>hey kids we gonna watch the new superhero movie
Hey kids we gonna watch the new superhero movie
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I hate the term but holy hell you can tell they're Marveldrones. Bet they expected 10 QPS (quips per second) and stupid cut scenes along with random gags and references.
DC has and always will be the superior story telling universe.
>mfw Marvel movies are considered comedies now.
Top kek that kid turned into a school shooter in real time before me eyes.
What the fuck was the dad thinking?
Can someone edit Sneed in it?
What is this cringe?
>Panic At The Disco shirt
I didn't even know that band still existed, I would've assumed that zoomers consider it boomer shit by now though.
lmao no way this is real, why would they let the kids watch it
imagine being over 18 years of age and caring about any
I don't know them, that makes them a Zoomer band.
t. actual 30yo Boomer
>females either confused or faintly disgusted
>Dad clearly befuddled
>boy is transfixed.
He's one of us.
This, minus all the gay DC vs Marvel shit. You can tell they're drones who sort of expect the traditional trailer beats where an unexpected character is revealed, a funny quip is said or a big SFX shot happens every other cut, so you can cheer or make a söyface. It's interesting to see them watch this trailer where it doesn't deliver any of that and they have zero idea of how to react, just staring blankly, bordering on horrified, like they're watching some fucking
mexican cartel dismemberment video or something.
>all that forced over reaction for the camera from the dad and wife
absolute sub humans who will do anything for money, disgusting.
Is Lil' Zoomy going to be ok?
Meh, I guess I'll watch it.
I expect it to be mediocre though.
For you.
Watch the actual video, they loved it.
lol they actually liked it, incel
>watch the actual video
shill off
I'm a 30yo boomer too, and I remember them. I couldn't tell you a song they did, but they were popular around the mid 00s. At the time they were popular with younger people too, like I remember a friend's younger sister(she was highschool age, my friend and I were in our early 20s) was into them. Even if you weren't into them, I find it hard to believe you have zero knowledge of them. It's kind of like My Chemical Romance, I was a bit too old for them at the time, but I was aware of their existence.
OK, I'm just going to come out and say it:
That little girl in the middle is cute!
You're no better
I 100% guarantee at least two of the kids aren't his
Liked,subscribed and shared!
Me on the left
Look how angry they are. The movie is forcing them to think and they can't handle it
What they say is meaningless, their reaction gives away their true feelings, all except the boy are visible confused and distressed by the trailer
God this movie is going to be so good
I really don't understand reaction videos. Society really is going bad places. I feel like every old gen complains about the young gen and its never that bad but we finally hit the exception to that rule
this movie will be pure fucking kino
This but unironically
These are people pretending to be interested in things.
That’s what these reaction trailers do.
This is nothing new.
However you could tell the boy was genuine and wasn’t trying to oversell anything by acting surprised or saying audible shit when they thought they were supposed to say things.
React channels are bugmen trash
Yeah, same. I find it especially bad when it's whole families with kids doing together, like this. I feel like it's setting some terrible example for the kids. But yeah, I might just be old and out of touch.
Remember when beards used to be a sign of masculinity? Every time a see a fuck with a beard now, all I see is some faggot who spends all his time at a faux dive bar paying 11 bucks for an IPA and has given serious thought to letting his wife peg him.
Is it wrong I want to have an orgy with that soi boi's entire family?
He can watch from his cuck shed.
At least with kids it seems more genuine, but the adults who do these kind of reactions always overexaggerate
>movie gets censored by warner bros
hunter is kino, shut yo mouth
It's a trailer you nigger there's nothing graphic in it.
>mom has purple hair
>using their own children for ad shekels
good god, raze this earth
adulthood is all about learning/having learned how to fit into strict and unchanging roles.
>the kid's reaction
He's one of us.
Give it a few years and he will be stealing his sister's panties to sniff them.
they're so fucking lazy it makes me sick
I can guarantee that son has greater intelligence than any of the others.
>watches pewdiepie for the 1st time
Well, there's 3 females, so he's automatically more intelligent than 60% of them.
