Phoenix is a legend and I eat up capeshit like the rest of you...

Phoenix is a legend and I eat up capeshit like the rest of you. But why hasn't anybody had the balls to call the trailer cringe? Was it shills?

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Because it was good

Because as a trailer it was objectively good. Showed good acting, didn’t spoil too much, gave us the main character struggles in a concise manner. All signs of a good trailer.

Dancing on the steps was a bit over the top

The only bad part was the two dudes in suits beating him up in the subway.

Well, he is the fucking joker.

I liked that shit

>a capeshit trailer isn’t pew pew bang bang
>a capeshit trailer is going down the path of psychological character piece
>someone is trying something different, possibly better, with capeshit

what an insult to the joker, imagine if ledger or nicholson would have been beaten by random punks that way.

>Phoenix is a legend
After saying that saying that you eat capeshit it's redundant, it is obvious

I look at it as a scene where he’s finally himself. I think that scene will be near when he finally puts on the Joker outfit and feels ecstatic. You don’t ever do a little dance when something REALLY good has happened to you and nobody else is around?

Joker in half his origin stories was a massive cuck or got JUST'd continuously before he Broke Bad(tm) and finally became Better Call Saul.

Because it is genuinely the best trailer for a comic book movie made in decades. The movie itself might turn out to be utter garbage, but from that trailer alone, Phoenix is going to be good, no matter what.

>"Joaquin Phoenix is based because he's in movies nobody's ever seen and no normies have ever heard of him."
>"Joaquin Phoenix is an overrated hack and I never liked him now that he's in a mainstream capeshit movie."
never change, Yea Forums. inb4 "oh but I ALWAYS thought he was overrated, everyone did," well good job never voicing that opinion before this moment.

I never watched capeshit and this actually looks interesting.

It's not cringe. It's an interesting retake on Taxi Driver but with a character we already know

You're thinking of the first trailer for Logan which turned out to be horseshit

I was thinking more king of comedy but more extreme. And now you say it, definitely taxi driver. Phillips has been busy stealing shit

It's because there's no fucking cgi or setpieces or big battles. There might not even be a fucking gunfight in this movie. This will be such a breath of fresh air.

>Another bot, shill or false flag post
Never change OP

he's playing the JOKER senpai

the dark knight has a scene of the joker hanging his head out a driving car's window and rolling out his tongue like he's a dog

why does he bathe his mom? she doesn't look old enough to need help with bathing

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>Was it shills?

Yeah but that was kino. Maybe him Jumping In a puddle will be cooler when I watch it

only /pol/ and the anti-white crowd on twitter are hating this trailer

/pol/ us false flagging to make it look like we are all sad incels yet at the same time saying have sex while at the same time acting as if we want this to be anti white

it's captain marvel all over again

Probably a mirror to where earlier in the film he's trudging bleakly up the steps home from work. Come clown time, he's dancing down them.

Shea whigham charging through the train might unironically be the best part of the trailer

>Normies never watched Gladiator and overrate that flick to death

ancient history, normies have forgotten

Literally this. It's showing his transformation in shortform. He goes from being a man in a clown mask where his job and his makeup is the clown, to becoming a clown sometimes LARP'ing as a man. The transition point is his forced smile and tears in the changing room. The trailer was good. The memes need to fuck off.

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after he made a pencil to disappear, jokingly kill two prosecutors and have a laugh out of both batman and DA by intentionally confusing the addresses.

That shit was everything: crazy, scary, funny... entertaining.
The 2019 Joker, on the other hand, is gonna be a snore-fest about how a loser got beat down by the world and it somehow will turn him into evil genius that can control mobs, when he doesn't have even basic strategic skills to sort out his shitty life.

yeah there should really be more epic explosions and pencil quips.

The point of Ledgers joker was the control he had over the room, not that he was was some loon. In every scene he's in, every part of the film ledgers joker is trying, or is already in control over things, it's only when he loses control that he finally loses.

If 2019 Joker can pull off the same thing then it should be enjoyable.

