Studying film at uni

>studying film at uni
>ask girl what her favourite films are
>romcoms and capeshit

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You deserve everything you get because you lowballed yourself into a shit school and are suddenly surprised at the quality of pupils

get out while you still can, learn a trade and then use the money to make kinos with bums

>people who work less like shit films

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How would I go about convicing random bums to star in my films?

>meet a qt in my general Ed classes
>we have a project together, spend way more time together than we have to working on it
>so what's your major user
>CS, super exciting I know. What about you?
>I'm a film major
>oh cool, what's your favorite movie
>the avengers

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maybe food and drugs

>ask girl what she likes
>she likes girl things

At least the gif you posted was funny


kys tranny

>having less logic than a tranny

I went to film school and by 20 I was working as a freelance camerman and was close to paying off my student loan already.

>get a group project for a psychology class in college
>propose an project that combines the careers of every member
>even get praise from the teacher
>girl of the group proposes some random shit about sex
>the entire group goes with her idea

>student loan

>head over to my normie friends house
>they have some foreign guest some canadian slut
>friend says whats your favourite movie
>she says some awful kiddie shit, absolute bottom of barrel movies for brainlets
>friend is chiming in unironically saying wow, yea i like those movies too haha!
>i just sit there drinking my glass of wine staring at the Yea Forums because i don't want to engage in the conversation anymore

this is the level people stoop to for his pussy, i just can't do it. If she isn't kino like me she can fuck right off back to netflix

Tell us what movie faggot

Batman v Superman

>harry potter

>studying film at uni
Here's where you fucked up

>falling for the STEM meme

I never mentioned STEM, but if you're going to spend thousands on a degree it had better not be a useless film degree.


Enjoy your wagecuck job.

enjoy being thousands in debt with a degree a fucking toddler could obtain being the only thing you have to show for it

based girl