Actors who openly hated each other

Actors who openly hated each other

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I can't imagine anyone on that show hated each other off camera. They had the best job in the world, hating each other on camera.

nah those two still despise each other.

apparently bron and cersi used to date in like the 80s or some shit and refuse to be in scenes together

the obvious one

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oh and chevy chase/bill murray

made the caddyshack scene real awkward

Can someone explain to me why they hate each other? I didn't know this. Kind of sad.

>made the caddyshack scene real awkward
As I recall you can also see how weird their presence is because of a fist fight on the set of SNL in an episode's closing credits. I think it is when Chevy came back.

Does anyone get along with Chevy Chase though?

watch the video. It was mainly for her being gay

Fucking fragile cunts always bringing this up, two grown-ass men have a working relationship and don't like each other on a personal level, that's all, welcome to adult male life.

She was feminist as fuck.

Apparently Tommy Lee Jones couldn't sanction Jim Carreys buffoonery

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political mostly

beret dude on the left is conservative

basedboy on the right is progressive

take a look at their backstories and see who you would rather have a beer with

That's really interesting but not very hateful. Women in tuxedos are super hot

Chevy & Murray are notoriously hard to work with and hate everyone though.

Nope. Bill Murray can be a dick but Chevy is a legitimate asshole to everyone.

always loved the part at 3:10 makes me laugh every time. No wonder she hates him

Really because TLJ in that film was worse than any Carrey performance ever made


Damn actually Ed sounds like an asshole

Didn't expect that to be so one sided

Just watched this, lol. She's even more of a chicken than she used to be. She sounds like a dumb dyke

He reacted poorly to the invite snub conversation. The rest was just stock standard 11-seasons power dynamic bullshit, not a big feud thing.

nah. i felt he was very honest about the fact that he wasnt all in the right. appeared pretty based to me.

Why don't adam and jamie get along though? Do politics really seperate them this much?

The wedding thing is a pretty dick move though

Like no shit someone isn't going to want to be a joke on their own wedding day.

She didn't invite him because he was going to react exactly how she thought he would, and he got triggered by that?

he comes across as a total moron who is 100% at fault

>that feeling when a very ambitious coworker takes a promotion you didn't care about and becomes your supervisor

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pretty much this. i get along decently with my coworker that i work with for 35 hours a week with. but i would never hang with him outside of work in a million years except for the christmas party

He wasn't triggered about the wedding, just her being right about them two being dicks and that was in the past. He understood that he reacted badly at the point that was filmed, probably already apologized and shit. Neither of them seemed mad about any specific incident.

>tfw bundy is exactly the same asshole that he is in the show
Better thread than i expected

i thought the beret dude was super liberal?

Didnt Gina try to sue Martin for sexual harassment or some shit during the series? I think in the final season they had no scenes together because she filed a restraining order on him or something. Martin was a crazy unstable wacko during the last few years of that show. didnt he run down the street naked and have some kinda meltdown a few years later?

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That made me love al more. Marcy was a dumb bitch.

>what is funny about two women in tuxedos walking down the church aisle

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These two started out disliking each other, moved into full blown hating each other, and eventually got around to mellowing out.

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>marcy is asked about ther feud
>talks for two minutes about the ending of the show
what is she implying

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Yep. He had a lot of breakdowns in the late 90s.

I didn't know he was so based IRL. The tuxed anecdote is priceless but if he said this in 2019 instead he'd be banned from TV most likely.

She sounds like a bitch.

Jamie is a cunt and no one on that show liked him, not even the production crew. It has nothing to do with politics, which I doubt they even talked about.
There's a behind the scenes video of him shitting on an assistant for like 4 minutes, cause they keep misplacing his shit and never do anything right and now this cunt has lost his pen that should be right her- oh, it's actually there in the place he expected it to be, so he just glazes over that without acknowledging he was wrong and the dude didn't do anything wrong and just continues to ramble "this one is here now but they often aren't..."

>Marcy directed last couple seasons
This explains why it started to suck

That's why Bron left the big wig meeting where all main characters met for the first time last season.

Shit was hilarious.

ed/al is /ourguy.

and the whole transition that she takes from a feminine woman to a more masculine role is batshit crazyness all over, like most gay people.

i like how ed, at the start of the interview, says that maybe he evoke someone she didnt like.

