>Have sex
What sort of lazy unimaginative meme is this? Jesus fuck like I know people are basically building this on top of the whole incel meme but fucking hell is it lazy as shit.
>Have sex
I seriously hope none of your guys actually unironically believe that having sex changes anything.
Have sex
Have sex.
Have a sex life.
just have sex please
hi incel!
Twitter, reddit, and Yea Forums are intersecting as never before. Content no longer originates from here, it originates on twitter and is regurgitated on reddit and Yea Forums. Let there be no mistake: The normies are creating more original content than Yea Forums. The golden years are over.
Newfag. Some retard repeats some retarded shit, others repeat it ironically making fun of him and then a bunch of people repeat it unironically under the impression it's the cool thing now. That's how ALL Yea Forums memes originate.
Partake in intercourse
This, but unironically.
No one thinks sex changes a person. It's just that not being able to have sex is life's way of saying "you aren't good enough, we don't want more of you" which is why virgins should be bullied to accelerate the process.
>incel youcel mecel wecel
when's the stupid cat eater going to filter this shit already
Then I will just call you an íncel, you stupid sòyboy
perform coitus
Engage in penile-vaginal contact
haha i also watched this Pewdiepie video
This but unironically
there memes only last for 1-2 weeks as every person possible regurgitates whatever the meme was. Yea Forums(((nel))) memes here last for a shit load of time.
Have sex with kids
>Have sex
its literally r3ddit's new buzzword
xɘƨ ɘvɒH
im beggin ya to have sex
A toast...
To incels...
And to gamers
And incel gamers
Participate in copulation