White people are so fucking weird
>"Hurr how crazy would it be if little kid was Bruce Wayne XD"
Not even a minute after the trailer they already want it to be a capeshit expanded universe
>Wayne in Gotham City
>expanded universe
The kid is Bruce Wayne though and the guy on t.v. is Thomas Wayne
wheres baby jared leto?
Please go back to Africa or Mexico and stay the fuck away from us.
not in the same universe retard, it doesn't mean it bruce isn't on it
>most of the trailer was him running
Since you got trips I'm gonna give you a little.......present....
Yeah, I shut off the video immediately when she said that.
boy can do mommy
All three of them have their dad's eyes and nose so that's probably wrong.
You can tell they never picked a comic book before and all they know about comic book characters is from action-comedy movies.
They were clearly expecting jokes and visual clues about what to feel and when.
literally familly of retards
for the love of god buy your kids some books holy shit
with 4 kids you have good odds one of them isnt a complete retard and actually evolved past his retard marveldrone parents
Low effort bait
>Hey kids it's time to film my YouTube video
>you better be excited or you won't get dessert
that already happened with batman v superman
Obama.....i failed.
holy shit, they're retarded.
What race is this? Also the little girl on the left is really into it. She’s going to love white supremacist her whole life
This, replace the trailer with the mom scrolling through Yea Forums as they all react with disgust to this shitty forced meme.
>older daughter hasn't read a single DC comic
heh, pleb
We get it. You didn’t have a proper family growing up
based stoic cunny
she cute
>white people be like
>I feel like every old gen complains about the young gen and its never that bad but we finally hit the exception to that rule
Hint: It is always this bad. Entropy, ever heard of it? Of course, we will hit rock bottom someday and it might be today.
>White people are so fucking weird
It's actually you who is weird.
the majority of reaction channels are black people
My parents let me watch Alien when I was five and found it hilarious when I ran out of the room crying at the chestburster scene.
>Pagliucci's Rampage
I think reaction videos are the worst form of self masterbation.
I want this loser to lose custody of his kids and get cucked by a black man just because of this.
How dare you subject your kids to a dark themes without making sure it was appropriate for kids under 13 and how dare you subject them to your sick social masterbation reaction videos just for some cheap fucking attention
Fucking neckbeard loser prick
look at the sons eyes compared to his dads
his eyes are opening up the farther the vid goes
the idea of kino is cementing itself into his brain as he watches
>shilling your kids for views and likes from Yea Forums pedos
>proper family
Dad is a chinlet chubby cuck, mom probably cheats on him, little boy is going to be a edgy antisocial loser, daughter listens to Panic at the Disco, little girl will grow up sucking black dick like her mom did before settling
What a disgusting family, all this just for views
what's CMLIP?
the mom looks like jazz
Hot. You reckon he'll let me sniff the panties as well? asking for a friend.
What kind of adult reacts to this in such a way? I’m a perfectly well adjusted member of society but I would crush this guys skull into paste with a brick if I saw him on the sidewalk
the kids all look the same.
>superhero movie
the only good "reaction videos" is gogglebox
the only good reaction video is one where the person doesn't know they're being recorded and isn't a youtube faggot so that you can actually see genuine reactions
What exactly was the chubby little faggot expecting?
Panic At The Disco became popular again lately but the original lead singer is the only original band member and its more of his stage name for his pop music now then an actual alt rock band.
>dude where's the bright colours, explosions and black/white morality tale
girl in blue is hot
Are Panic! At The Disco still relevant with the nation's youth?
He was just waiting the entire time for the record scratch and cringey reddit quip by the hero.
His reaction is understandable, every single super hero movie released in the last 5 or so years has been a quip fest. If you knew nothing about the joker or edgy DC try hard films its easy to be confused by this McDonald's arthouse shit. Of course contrarians will take this webm as proof of how normies hate it and how friggin superior they are for liking it
Look at the face of that kid. That garbage will fuck him up and he'll end shooting a school. Bravo jewllywood.
He's just acting for his reddit audience, like practically most Youtubers? Duhhhh...
a generation getting honkpilled
Is the architect behind this monstrosity?