> implying she has trauma for being molested


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> i have a button i can push, that button says "Get rid of Amanda Bearse"
> you don't have a "Get rid of Ed O'Neill" button, yours doesn't work

Damn, son

has Yea Forums been extremely slow for for anyone else the past two days? takes ages for images to load, and right now i cant see any thumbnails.

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I like how he still shits on her and basically called her a nympho slut

i actually enjoyed seasons 10 and 11 the most

and he could and he didnt.


woman cannot come close to understand because they dont carry the power we do. and i mean the physical power, the whole beating the living shit out of other guy and getting hurt too and shit.

he was a fucking gentleman.

and look for a video of him doing a surprise at christina applegate sitcom. she hugs him and cry like it was her real father.

only at the current year for a dude like that being questioned. oh: he is also a black belt at brazilian jiu jitsu.

Always makes me tear up

why didn't she invite bud? he would've been perfect as one of these kids that throws flower petals

Bud was the real villain here

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it is pure father and daughter love, its lovely as fuck her reaction.

i want to go back. :(

he seems pretty chill

Grand Master B was fucking dope

This. He admits he was an asshole in some situations but O'Neil is definitely that kinda guy who wants to hurt those he loves. He doesn't hate the woman he thinks highly of her in some ways he just probably doesn't understand or approve of gay relationships and she has to take the lower ground and hate him for that.

is it weird i thought Marcy was cute in the first few seasons when she was still married to Steve? Once she came out IRL and started looking ultra dykey not so much but it worked better for the show because of Al's jokes about her looking like a man and being an ugly dyke. Also in the movie Fright Night, totally hot in that too

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Cybil Shepherd and Bruce Willis pretty much despised each other during Moonlighting, although I think they've made their peace since then.

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she was. prime waifu material.

>based Al and Jefferson did not attend Marcy's lesbian wedding

He's an asshole who admits that he's an asshole, but he's still an asshole.


an asshole wouldnt admit it

> 28 years old

She looks like late 30s and constantly on the brink of demanding to speak to the manager

That's not even remotely right.

He had a difference of opinion about a woman's entire life being a joke.

Yeah, he was shit in that movie, but I think it's because when he realized what Carrey And Schumacher were about he knew there was no point so he just said "fuck it, you want over the top I'll give you over the top"

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The director on a TV show can get fired much more easily than the main actors on the program.
The exception might be show runners who also write the show and work as the producer.
There are likely exceptions, but Ed was right in the fact that he likely could have had her fired, and he’s had the better career since then, although they both still frequently work in the industry.

>Fright Night
she was perfect as the mousy innocent virgin girl next door role in that movie. The night club scene made my weiner confused when i first saw it. i was like Marcy D'Arcy is turning me on right now? Well, this is the weirdest boner I've ever had!

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Brando constantly called Oz "Piggy" on the set of The Score

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Damn you, high cut panties

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Wicky wicky scratch yo yo bang bang.

Winona ryder and based mad max

One does not simply dodge the oven

Oh also William shatner and George takei

Charlize Theron and big guy in mad max. She said he snarled and grunted at her what dare I say it mad lad

I’ve known people with the personality of
Amanda Bearse.
Ed could probably be a dick sometimes, but he was on a comedy show, and comedians are known for being dicks occasionally.
Bearse just seems like the kind of person who couldn’t take it, and is still being an utter asshole about it.

>Bearse just seems like the kind of person who couldn’t take it, and is still being an utter asshole about it.
so a woman

William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy.
William Shatner and DeForest Kelley.
William Shatner and Nichelle Nichols.
William Shatner and James Doohan.
William Shatner and the Yea Forums janies

some of the shit tracy jordan does on the firsr season of 30 rock are allusions to some of the crazy shit martin lawrence did that no one remembers anymore

Bruce Willis and Kevin Smith

She was hot as fuck in Fright Night, I couldn't believe that was her.

Once she got Chris Sarandon's vampire dick she went the gay way.

Yeah, he joined a cult and tried to get her to be their sex slave or some shit. He was actually a pretty big name in the UK in the early 90s

Same thing with gene Simmons and Paul Stanley. Professional relationship only, they are not friends at all

agree, hottest she ever looked was in that movie. weird how 2 of the main actors in that movie ended up being super gay. Didnt Evil Ed go into hardcore gay porn? I cant imagine that dude in porn at all. He was such a nerdy looking dweeb, was he super hung or something?

