A good majority of you are NPC sheep, look at the state of this board. Go watch your Jewflix and argue about capeshit. "kino kino kino, is the office kino? is this rom-com kino? the clown is me, kino."
>fucking trash boardw
Fuck jannies.
A good majority of you are NPC sheep, look at the state of this board. Go watch your Jewflix and argue about capeshit. "kino kino kino, is the office kino? is this rom-com kino? the clown is me, kino."
>fucking trash boardw
Fuck jannies.
Other urls found in this thread:
>“As long as the general population is passive, apathetic, diverted to consumerism or hatred of the vulnerable, then the powerful can do as they please, and those who survive will be left to contemplate the outcome.”
>fast food and gasoline stations at a highway interchange
truly society is too far gone
Agree, I don't even own a TV, haven't watched any new movies in around two years, haven't been to a theater in a decade, I only come here to shit post and tell people to have sex.
>the clown is me
what does this mean
Globalisation OP
>t. user that has never been on a road trip
based. society is past saving, let them go watch their $20 propaganda, packed like rats arguing about jewish comic books.
>i have depression
are we supposed to be impressed
you are exactly what im referring too. mindless drones.
I love those comfy little highway towns that spring up there.
>stop for gas in the middle of nowhere
>half a dozen fast food restaurants, a Dennys, iHop and Red Lobster all sandwiched between like four gas stations
Am i supposed to feel bad? This picture looks like its been shopped to piss people off. Its a standard highway interchange to stop and get food and gas. Boo fuckity hoo.
I don't have depression, I don't have time to watch bullshit, nothing good has come out in years, TV bores me, I don't play video games, I've work and responsibilities, and enjoy hanging out with friends and family.
keep proving my point. look at you sheep.
What zombie apocalypse movie is this picture from ?
>implying the powerful couldn't do as they please before the 20th century
project harder
>east coasters think this counts as traffic
That would be a good Tuesday morning commute over here.
Normies were always boring me. Whenever my retarded coworkers try to make chitchat with me about their families, friends and, in their mind, important first world issues like sending your kid to best school or having a new dog I just slowly die inside.
The NPC meme is real, and it shows when you think you found some connection with somebody and try to talk about something actually worth talking about like literature, philosophy, technology, more sophisticated music or physics and astronomy - NPCs get that blank look of a mindless person that completely lost you, starring at you with those expressionless, emotionless eyes while adding some trivial response like "okay" or "if you think so" when you expect some inner thought and conclusion or counter opinion from them.
I blame myself, I was too lazy and too full of myself when I was younger and now I have to hang around social sheep while people who I truly deem interesting and worth fighting for are in their own social cliques outside of my reach.
god bless you.
“Neoliberal democracy. Instead of citizens, it produces consumers. Instead of communities, it produces shopping malls. The net result is an atomized society of disengaged individuals who feel demoralized and socially powerless. In sum, neoliberalism is the immediate and foremost enemy of genuine participatory democracy, not just in the United States but across the planet, and will be for the foreseeable future.”
>I've work and responsibilities, and enjoy hanging out with friends and family.
>I don't have any hobbies or personality outside of my worklife and homelife
Yep, depression. That midlife crisis will hit you like a ton of bricks, user. Look out for it.
>everyone is a sheep except me!
Spoiler: You're a sheep too.
You have no point. You are just being a bitch.
>when the meme you post indicts people who post memes
Zero self-awareness.