Trans girl here, can anyone reccomend me some LGBTQ+ friendly shows or movies?

Trans girl here, can anyone reccomend me some LGBTQ+ friendly shows or movies?

Attached: UqVI5Kjg_400x400.jpg (400x400, 47K)

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kill yourself dumb tranny the movie

Join your fellow faggots and kill yourself

Kill.yourself you sub human freak

this is the part where people come in the thread and tell you to kill yourself

in a second user will be by to post that pic with the archeologists pointing out bone structure

personally I am a fan of the simple old
>tits or GTFO
variety, even for trans. You ARE a girl aren't you? Then follow the rules.

Attached: 142.jpg (460x276, 28K)


Back in my day we just called em fags

>Trans girl

Attached: laughing 12.gif (740x600, 2.12M)

all of these posted in the time it took me to type that out

Attached: npc.png (416x435, 114K)

We never had fags like this.

Attached: 1549359723250.jpg (553x680, 107K)

go watch another contra video. how much have you given her today?

do you think the rules dont apply to you?

lets see those tits

Should be executed desu

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The Sopranos Season 6 Part A, only Phil's scenes

Everyone in this thread should die and that is your fault OP for the abomination you call existence. I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul.

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Post wound or GTFO

I wish trannies wouldn't post anime desu.


You're in this thread you know

Who is this handsome girl?

Anything on Netflix

imagine if she was your 1 year younger sister and you had sex every night throughout your developmental teenage years haha wouldnt that have been just so goofy?

never seen this trans girl. who is it?

oh sweeties, who hurt you?

youre on the wrong side of history. just know that.

soon when trump is gone and all the old white boomers are dead and we are in power, people like you will be sent to reeducation camps


Name of this TS pornstar?

>Breast science is perfected after decades of experimentation on biofems
>Vagina technology lagging behind
We're so close friends, just a few more years

Attached: sad-pepe-640x480.jpg (640x480, 31K)

Bella Thorne is a biological girl

you're gonna need some evidence to back up that claim

thats ok bro you will still not pass as a woman,