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chevy is always good with his fans. he just hates hollywood faggots

She was obviously sensitive about being gay, and him busting her chops about it rubbed her the wrong way so she understandably decided not to invite him to her gay wedding. He comes off oblivious and self centered, being surprised that she didn't invite him - and why the fuck did he care to go to her wedding in the first place? The only explanation is that he is egotistical and wants to be invited even to the places where he doesn't care to go.

BASED Norm does

Jaime is not conservative. You fell for the meme. Also they don't hate each other, and had a great professional relationship even before the show. They just specifically don't like each other.

A woman with a personality disorder.
She didn’t like her costar, yet remained on the show, then went into directing, by directing episodes of the show, were she had to give direction to the costar she didn’t get along with.
This is the type of bullshit someone with a personality disorder would pull.

ever hear the story of the time Chevy hosted in the 80s and pitched a sketch to SNL's openly gay actor (forget his name, the guy who always did drag roles like playing Nancy Reagan) that he play a sketch where he has AIDS and they weigh him every week to see how much more weight he lost. Fucking hilarious, chevy is my favorite kind of asshole, just a cruel unapologetic bastard, hes my hero!

I don't know if he went into gay porn but he came off as super faggy even in the movie, not that I think that's a bad thing.

>This is the type of bullshit someone with a personality disorder would pull.
so a woman. you just described the average woman who hates people and does everything in her power to make their lives miserable

>Chase was back to host again in 1985 and seemed to piss off literally everyone. He made fun of Robert Downey Jr.'s father ("Didn't your father used to be a successful director? Whatever happened to him? Boy, he sure died, you know, he sure went to hell.") and was relentlessly hateful to Terry Sweeney, suggesting that SNL's first openly gay cast member star in a sketch where they weighed him every week to see if he had AIDS. "So then he ended up having to apologize and actually coming to my office," Sweeney says. "He was really furious that he had to apologize to me."

holy fuck thats hilarious. SNL shouldve did that sketch

she definitely has issues, doesn't she know it's impolite to point at people?

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elaborate on this, where did you hear it?

She comes off as an obnoxious bitch in that video clip.
Ed might come off as a dick, but he seemed blunt and truthfull about why they didn’t get along.
She just seems passive agressive about the whole thing.

they were never in a film together, he was just being a drunk asshole at a some Hollywood party. It's one thing you don't get along on set with another actor for some reason but being shitty to a stranger at a party for no reason is a whole different level of dochebaggery

man those are great

thought that was a completely different actress. them tits is bangin yo

>weird how 2 of the main actors in that movie ended up being super gay.

yeah who would have thought that there are gays in hollywood

actually 3 if you count Roddy McDowell. though i dont think he ever actually came out but everyone always kinda suspected it

might be some artefacts from the april 1st joke; try clearing cookies, unblocking scripts and flushing your DNS cache

>holy fuck thats hilarious. SNL shouldve did that sketch
I suspect just filming Chevy being a complete and utter dick to everone would have been hilarious, and then his apology.
Wasn’t that basically the plot of some of the episodes of ‘Community’?

t. Horowitz

Al was based as fuck

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Bill Murray and Lucy Liu

they worked on the original Charlie's Angles flik and Murray got mean

Ed is based boomer personified

>Billy Murray is such a douche that three women got along better.

I'm not surprised
She was fucking hot, way fucking hotter than peggy. I imagine Ed wanted to plow her, but after he found she was a fucking dyke he probably got pissed hard. I would too.

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Obvious one

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They played that up even during the show's run. In interviews it was pretty clear they didn't get along so that drama fueled the fascination. However his career went up and hers well... But regardless Willis has been seen to be a major asshole to work with actors, directors and interviewers so he probably looks less BASED today.

I know they weren't friends, but they didn't like hate each other.

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This kinda started the trend of teaming up a comedian with a "serious" actor which always doesn't end good.

Adam seems more fun, fuck you

>Have to do 100 takes each scene.
>Dealing with Kurbrick's autism for over a year

I can understand not inviting maybe some of your supporting cast members but not inviting your co-star partner is pretty low desu.

Not even. That shit goes back for forever. Probably just took a break in the earlier 90s, I can't remember. There were also a lot of crypto-standups that weren't big hits in comedy but managed to make film careers.