>i let myself go but if i tell everyone its a feminist statement i can indulge without guilt
You can clearly see he has no idea how to react to what he's looking at. It's completely outside his realm of experience. Poor coddled meat replacement person.
>see people mentioning wife
>think it's a bad joke calling one of the daughters that
>realise the dyed hair retard is actually an adult and not a retarded teenager
look at the nose
>White people are so fucking weird
How about you go back to mashing horseflies into a dip for your tree back chips you filthy nigger.
so people do totally fall out of the loop once something doesn't come as expected
did you watch the actual reaction video you retarded faggot? they liked the trailer
Haha the look on that kids face actually seeing a movie probably for the first time in his life, instead of a merchandising advert
I've loved movies for probably more decades you have been alive and aware and this movie actually looks decent enough to have enticed my wallet after years of not buying tickets for anything.
he was clearly confused, you spergy autist
Because he expected a standard capeshit trailer and got kino instead.
>retarded mongrel can't even understand a reaction video
Kill yourself autistic faggot
Seeing the kids all agree while saying the same unfinished sentence was pretty heart warming desufampai
i wanna FUCK that MOM
I am sorry to say this, but you have absolutely poor taste in women.
>Where's the quips, bruh?
I skimmed through the actual video because I’m iPosting which can’t watch webms. Why is lil zoomer is rattled?
>Permanently destroy your skin and doubling your risk of several major cancers just to make an irrational political statement
I wanna KEK that DAD
glorified capeshitter
Yeah, but it's just the lead singer's one man show using the old name and the genre is completely different
Who the Fuk live streams their dumbass kids and wife watching some trailer?
Look on their faces... Priceless for everything else there's reality cheque
Girl on the far left could definitely get it
Depends on the sister, I'd think
I wish I had a family
god damn why do DC fags have to be so fucking obnoxious?
It's a movie about a villain maybe check out the preview on your own before showing it to your kids Jesus fuck. I guess attention whoring reaction vids need the pure reaction.
I wanna bang the one on the left bros hnnnnnnng
Formerly based meme
I want a Legion Lost movie.
Yeah far left has got serious DSLs going on
The parents must thought it was gonna be a fun family friendly movie with a quirky suicide squad type of joker.
They all end up sad and confused lol
hunter is trash for pseud closest cryptotranny incels
t. pearl clutcher
Thats not distress, thats captivation
zoomers love boomer shit
>mouse shills reacting to an actual kino
they don't even know what they're looking at lmao
>fat cuck millennial parenting
>their reaction gives away their true feelings
Look at you, how naive, how cute
I love reaction videos
me on the left
me on the wall
me in the other room to the right, not giving a shit
Any other good reactions by clueless normies?
they know it's not real, right?
Zoomers hate DC
pic related is accurate for zoomers as a whole
>mixed race kids
>Family Guy
These are shit though.
Zoomer here, can confirm this is accurate. Fuck 4channel
Funny how children and women's taste seems very close to each other
i wonder why
He's realizing that he lives in a society
I bet they did watch it before and decided to capture their kids' reaction for clicks any way. notice how both of the parents seem way more fake.
same here. important part of my young life.
Based and Dcpilled
Wew imagine forcing your kids to make reaction videos for youtube shekels.
>tfw no good genes to make a beautiful white family like this
they're not mixed, kids nowadays tan themselves early to appear more hip and "urban"
99% of reaction channels are blacks
>tfw the adderall kicks in at just the right moment and you experience the biggest moment of clarity of your life
>tfw you realize that the only solution is to flee
Look at that basedlord being all confused lmao
imagine torturing your children both psychologically and physically for views and getting away with it
don't get that shit started, user.
the thesis is incorrect
sorry you wasted 3 years of your time and 20 years of your life expectancy
Politics and feminism are a disease.
start what?
what? they look white.
Why do react channels exist?
Who watches them and why?
These guys are sheeple unlike us.
I like DC movie #371 which is better than Marvel movie #408 for these reasons that make me a superior being.
I love being so smart. These people are stupid!
my erection
why do fucking losers like this always breed like rabbits and start youtube channels? you just know those kids are gonna be so poorly adjusted. having such a fucking inflated ego that you feel the need to broadcast not only you but your kids is fucked. it's a mild form of child abuse.
