Why not just tell her to fucking smile instead of wasting money on CGI?
Why not just tell her to fucking smile instead of wasting money on CGI?
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She did her best with that captian marvel script. Did you ever think the movie was not for you?! Hello!!
Also 1 billion box office.
How bout Fucking off incel
look real to me.
embarassing, get a gf already,
>2-3 capeshit movies per year
>5-6 capeshit series tv on disney channel per year
Imagine being a soiboy.
u mad /pol/? I would rather be a soi drinking cuck than a bigot
Imagine if this was at the foot of your bed in the middle of the night.
>embarassing, get a gf already,
Scott Mendelson is based and /our guy/
Wait, is her smile CGI'd on?
>She just wouldn't turn the corners of her mouth up.
>not be a bigot in current year (+4)
Whats wrong with you?
What a legend, amirite?
Yes. Strong womyn dont smile.
why are people on Yea Forums so upset about this broad being the star of a superhero movie? does it really matter?
Go back to your discord tranny
>tell her to fucking smile
yikes, you know thats basically rape right?
They thought her character would sell better as "I'm a fukken badass" but people took it as smugness and stiff acting. Disney is doing their usual tactic of throwing money at the problem.
>tfw the real queen of the MCU didn't get a solo movie yet
she did smile the cockpit scene with sam jackson was awkward and poorly edited and full of giggling for no reason
This! So much this!
These incels are O B S E S S E D
it's a board about movies and tv and people talk about movies and tv who the fuck would have thought
Is ThAt A pErsOnAl AtTaCk Or SoMeTHin ?1!
Is the role supposed to be played by a male though? why does anyone care that she is female? from what I can google the role was always for a girl...
I don't care she's a girl, I care that she's that girl.
Brie is just so God damn unlikeable and snarky, just someone that irrational bugs me.
i only saw her in king kong. my only takeaway was that her tits were her best asset.
Are you saying stupid shit on purpose?
Why was Mar-Vell an old bitch instead of Jude Law?
no, why is it a big deal that she is a female? why is everyone so upset about some roastie in a kids movie?
its more so the fact that she's a talentless piece of shit that a company is trying to push off as not a talentless piece of shit.
nice twitter meme you fucking normalfag
Ah okay. Yeah the wall hit her hard.
She thinks MCU is beneath her. Brie obviously doesn't care about this trash.
Man I've seen grocery store cashiers more glamorous than this bitch. Look at that fuckin face, holy shit.
what a cutie
>nose job
I'll pass
>I want to speak to your manager
The Mouse has perfected what a rotten society has started.
In the past you got called out for being a talentless and personality-less hack no matter your sex. Now it’s enough to be a below average actor signed to the right studio as long as you belong to a minority or are female because both act as an impenetrable shield that protects you from all forms of criticism, valid or not.
Brie could literally shit in a white male’s mouth, live on stage and the pathetic masses online would still defend her and find a way to spin the story (helped by Disney of course) so that everyone else still can’t get to the cinema fast enough to watch capeshit X because they feel obligated to be part of a fake social landscape changing ‘event - which in fact is nothing more than the Hollyjews rubbing their hands together in anticipation of another billion dollar movie.
>why are people on Yea Forums so upset about this broad being the star of a superhero movie? does it really matter?
>Be Disney
>Allow Trannies, feminazi's and SJW closet faggots to destroy Star Wars.
>They come for the MCU
>Take shitty character no one likes
>Make shitty movie filled with political propaganda
>Deliberately attack white males who make up at least 75% of the audience for this stuff.
>Do this to rile up Feminazi's and SJW's and try to turn a comic book movie into a feminist statement. Said morons empty their bank accounts and buy tickets to dumpster fire movie so they can "REEEE!!!" because they hate their Fathers.
>All a distraction from how fucking awful the movie is while claiming that any criticism of said shitshow is "sexist". Same tactic Sony/Columbia used for Ghostbusters.
