So was this movie supposed to hit home this hard?

So was this movie supposed to hit home this hard?

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You're not Travis, you're just a sperg.

Do you take your dates to a porn flick?

>implying Travis isn't a sperg

Is this the thread where we all pretend to be kissless, handholdless virgins who say things like "that feeling when no girlfriend" and post pictures of the feeling man?

Yikes, please head to reddit.

yes.. haha, pretend...

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>Yknow who lives there?
>I know you dont know, but yknow who lives there?
>an incel lives there.

If you're a secluded loner (before the internet) and these are the only movies you go to, maybe.

now that I fap 4 times a day and not much else, I'm beginning to understand how someone could be so far removed from society that porn is the only thing they can think of to talk about
if it was for Yea Forums...

Thank God for the rain which has helped wash the garbage and trash off the sidewalks. I’m working a single now, which means stretch-shifts, six to six, sometimes six to eight in the a.m., six days a week. It’s a hustle, but it keeps me busy. I can take in three to three-fifty a week, more with skims. I work the whole city, up, down, don’t make no difference to me – does to some. Some won’t take spooks – Hell, don’t make no difference to me. They’re all animals anyway. All the animals come out at night: Whores, skunk pussies, buggers, queens, fairies, dopers, junkies, sick, venal. Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets.

This is bait, right?


quit fapping user! When you feel like fapping/watching porn just go run outside and get that shit out of your mind, you can do it!

Nice cope.

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>tfw only kv not khhv

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>had proper girlfriends and sex by age 16
i don't know that feel

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Honestly this movie was a letdown.
I expected a lot more from it because of all the memes here.

maybe it went over your head. try rewatching it a dozen times and paying special attention any time they have that baby-sized coca cola


>>had proper girlfriends and sex by age 16

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>ex marine
>motivated to get /fit/
>in decent shape to start with
>steady job not flipping burgers
>got a date

Travis mogs me so hard it's not even funny.


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>tfw that one guy never got 12 year old jodie foster to be his gf
I feel his feelings strongly. Not in that I like her, I prefer cuter girls, but he was so in love.

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We all know his feel

Smeg the smeg off!

But he had much more of a connection with Cybil Shepherd's character. His relationship with Jodie was always more platonic.