Rank his kinos.
Rank his kinos
Kill Bill 1
Kill Bill 2
Jackie Brown
Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
The rest are all trash
If Pulp Fiction didn't have the mtv editing it'd be his best.
The one where they kill the evil nazis
The one where the black man kills the evil racist
1. True Romance
2. Kill Bill 1
3. From Dusk Till Dawn
4. Pulp Fiction
5. Jackie Brown
6. Death Proof
7. Inglourious Basterds
8. Reservoir Dogs
9. Django Unchained
10. The Hateful 8
11. Kill Bill 2
12. Four Rooms
> Shultz is an ex-dentist.
> He kills Brittle and Candy.
Inglorious Basterds > Kill Bill 2 > Jackie Brown > Kill Bill > Pulp Fiction > Reservoir Dogs > Hateful 8 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>Django
>kill bill plebs
Those movies were the moment he ruined his career
putting anything but plump fiction first is max contrarianism
Reservoir Dogs
Pulp Fiction
-----big quality gap------
hateful 8
the rest are trash tier
Someone put a Hanzō sword through this faggot.
Putting plump fiction first is maximum underage mode.
Uno Farto 3:17
Dijango is kino
You're not trying. You probably have an iphone or a nintendo switch in your hands when you turn a movie on.
shut up faggot
>kill bill 2 that low
What the fuck that movie is great
1. H8FUL 8 m8
2. Reservoir Dogs
3. Django
4. Inglorious Basterds
5. Pulp Fiction
6. Jackie Brown
7. Kill Bill
8. Kill Bill vol 2
Thinking about it, I would probably move it up. Or just rank The Whole Bloody Affair, since its really just 1 long movie anyway.
Outta my way you fucking plebs
>Jackie Brown
>Pulp Fiction
>Reservoir Dogs
>Inglorious Basterds
>Kill Bill Vol. 1
>Kill Bill Vol. 2
>Death Proof
>The Hateful 8
>My Best Friends Birthday
>Django Unchained
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood looks like it could be one of his greatest yet as well, thank fuck he’s done with those rediculous blaxploitation westerns
Yet another gimmick he's been relying on more and more since his saving grace editor died. RIP Sally.
>only 1 bloke included True Romance or From Dusk til Dawn, two of his best works
1. Kill Bill Vol. 1
2. Who cares
Is it just me or did he never even talk about her after she died
Like hey my superstar editor who’s been with me since the beginning died senselessly out in the desert, let’s not even mention it in any interviews or put out any statements of condolences
My opinion of him definitely took a hit after that
It’s like she was some random caterer who died not an integral member of his crew
1. Jackie Brown
2. the rest
I would have a hard time talking publicly about a long time friend and a coworker dying.
found the pretentious retard. kill bill 2 and jackie brown are retard tier. reservoir dogs and kill bill 1 are good but not even close to inglourious basterds.
1. Death Proof
2. Kill Bill
3. Pulp Fiction
4. Reservoir Dogs
5. Ingorious Basterds
6. Jackie Brown
7. Hateful Eight
1. long monologues interrupted by brief windows of excessive violence 1
2. long monologues interrupted by brief windows of excessive violence 2
3. long monologues interrupted by brief windows of excessive violence 3
4. long monologues interrupted by brief windows of excessive violence 4
5. long monologues interrupted by brief windows of excessive violence 5
And Pulp Fiction is better than all of those
It's a black male thing
Jackie Brown > rest
Jackie Brown doesn't really have excessive violence and I always thought what made Pulp Fiction cool was how the movie's climax is all about PREVENTING bloodshed. And they succeed, nobody dies at the end. Don't know if Tarantino would have that restraint nowadays.
1.Resrevoir Dogs
2.Django Unchained
3. Pulp Fiction
4.Kill Bill Vol.1
I haven't seen the rest
>user calls everyone else plebs
>Pulp Fiction is #2
Fucking pleb
Pulp Fiction is either his best film or at least his second best, just admit it and stop being a poseur
I know I might sound like a contrarian but Pulp Fiction doesn't have many good qualities besides a few good performances, good music and good pacing
But that's it, the dialogue is eh and the stories aren't interesting and all of the characters are fucking horribly written
only legit top 5
>Pulp Fiction
>True Romance
>Reservoir Dogs
>Kill Bill 1&2
>Jackie Brown
Pulp Fiction > Inglourious Basterds > The Hateful Eight > Jackie Brown > Death Proof > Kill Bill Vol. 2 > Kill Bill Vol. 1 > Reservoir Dogs > Four Rooms > Django Unchained
But none of them are kino
If we delete Jackie Brown from existence then all his movie are kino.
Reservoir Dogs
Jackie Brown
Inglorious Basterds
Pulp Fiction
The rest suck. I unironically considered him one of the greatest directors of all time until my early 20s, though.
I remember he said he has a little note that says "What would Sally do" in the editor's room at all times
1. Reservoir Dogs
2. Django Unchained
3. Pulp Fiction
4. Jackie Brown
5. Inglorious Basterds
6. The Hateful Eight
7. Kill Bill 1 and 2 = trash
Putting Django in the top half is the ultimate pleb detector
Probably because one's a Tony Scott film and the other is a Robert Rodriguez film.
t. pleb
Django is unironically his least dishonest film.
Pulp Fiction
Kill Bill in it's entirety
Jackie Brown
Inglorious Basterds
Hateful 8
Reservoir Dogs
Death Proof
Django Unchained
From Dusk Till Dawn
True Romance
Four Rooms
CSI episode that he directed
Sin City scene that he directed
Natural Born Killers
My Best Friend's Birthday
He wrote both though. True Romance was extremely true to his screenplay (unlike Natural Born Killers, which is why I didn't mention that one) and he basically co-directed From Dusk til Dawn.
Doesn't have a single film that isn't kino desu.
1. Reservoir Dogs
2. Pulp Fiction
3. Jackie Brown
The rest are shit.