That‘s false and you know it.

>way fucking hotter than peggy

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Dumb and Dumber was an earlier example

Hmm I'm sensing a pattern here and that's obviously too many people jelly at the ShatnerChad.

I invited _all_ my coworkers to my wedding.
The ones i couldn‘t stand were nice enough to decline because of whatever prior engagement stuff and nobody lost his face.

the walrus looking ass treats people like shit, it's as simple as that

think they hate each other now?

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>Shatner and Nimoy
Look one was an unreligious Jew and the other cared a ton about the Orthodoxy so it was never gonna work out.

>being anti-social is kewl bro
this is why you are still a virgin

Based O'Neil

I don't buy this one. Chemistry was off the charts.

that looks like a man in drag

To be fair, they both handle the question in a different way. She is in public and dodges the question by not saying anything that either party did. He is in a more private setting and tells the bad parts he did, because he realizes it's not okay to shame her without giving her an opportunity to say something. Just because he fessed up dumb things doesn't mean he was necessarily at fault.

Nicholson was a class act and the crew adored him. Duvall wanted that treatment but didn't have the respect built up. She feigned illness for attention and Kubie dropped the fucking bomb on her and rightly so.

>dude on the left is conservative
>boy on the right is progressive
yo that's finna deep

Adam is reddit personified
I once watched a video of that asshole "recreate" the model hedge maze from the shining
I was fascinated by how enthusiastic he was about the most boring shit ever, he probably had a proud zoyboy grin on his face the whole time

at least Jamie appears to have lived a life, Adam just seems like the kind of guy who lucked into a job that supports his autism
sort of like the Asian guy who helped them build stuff

>Did four films together
Yeah they really fucking hated each other.

This has been a meme forever in showbiz. Gilbert and Sullivan supposedly hated each other's guts but it didn't stop them from making twenty plus plays together. If they lived now they'd only communicate from emails.

theyre both in Marlel movies

He's a legit prop enthusiast, unlike Yea Forums that hates anything related to films and television.

Based Cumberbatch called out Freeman for being a little bitch

money is money

I like Bron as much as the next guy but let's face it he looks like some shitty former footballer who hanged at too many Jimmy Saville hospital parties if ya catch my drift?

Rightfully so.

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Chad Freeman putting a stop the the talk of Holmes and Sherlock being faggots, you mean

Bullshit, they even cameo‘d in each others movies.

Also, Danny and Jodie Foster are lifetime members of Team Mel

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glover defended gibson and called him a friend when he was getting blasted over all of his racist and anti semetic ramblings

Probably cause he's from New England or whatever and just can't suffer Calicommie fags lightly. He's also one of the few non Jews to make it so he knows the score too well.

Just like the actual characters, huh?

when you remove props from their context (a film) they just become toys
they sell Darth Vader's lightsaber on the children's toy aisle but Adam would make his own
this is somehow supposed to make him "cool" and "fun" but I just see a grown man playing with baby toys

Norm/Kightlinger (who?)
Norm/ Everyone on the view (except Sherri shepherd)

There's probably more.

>Hurr accept me I'm gay
>But you can't be accepted by me cause you might shame me
Ever wonder why straight people hate you trannies? Maybe we have a legitimate reason. You make the rules on acceptance and yet are very intolerant yourselves.

Carrey was buffoon outside filming as well. I think that was TLJ's main problem.

this video just appered on my youtube too. what the fuck bros

>hotter than peg
are you blind or just a faggot

It's the FBI watching you

Devil's avacado here, building your own saved money and required tool and design skills.

in the early seasons i probably found her hotter than peg. peg always looked like a dude to me lol maybe cuz she was so tall. but then in the later years marcy looked way more like a dude so peg was hotter by default

Jamie is a hyper-autist with extreme skills that had very obviously spent years crafting a workshop where he could work alone with a small handpicked crew to do amazing shit

The very concept of the show and the added production staff it brought to his shop was clearly anathema to him

I honestly think he's probably fine in his own element and the show wasn't his element.

people get salty about some behind the scenes shit that villifies him, but given how much of his physical resources they relied on during the run it's honestly surprising he stuck with it as long as he did.

and, I really don't think Adam and Jamie had as bad of a relationship as is depicted.