Imagine viewing everything as fanboy wars
I mean, they look like the parents. I think you've been watching too much cuck porn user.
Imagine a world where artistic integrity only exists in brief, studio approved, moments within a capitalist prison, filled with remake after remake and sequel after sequel of the same shit with the same narrative.
What ever happened to Andrei Tarkovsky? Of Orson Welles? Godard is dead.
and yet they'll still be able to function better than you
based hunterchad btfoing capeshitters
god i hate women
based parents not giving a shit
Imagine arguing about these things on a mongolian horse breeding forum.
someone post the Bane edit
>a mild form of child abuse.
I completely agree
Imagine Mongolian horse breeding became so popular all forums on the internet became obsessed.
This, but actually unironically
I assume it's to reaffirm your own feelings on something or to vicariously experience something you liked for the first time again through somebody else's first time with it.
>______ reacts video
worst shit on the internet
also, whenever a man has a beard like this you can almost guarantee hes a soiboi
>Hollywood and netflix is the only entertainment available
Nah that mom is clearly Latino
It's a fake reaction. But to be fair, I bet he genuinely has excitement when watching the trailer. I envy these people because I'm so god damn hollow inside.
They sell those types of fake concert shirts at walmart and target for nomies to pretend to be kewl.
bump. this thread is hilarious
damn latinos loook LIKE THAT?!
>What size slushie do you want?
>Yea, I'll have a vase.
It's just genetics guys, seriously.
Am I the only one, who thinks their reactions are fake as fuck? People almost never naturally do that OoO face. Especially not when watching fucking TV
joker isn't the villain you dipshit. batman is the villain.
what the fuck's that
All reaction videos are just people clowning around and acting out basic emotions like fear or excitement with as much exaggeration as possible. That dude still looks like needs a solid kick in the ass, though
hes starting to see the funny side
>white people
Do you know who the lead singer is? The Joker actor from Suicide Squad
holy shit triggered, dumb wiggers
The mom looks like she has a 1 digit IQ. She just can't understand what she's looking it...
lmao it takes 5 minutes to research a movie
what channel is this?
based dude on the right not even turning around to watch that trash
alright bitch, you made me laugh
>The way the little girl cringes as he pulls on his cheeks, probably expecting it to have gotten gory
I know that feel
someone post the Sneed edit
That is, that it is indeed...
fucking hell i'd pay high money to have the two girls on the right to sit on my face. nice thick thighs
All that shit was huge at the catholic high school I went to from 04-08. Panic, Fall Out Boy, MCR, a lot of the scene and screamo shit.
what the fuck is wrong with my generation, this reaction shit is truly pathetic.
>Dad, mom... I think... I think I'm gonna say it...
hes waking up
whats the guy doing with his hand? is this an american thing? does he wish for a hamburger magically appear in his palm?
here's a mashup
>your average american family
no wonder your country is a shithole
FUCK capeshit
SUPPORT capekino
>dad cries at endgame trailer
>also holds mug with both hands
how do these basedboys manage to make a family?
what do girls see in people like this
intellectual maturity, something you meme spouters lack
I know white people stopped having children and generally any children is good but...
His wife 100% cheats on him when she's out with the girls and dissapears and turns up the next morning saying she stayed at Melissa's.
Do a blacked version
>watch south asian channel
>it's an animal abuse video with royalty free ukulele music
>watch video from the middle east
>it's a suicide bombing
>watch video from africa
>it's unspeakable mob violence and child abuse in the middle of town
>watch latin american video
>mass cartel execution
>watch video from china
>it's someone boiling dogs alive at a festival
>watch video made by blacks in the US
>it's a fire challenge video where a dumbass coked up nig lights himself on fire
Yeah those white people sure are fucked, haha
Beardbro's wife was obviously a scene girl back in 2007. She punished her daughter by forcing her to wear that shirt on the Internets.
Oh good a quality new film from Detective Comics Comics
>tfw this kino shocks an entire generation of gape-mouthed beardfat Marvel onions into incoherence
a steady family man who isn't to crazy. Females look for the males that are the most safe, not the crazy rock climbing chads, except for the instagram bimbos, which you retards think are what all girls are.