______ MY

The movie is good
The fanbase is cringe

>implying Dark Knight was bad
you can go to Yea Forums if you're so desperate to start a shitposting chain.
Yes, we do need more epic explosions and pencil quips - leave the whinefests to indie studios and auteurs.

that's the point of any canonical Joker - despite being mad and having a laugh, he still has wits to pull off such massive stunts and those are really only applicable for ENTP.
You can't turn Joakin Phoenix's rendition of Joker into a canonical evil madman that can play chess with the city with multiple pawns and make up his own rules on the fly for shits and giggles.

You are all missing the point, there is an intentional element of cringe in it, his life, or the life of an incel or a loser or whatever you wanna call is cringe after all.


Everyone saying this looks bad and cringe is a fucking pleb.

>You don’t ever do a little dance when something REALLY good has happened to you and nobody else is around?
Sorry I'm not a nigger

>he doesn't bathe his mom

Have sex, incel.

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Acquire a sense of film. It's not cringe.


What's the movies actual plot? Why are there other people in clown outfits?

Why do you think he goes to Arkham State Hospital? To see his mother that is dying there? Is it a mental hospital or a regular hospital?

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Thanks for calling attention to that bait-thread, newfriend! Because it's certainly not bouncing around the top of the catalog like a dog turd in a punch bowl!

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He literally incites them to rise up against the society. I'm not joking.

He's on meds, and seeing a therapist, he's going there to see the therapist and collect his meds, the black guy behind the mesh is giving him his meds.

Either visit his mom or visit his shrink.

>could have made it any old spooky looking asylum from the 1800s
>make it a creepy looking mental hospital you'd expect to find in a rundown part of a big city in the 1970s

Looked pretty good desu

>he thinks that posting a 'funny' face is better

i hope the movie is as good at being a movie as the trailer is at being a trailer

It's called a "reaction post", newfriend! It's completely new and I invented it!

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Filming biopics of canonical evil characters always ruins the characters by exposing the mystery behind them.
Shit is only curious/scary when it's unknown.

>t. zoomer who only watched the dark knight

Is Batman going to be in this movie? Joker is a good villain but he needs someone to oppose him.

No, it’s gonna be like Taxi driver with Joker instead. No Batman necessary.

Bruce Wayne is in it but he's just a kid. It looks like Thomas Wayne and the cops and punks are all his enemies. Basically it's him versus the society he lives in.

you could just call it a "joakin phoenix" movie because he plays exactly the same wicked looking, slightly deranged and angry at the world character every single time.

will it have some sequel bait at the end or will this be a literal one shot?

>t. actual zoomer who only watched the dark knight

I think it will be a one-and-done type of deal. It's not tied into the DCEU, that wouldn't make sense. No way Joaquin gets himself roped into a recurring franchise role unless he's truly sold out.

I'd have more respect for the film if they had the balls to have zero bruce wayne in the film, maybe one shot of wayne industries in the background max

Because it wasn't cringe

What the fuck are you talking about? You ever see the 1989 Batman movie? Long before the 2008 one? Half the comics, shows and games delve into his character origins too. He's one of the most-explained villain origins out there.

I think focusing on Thomas Wayne could be interesting. Bruce better be such a minor part of the film or they subvert the whole thing by killing him off when he's a kid.

>It's not tied into the DCEU, that wouldn't make sense

its kind of weird that this movie came to exist in the first place

also not call it the "Joker", but they never would do that (i.e. make it a surprise for everyone to figure out that the movie is actually about the Batman's Joker)
So the only other option is to cram in as much references as possible to get enough of the footage for trailers, because otherwise nobody's gonna go watch a film about nameless clown going crazy.

what the fuck are YOU talking about, you moron?
I was just saying that revealing the origins of evil character ruins them (go watch covenant or elm street shit or any similar prequel in that vein)
For the record, I've watched 1989 Batman movie, long before 2008.

Stay triggered mouse shill. It looks kino!

