>the state of DC


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i don't get it, what is left?

DC is cancelling sick male fantasy Arrow to make room for liberal lesbian Batwoman.

I wish I was making that up.

Lesbo batwoman on the CW

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>what is left?
To let this trend die already.

she's actually not that bad, ignore the incels

wait is this uggo in arrow or one of the other shows? i was thinking of picking arrow up again

>me on the back

>CW damage control

Fucking kek

what do you mean by "that bad". looks ugly to me, are you saying my lying eyes are deceiving me?

See psychiatrist

In context it's alright, the character is interesting and not full cringe as these faggots imply.

>more souless directors desperately stealing snyders shots without credit

This man is truly that inspirational huh? Even the russos arent above it

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She was in the crossover

is this arrow or one of the other shows? which season? oh and btw how long is she on the show for

Skinny ruby rose try hard and failing to act tough isnt cringe? Stop embarrassing yourself retard. All these cw capetrash shows are a joke. Unironically. She is the worst offender yet

oh one of those. i remember when they did a crossover with flash. literally cringed at the zoomer characters on that show. which show is this crossover with? that dc titans show?

She was in the elseworlds thing on one of the shows. Her intro was alright. It will probably be shit if she shows up again to be fair. Basically Batman fucks off and leaves his female cousin running shit.

Just google it you worthless retard

shut the fuck up! Ruby is beautiful.

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i see, thanks
google what?

Stop posting moron



Why are disney shill losing their minds now?
Is it the Joker trailer?

did they try to pretend as if she was this totally original character with no ties to Batman who came up with a bat-persona on her own like they did in the comics?

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please tell me that image is ironic, please

>not even Flash photography would save this

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> The expect thist shit show to be the new Arrow.
The CW is as dumb as DC.

that's not the flash that's the flab

No. She's Bruce Wayne's cousin and becomes a superhero after he abruptly leaves Gotham

>I love based Arrow!
There's such a thing as being TOO contrarian, you know.

Implying he's wrong

>the suit includes a n attached red wig

That pink hair is actually part of the armor? Fucking kek!

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This wtfuckingfuck.

>DC is cancelling sick male fantasy Arrow
Arrow has been cancerous dogshit since after season 2. And it was always very "liberal."

Who is the fat old guy playing Flash? I thought that Flash was a skinny twink looking kid in DCEU.
Why did they make her helmet hair a wig?
Why is her color scheme bubblegum pink instead of the scarlet its supposed to be? Isn't she supposed to be practically an albino?

Superheroes were never filmed from behind until visionary director Zack Snyder.
You fucking retard.


He's been copied time and time again. And I'm still kind of convinced the Russos copied the original script for BvS and reworked it into Civil War.


Here, I fixed it. Took me 5 minutes.

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God I just want to fuck her mouth

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Arrow hasn't been good since s2

i like the actress but god damn that costume and premise looks like dogshit

jesus christ

To be fair, they fucked up Arrow and Flash anyway. Supergirl was dogshit from the start and literally unwatchable right now. Stopped watching all the shows this season which I have never done before with any show. Won't watch Batwoman at all. It's all just tiring and uneventful

Say what you will but Snallville, Gotham, Titans, and Doom Patrol are the only shows that are great when it comes to DC

wait the fucking hair is attached to the cowl?


To be fair, at least that's an actual disguise

How old is xer meant to be again

Why can't they do batgirl like in the game youtube.com/watch?v=YStfyOSn1bE

>DC is cancelling sick male fantasy Arrow to make room for liberal lesbian Batwoman.
I thought Arrow was more popular among women than men wtf

It's the Green Arrow dressed as Flash. It's an Elseworld episode when both of them swapped powers. Obviously it's a tight fit for Oliver Queen since he's a big guy.

this better be shopped i swear to god

Yeah if you're into junkies with scars and shit all over their bodies


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This is Joel Silver levels of gay and retarded.
So glad I´ve stopped bothering with that CW bullshit.

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Like clockwork. How much do you guys get paid to do this?

user I do it for free

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It is. Amell is just fucking done with Arrow. They're not cancelling the show, it's ending.

His character is dying in Crisis on Infinite Earths too.

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