The guy is pathetic but he does it for money. Do you also hate the circus clown?
Spineless, effeminate and subservient to their every whim
I want to cum in the face of the red wife beater boy su much
It's because 90% of "reactors" are black people who are trying to abuse copyright just to make shitty youtube money which probably equals a 40 hr check on minimum wage. It's the cheapest, laziest, bottom of the barrel shit on youtube.
Can't tell if person on the left is a boy or girl.
guaranteed replies, good job baiting the /pol/fugees
white boy SEETHING
the correct response
why are those hips increasing in size with every iteration
a black female was built for breeding unlike puny white "women" who have the body build of 14 year old boys
It's a Masonic symbol of child indoctrination
Aren't you talking about Asians now?
someone that will do whatever they say, provide for them and don't ask any questions
Yeah back in the olden days we would get reactions in the newspaper! now everyone has reactions to everything and puts it all on these websites!
Channel is called "MackeyFam reacts"
>unironically using "shill"
I wish I could see your face and laugh at how big of a fag you are.
Job stability.
Not really that bad watching some movie trailer in order to make a ton of money like some of these channels do.
>What kind of adult reacts to this in such a way? I’m a perfectly well adjusted member of society but I would crush this guys skull into paste with a brick if I saw him on the sidewalk
45K subscribers, friendo
Based And Clownpilled
Dios mio kek
There's still loads of non sequel original Hollywood and indie films being made you just want to be buttblasted
Fuck sneed forced shitty fucking meme
Formerly feed chuck based organic feeding meme
Parents are clearly retarded.
>durr wut were is hulk were is da iron man?
It's obvious they think the only movies that exist is capeshit
i'm 6'3" and i still don't get this post.
>Why would they let kids watch children's properties?
>Dad...despite being only 13%...
Why can’t I watch these? It’s an almost cringe feeling, but that’s not quite it. fuck I was out as soon as the trailer started playing
>Females look for the males that are the most safe
Betabux, alpha...
Someone needs to check his wife's sons dna
Yes friend, no one else in this thread has given them shit for being fake as fuck, you are actually the first and only, cheers.
t. expert in absolute shit
>entire family is disgusted and confused because they're witnessing kino for the first time in their petty lives
This is our time fellas
goblinos de family
Hey, have you ever considered that, perhaps, you were born in the wrong generation?
Pro-tip, people who use the term contraian in a negative way are NOT naturalized 4channers
Would you say that you were born in the wrong generation?
normies can't understand incelkino
the goal is to get you to feel ANYTHING. If it made you feel enough to click reply to a bait thread on the topic you can understand that it would make enough plebes feel the desire to click and watch the video, which generates money, which is the point.
Their creepy and their kooky
Mysterious and spooky
Their all together ooky
The Faggot family
I feel so bad for liking High Hopes by them. It's literally a song for little girls.
this. alpha seed first then they go for the beta need
Was the trailer even creepy? I just felt sad for the guy.
The look on that Woman's face is what dreams are made of
>when its been three weeks since the last BLACKED update
Weird flex but okay
Facebook? Family Guy? The fucking Prequels?
Kill yourself.
Willingness to raise other mens children.
I love that you slowly became self aware that you're just another annoying old man wannabe (and probably in your 20s) but instead went with pretending it totally matters this time.
Yeah bro someone reacted to an Avengers trailer online, society is definitely finished.
>implying my disgust at seeing families spending time together is a result of my own upbringing in a broken home, and is based in envy for a life I never got to have
fuck off, faggot
he's just shocked that a capeshit movie can look truly good
Wonder what would happen if she saw an ACTUAL cartel beheading video? Would she give a shit if it were some poor sap in real life, and not a TV character?
cute couple in the middle
Based fellow DChad
It's those depressive feels that creeps out normies like them. They're not used to get such emotional depth in current capeshit.
There's a reason of why Requiem for a Dream is so disturbing for many people. The story it's just too fucking sad and hopeless.
your keeds vill be poosies
What's going on here?