Robert Shaw humiliated Richard Dreyfuss the entire time shooting Jaws, and Shaw got mean about it because he was an alcoholic and the more he drank the more he would put Dreyfuss down.

Apparently in the scene where Robert Shaw and Roy Scheider ore on the back of the boat trying to untie the barrels, Dreyfuss took one of the water hoses used to create the splashing water in the scene and blasted it completely on Shaw the entire time.

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That literally used to be his job though. That's how he knew Tory and Grant Imahara, they worked on special effects and props for star wars. They are part artist and part engineer.

Cough cough also forgetting Chris Sarandon and the Newhart werewolf guy. Totally straight dudes not in the closet too.

i mean who needs peg tho anyway with that hot ass kelly bundy. tho not in the early seasons because she was underage and that would be wrong to sexual her in those days! but in the years when the audience started going woooo-OOOOOOO! everytime she'd enter the room

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katey sagal is a fucking trailer trash cunt
that's a real woman right here...

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>comedians are known for being dicks occasionally.
This, gotta break a few eggs to crack a few smiles.

there's a bit of projection there

marcy in the steve years was a QT.
she only starting looking less hot cuz she came out the closet and had to start looking like a man to let the world know she was A GAY

I actually like their content but these guys clearly hate each other

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George Peppard and the other A-Team stars disliked Melinda Culea. Peppard got her fired from the show in the middle of the second season.

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In one of the first episodes, the myth was that an army marching across a bridge caused vibration that ended in a collapse. Jamie built a bridge that had cutesy shoes moving in unison. Adam squashed and berated this on camera and suggested that the resonance and Tesla angle be followed. Which was more science-y and Tesla way more interesting.

Jamie always struck me as a no fun allowed kind of guy. The show would have been so much better if they got rid of him and hired someone who actually liked the job.

Yeah it's especially fun when you fuck his wife in front of him while he plays his vidya games like a basedsoyboy that he is. Mythbusters was a cool show but Adam's a faggot nonetheless

the show would have been alot better if they had two autistic jamies and filmed it as a real documentary instead of the scripted reddit shit

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Ha Al is based. Women are the worst.

based /pol/tard with the npc buzzword spouting

Chevy Chase’s mother was the adoptive daughter of Cornelius Vanderbilt Crane, a descendant of the ultra wealthy Crane family, that founded Crane Company.
His mother was later disinherited when his grandmother divorced Crane.
Chevy got a very good prep school education though, and people with that type of background don’t always suffer fools lightly, which may explain why his reputation is what it is in Hollywood.

It's especially shitty in acting cause your co cast members are supposed to be like family to you, well during production anyways. So regardless if Ed was being an asshole he knew that was a major gaffe from her to not invite him, Jefferson and Faustino. At least she could've given them the option of declining or supporting her like you and most anons do.

>Jamie built a bridge that had cutesy shoes moving in unison. Adam squashed and berated this on camera and suggested that the resonance and Tesla angle be followed. Which was more science-y and Tesla way more interesting.

That's not even remotely what happened. they built the bridge together - Adam the bridge, Jamie the "soldiers." it failed to show anything, so they moved on. It was clearly scripted in to add length to the show, like most of the "cutesy" models are.

It was because TLJ's movie COBB BOMBED and it was released up against Dumb and Dumber.

>"An Uncle"

Wink Wink

Still would hit brehs. Still would fuck

I've never seen anything else but respectful statements from both of them. I recall Glover even defending Gibson when the ruckus started.

Meh, he was clearly in the wrong on the wedding issue but if he was able to admit it in 2013, he probably knew he was wrong at the time but didn't want to give her the satisfaction. The eventual boss-employee dynamic is a nothing burger.

Considering the time period and that he had power over her, he could have done much, much worse than just bust her chops about her being butch.

Actually it is. watch it again or post the video. I haven't watched in years and I have perfect recollection

If you say shit like "I can get you fired" you're not going to win many friends

Ed is old school. Go find the Kevin Pollack podcast with him - hell of a career, and comes across as a no-bullshit kind of guy. He is who is, and if you don't like that, go cry to mommy.
Amanda Bearse comes across as a snotty, better than you cunt. Always has.

he musta been gay

They both handled it ok. She says she won't say anything bad about him, says he's a good actor, says the production was handled by Sony and Fox which everyone knows are shitshows, so everyone was stressed not knowing if it was cancelled, she admitted that her being director was stressful on him and her given the production problems. He admits he's an asshole, says she's a wonderful person, admits he was hard on her for being a lesbian, he was mostly hurt by not being invited to wedding, doesn't blame her and thinks she's intelligent but his joke of her being dumb didn't go over well. In the end neither of them threw each under the bus so at least they are somewhat loyal to a fellow costar in that way.

