Is he the most misunderstood director of this decade?
Is he the most misunderstood director of this decade?
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No, fuck Marvel, fuck Kevin, fuck Tsujihara and most important, FUCK SNYDER.
Ofcourse he's misunderstood because his audience is capeshit manchildren. Like the sign behind him in that pic, the grand virgin manchildren meetup called "comic con".
Once he stops making capeshit and zombie flicks maybe he'll get an audience that isn't literally braindead.
This. If he's such a visionary why doesn't he tackle more ambitious film genres with demographics outside of children and nerds?
Because he's not a visionary, he's a hack, his only original movie is Sucker Punch and that shit alone prove how dumb this guy is.
Yes, easily.
Because he genuinely loves the material, in his own weird way (which I can appreciate).
Look what you've done to him Yea Forums. This is your fault.
He died doing what he loved.
If he loves DC so much why would he turn Superman into a Darkseid minion?
You would think that after your daughter commits suicide you would snap out of this childish capeshit fantasy bullshit and make an actual film instead to artistically express and release, but instead he turns to something equally childish and juvenile as zombie flicks.
Dude is a literal manchild in eternal emotional escapism mode.
People hate what they don't understand.
The world wasn't ready for his work, but in time they will join him in the sun.
Thank you, Zack, for all the amazing films you've given us.
Because drama. And something about Darkseid using the anti-life equation.
What should Zack Snyder do to redeem himself? Fountainhead? Atlas Shrugged? Walden?
He's returning to his roots with Army of the Dead.
So no hope of him growing up as a person or a creator then.
first post based post
Never a director more misunderstood, more unappreciated.
In time he will have his Justice.
Release the Jusice League Snydercut
Whedon, Tsujihara, Emmerich and anyone else involved in this tragedy needs to burn at the stake for what they did to his film.
But that's only going to be shit.
Masters of the Universe.
fucking unironically wearing shit you see in a south florida tourist shop
His fondness for the male body would fit that well.
Fuck this drama shit, you snyderfags spended years saying the true superman would show up on the Snyderverse, but the truth is that this was never on his plans, he killed him in his second movie just to turn him into Darkseid's bitch. This guy is a maniac hack should never touch another comic book adaptation again, he did for DC the same shit Rian did for Star Wars, fuck these two talentless hacks and fuck you faggots who worship them.
His film would be way worse than the Whedon version.
Shit is better than its current state.
This atrocity is on par with the burning of the Library of Alexandria
The day cinema died.
I don't understand why you pretend the movie could be good on any level, it would still have the same actors and mostly the same script.
What makes you think that? If anyone is a film hack, its Whedon.
Press F to Pay Respects
Yes. I don't necessarily like all his movies but I will defend him for trying something new with the genre and having the titanium balls to stick to his vision despite the world burning down around him.
thank God capeshit is finally dying
Can someone please explain to me why this board is such irredeemable fucking cancer?
>when Aquaman just made a billion
>when Captain Marvel just made a billion
>when Endgame will definitely make 2 billion
user... capeshit is not going away, it's doing better than ever before.
Reminder russos copied him
I'm not saying its going to be good. But there's no doubt it'll be better. Snyder is objectively a better filmmaker and visionary than Whedon.
Both Whedon and Snyder are hacks, but at least Whedon tried to save Superman from being Darkseid's bitch, no wonder the character was way better received in this movie than he was in MoS and BvS.
He's literally the nicest guy working in Hollywood, despite critics hating his guts.
But Man of Steel and BvS are better than JL.
apologize right now marvel fucking shits
2020 is the crucial year.
It's the first year in quite a while with the mainstream blockbusters being largely non capeshit. Dune, Avatar 2, Godzilla vs Kong, new Nolan blockbuster, Bond 25, new Top Gun and more, while capeshit studios will enter that phase of releasing side side projects and 12th sequels where even the standard normalfag casuals slowly not being able to keep up and slowly losing interest. Couple that with the fact that nustarshit is already dying and that can be great hope for the industry to finally start turning.
And those are only the big Hollywood blockbusters we are talking
>throwing weights around as if it's impressive
>not using weights on your own level so you can control them
Protip: if you can't raise and lower the weight slowly and in a controlled way, you're using too much weight for your own strength level and are just being an idiot who likes making noise to show off.
>he makes films to please others instead of just expressing himself
yikes, it's the George Lucas spineless manchild mentality all over again
>where even the standard normalfag casuals slowly not being able to keep up and slowly losing interest.
You keep saying this but the exact opposite has been happening.
So like....... what if Superman....... was like..... Jesus...... and what if......... like............ Batman...... was like........ Longinus........ and like...... Batman had a spear....... of kryptonite...... and after Jesus- er I mean, Superman, sacrificed himself....... Batman started to believe again....... wow...... christian symbolism........
>Whedon tried to save Superman
Then why did he cut some of best Superman scenes in the movie.
oh no no no user you are so dumb... it's not jesus... it's horus.... you see that's extremely le to see more multi million studio product capeshit please wow
MoS is a mediocre movie and BvS is pretentious piece o shit, nobody cared about Superman's death, and Snyder was ready to turn the character into Darkseid's bitch in JL 1 and 2, Whedon at least made justice to the character, and you can see this by the fact that he was way better received by ghe general audience in JL.