When was this even announced? If it was after BvS/SS were released that this came about that might make sense. DC would have wanted to diversify in case their cinematic universe went down in flames. If it was in the works before that, it's very weird. The whole movie feels like a contingency plan.

objectively, unironically, literally, FPBP

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I hope it's a hit and it triggers a DCEU reboot with this aesthetic

This. No Batman necessary.

I don't take this movie as capeshit either. I take it as a drama about a lonely and loser guy that becomes crazy and takes his revenge against society. Yeah, the same as with Taxi Driver, Drive... and many other movies. It's a classical type of story that resonates a lot with men, specially lonely and loser ones like me. That's why Taxi Driver is one of my favorite movies and why it is so comfy. I remember watching Taxi Driver for the first time a Saturday at 4 in the morning, after being out partying with friends and feeling so lonely seeing how everybody had girlfriends or many friends and I was just there almost as a ghost. I remember watching this part of the movie: and just thinking: "fuck, it's exactly how I have always felt..." and just how comfy was the movie with all the jazz and the driving around in the night of New York suburbs. That movie really left a mark on me. Maybe because I watch it in the perfect moment, when I was feeling the same as the protagonist.

>I hope it's a hit

probably going to be too patrician for capeshitters but too capeshitty to get much interest from the cineast crowd

They might be doing something along those lines since the new Suicide Squad is allegedly a reboot. Obviously Gunn is going to go in a different direction than this film but we might expect to see less interconnected and more diverse films.

Oh this is just typical.

>I love capeshit films but now that they are making one which actually looks kinda good I don't like it

I tell you what, the only way to kill the MCU is to make a good entry.

I think she’s disabled either physically or mentally

He’s the jokeh baby

“Hurt” was already an overused meme song when that trailer came out.

>It's an interesting retake on Taxi Driver

I don't see the connexion with Taxi Driver at all.

An unexpected prequel of Flashpoint? Sounds good to me.

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You don't see anything? I know it's closer to King of Comedy but they've clearly pulled some shit from Taxi Driver too.

Both are lonely men that become crazy and end up killing people, taking his revenge on society.

you're not a nigger, you're an incel

70s NYC was a hellhole, a city on the brink. Genuinely excited to see 70s Gotham.

Like John Wick and a dozen Clint Eastwood roles and so on ?

you tried this with the first thread yesterday mouse shill, you got BTFO

Maybe I don't know, but if you don't see that is the same drama but with a different story than Taxi Driver and many other similar movies then you must be blind.

a joker clown comic book villain dancing is over the top guys.

>Yes, no, maybe, I don't know
>Can you repeat the question?

>and many other similar movies
Exact, so why Taxi Driver in particular ? De Niro wasn't constantly beaten and bullied IIRC.

On the off chance you aren't pretending to be retarded, they're set in the same city and time period

The most cringe right now is this thread.
>normie memes
>"we all watch capeshit, right?"
>wow so deep capeshit
Know your goddamn roots newfags, capeshit is a blight on cinema and this is just a ploy to make you tweens think it's something more profound than a man running around in makeup with a man running around in spandex trying to catch him (not featured). It's juvenile in its core, and you all unfortunately need to kys so we can get good movies again.

>suited normies beating the clown in the subway
>not the other way around
I know hating on the suited richfags has been a thing since forever but come on.

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wtf is wrong with joaquin phoenix's back


>t. poorfag who doesn't wear a tuxedo to every occasion
>he doesn't smoke a big fat cigar and blow smoke into people's faces
>doesn't dab on everyone around him

>they're set in the same city
Taxi Driver took place in Gotham City ?

burdened by the crushing weight of society

so he's gonna fuck his mother in this movie, right

Bait or brainlet?

I haven't seen Yea Forums so on-board with a movie in a while. Usually every single one is hated before it even comes out.

inb4 her name is Veronica

It's a hugbox. Anyone who says anythng negative is immediately branded as a mouse shill. Disney has really done a number to this place.

At this point, Yea Forums hating a movie is just an award movies get for being made in the first place, it means nothing because everyone got it.

Phoenix is good. Capeshit is trash. This looks like the first capeshit I'd consider watching since maybe the original hulk movie with eric bananana