts out of the replacement
>Hey user, remember when we hooked up? Well, I have something to tell you... I'm pregnant now, and I'm keeping it
he fucks niggers
It's called bad luck user
Is it a daughter?
Take this monkey away.
B-but my past white gfs avorted my babies!!!
Guess how mixed black girls are made
>I live in a shithole
Gib queen!!!
I bet she does
Somalians look like shit and I wish we had nogs like the ones in america
t. swede
Jesus Christ Yea Forums LOVES the Cocoa butter. Have any of you tried to at least approach a black girl? They're pretty fun.
Your thinking Ethiopians
I loveIdris Elba so muchI
>i look like a shithole
This. Somalis are hit or miss as hell.
t.South African
Why are you insecure anglo cucks posting ugly femdykes when this is a black queen thread? Go make your own threads you pathetic betas.
I like black women because they are upfront, honest, and not fake at all. They'll tell you straight to your face if you suck at sex or if you do something they dont like, compared to white girl who will tell you every day your perfect while talking/fucking other guys behind your back.
So from now on Joker threads are a dog whistle for posting nigger girls... Got it.
That's because you are fucking weak and the white women you date don't respect you.
Do you honestly think it's going to go any better with a testosterone laden nigress who will be even more sensitive to your ability to dominate her?
t. never lived around niggers
Your "black queen" is a lie. Why do you think their men abandon them in droves? I thought Germanics were supposed to be intelligent?
t. butthurt ytoid incel
white women are insolent and annoying shits and I don't waste my time with them. No one buys that you're some supreme manly man. You're just another cuck.
>Why do you think their men abandon them in droves?
Lack of appreciation.
All I know is that divorce rates are higher in all white countries because white women are shit and the men are cucks. Statistics from those countries stay in those countries. They don't apply to black queens.
One thing this stat doesn't mention is that the "white" in this case is usually a Latin base. Anglos and Germanics aren't as pursued as Latins by black women, because Latins have similar hearts and big enough dicks for them.
I matched with a black girl on Tinder the other day and i'm quite attracted to her, but she's looking for a relationship (and so am I). Problem is, i really wouldn't mind fucking a black girl or being with her, but at the same time if we ever had children they would be half white/black which is the ugliest combination of genetic code you can curse your child with.
What the fuck do i do? I'm not the kind of person to pursue a woman knowing that i'll throw her away at some point.
Don't worry, you won't end up dating her.
Women are literally children in an adult body? What a fucking revelation!? Run away from manhood like the pathetic cuck you are. Scared of a little girl because of your fee fees? Learn to garner respect from children fool. This is how I know you don't have a father. Are you sure you are Germanic or are you one of those "white-adjacent" who actual Germanic girls see as "exotic"?
I guess telling the same lie over and over is the best way to delude someone. Amazin'.
Women have always been shit. Men cucking themselves is the problem. Once you understand that Men are the ones who are failing as women are incapable of autonomous thought and introspection then you will understand how our Empire building forefathers saw women.
Think about all of your children are guaranteed to be stupider and uglier than you. None of them will have your eyes, your hair, your lips. Their skulls wont even be the same shape as yours.
>ay yo pops gimme sum a dat money you racist cracka bitch
That's you and your son in 15 years
Based and actually Redpilled.
>if we ever had children they would be half white/black which is the ugliest combination of genetic code you can curse your child with.
Ah yes
>but she's looking for a relationship
>on Tinder
It's just a fucking front, she knows exactly what Tinder is for and you do too you little bitch. Use contraception and fuck that slut.
Depends on the roll of the dice. My cousin's exhusband got cucked for a black dude and the kid looks like his older siblings except brown
Or he could fuck a genuinely beautiful Germanic woman.
All of you pathetoids are shaming your Germanic forefathers by abandoning the most beautiful and loving female creature on this planet. There is a REASON why the shitskin hordes worship our women. There is a REASON why romanticism started in Western Europe. It is because our women are the jewel of humanity.
Could you imagine having sex with a woman who does not have beautiful sharp blue Germanic eyes and flowing blonde/red hair? Imagine shooting your seed into a dark ugly void of a "woman" who couldnt even inspire ambition in the simplest of "humans" (niggers)
>irish women
>abandoning the most beautiful and loving female creature on this planet.
No one's saying he should marry the black girl, just fuck her. You're also ignoring that Germanics invaded and raped and pillaged foreign races when able. Stay low test little cuck.
Confirmed for never reading a SINGLE fucking history book. I hate this fucking board.
From Tacitus:
For myself, I accept the view that the peoples of Germany have never contaminated themselves by intermarriage with foreigners but remain of pure blood, distinct and unlike any other nation. One result of this is that their physical characteristics, in so far as one can generalize about such a large population, are always the same: fierce-looking blue eyes, reddish hair, and big frames - which, however, can exert their strength only by means of violent effort.
And look how that turned out for them EVERY SINGLE TIME. Is Spain still Germanic? Is Italy still Germanic? Is Poland? What of these "nations" now?
When Germanics embrace their own LAND and their own PEOPLE that is when greatness is achieved.
Germanics raped and pillaged others when given the opportunity. Stay cucked my friend.
Than god kraut women have wombs full of muslim babybatter. Just so your pansy ass can REEEEEEEEE
>I dont have an argument because I don't know our people's history so I'll repeat the same thing just like a woman would
Your lack of reading comprehension is astounding.
Lol, latinos have smaller dicks than whites in every actual doctor measured study
>inb4 you post the debunked self-reported """"""study"""""
>raped into oblivion by slavs in ww2
>currently getting gangbanged by mudslimes
>muh light eyes
>muh bright hair
>we wuz empires n shieet untermenschen
The inferiority complex of the non-Germanic never ceases to amaze me. How does it feel waking up in a world that the Germanic has gifted to humanity whilst your tribe can only ride it's coattails and WE WUZZING?
Your solipsism in relation to "raping and pillaging" and it's historical affects in relation to civilization building is how I know you aren't Germanic because you have no dog in the fight.
I'm just not really attracted to white women in general. That's not to say that i wouldn't have a white girlfriend if the right one came along, but i usually mingle with asian girls
See how desperate they get? Do you see the intent of these people now? Do you think this thread is organic in anyway?
>your people and history is a joke!
>fuck niggers to dull your lack of purpose which eats away at you every night!
>children don't need fathers just like you didn't!
Deustchland Uberallen.
post link unironically
>fuck niggers to dull your lack of purpose which eats away at you every night!
uh, what?
>children don't need fathers just like you didn't!
Where are you getting this from? Genuinely curious.
>a thread on Yea Forums is part of a conspiracy to end the kraut race
this is your brain on /pol/
jesus christ
>dumb mutt thinks he's Germanic
Many such cases. How sad.
>mfw MedChad
>mfw have Ginger Fever
>mfw this autstic Kraut is going ballistic
Seethe more Krautnigger. Imma come and pump full of seed, and then marry one of your ginger lasses.
It's not an actual kraut, these obsessed types are usually burger mutts that think they have some percentage of german dna.