When Detective Pikachu makes $4 billion, the age of capeshit will truly be over.
And the age of animeshit will begin...
>he says while posting a flop that didn't even break even
No one tried to replied this yet, just one more proof that you snydercucks are just brainlets pretending to have patrician taste.
All the best Superman scenes in the movie are Snyder. Whedon couldn't write himself out of a paper bag.
If he loves the material why does he do such a shit job? These “capeshit” stories are simple and yet he fails on every level of telling them.
Hack doesn't mean what you think it does
>one is a WS on sticks capturing the full characters in frame
>one is a MWS on bags capturing the characters feet
Even if both of these weren't SUPER common shots, they're not even the same thing at all.
No, Superman would be the same boring guy he was MoS and BvS in the Snyder Cut (and in the end would just be a Darkseid minion), despite the obvious cgi mustache shit, Whedon saved the character from being humiliated by Snyder again and everyone should given to him the credit for that.
should have spent more time in the writers room and editing suite and less time at the gym.
Have you seen the stuff he shot (but was cut)? There's no universe where "itchy" was better material than the original farmhouse scene with Lois and the ring.
Bullshit, nobody could possibly believe that JL Superman was interesting and MoS Superman was boring, you've given yourself away as a conniving baitbitch
get fucked in the ass by a black tranny
follow his hapa daughter
By far.
It's hard to get more ambitious than establishing the real-life, live-action DC world in two and a half movies, complete with the broadstrokes of how both magic and their gods function, and doing so without a massive(and massively insulting to fans) exposition dump explaining it all, the bulk of that conveyed exclusively by his visuals.
Pearls before utter swine.
Don't believe in me faggot? Just ask anyone out of Yea Forums about what they liked in JL or go read the fucking reviews, you will see that Superman was one of the most praised things in that dogshit film. Whedon saved the character from being fucked by Snyder one third time.
His vengeance shall be accomplished.
We *got* the real Superman, you brain dead fuck. We got a man both willing to kill and die to defend mankind. And a man doing it of his own free will. That’s what the entire arc is about. I guarantee you the fully-realized arc would have contained a component where Darkseid *uses* him to gain power before he’s revealed for what he is. Because that’s also been a running theme - the nature of heroism. For an act to be truly heroic, it must be selfless. Motivation matters. Darkseid could puppet through Clark’s body and do exactly the same things Superman would normally do, but that wouldn’t make them heroic acts, because he’d be doing them to garner mankind’s worship for power. He’d be encouraging the very behavior from mankind that scared Clark.
F. The man was too good for us.
I have nothing to apologize for. I have been a defender since MoS. I have been a believer since BvS.
Nah, the people who think he's good are just a vocal minority.
You only think they’re simple because all you’ve ever encountered is the shit dumbed down for normies.
In reality, you are projecting your expectations on Zack because if you think that Zack Snyder is secretly an "underapreciated artist" that is "simply too smart and classy" to a mass audience, then you start to feel less and less bad about being left out of the popular masses, because you want to seem like you're better than they are, in reality though, Man of Steel and BvS were just coorperate mistakes directed by a man who didn't fully understand the writers nor the studio's intent. The result is a dry and psuedo-intellectual depection of what should've been the easiest cash grab in the entire world. Of course because normal people don't like it, it makes you feel extra special inside when you can say things like " yeah it has symbolism, and deeper emotional connections, much more than any MARVEL movie!" Except that both are just a giant corperations attempt at getting you to buy their movies and movie merchendise, in other words you have been pathetically played from thr very beginning. Zack snyder is not a secret genius. Yyou are not "smart" for thinking that you understand his movies, and his superhero movies are not "deep and intellectual."
Praised for one specific scene. A scene shot by Snyder and butchered by a tone-deaf hack.
yes, cuz he has a weird stutter and he has a high pitched voice, I can't understand what he's saying half the time
Gtfo Snyder.
Personally, I think Snyder’s vision for the world was one where men become something like gods as myth grows up around them, sort of the opposite of all the deconstructionist settings we’ve been getting for the past two decades, films like Troy and that Clive Owen King Arthur, where there’s not a hint of magic to be found. I don’t think either of those movies was necessarily a terrible idea, just that they’re emblematic of a trend. They’re concerned with the “truth” at the heart of the myths. But in my opinion, the myths carry truths of their own that films such as those can never fully explore.
Imagine a setting where, as a young man, Achilles was a phenomenally gifted warrior, untouched in battle, unscarred. Then legends of his martial prowess began to grow, with each new victory, garnering more and more believers. Then came a day where someone finally scored a blow on him, but their sword broke and left him unmarked. Was he always invulnerable or did he get memed into something more than human?
I find that a fascinating concept - a man not born to godhood, but bootstrapped into something very much like one by virtue of his own prowess and growing fame.
Fags love to fuck young boys.
Everybody understands that quit well about him.
Something that isn't way above his abilities