>Kevin Pollack
I've watched the Phil Hendrie episode, and enjoyed it, but Pollack comes across as such a huge faggot that I'm hesitant to watch any more

When Kubrick's daughter follows him around as she does her doc you can see he's drama free and well liked on set.

you clearly don't

Fucken trolled

That was Jim Carey's explanation. It doesn't mean it's true. I can't imagine being around him all the time as a pleasant experience, especially for a guy like TLJ.

Fuck, meant for

Danny Glover even shows up in Maverick because he likes working with Gibson and Donner so much

As far as SNL goes,
Janeane Garafolo/everyone. Just a bitter, whining cunt, the whole time.

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wicky wicky WOW WOW WOW WEST

Show bobs an vagin or GTFO

No one liked Shannon Doherty on the 90210 show

Well, considering Jamie willingly signed onto the show concept and volunteered to use his shop for it, I don't think that was an issue, other than people not respecting his tools and machines, which would piss me off, too - that was a working prop shop, and if the kiddies are fucking up his welding machines and saws, i'd be a cranky fuck, too - even though the show made him enough cash to buy any toy he wants, which is what he's doing now.

The so-called rift between the two is way overblown. It's like Penn & Teller - they see each other almost every day, are in business together, but when work's over, they go their separate ways. (Teller is very private - he's also gay) Their lifestyles didn't mesh. Same for Adam and Jamie. They respect each other, work well together, and that's enough, regardless of how hard fanboys and haters try to ship their relationship. I get it, I've always maintained a polite distance with coworkers, because it can get messy and awkward. I don't expect everyone I work with to be my best friend, and when work is over, I'm out - I've been hanging out with you 8 hours, that's enough.

>Devil's avacado
Holy fuck even though that's probably leddit tier it's still funny and unexpected so thanks for the kek

A real woman, who's never had a real dick inside of her.

Rimmer was pissed about being some nitch bafoon, went off to do other shows he was the lead in while cutting back on his Red Dwarf time. The Brittas Empire is kino as fuck if you like British Comedy.

>television and film roles
>never had a real dick inside of her
Does not check out.

Oh, look, an incel who thinks sex on camera is real. Woo.

I don’t care what anyone says Chevy leaving community ruined it. Pierce was the type of character you really can’t replace and I’m team Chevy in the Harmon feud

No, that is not what that post means at all.

Welcome to the 21st century where comedy might "trigger" someone and therefore will be banned eventually.

They're like little girls that expect every member of a cast to hang out 24/7. If they don't, then one of them is terrible.

She was a bad fit anyways. Being a mercenary team on the run from the US military but having a weaker woman civie with them made no sense.

Well she does seem to be a bitch and flake on a show after awhile. I don't think the Charmed girls liked her that much either.

Yeah we totally get that in the Real World that'd be shitty. But in productions actors say this shit to each other all the time. Ed admits it was a shitty joke and she obviously took him seriously on it but his point was regardless of whether he could he would never do it cause he respected her. But yeah bad joke but Hollywood does worse usually.

Pierce was already ruined as a character. I felt bad for Chevy that even he recognised that the writing was going too far to the racist shit and he exploded. In a way that just happened to include n words in front of multiple black people which isn't a great look.
hate is a strong word. they just had different personalities while being a part of a robust working relationship on a show that needed the both of them to end up pulling in the same direction or it would have fallen apart, doing highly technical work while also filming it for a tv show (not just creating props for movies that other people shoot). I could imagine that at points it would be long stressful work and that once it was done you'd never want to see anyone involved until the next shoot.

I can't imagine being around both for very long to be honest. Although oddly enough Carrey used to be best friends with Nic Cage and TLJ was college buds with Al Gore so go figger?

Fuck off Amanda, you old dyke

She was so fuckable tho but I guess she actually was in RL her standup material. Much like Andrew Dice Clay is really himself 24/7

They fugged tho? In fact the whole movie is so they can fuck in the wilds of Africa. If that ain't love what is?

