Go to the theater

>go to the theater
>some asshole comein with a bow and starts firing arrows at you
only in america

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This happened to me and I actually got really injured. Fuck people that shoot arrows in movie theaters.

Those are clearly crossbow bolts

God damn it Kevin

>that one dumbass who sat there getting pelted by arrows instead of moving anywhere else

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Man he really hated that one guy there. I hope he was okay!

>not blocking the arrows with your crab legs
Gutter trash

Do you need to talk about him?

Why are the seats so clean?

How did he shoot arrows through the bullet holes tho??


Because it was another false flag, obviously.

doesn't this kind of kill the anti-gun movement? It pretty much clearly shows that you can kill masses of people with anything?

it was a pg 13 session

I used to watch films at the kinoplex, until I took an arrow to the knee.

one time i sat in the center seats and noticed i was surrounded by people who would take over 5 seconds to even get up, dooming me in anger sort of danger

never again

>didnt go to the kinoplex

It was a Nolan film

It's illegal to ask.

Was this a thing? Someone shot up a theater with a bow and arrows?

ok retard

>that one nigga who got gatted in the chest like 10 times
Nice grouping

user those are markers showing bullet trajectories

Haha fuck I'm stupid, thanks for telling me man.

i'm guessing it was a shotgun blast


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how did they get them through the seats

>the designated shooter brought a bow
>you survive the shooting and get sent to the popcorn mines for punishment

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you're not stupid, just uninformed and excessively humble

So is the set for the new Clerks movie, where the boys run a theater and shoot arrows into the seat to waste time?

uhhhh, we need to ban assault bows and extended quivers

>confident poster who seemed helpful lied to me
My trust in anonymous strangers has been shattered and I don't know if it can ever be healed.

So there was an actual mass shooting with a bow? That's crazy.

you can't shoot a bow retard

>an actual mass shooting with a bow?
it happened at some euro school. theres also a canadian one who used a crossbow

Attached: I guess he never missed huh.webm (1280x539, 2.45M)

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no because it shows we have to ban everything

BAD GOYIM. Stop asking questions.

I was looking for the Monty Python skit with the native in a theater and I can't find it, either due to racial keywords being bleached by youtube or because it got copyright struck. Imagine my post contains that skit.

>At theatre
>Electric Slide intermission comes on
>Everyone dancing with their partners, having good time
>break out in a sweat as I realize the theatre shooter has a cold gaze on me
>suddenly realize I’ve forgotten the dance moves
>start singing along to try and fake it
>”I-Its...It’s electric! Woogie Woogie Woogie!”
>everyone has a look of terror on their faces as they dance
>they’re all staring at me
>realize in my panic, I started doing the YMCA
>my arms are up stretched in a Y formation
>Before I can think, an arrow flies across the room and sticks me in my chest
>Theatre shooters loads another, and I hobble my way out of the theatre
>go to hospital , need surgery
>after surgery, I check bank account
>theatre charged me with a failure to complete the electric slide fee, and left a generous tip for the theatre shooter on my credit card
I’m still seeing Pet Sematary tomorrow though. I won’t be so foolish this time.

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these are to demonstrate the trajectory of the bullets of the Aurora shooter from 2012, for all you brainlets who don't know how to use Yea Forums's built-in RIS.


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Now I know why he called himself the joker.

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black audience movie theater
no lights on
black shooter

every round fired with no casualties

>go to the theater
>commercials before movie end
>usher comes in holding a top hat full of straws
>we all have to draw one
>whoever draws the short straw is designated theater nudist
>it's always me though

why is usher giving out the straws

short staffed after last week's tragic events


he gives you diarrhea?


oh no I shouldnt hav watched that no w I have diarohaea oh fuck it's everywhere my desk is coverd ahhh

Just get the wagie from the movie theater to clean it up

I knew someone who went to Sandy Hook. This is sickening

oh fuck off. you are cancer kys

they were all on the floor after the first few shots, dingus