TL;DR - Disney made propaganda and deliberately created controversy to sucker morons into giving them money for a shitty movie.
Hollywood (((executives))) have been fucking this skank since she was a child which is why they've been relentlessly shilling her. They tried to make he a TV star, then a popstar, now they gave her an Oscar and a billion dollar grossing movie as the new lead of the biggest film franchise in history, all unearned.
Seriously, she must have MAJOR dirt on some powerful people because she's a complete and utter zero charisma non-entity!!!FACT!!!
>successful millionaire actress goes outside like that
will always get me
that movie made no sense at all
I accidentally skipped the middle hour of it and did not realize until the end came faster than expected.
>higher further faster!
Dangerous words for someone flying a $15 mil aircraft
Reminds me of the wreck less loss of the czar 52
>On Friday, 24 June 1994, a United States Air Force (USAF) Boeing B-52 Stratofortress crashed at Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington, United States,[1] after its pilot, Lieutenant Colonel Arthur "Bud" Holland, maneuvered the bomber beyond its operational limits and lost control. The B-52 stalled, fell to the ground and exploded, killing Holland and the three other field-grade officers on board the aircraft.
>Wesley, please open your eyes
Because she's the first female superhero in a movie. Wonder Woman, Catwoman, Electra, Supergirl, Cutey Honey and all six Kekko Kamen movies never existed. Even the b-movie female superheroes like The Demonlitionist, Robo Geisha and a hundred others never existed. Because for the first time in history a we get to see a HERo in a movie. Anyone who remembers seeing a female led superhero movie is a liar, an incel, a woman hater, a racist, a man baby and if you think calling people names isn't the best way to engage with an audience then you're Alt-right and should be punched too.
Seriously though, in the run up to the release there were dozens of these articles
Most quickly changed their headlines to first Marvel female superhero (notice they never say superheroine) but even that's a lie.
What makes you think it's cgi? Looks real.
Brie would stay in character throughout the whole shoot for the film, and when introduced, Larson simply said "I'm Captain Marvel". Furthermore, "a lot of the lines that Law has were just a result of Brie not being there".
Brie [Larson] was just fucking crazy in a hilarious way. She wouldn’t come out of her trailer, and she would smoke weed all day. Which is fine with me, because I had all these DVDs that I wanted to catch up on. We were in Vancouver, and it was always raining. I kept the door to my trailer open to smell the evening rain while I was watching a movie. Then I remember one day on the set—they let everyone pick their own clothes—there was one white actress who was also kind of a club girl. And she wore this shirt with the word “Garbage” on it in big stylish letters. It was her shirt. And Brie came down to the set, which she only did for close-ups. Everything else was done by her stand-in. I only did one scene with her. But she comes on and goes, “There’s only one other strong girl in the movie, and you make her wear a shirt that says ‘Garbage?’ You racist motherfucker!” And she tried to strangle the director, Ryan Fleck.
Everyone who makes movies in Atlanta stays in the same hotel. We went out that night to some strip club, and we were all drinking. And there were a bunch of bikers there, so Ryan Fleck says to them, “I’ll pay for all your drinks if you show up to set tomorrow and pretend to be my security.” Brie freaked out and went back to her trailer.
"I think you need to quit. You're detrimental to this movie". And apparently, Fleck's response was "Why don't you quit? We've got all your close-ups and we could shoot the rest with your stand-in"."And that freaked Brie out so much that, for the rest of the production, she would only communicate with the director through Post-it notes. And he would sign each Post-it note 'From Captain Marvel'".
his incel rotted mind
I’ll give her a nose job
Why does she look like the joker from TDK
it doesn't, i genuinely get on the hate bandwagon for the memes. I give ZERO fucks about this to be honest, but it's fun
you know why they call it a cockpit? cause muh cock
>She did her best
Not enough
Feige probably deeply regrets hiring her
>looks younger now than she did at age 10
>Some mutha fuckas are always tryin to ice skate uphill