This is probably the worst one and barely anyone here knows about it because they haven't seen The Good Wife. At least on other shows or movies actors that hated each didn't derail the whole fucking show over a one-sided beef. The fucking green screen scene in the finale was insane and hilarious, the way creators handled it was embarassing.

I've heard that. At the same time I don't recall her ever actually doing anything bitchy. I remember reading she got tired of the Spelling thing on 90210 and didn't like what they were going toward on Charmed and just said to write her out.

Imagine being this reddit.

>dumb child playing with his toys, not mature like me
>*sips shitty bourbon he doesn't even like from a glass*
>*does his best to stifle a grimace*

>What actually transpired was much more intense. Bill Murray stopped a scene in progress and pointed to Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz, and Lucy Liu saying in order, “I get why you’re here, and you’ve got talent….but what in the hell are you doing here. You can’t act!” At that, Liu blew her lid and attacked Murray, wildly throwing punches. The actors had to be separated to opposite corners of the room while they lobbed verbal hand grenades at each other."

Nah Jamie is more like Hank Hill, a sorta "yes what i am currently doing is quite enjoyable" kinda guy, which clashes with Zany "look at me" Adam

Al did nothing wrong. What the fuck is with all the apologists

Didn't she beat him up (or tried to)?

imagine not doing everything humanly possible for a chance to have sex with prime lucy liu

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Ian McKellen looked down on Christopher Lee because he didn't believe he was a serious actor

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I'd only want to have sex with her if she were in character as an icy dominatrix.

>reddit spacing
>accuses others of being reddit
Suck my cock, fag

Yeah. None of the other examples here were true hate like those two. They literally stopped appearing in scenes together which fucked over the show totally.

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>Duvall wanted that treatment
I'd have given her that attention with my dick and balls.

Apparently, she was a cold fish. And he hated her for it. In fact, they had some trouble convincing him to star in 50 Shades 2.

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Not going to look up a picture, but apparently Cattrall and Parker hated each other on Sex and the City.

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Probably not full blown hate though, but from some comments from Emerson it seems like they had very different personalities that didn't quite click. It didn't show up on screen though so total pros.

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He wouldn't fuck her so she got all pissy. She was also a diva bitch.

they were married irl


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MRA vs. Feminist

Is it even possible to look down on someone that had killed so many germans?


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How dare she not be available for sex for him.

Tommy and Jason.

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Yeah, what was up with that anyway? I remember the threads about the whole thing.

What a homophobic bigot.

>He wouldn't fuck her so she got all pissy. She was also a diva bitch.
Source: Your ass.

kike killer Lee probably didn't let that old fag suck his dick or something
Rip Torn and Norman Mailer

You mean Tommy alone. Jason doesn't give a fuck.

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>and Jason
Yeah, Tommy Oliver and Jason David Frank both hated ASJ.

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We know who won eventually.

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I don't know much about it, but how? She directed and wrote many of the episodes, so she could easily have lessened the tension a bit.

Look, Austin. I love you, but you need to fuck off from here. You are not gonna make yourself into a meme. You are not gonna get the alt-right to start supporting you as some counterculture alternative to JDF. It is just not going to happen.
Just keep doing cons, and living your best life. Maybe Hasbro will reach out to you now Saban is not calling the shots. If they do, it won't be because these chucklefucks like you.

>dude let's keep implying that they're gay for each other isn't that hilarious
>what? nooo they're not gay. whatever could have given you that idea? it's just banter. just bros being bros

kek, Satan.

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Bad breakup's tend to do that.

Wait, what? What happened?

You forgot that everyone openly hated on David Yost for being gay.

DIdn't Jim Carry torment Jerry the king Lawlyer to say "in character' for man on the moon? TLJ might of been on to something.

Katic caught Fillion getting blown by Molly Quinn, but realized quickly everyone was ok with it. She realized she was the odd one out. After the occult bullying started (Kabbala symbolism drawn in animal blood on the door of her parents etc), she cut her losses and bailed.

Thus, series ending out of the blue.

Reddit spacing is the dumbest fucking meme.

My feeling is that everyone hated JDF but they had no choice but to play nice with him because he's Haim Saban's golden boy.

All except ASJ, who was actually scripted to defeat him. He could never get over the fact that the Red Ranger is the one ranger to defeat him.

