Wow, can somebody explain what is going on in this image?

wow, can somebody explain what is going on in this image?

Attached: emilia-clarke.jpg (750x937, 105K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>cut her hair short
>forgot morning anti-wrinkle cream
>odd lens on the camera to make her face seem protruding too much
just too many mistakes


I think she looks cute. The whole diva red carpet look is not for her anyway.

no shit sherlock, but she had a cute innocent girl look back when GOT first started. That went away FAST and HARD

She still looks like a cute girl on her instagram. Id consider her a catch. But Im a 30 y/o boomer, so ymmv.

10x better looking than any woman id ever have a chance with

cutie patutie

god I want to cum on her face

It's widely known that she's a dyke. Now that GoT is over she can chop the hair into the usual dyke cut and never work again.

Honestly, good riddance. Who gets cast in a Terminator movie and come in so fat you have a wobbly gobbler double chin when you shoot the guns?

I like Emilia. Such a positive and upbeat person who's had some major health issues. Absolute sweetheart. Dont rate her as an actress though.

nah, she peddled her whoredom hard. I understand why she has to do it for her own psyche's sake but that doesnt make it right whatsoever. She basically wanted other GOT actors and actresses in general to go naked too and have sex on camera.


>She basically wanted other GOT actors and actresses in general to go naked too and have sex on camera.
how is that a bad thing again?

Attached: 4704296-6231539-As_she_slams_into_the_wall_with_quite_some_force_the_The_startle-a-6_1538494494874.j (634x1133, 34K)

For some reason i find those eye wrinkles very cute

Emilia actually seems like a top tier gf if you passed your zoomer phase. Supportive, able to hold a conversation and good enough looking.

And that's a good thing

you sound like a fucking faggot

This. Id settle down with her.
t. gay

Obviously a cutie, but I can't get over her dating Seth MacFarlane. I'd rather be eskimo bros with the entire NBA than him.

Attached: Seth+MacFarlane+Seth+MacFarlane+Emilia+Clarke+Y2XNF_SCDqjl.jpg (396x594, 55K)

user........the show started 8 years ago

Attached: 1552461316513.png (467x458, 431K)


Attached: 1553643770227.png (881x997, 106K)

>can somebody explain what is going on in this image?
Emilia looks like she is getting a haircut and she looks happy about it. On her face is one of the most pretty and adorable smiles on the planet. In her gorgeous eyes is a look of warmth, honesty, and sincerity. We are lucky to be alive in a time when a lady of such maximum cuteness is photographed and filmed so often.

Attached: 1529719234943.jpg (720x960, 103K)

wow dabid shills hard at work itt. gotta meet the quota huh?

People age after a decade

She's back!

Attached: 03-emilia-clarke.w536.h536.2x.jpg (1072x1072, 101K)

She hit the wall so damn fast. What is with women these days and becoming ghouls by the time they hit their 20's?

we just went from khaleesi to queezy real quick


Attached: DVy5NX6U8AERIT7.jpg (283x280, 10K)

She is too cute for us, bros.

Attached: 1550220796777.jpg (2078x3000, 828K)

>Egg... I dreamed..

>she had brain surgeries while filming
>Yea Forums still shits on her
Damn, you guys are real jerks

Maario Naharis

Attached: Maario Naharis.jpg (477x318, 52K)


Yea Forums shitted on her when her dad died after an illness. She basically said stuff like that put her in a bad place.

She has such a cute smile, her whole face lights up.

like what

she cute

Yeah, you could see it really bothered her even if she tried to pretend it wasn't a big deal.

wow, can somebody explain what is going on in this image?

Attached: grannyofdragons.jpg (980x1472, 235K)

>tfw she's indian

>wow, can somebody explain what is going on in this image?

Attached: yaaaassqueen.jpg (950x710, 532K)

Brits really age like milk for some reason.

A Brit himself told me "a real brit will go bald in his teens", to make fun of this fact.

>32 yo

I'm 30 and I could pass as her son.

Fucking hags man.

Attached: 1443337956346.jpg (240x196, 11K)

The major aging that occurs in a woman's life is generally in the 25-35 range. Whereas, in a man, the major aging occurs generally in the 45-55 range. Women also stop maturing emotionally and intellectually at about age 16, whereas a man continues into 60s, sometimes all the way until death.

The wall

What? Source on that?

She has great feet

His ass

>emilia-clarke.jpg (105 KB, 750x937)

It's a normal woman smiling.

ive heard she doesnt wipe her ass properly

>source: dude, trust me i'm an incel lol

just get fat already you bimbo so we can fap in peace

Attached: 1500242476786.jpg (2400x3562, 1.83M)

>People age after a decade
Yes, but usually they only age about 10 years

>Airbushed to hell vs bad lighting
lmao, Emilia got older, but she looks her age.

left image really doesnt look airbrushed to me - you can still see plenty of skin blemishes and wrinkles. And I HAVE to disagree about looking her age. I would guess 45-50 honestly. 30yo should still have some youth to them

Best way to judge is looking at video or candid photos. Emilia still looks fine in both of those. For some reasons she looks like absolute trash when dolled up. Her stylist must be trolling her. Cant really explain it otherwise.

she looks fine in videos and other photos because she puts on heavy makeup, that's my assumption. That same makeup has destroyed her skin over the last decade, making her look 45 rather than 30

Take a look at her instagram. Most of her pictures are just her chilling with friends or family. She doesnt have heavy makeup on in those shots. It's especially obvious when she's proud of her 'professional' makeup done by a stylist instagram photos. Always looks like a clown in those.

true british beauty lol

lol funny thing is that a lot of people here seem to think it's face. had to dig up evidence from her own fansite to prove that it's not

I shall never forgive this FAT WHORE for rejecting the chance to train with Arnie. I would give BOTH TESTICLES for just one hour to train with Arnie and this BITCH rejected it.

That's a typical 90s hairdo, you zoomer shits

damn she does have chitrah nose
she looks more and more poolandian as she ages

Sith McFarlane

It appears to be a roastie running full speed into a wall.

The short hair? Not really. Short hair was a thing on women in the 80s though, but with a different style.

She didn't his the wall she atomized it.

>she had a cute innocent girl look back when GOT first started. That went away FAST and HARD
Breaking news: 32 year old less youthful than 24 year old counterpart

I knew a guy with a full widows peak at 16. He looked like that Nicolas Cage bird picture.


she got that cocaina complexion ese

Lets face it, most of the Yea Forums would be thrilled to go on a date with her. The rest are too autistic for actual human contact anyway.

Prove that she's lesbian
Prove that she was affected by Yea Forums's comments regarding her dad's death
Prove that she's used cocaine (or any other drugs for that matter)

Attached: 1322303900782.jpg (360x223, 57K)

She looks extremely cute, like most of the times. Bad actress but honestly good and gorgeous person, nothing new to see here.


She's got good features for short hair, I like it!

A women smiling at you. Yeah i know, you don't know what's that so you're welcome
also have sex

Isn't this long over though?

They're going to have a big coming out party, together with Maisie and other female (and some male) cast once GoT ends.

not enough penis for you?

>britbong genetics

I mean, this

I knew a guy with a widows peak when we started high school. A couple of years in he had a full on hair gel-armoured combover. Fucking mental.

She's fucking adorable and such a nice girl.

I wish they would just let her be a brunette