The Rock and Vin Petrol

Everyone saying Al did nothing wrong are a bunch of homophobes.

> After the occult bullying started (Kabbala symbolism drawn in animal blood on the door of her parents etc)
Are you bamboozling me?

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A pretty one-sided beef seeing that ASJ is just happy to be treated like a king in cons and JDF is a raging ego maniac.

>prime lucy liu
no such thing. she was always buttfugly with an asymetric squirrel face. you are some twisted faggot who is into rodents.

Whaddya know, the sexist cuntbag on TV is a sexist cuntbag in real life.

I thought for sure that Ed would end up being a boomer-liberal, but I'm pleasantly surprised at how based and red-pilled he sounds in this.

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You know, out of all actors to get delusions of grandeur from Beverly Hills, you'd think it would have been Luke Perry to get overly high opinion of himself, being that he was the most popular actor in the show.
But no, it was Doherty and and Tori Spelling, two least liked by the viewers. Go figure.
Well, I do know where Spelling got her views of her importance, being it was daddy who bankrolled the show, but I don't ever recall people being gaga over Doherty.

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>Clarkson gets fired
>Hamster and Cpt Slow quit and they all start their own show
I smell bullshit

fuck off.

really? why?

I really wanna know moreabout him being in a cult and wanting to turn prime Lena into their sex slave.
Any anons with source? Stories? Who got to use her before she bailed?

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I don't know, man. The whole post sounds completely made-up, but don't quote me on this.

Fuck right off.

Fuck no. Hammond and May stood up for Clarkson and quit the show along with him.

why'd you post this picture

Eh, she was still cute af, even if it was a shit movie.

Like how during the attempt at a US Red Dwarf pilot, they asked Chris Barrie to come over to the US because they couldn't find an American actor who could play such a self-loathing creature as Rimmer.

For you user
You don't like it?

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Mainly because she didn't like being paired with a man 22 years older than her. Everything stemmed from that I think, although she maybe didn't like his personality to begin with.

This one is supposedly Joss Whedon's fault. He had 'favorites' who he really creeped on and he liked to pit Sarah and Alyson against each other. There's a pic out there during the early years of Buffy where Sarah and Alyson are on different shows, one of them might have been Saturday Night Live. Sarah held up a sign saying 'I miss you, Aly' and on a different show, Alyson held up a sign saying 'I love you Sarah'. But he slowly started to prefer and favor Alyson. During Once More With Feeling, for instance, you might notice Alyson sings only one line during the whole episode, which lampshades that she only sings one line. This is because Alyson told Joss she was uncomfortable with a musical episode. When Sarah told him the same thing, he basically told her to get over it. He's always been creepy with women.

Threadly reminder that Jason remains the only ranger to best Tommy in combat.

anita blond was way hotter.


Lol you fucking moron the cast of top gear are very clearly extremely good friends

I don't even think it's a feud on Sarah's part. I don't think she gave a fuck, meanwhile Aly was always saying random untrue shit like Sarah didn't have friends on set and that she didn't know the show was ending.

They didn't hate each other, it's just that they worked together without being friends in private

>but what in the hell are you doing here. You can’t act!” At that, Liu blew her lid and attacked Murray, wildly throwing punches. The actors had to be separated to opposite corners of the room while they lobbed verbal hand grenades at each other."
Damn son
didnt know Lucy Liu wasnt afraid to get physical

Its like when they were around each other they were their Married with children characters in real life

American white males with your shit taste in attractive Asian women

Even most Asian guys think your retarded

>I was directing the episodes towards the end
oh, it shows... it shows...

Ed is so fucking based.

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Was about to post it. What's sad is that Archie went to Blindspot next to work with another in cunt in Jamie Alexander

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Getting to old for shitposts like this

Nice bait but still get this L cause you are a faggot

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Yeah, but Anita Dark as a blonde was the hottest. Shame she never did hardcore as a blonde. Well, except for that webcam vid.

show only had one good season.

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>power rangers
that reminds me of something that happened a couple of years ago

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He's not the Red Samurai Ranger for fuck's sake.

Sure seemed to me like he was and he stayed in character.

Just checked, he actually was, but in a different Power Rangers series.

>Resents Nathan Fillion for getting fat
>Doesn't realise that he got fat to piss her off

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>tfw Remy and Jada are friends again

It was fun tho

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are they tonguing eachothers assholes again?